The Demon's Claim [House of Arcane #2]

Chapter 16: The History

Nora McCarthy’s POV

I was looking at Logan who was pacing back and forth inside the small cell. I still cannot get over with the idea of him being blonde and red eyes. It was like I was looking at someone else.

Somehow familiar yet different.

‘What is it?’ Logan asked me as I was snapped my eyes to his handsome face. At least he has that aura about him that I knew so much.

His aura of Logan O’Sullivan.

‘What?’ I asked him as I saw that Logan was rolling his eyes at me. I felt something stirred inside me as he did that but I don’t know what was it.

‘I know you have some questions about the circumstance that we are in right now. I can read it on your face, Nora. You’re curious about it, don’t you?’ he asked me as I was feeling my cheeks. I don’t think that he would read it off from my face, would he?

But if anything, Logan can solve me like I was a fucking puzzle to him.

‘And would you be willing to tell me if I ask you the question, Logan? Would you be totally honest with me then?’ I asked him before Logan stopped and turned to look at me. His ruby eyes were glistening in the dim lighting but I can see that he was smirking at me.

‘What will you do if I don’t tell you the truth then, Nora?’ his husky voice penetrated my eardrums before I was looking at his face. Logan kneeled in front of me as I was hugging my knees to my chest, not knowing that my dress has ridden and bared my ass to my husband.

‘What I was willing to do if we got the killer of my parents, I suppose?’ I said as I was looking at him, tilting my head to the right as I was smiling seductively to him. Logan arched his eyebrow.

‘Oh? And how would you propose we do that, Nora? It’s not quite the best place for that right now,’ Logan inched closer as I was leaning forward as well. I smiled wickedly before I was caressing his hard chest. I did not realize that he was wearing attires that were different from me.

Black pants.

Black button down shirt.

A red sash from his left shoulder to his waist, stating like he was someone important.

Maybe he was, that was why I was being kidnapped in the first place.

‘But of course, you have to tell me first,’ I said huskily as I was staring at him. Logan grunted under his breaths.


‘Who’s Cornelia?’ I asked him before Logan stiffened as I was looking at his ruby eyes. It was twinkling with something. What was it? Longing? Yearning?

My heart ached at the thought of Logan loved someone else.

‘She’s a nobody,’ Logan said as he stepped away from me. I was looking at his back before I sighed. I knew that he would not be honest with me.

Not when this Cornelia thing settled between us.

‘I have right to know, Logan. If it was not for her, I will not be here and I certainly can see that you and Ezekiel were competing to find this woman. Where was she now? What she had between the two of you that you are willing to—‘

‘She’s my first wife,’ Logan cut in as I was stopping and staring at him in disbelief. His first…wife? I gulped.

‘Your wife? You’re married?’ I asked him before Logan was wiping his face with his hands.

‘No, she was my late wife. She’s…dead now,’ he said before I felt relieved but my heart was beating so loud that I was sure he can hear it as well.

‘Then, why is her name still—‘

‘Because we’re not who we said we are. I am not your typical mortal man, Nora. I am somehow…reincarnated into this body to take revenge on my brother that kidnapped you,’ Logan said as he turned to look at me before he was burning his red ruby eyes into mine.

‘Because…I am Lucifer Satan, the lord of the Underworld of the Monster realm,’ he said before I was blinking my eyes. Then, I laughed.

I fucking laughed at his face.

Logan O’Sullivan’s POV

And that is why I don’t want to tell people about my origin. Looked what has gotten into Nora. She was fucking laughing at me as if it was some kind of joke that I was pulling her legs. I waited for her laughter to die down before I was turning my head to look at her. I arched my eyebrow at my wife.

‘Are you finished?’ I asked before Nora was wiping her tears from her eyes. I never saw her laughed without any inhibition and I think it was a good thing to see now.

See her before I have to go back to Cornelia’s reincarnated.

‘So, you’re telling me that you are the Satan? The one that Bible spoke off? The one that ruled Hell? I think I might have too many wine in my system,’ Nora said before she was shaking her head. I was gripping my hands into fists before I was kneeling in front of her again. I took her chin and stared into her blue-green eyes. It was more green in this lighting.

And suddenly, I saw her in Nora. I saw Cornelia in Nora McCarthy that I don’t think it would be possible.

Perhaps Fate was playing a funny game with our reincarnation.

‘Logan, are you alright?’ Nora asked me before I was releasing the breath that I was holding. I don’t think that I would be seeing her in my wife but there it was, large as life.

‘It cannot be,’ I whispered as Nora was coming closer to me. I was tilting her face to the sides and I was looking at her full, kissable mouth. The mouth that has been taunting my dreams before I claimed her.

‘It cannot be true,’ I whispered again before Nora was furrowing her eyebrows.

‘Logan, you’re scaring me,’ Nora said as she was putting her hands on my chest. I felt warm inside me before my heart was beating loudly in my ears.

Could it be? Would it be possible that my Cornelia was here all along, with me, as Nora McCarthy?

‘Logan, say something. Why are you staring at me like that?’ Nora asked me before I gripped her nape and pulled her face toward mine. Then, I claimed her lips.

It was magical, the first time that I realized that Nora was actually my Cornelia. I have been dying to tell her that I have been waiting for her. I don’t even know where to start but to show her how much I loved her.

How much I missed her.

I was sucking on her lower lips before I was plunging my tongue inside her. Nora moaned before I was pushing her to the floor. I was roaming her body before I was kissing her jaws and throat.

‘Logan,’ Nora whispered my name and it was music to my ears.

I was shredding her clothes before I was tugging at my own. We were naked in seconds as I was looming over her. Nora was breathing heavily before I was looking at her beautiful face.

‘I know that you will not understand this yet but I want to remember, my love, you will always be in my heart no matter how many years we were apart, Nora. And with that, I bid thee to my heart as you have been the first day we shared our bond together as a couple,’ I said to her as Nora was furrowing her eyebrows. She was confused but that was okay. I don’t need to explain more than I should for Nora was mine and I was hers.

And there was nothing that can drive us apart.

I kissed her again on the mouth as my hands were spreading her apart. I can sense that my boner was hitting her core as it was slick with wetness and her nectar. I don’t think I can handle it anymore for I slammed into her and Nora gasped.

She was gripping my hair before she was biting my neck. I was grunting as I nuzzled her neck before I was kissing her delicate skin.

Nora, my Cornelia.

I was pulling out of her core as Nora whimpered. I smiled before I was thrusting in and out of her with the slowness that one would show when they made love to their partner. And Nora was my love, only when I failed to see it earlier.

‘Logan,’ she moaned my name as I was kissing her throat. She was angling it so that I can kiss her even more. I increased my speed before I was slamming in and out of her core with the grunt of animal. I don’t think I ever be like that when I was with Cornelia 500 years ago.

‘My love, I’m…I’m close, argh!’ Nora gasped as she was clawing my back with her nails. I was kissing her mouth before I sensed that her orgasm was near. I was plunging in stronger, deeper and faster before her walls clenched around me. I grunted as I was spewing my hot load inside her, making her mine forever.

And there’s nothing, not anyone, can take her away from me anymore.

Not even Ezekiel for I will kill the bastard before he can lay a finger on my Nora.

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