The Demeter Twins - Hellhound Sequel

Chapter 1 ~ I feel your pain

Perseus Demeter POV ~

“ROMAN! Goddess damnit! Where is he Brandon? He has his link blocked.. he’s not responding to texts! I have walked through this entire pack house searching and yelling!” I ask our Beta. He just looks at me.. shrugging “Have you checked with the girl?” I spun around on him “Girl? What Girl? We agreed to stop all that shit when we turned eighteen! To wait for our mate! Is he going back on his word?” Again, he shrugs. He is equally loyal to both Roman and myself.. so I don’t push it.

Brandon is my father’s beta’s son. And our best friend! He’s four months younger than we are, so we grew up inseparable. All through school, we were known as the Trilogy! Girls wanted to be with us.. guys wanted to BE us! Our parents kept us grounded, though! Especially my mom!

The three of us chased tail all through high school. Rome and I have always known we would share a mate.. so, it wasn’t uncommon to share a cheerleader or two. But, we agreed when we turned eighteen, it would all stop.

Roman sauntered into the office an hour later. I watched him as he walked past my desk and sat at his. I just stared at him.. not saying anything.. he stuttered out “Sorry, bro. I was sleeping” Lies.. okay.. that’s how we’re going to start our day!

I snarled “Really? Where?! “ His head snapped up and immediately answered his room. Shaking my head, I said “Bullshit Roman! You reek of whore! I have been trying to find you since six! It is now nine! Fifteen texts! Five calls! Countless links! And nothing! Who is she, Rome!? Why are you doing this to our mate?”

He growls “Mate?? Where is she Pers? Where’s our mate, huh!? We are going to be 22 in a week.. and no sign of this fictitious mate! Besides, I am in love with Felicia. I may take her as my chosen. Then you can have our mate all to yourself.. if she exists!”

I jump to my feet. “Felicia? Felicia McBride? The class whore? Pack slut!? You love her?! Have you lost your fucking mind? How long? How. Long. Roman?!” He mutters “Six months”

I tell him “You are a fucking idiot! Well.. get ready.. we have a FaceTime with Mom and Dad in ten minutes. And YOU will tell them what you have decided! Not just you are affected by this.. so thanks for planning My Life, too!”

We didn’t speak again. When the call came in, I flipped it to the TV so they could see us both. My mom immediately lights up “Oh my sweet boys! It pains my heart to see you both so grown. I have missed you so much. How are you? Anything new in your life? AnyONE new? Your dad and I were talking just yesterday! We are so excited for you to meet your mate.. The oracle we met said your mate is important. That the three of you are destined by fate to lead the hounds to greatness! Roman!? Roman? What’s wrong?”

Our mother tends to run all her questions into one paragraph.. being a fairy.. she’s very.. umm.. flighty. I inherited her ability to talk to animals..and I can control the weather. Roman controls earth and fire. Although, the look on his face, right now, looks as if he wants the earth to swallow him whole. Don’t care.. it’s his hole.. he dug it!

When Roman didn’t respond, Dad said “Roman! Your mother asked you a question!” He still didn’t respond. They both looked at me. I sighed and linked Roman ‘Fucker!’

I said “It seems Roman is over waiting for our mate. He says he has fallen in love with Felicia McBride and will reject our mate to be with her. That’s as much as I got out of him.” Dad’s anger was palpable.. Mom’s was vociferous!

“You what, young man? You Looovvvee a WHORE? That girl has had every dick in the kingdom between her thighs! I will bet my left tit she’s fucking more than just you! Brandon! Go bring that bitch to the office! NOW!”

Brandon ran to do as he was told and Roman found his voice “Mom! We are almost 22. If we had a mate, we would have found her by now. What difference does it make, anyway? Perseus will mate her and the Legend would be fulfilled.. wouldn’t it!? I love her, Mom. Doesn’t that count for something?”

Dad asks “What happened to saving yourselves? To not have your mate exposed to women you may have slept with? What happened to honoring the Moon Goddess. You boys are fated to the same woman for a reason! To spit on the Goddess’s choice is to tempt fate!”

