The Devil’s Bargain (Deal with the Devil Book 1)

The Devil’s Bargain: Chapter 9


“Where… uh… where am I?”

Look at that. Moving with me, almost as though her body craves mine as much as I do hers, she doesn’t say anything about the way I’m slowly fucking her. Oh, no. She just wants to know why she’s not in the room she remembers falling asleep in.

“Our room,” I tell her, punctuating our with a harder thrust that has her nails digging into my arm. “That’s part of being married, pet. We share a bed.”

With our bodies intertwined, I feel it when she gulps, then says softly, “And this? Waking up to your dick inside of me? Is that part of being married, too?”

Of course it is. She gave me permission when we were young adults, and as far as I’m concerned, she only reinforced it when she agreed to marry me.

I’ll fuck her when I want. Kiss her when I want. Love her when I want… and I’ll do whatever it takes to make her love me again.

Starting with reminding her just how much I own her and her body.

“Don’t forget, pet,” I murmur, bending my head and suckling on her neck. Her back arches out, squeezing me again, leading me to moan before I tell her in a ragged voice, “I own you.”

She stiffens again, her body so tight that my cock feels like she has it in a vice. A jolt of pleasure slams into me, and I know that, if she does that again, I won’t be able to hold back my orgasm. I’m not done playing with her, so I grit my teeth, holding on—

—and then she whispers into the room, “Is that how it is?,” in a small voice, and I stop worrying about going off sooner than I want to. To hear Ava sound as hurt like that… fuck, I might just lose my erection entirely.

I thought she was playing along with me. Was I wrong?

I shift my hips, giving her a tentative pump. “It’s what you agreed to,” I remind both of us.

She’s quiet for a moment, but she doesn’t try to pull away from me. The opposite, actually. While I pump again, building a slow rhythm now that she’s awake, she scoots back, her ass pushing back against my lower belly.

She’s so fucking soft. Just that added connection has me moaning softly, and I drop my hand, grabbing the cheek nearest to me. Kneading the flesh, I pump faster, and while I plan on going back to warming my cock inside of her heat once I get her off—and me, too, at this rate—if I don’t come inside of this woman right now, I might just die.

For a moment, I think she’s got the same idea. Ava is moving with me, rocking back as I tilt my hips again, slamming myself to the hilt inside of her like her soft body was made for my hard one. She lets out a gasp that is music to my ears, and I grunt her name as I move my hand in front of her, searching for her clit so that I can make her come first.

I slide my fingers through her damp curls, but before I can find her clit, she slaps my hand.

And then, in a stronger voice than before, she says, “You know what, Link? You’re right. And I said I’d be your wife in all ways, didn’t I?” Too stunned by the sudden change in her to realize what she’s doing, Ava pulls away from me, letting my erection slide right out of her pussy.

We’re not separated for long. Wrapping her hand around my slick cock, squeezing me with her fingers to the point that my eyes almost roll to the back of my head, she uses her other hand to push me onto my back.

If I didn’t want to move, I wouldn’t have. But, eager to see what she’s planning, I let her knock me onto my back—and I’m rewarded with Ava shoving her night shirt high enough to reveal her delectable little pussy to me before she throws one leg over me, positioning her cunt right over the head of my cock.

“You think sex is all there is to being married. Fine. Then let me fuck you, husband.”

And, as she spits out the word husband, Ava sinks down on top of my cock.

“Fuck me,” I breathe out. “Oh, pet… do whatever the fuck you want to me. Fuck me, kiss me, take a knife from the kitchen and stab me in my God damn heart if you want, but, for fuck’s sake, do it now.”

“Oh, Link… I will.”

Bracing her tiny hands on my scarred, tatted chest, she starts to ride me. I almost want to close my eyes just to enjoy the sensations of Ava working my body in a way I haven’t experienced in so damn long, but that would mean taking my eyes off of her for a split second and I can’t even do that.

Her hair falling forward, hiding the determined expression twisting her gorgeous features, she’s moving back and forth, rocking again, then lifting herself up, dropping down on top of me, doing everything and anything to show that I just don’t own her.

