The Curse Conduit

Chapter 74

It was true that Henry wanted a break after his studies but it was also true that he had acquired the job at the hotel for the sole purpose of being in the right place at the right time. In his role as porter and valet he was now making sure that things would be ready for the return of Uriah and Derek, he also made provision for Elizabeth and Kimberly to be given rooms on the same floor. Urian was already on the same floor and the logistics of keeping him unseen by Elizabeth had been an unexpected one when they realised she had turned up at the hotel for dinner. Knowing the time line as he did Urian knew it would not be long before his granddaughter was swept back in time.

Henry now stood outside the hospital once more. He had a place in his heart for Elizabeth, listening to Urian’s stories over the past few years and realising just what a role young Geoffrey had played in all their lives he felt part of this small clan. Riding the hospital lift gave him time to ponder on whether the others would accept him, he knew they would understand but accepting him may take a bit more than understanding.

He knocked on the door to the room softly before entering.

As soon as she saw him Elizabeth was out of her seat. “ Dar! Nothing is wrong is it Henry?”

Henry gave her a sweet smile. “No Miss Elizabeth, he is sleeping. Which is why I have returned. You all need your rest.” Henry stopped her protest by putting his finger gently to her lips. “Dar’s orders. His words exactly. Make sure that spit fire of a granddaughter does as she is told.”

Elizabeth had to smile. “Okay Henry. I guess we have our orders. Give us a few minutes okay.”

Henry nodded. “I shall wait outside.”

Just as he was about to leave Elizabeth called him back. “Henry, here” She handed him back his phone. “Why do you have two phones?”

Henry smiled. “Easier this way Miss Elizabeth, just easier.”

Elizabeth watched him leave when Kimberly’s voice broke her thoughts. “What is it Lizzie, you’ve got that look. I like Henry, don’t tell me your sixth sense is giving you the willies.”

“No, nothing like that. It’s just ….oh I don’t know………Like, oh…... I trust him but it is more than that.”

“Your Grandfather seems to like him.”

Elizabeth smiled at her friend and then to Casta and Simian. “Yeah I could always trust Dar, now I know why. Come on we better go.” Elizabeth went back over to Derek and kissed him on the lips. Casta and Simian held their breath until they were sure no more lightening would strike. Kimberly had to giggle at them both. “I think the kick has gone out of her kiss guys, you are safe.” Having said that she leant over and kissed Uriah. “Sweet dreams my sweet knight.”

Uriah sighed and turned his head just a little but continued to sleep.

Elizabeth ran her hand through Derek’s hair and gently down his check. “Sweet dreams for you to my prince. We’ll be back in the morning.”

Back at the hotel Henry had organised for food to be available in all their rooms. He allowed Casta and Simian to make their own way to their rooms while he escorted Elizabeth and Kimberly. The room was not dissimilar to the one that the men had, only there were two bedrooms off the main lounge room instead of four.

Both Elizabeth and Kimberly gasped as they walked in. A table of food awaited them, the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Just as they were about to make a comment a maid came out of the bathroom. “I’ve drawn a bath as you requested.” She nodded and left without saying anything else.

Elizabeth looked at Henry. “This is far too much Henry; we could have gone back to my place.”

Henry smiled at her but his eyes were on Kimberly who had already attacked a stack of sandwiches. “I think Miss Kimberly would rather stay.”

Kimberly nodded her head and swallowed. “Didn’t realise how hungry I was. You have the bath Lizzie; I’ll save some of the food for you.”

Elizabeth turned back to Henry. “Thank you Henry, I appreciate all you have done for us and Dar.”

“I will see you tomorrow unless there is anything else?”

Elizabeth shook her head and then gave Henry a hug which surprised him. “See you tomorrow.”

Henry left, shutting the door hearing Kimberly screech knowing she had gone into her bedroom.

Elizabeth rushed to Kimberley only to stop at the door to the bedroom to see her friend holding up the new clothes that Henry had organised. “I told you I liked Henry. I bet there is something in your room as well.”

Smiling Elizabeth walked to her own room wondering what Henry had thought she would like. The shock at what she saw almost stopped her heart. Laid out across the bed was the dress that she has last seen Bethie in. Her Aunt Bea’s and alongside it was the one she had worn, cleaned and pressed. There was a small envelope attached to Bethie’s dress, with shaking hands Elizabeth opened it.

Dear Elizabeth

I will have to wait a long time before I can give you this dress. That sounds so strange as it was only a few short weeks ago that I last saw you but you have not been born yet.

I promised myself that I would keep it safe. How it will ever get to you I do not know. But it shall remain in my care until I can pass it on to you.

All my love Bethie.

There was a second piece of paper this one was from Elizabeth’s Grandmother.

Dear Beth

My sister, your travel companion so long ago passed away this week.

We spoke often of your journey. It not for you Ian and I may never have met. We love each other very much but he still has a place in his heart for Bethie. They share a bond and I fully understand. He has loved me more than I had ever expected, he is a deep and passionate man of little words at times but in his silence he says so very much. As now. He mourns for my sister and has asked me to pen this letter to you my sweet.

She wished you to have this dress and I have promised to keep it in safe keeping until such a time as you will understand why this is the way it will be.

Love your Derek with all your heart my sweet princess and you will always be happy.

Love Nanna Anna

Written at the bottom of the second page was a not from Urian.


Bethie and Anna both gone, how the world seems so lonely now. But in you they live on. I have that and as promised I have delivered the dress. From Princess to Princess to Princess. As it should be.

Love Dar.

Elizabeth had tears streaming down her face when Kimberly came in to see what clothes she had been given.

“Lizzie what the ….” Kimberly saw the dresses as Elizabeth handed her the letters to read.

As she finished reading them Kimberly was close to tears herself but she took Elizabeth by the hand and guided her into the bathroom. “You need this and then a good night’s rest.”

Elizabeth got undressed and slipped into the warm scented bath water, rested her head against the small bath pillow and let the water coax her tears, her pain, her emotions out. Elizabeth soaked in the bath until the waters chill told her it was time to get out. Weary, exhausted but feeling a little better she dried herself off and dressed in the night dress that Henry had supplied. She was surprised not to find Kimberly in the lounge room coveting all the food that had arrived; instead she found a note telling her that she had gone to see Casta and Simian. Walking past the table of food Elizabeth picked up a small wedge of a sandwich, she was more tired than hungry. Stopping at the door she had also expected to find the dresses still on the bed. She smiled; Kimberly had hung them up in the wardrobe.

Climbing between the sheets Elizabeth drifted off to sleep, not waking until morning.

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