The Curse Conduit

Chapter 59

For three days Elizabeth stayed at Derek’s side. Either watching from the chair next to his bed or sleeping at his side but he never stirred. She talked to him, she cried for him, she even tried to see if she had any power left in her hands to help him but nothing worked. Derek was lost in a deep, deep sleep and only Derek knew where he was.

Danny and Bethie dropped in on them several times a day as did Uri, Urian and Uriah.

Uriah had tried to persuade Elizabeth to eat but for the first few days she would not. It was only by his gentle coaxing that he managed to get her to eat on the third day. He had hoped to be able to take her outside for some fresh air but she would not leave Derek. So Uriah spent many hours silently watching his best friend and the woman that had bewitched his heart. Watching and praying for them all.

Beth-Elena was so consumed by the loss off Declan that the King was very concerned for her health. She would not leave her room, would not eat, and did not speak to anyone not even Mary. Beth-Elena just lay in her bed as her life force slowly began to slip away.

Uri had caught Mary running from her room several times in tears. That was why he now found himself seated in the small house of Declan’s parents looking into the grief-stricken face of his mother. She tried to smile at Uri but it only brought back her tears. He had come to see her with a specific purpose in mind. Now he was not sure he could ask her. His own grief and torment escaping down his face as his tears rolled for the first time. Declan’s mother came to her son’s friend and held him as if he had been her own. Uri’s shoulders rumbled as he released his agony and cried like he had never cried before. He cried for his friend and he cried for Beth-Elena and Declan’s mother held him in her arms. Suddenly the resilient knight, the man had turned into a little child in need of love and comfort.

In a way Declan’s mother found comfort in his grief, she had someone, something to focus on instead of her own heavy heart.

Uri held her around the waist and let his tears flow. “I couldn’t keep him safe. Now he is gone, now Bea is ….. She is….” He could not speak the words, he did not want to hear them carried on his own voice, as if saying she was dying would make it all the more real.

Declan’s mother held him a little longer, gently running her hands through his hair trying to soothe his heart and soul. “We all grieve at his loss Uri, it hurts but it is what we shall do. The princess is no different. They loved each other very much she will grieve more than most.”

Uri looked up into her eyes. “She does but she has also given up. I fear we will lose her also, her heart is so broken.”

Declan’s mother pulled Uri to his feet. Concern etched on her face. “Are you sure of your words Master Uri?”

Uri nodded.

“Then I think it is a mother’s touch she is missing. I shall go to her.” She squeezed Uri’s hands. “You shall take me to her Uri before this nonsense is allowed to continue.”

Uri was amazed at the determination that emanated from the woman standing before him. He had come to ask her that very thing, now he watched as she gathered her cloak and a few small bags of herbs and spices from her kitchen. In creating women God had been so very right, they were such gentle creatures but so, so much stronger than any man he knew. He wanted to see that strength in Beth-Elena once again.

As they entered the castle the King came upon Uri and Declan’s mother. He bowed meaning to welcome her to his home but he did not get the chance.

“I have come to see your niece Your Highness.”

The King could tell by the look on her face and the way she held herself that it did not matter he was the King, she was going to see his niece with or without his approval. Silently he was very glad that she had come, grateful that Uri had the foresight to call on her. Once again the King bowed and escorted her to Beth-Elena’s room by interlocking his arm into hers. In hushed tones he gave her his condolences at the loss of her son and he felt her hand squeeze his arm gently but she said nothing.

She entered the room alone leaving Uri and the King in the hallway not sure if they should stay of leave. As they were making up their minds she reappeared with Mary in her arms, the hand-maiden was crying again. She tucked the girl into the King’s arms much to his surprise. “This child needs to rest and be cared for.” Declan’s mother turned her attention to Uri, holding two small silk bags for him to take. “Take these to Mim in the kitchen; she will know what to do with them. Wait for them Uri and bring them to me as soon as they are done.”

In silence Uri hurried to the kitchen while the King ushered Mary towards the great hall. He would need to find her friends. Declan’s mother watched them both leave before she went back to be with Beth-Elena.

Sitting next to the bed taking her hands in her own she could feel how very cold they were. Leaning in she kissed her gently on the brow. “Don’t leave us little one. I have lost a son; I do not want to lose a daughter also.”

Declan’s mother talked to Beth-Elena in that sweet tone mothers are gifted with, sometimes lapsing into song. The same song that Uri, Urian and Uriah had sung together. She was humming to the sleeping Princess when Uri returned, a small copper pot in one hand, a wooden bowl and spoon in the other, being careful not to spill the hot concoction that Mim had cooked up.

He smiled weakly at Declan’s mother, placing the pot near the fire place handing her the bowl and spoon. “How are you going to get her to drink this? She seems so far away?”

Once again Uri found himself being hugged by the matronly woman. “You let me worry about that. You need to rest.” She could see he was about to argue the point. “The King does not argue with me Master Uri. What makes you think you can?”

He gave her a genuine smile and kissed her on the top of the head. “I shall return later.”

As he left she turned back to Beth-Elena, a small knot of emotion stuck in her throat. Declan and Uri were the only two people who kissed her like that.

With a little help from Bethie, Uriah had managed to get Elizabeth out in the court yard but only after Danny had promised he would stay by Derek’s side and come and get them the moment anything changed.

Uriah did not expect anything to change but at least Elizabeth was outside. She seemed so fragile cradled under his arm as they allowed the afternoon sun to warm their bodies.

Bethie sat at the other side of Elizabeth, holding her hand.

She watched the coming and goings of the people absentmindedly and with sudden anguish realised they were preparing for Declan’s funeral. Looking over to Elizabeth, who had her eyes closed, hoping her friend had not noticed. Looking up to Uriah, she knew he had, the small trickle of tears she could see winding its way down his cheek was all the confirmation she needed.

Uriah looked at Bethie giving her a deep sigh. What could he say?

Young Geoffrey had been very concerned about Princess Beth-Elena, unknown too many he had not left her side but for brief moments. As Declan’s mother fussed over Beth-Elena she shocked the young boy. “You can come out of hiding young man. I will not give away your secrets.”

Sheepishly Geoffrey appeared out of the shadows to stand next to the bed, looking down at his princess, letting a small tear drop on to the sheets. “Is she going to die?”

Declan’s mother pulled the young boy to her, letting him fold his arms around her and bury his head into the folds of her skirt. “She will be back with us, when she knows she is needed.”

Geoffrey’s eyes, big, dark, misty and pleading looked up into her face. “I need her. I promise to look after her always. I promise to help Master Uri look after her. She is very special. Declan would not want her to die.”

As Uri had done to her she kissed the boy on the top of the head. “No he would not. You want to help me?”

Geoffrey nodded.

Declan’s mother rolled his words around in her mind. Uri’s love for the princess was not as much of a secret as he had hoped. It had been obvious to her the first time she had seen Uri, Declan and Beth-Elena together that he had deep feelings for her. But to his credit he had never uttered a word. She had lost her son but she hoped that Uri’s love for the princess would be enough to keep her alive.

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