The Defiant Claim - The Claim: Book 2 [LGBTQ+]

Chapter 5 - Mik (Part 2)

The bile persisted in the back of Mik’s throat for several minutes after Sam left. He couldn’t swallow it down, neither could he expel it. It remained lodged there with Sam’s lingering scent in the room, reminding him of his harsh words and Sam’s rebuttal.

‘I’m the only one keeping you alive right now. For that, I think the least you can do is give me—us—a chance.’

A chance? For what? What future could he possibly have with that male?

At the same time, he knew Sam was right. If it weren’t for him, Mik would either be dead or locked in a cell somewhere being tortured to death. He wouldn’t put it past Noodin to kill him slowly. Mik would if the roles were reversed.

He was in no condition now to challenge Noodin. He needed to recover and build his strength back up. Meeting the beast for the first time now would give him a chance to assess him and how much time it would take to defeat him—if he didn’t immediately throw him into a cell. That was the challenge he had to work around. With his mate being a member of the pack, maybe he’d be able to avoid a jail cell and bide his time to gain the bastard’s trust before slitting his throat?

Caution was a necessity. No one would trust him at first (and rightly so) and he’d have a very short and narrow line to toe before he could gain anyone’s trust. He needed to build connections within the pack so when he was ready to overthrow the bastard, he’d have wolves at his back if a rebellion ensued. Plus, he needed to find loyal replacements for the higher ranking positions.

He would not only reclaim his inheritance, but also the second half of the joined territories. The thought of twice the land and twice the wolf-power would enable him to expand into the surrounding territories as well. He had scouted the borders of the north and east—even further out—to examine their strength over the last few years. Unfortunately, the territory to the east was of equal size and power as this one while the packs to the north of both were weaker.

With his mind shifting from Sam to his next course of action to take, the bile slowly receded from his throat.

Soon, the door opened and a second light switch was flicked on so all the lights were filling the room.

A tall, impressive male stood before him. Though Mik couldn’t see the muscles, power radiated in waves off him despite the casual navy blue suit sans tie and top two buttons open of his white button-down shirt. A long traditional braid of thick black hair with a few streaks of gray fell down over broad shoulders that hinted at his physique. He rolled his shoulders as he closed the door behind him, his dark almond-shaped eyes holding Mik’s.

Back off. Look weak.

Mik looked away but Noodin cleared his throat. “You will look me in the eye during this discussion so I know that what you say to me is the truth.”


Turning his attention back to the older male, Noodin nodded before stepping up to the foot of his bed. “Mikwam, is it?” Mik nodded. “Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I know why you’re here. I also know that you’re Sam’s mate. We all know that the reason you are still alive and not six feet under is because of Sam.”

Mik’s muscles stiffened on their own accord at the mention of his mate

“While unusual as it is for two males to be mates, it is not a concern of mine. What is my concern is that you tried to overthrow my rule on Saturday.” Noodin’s eyes narrowed. “That, I cannot tolerate.”

“You think I can let you get away with what you have done?” Mik tried to keep his mounting anger in check. His father, tall and proud, flashed in his mind.

“I regret causing you pain, but it was for the betterment of the pack. Your grandfather was weak in his old age and your father, crazy—”

“My father was not crazy!”

“He went insane with the loss of his mate,” Noodin responded firmly. “It was a terrible thing to have happened, but your pack needed an alpha—”

“My father would have become alpha!”

“With whom as his luna? Your pack would have destroyed itself, fighting for a new alpha because its current one was old and weak and the heir, absolutely insane. You were too young to understand and you have no idea how severe the loss of a mate is on one’s health.”

Vocal vibrations voiced Mik’s increasing rage.

How dare he! His father wasn’t crazy! Eccentric, yes. Power-hungry, yes. Vengeful, yes. But who wouldn’t be when your father was murdered and your birthright stripped away? His father hadn’t been well for much of Mik’s childhood but he was trying to get better. Trying to make something of himself for both his pack and his son.

“You don’t know anything,” he seethed through clenched teeth.

“Please,” Noodin said with a sweep of his hand. “Enlighten me, then.”

This cocky mother-fucker! Mik’s jaw was clenched so tightly, his rage so monumental, he couldn’t unhinge his muscles to speak.

Silence fell, interrupted only by the flaring of Mik’s nostrils. The more he stared into the cold, hard gaze of his enemy, the more enraged he felt.

“Fuck you.” Contempt lashed out from Mik’s tongue.

“You accused me of knowing nothing, and when I give you the opportunity to explain your side, you lash out at me.” The asshole’s tone was too calm and scraped against Mik’s spine. “Your anger speaks volumes but it tells me nothing rational. We cannot have a rational discussion if your only response is lash out with emotion.”

“You want to discuss? Why? If you know who I am and why I’m here, why don’t you lock me up or kill me now? Because I’m that male’s mate?” Mik sneered. “You’re pathetic.”

“Am I?”

Mik narrowed his eyes at the son of a bitch as he turned to leave.

“I’ll see you again soon, Mikwam.”

Fucking asshole!

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