She owns me—and she always have.

I fucking love it almost as much as I love her. I’ve never stopped, and as I feel my sac tightening, Ava about to wring my come right out of me, I admit that this is the Ava who tried to stop me from walking away. The spitfire with the unholy temper.

The woman I’ve obsessed over for fifteen fucking year and who I might not deserve, but who I’m going to keep anyway.

Especially when she squeezes me so damn tightly that I couldn’t keep myself from coming if one of my enemies had a gun to my head.

“There.” Her green eyes glitter wickedly in the moonlight. “You want an heir so damn bad? Maybe that time did the trick.”

Is that what she was trying to do? Using sex against me instead of as a way to remember how close we once were—how close we’re going to be from now on—and then throwing my own words back in my face?

Because they are my words, aren’t they?

Chest heaving, fingers curling into the sheets so that I don’t dig into her pretty skin, leaving bruises as a mark of just how much I want this woman, I realize that I fucked up. I probably did in more ways than I can count—starting with blackmailing her into giving me forever when I would’ve helped her just because she called me—but as Ava starts to climb off of me without chasing an orgasm of her own, I know that fucked up big time.

I can’t believe I let her think for a single second that the only reason I want to fuck her is because she’s a wet pussy and an empty womb and not because she’s starred in ever single fantasy I’ve had since I was twelve years old.

I finally convinced her to let me touch her when we were fifteen. At sixteen, we had awkward sex for the first time. By nineteen, I was sure I would never want to fuck anyone else—and when I started my penance at twenty, I told myself I never would.

It’s always been Ava Monroe for me, or no one. And now, fifteen years later, I have her back in my bed… and maybe I had to carry her there first, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting her leave it without her being satisfied first.

Fuck. I don’t plan on letting her leave it at all, but I don’t need an excuse to pleasure this woman.

Gonna take it anyway, though.

As Ava starts to move away from me, I clasp my hands on her waist, grumbling to myself when her sleep shirt gets in the way of my palms touching her, skin to skin. I want to rip it off of her, but there’s only so far I want to push Ava tonight, and from the way fire seems to flash in her eyes as I trap her on top of me, I think I passed it already.

Oh, well.

In one quick move, I tilt her to her back, cradling her in the gap left between my legs when I spread them to make room for her. Once I have her trapped there, I shift my position so that she’s splayed out, her ankles are hooked over my shoulders, and my mouth is hovering inches over her pussy.

As I shove her shirt up high enough that I can see her tits as I drop my chin to my sweat-damp sheet, she finally stammers out, “What are you doing?”

Isn’t it obvious?

“Licking you clean, pet.” Curling my tongue, I dip the point inside of her pussy, gathering as much of my come as I can. Mingled with Ava’s taste, I can pretend I’m not swallowing my own spunk, but if this is what I have to do to get my point across, I’ll do it.

Maybe then my new bride will understand there isn’t anything I won’t do for her.

I thought it was obvious, but she doesn’t seem to understand. “Why? Why would you do that?”

I hate to have to lift my head from her damp curls and the heat of her pussy, but I do long enough to meet her perplexed gaze.

“You think I’m only in this to knock you up. If it happens, it happens, but forgive me if I want to enjoy my wife for longer than a couple of months before I have to share her with someone else.”

I waited fifteen years for another chance with Ava. As much as it has my dick stirring, going hard again to think of this woman swelled up with my kid inside of her, I wasn’t kidding when I said I plan on enjoying her as much as I can.

It’s been one night, and I’m already fucking addicted. And that’s only if I pretend I already wasn’t.

I know this is just performative. Licking my come out of her while also nuzzling her clit with my nose, sucking her labia into my mouth, doing everything and anything to make her come on my face… my tongue is powerful enough to have her panting, writhing as she rubs her pussy all over me, but it’s nowhere near as long as my dick. I can’t get every drop, but, fuck, I hope I made my point clear.

And when Ava shoves her fingers through my hair, shoving herself against me as though she could care fucking less if she suffocated me right now, I have to smile into her pussy as her legs start to shake, heels digging into my bare back.

Yeah. I think I did.

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