The Curse Conduit

Chapter 47

The King sat in his own great hall with his most senior and most trusted knights gathered at his table. Each man wore a grave look. Uri may have sent word to the far reaches of the land but even before the King had returned he had sent messengers to those knights that had not ridden with him.

The King had pondered long and hard as to how he was going to explain what he had seen and heard. It would not be easy to convince his men of what he wished to do, this much he knew but he was hoping that their loyalty and respect for him would go a long way to sway them. He was still trying to come to terms with what he had been told, what he had seen with his own eyes. If he had not seen is own niece as he had with Elizabeth and Bethie he may not have believed anything. As King he had formulated a plan that he thought would give them an advantage but it involved his niece. As an uncle he wished he had never thought of it. Now he had to tell his knights and then he would have to tell his niece when she arrived that he had put her life in danger, the lives of her new sisters in danger.

With a heavy heart the King laid out his plan for the upcoming battle and waited for the reaction he was sure would be forthcoming as he had changed his tactics. It was not out of the ordinary to adjust ones plans for each new battle but he had radically changed the way they were to enter this one. The King had yet to let his knights know of his plans for the girls but he had just finished explaining that he was going to use Uri and his cousins as a diversion.

A very sturdy Knight who looked like he had seen more battles than he would have liked, stood at the other end of the table. The King smiled to himself, he had expected as much. Oliver and he were of similar age, had fought similar battles. Oliver probably knew more about warfare than any other man at the table including the King and the King valued his input.

“Sire, these are drastic changes to plans that we have known to work time and time again. Does the appearance of Uri’s cousins change so much. When did you start to take the council of strangers before your own trusted men?”

The King saw the other knights’ shuffle a little uneasily in their seats. There were not many men alive that could speak to the King so. One of those men was Uri, the other was Oliver. “You are correct Oliver. They are strangers but they are not.” The King put up his hand to stop Oliver from cutting him off. “Oliver, You trust Uri do you not?”

Oliver bowed his head a little in confirmation. He did indeed trust Uri, trusted him with his life and had wondered why he was not seated in his rightful place at the table. “You know your words to be true Sire. Uri is as a brother to me. I worry that he is not present.”

“You need not worry Oliver. Uri has not come to any harm or ill health. Though I think the last few days have taken their toll on our good friend. More than he cares to admit. I am not sure I could have handled myself as well as he.”

Again the knights around the table became restless. What had the King not told them?

Oliver frowned just a little. “Master Uri has come to be very much involved in this next battle. I fear he has information that keeps him absent. His cousins perhaps? As you say Sire I trust Uri as many at this table trust but I fear his absence causes me to think there is more that you would wish to explain.”

Oliver sat down and waited for the King’s reply. No man at the table expected to hear what they did and it stunned them all. This time the King went into great detail as to why and how he was going to use Uri and his cousins. He could see his men’s restlessness as he explained the sorcery that had brought the cousins to Uri. He could see the doubt grow on their faces when he told them about Declan, Danny and Derek and the utter contempt when he explained how he wanted to use Elizabeth, Bethie and Beth-Elena.

Again it was Oliver who spoke. “Sire, it cannot be possible that you consider females on the battle field. Your own Niece. I was not aware that you held to witchcraft and sorcery as tactical responses. I cannot see that Uri would agree to this.”

For the first time the King stood. “Oliver your apprehension and doubt are well founded. As you say I am not usually taken in by such foolish things but we live in times were many do, even our own men, our own countrymen believe in the power of wizards, talismans and the like. It is my intent to use these superstitions to our advantage. Uri is not a man to be fooled Oliver, this much you know. After talking to him, seeing what I saw I can tell you I understand very little but I understand this. These people have our victory in their hands.” The King pulled something out of his pocket as he spoke. “It may not be witchcraft but it is indeed a strange place they come from. Uri will be here soon enough, if then you are not agreeable we shall make other plans.”

He placed Derek’s mobile phone on the table in front of him and his men all leaned in to look at this curious object. Oliver stood and moved around the table to take a closer look. Standing next to the King he looked from the phone to the King and back to the phone.

The King picked up the phone and switched it on. The beep it gave sent a shock wave through the knights. Derek had shown the King how to access the voice mail which he did. All those seated at the table heard a message from someone called Reg asking Derek to call him about a new x box game. And then they heard the voice stating there were no more messages. The phone beeped, the entire room was quiet. The King switched off the phone and handed it to Oliver who took it very wryly. He looked the phone over and then looked at the other knights at the table. Some had become very pale and all looked stunned, staggered and possibly bewildered. Oliver handed the phone back to his King. “Maybe this battle will be won by wizards and witches.”

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