The Curse Conduit

Chapter 49

Many of the King’s guard had seen Elizabeth, Bethie and Beth-Elena when they had escorted the King to Uri’s but even they were dumbstruck at the sight of the three women riding into the courtyard. They were even more taken aback when Derek, Danny and Declan rode in behind them. The crowd was larger than normal as most of the castles people had found out that Uri was bringing something special with him. People from the surrounding village had come to see what it was and those that had stayed behind soon made their minds up to make the trip to the castle once this little group passed through the village.

A murmur surfed its way through the crowd. As Uri had done the day before Declan had tied his hair back. But the crowd saved their most audible expression of shock for when Uri, Urian and Uriah rode in. Again Uri had his hair tied back, so had Uriah making them look even more like Urian. Following Uri was the rest of his men but no one seemed to notice.

The King had been standing on the steps with Oliver by his side. His knight lent in to whisper to the King. “Sire are you sure that sorcery is not afoot? Your niece, she has become three.”

The King slapped Oliver on the back before descending the steps and wondering how he was going to tell these women apart. It did not help that Beth-Elena was riding her horse in the unusual manner of her companions.

To save her Uncle, her King any embarrassment in front of his people. Beth-Elena dismounted and greeted him. She curtsied before taking his hands and kissing him on the cheek. “You are well Uncle?”

The King gave a sigh of relief glad that his niece had been so intuitive. “All the more for seeing you. Your journey was uneventful?”

The murmur of the crowd still weaved around the court yard and the King beckoned his guests to join him inside.

As they mounted the stairs Uri and Oliver’s eyes met as they acknowledge each other. “This is a curious and strange thing you have us involved in Uri. The presence of you and your friends on the battle field will surely make our enemies nervous.”

“Nervous enough to give up the fight Oliver?”

Neither man spoke but they both wondered the same thing.

As the King showed his guests into the great hall once again a ripple of astonishment washed over the men who had been waiting. Those same knights who had been seated at the table not a day before. The same men that had involved themselves in heated discussions about their situation once the King had left. These same men stood rocked to their very core at the sight of the three women and then at the men who entered. Many of them putting their hands to the hilts of their swords nervously clasping and unclasping their fingers.

Seeing Oliver with his arm around the man they presumed to be Uri did nothing to dispel their nervousness.

Feeling the eyes of all the knights on them each lady moved closer to her man for reassurance. This simple act was the one thing to ease the knight’s tension. Hands loosened over swords but still none spoke all eyes on the King.

“Now that you have seen what I have seen do you not agree that we have an advantage?”

With a communal nod the knights gave their King his answer and he stood back and watched as these battle hardened man came under the spell of three very special women.

The King was sure what they had arranged would give them the time to deploy their plan.

It was Uri’s trusted knight John that had the courage to speak up. “Sire, I, like those around me am captivated by their beauty. Though I do not see how this will help in our campaign.”

The King took a breath ready to let his men know what he had planned, at the same time letting the ladies know what he would expect of them. Little did he know the three women already knew. Everyone was a little surprised when it was Uriah they heard speak not the King and he had picked up the lilt in the way the locals spoke. “Sire, I beg you forgiveness for being so bold.” Uriah walked over to the ladies and took Elizabeth’s hand as he continued. “I would be most humbled if the King would allow a stranger such as I, such as we to show your fine men what is expected.”

Every eye was on the King except Derek’s, his were firmly planted on his friend, shocked firstly because he had spoken and secondly because of the way he had. It was almost impossible to know who Uri was and who Uriah was. He understood what Uriah was trying to do, he was not at all sure that the King would see it that way. Derek would not have been surprised if the King had taken offence thinking that Uriah was making fun of him and his people.

Maybe it was because it was not until Uriah was half way through his speech that the King realised it was not Uri but he smiled and nodded. “Proceed, But I fear you will stumble not knowing my plans.”

With the Kings words the entire little group smiled including Bethie and Beth-Elena as they went to stand with Elizabeth. The King also smiled, looked at Derek. “Has the master of dreams acquired more knowledge?”

Derek shook his head and pointed to Uriah. “Not me this time your Majesty. I never saw this one coming. But Uriah and the ladies have seen, have dreamt of your plan.”

“Then I have no secrets.” The King looked to his niece. “Bea, you know what I was to ask of you?”

Beth-Elena nodded.

“And you and your friends are willing to do this for me?”

“For all of us Uncle. For our people and for our new friends.”

If it was possible the room was more silent as the King took Beth-Elena’s hands in his. “I dare say that Declan is to marry a formidable woman.” He kissed her on the forehead and backed away nodding to the other women.

Uriah kissed Elizabeth on the cheek. “I know you can do this.”

Bethie –Elena went and stood in front of Elizabeth and Bethie went and stood behind her. For those that were facing Bethie-Elena it looked like the other women had disappeared.

Beth-Elena began to sing. Her voice was sweet, angelic and a surprise to many in the room who had no idea that she could sing.

With Beth-Elena’s help the three women had picked a song to sing in French that depicted the demise of knights who fought against and army backed by the power of a mighty sorceress.

As Beth-Elena finished singing the first verse Bethie and Elizabeth stepped out to stand by her side and began to sing the chorus with her.

A definite gasp shuddered around the room. Derek and Danny’s ears pricked up as the women began to sing, neither one of them knowing that their female counterparts could sing and sing so divinely.

Uriah smiled to himself; he had heard Elizabeth sing in his dreams and her voice had torn at his heart. He was trained to sing but her pure tones were something to behold.

Urian also smiled. On occasion he had caught Bethie singing to herself and had told her she had a lovely voice which she used to fob off with a nervous laugh. But now listening to that same voice threefold it was enchanting.

Uri smiled as well, he and Beth-Elena had sung together on a few occasions and like Urian he had told Beth-Elena she had an exquisite voice.

Even as the women sang together they were sure it was the sight of them all, not their voices that had stunned their audience.

The silence in the room as they finished was unnerving. What happened next was disquieting for the three women but filled their male companions with pride.

Every single knight in the room knelt down, bowing before the three singers.

Seeing what was going on Derek, Danny, Urian and Uriah did the same thing. Derek lent into Uriah. “How come our fans never did that?”

Uriah would have slapped him if he could but he just kept his head down until Beth-Elena spoke.

“Please Gentlemen rise, we are but humble women wishing to help not Gods to be honoured. Please rise. We do not deserve such as this.”

All the knights looked to the King and waited for him to release them. As he did they stood but the room remained silent.

The King went to the three stunned ladies, taking the hands of his niece who was now trembling. Once again he kissed her on the forehead and then opened his arms so he could enfold the other two women to him. He hugged them to him. “The god’s have surely smiled on us this day.”

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