Roman stood “Yeah! Well you guys are lucky! You found each other! I want to be mated! I want to start a life! Felicia can give me that.” Mom scoffs “Okay, Rome. We will hear what Felicia has to say.. and if you really love each other.. and decide you BOTH want to be depriving your true mates of the other part of their soul.. then, adjustments will be made.”

Roman snaps his head back to the screen “What adjustments? I don’t see why anything should change. How is that fair?” Before they could answer, the door opened and Brandon pulled Felicia in the room.. the whole time she’s bitching about him yanking her out of her own home. She spotted Rome and jumped at him, yelling “Baby.. did you tell them?”

I said “No! I did! Now, they want to talk to you! Sit down.” My mom looks at her and says “Felicia.. tell me. What about my son do you love?” Felicia sat there silent.. then she smiles “He’s handsome. He has a great smile! He’s an Alpha! He’s just the whole package.. you know? A nice BIG package!” My mother looks at her in disgust.. looking at Dad she sneers “Well, mi amor, that explains everything!”

I choked back a laugh, while Roman linked me to shut up. Dad says “If our son chooses you over his fated, what is it you expect is going to happen? And what of your fated?”

Again, she sat and thought. Brandon links 🐺 She’s not overly bright, is she? But wait.. it gets better! I glanced at him sharply.. he shakes his head imperceptibly..

Felicia says “I would choose Roman every day! He’s everything a girl could want! I would be his Luna, of couse. And eventually, I guess I will be Queen.”

Dad says “No. The only truth in what you just said is he’s everything a girl could want. Only a True Mate will ever be Luna.. and most definitely, you would never be Queen.” She screeched “What!? Romannnn!”

Mom says “Still choosing instead of waiting?” Roman snaps “How is any of that fair? My mate, chosen or not, should be my Luna! I am Alpha!” Well, that did it! No one talks to Mom like that! Not even Dad!

“You dare speak to me in that tone? Who the fuck do you think you are!? You are always allowed to voice your opinion.. if it’s done respectfully! Try using that tone with me again and I will take your voice for a week!” He mutters an “I’m sorry, Mom”

Felicia says “I was hoping to be Luna, but I guess I would still choose him anyway.” Dad says “Well, as long as you know there will be no Luna ceremony.. much less a title… then Roman! You’re a grown man and capable of your own decisions. Regardless of how wrong we know them to be.. we can not stop you.”

I started to jump up, when Brandon put his hand on my shoulder and whispered wait… Felicia asks “No ceremony either? That isn’t fair! Roman you said I would be your Luna!” Roman says “You will be my Luna. Just not Luna to the pack.”

A knock sounded on the door and when I said come in. Warrior James stepped into the room. I asked “How may I help you, James?” He shuffled his feet back and forth and muttered “I was beta commanded to come speak with you regarding earlier activities.”

Felicia stands and says “You need to go, James! Now!” I snarled “Sit Down!” She immediately sat and I told James to proceed. He cleared his throat and said “When Beta Brandon came to fetch Felicia… we were. .. ummm.. we were in the middle of… well.. sex. He made us get dressed and get over here.”

I nodded… NOT laughing.. and said “You’re dismissed James. You’ve done nothing wrong.. other than not waiting for your mate.” He walked out of the room and all eyes turned to Felicia.

Roman says “Why, Felicia? You said you loved me!” She wails “It was a mistake! An accident, I’m sorry, Rome! It won’t happen again! I promise!”

And my mom started laughing “Mistake? Accident? He made a mistake by accidentally tripping and his dick….what?… fell inside of you?” My dad couldn’t hold it in and Brandon sounded like Scooby Doo laughing. I was biting the insides of my cheeks and Roman was beet red!

Roman said “Never speak to me again! If you see me in town, cross the street or walk the other way! I never want to see you again!” She started to reach for him and I sneered “Leave!”

After she was gone, I told Roman I was sorry and he growled “No! You aren’t!” and I rapidly fired back “You’re right! I’m not sorry she proved to be the slut we all know her to be! I am sorry you’re hurt by it! You are my twin! I feel your pain!”

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