The Curse Conduit

Chapter 34

Early the next morning Beth-Elena’s hand maiden woke her just a little excited.

“Mary what has you so anxious this morning?”

Beth-Elena and Mary were more like friends than princess and helper. So Mary sat on her bed and unfolded the story she had been told by the page Uri had enlisted to help him the night before. By the time she was finished Beth-Elena was intrigued. “And you say that Declan and Uri where part of this?”

“Yes Miss.”

Beth-Elena bounded out of bed in a flurry. “Well I think it is time I found out who these people are and where they went.”

As Mary helped her get dressed they continued to talk. “The stable hand said they were going to Uri’s. I expect you will find them there Miss.”

“Excellent. Hurry to the stables Mary and inform them that I will need my horse immediately.”

Mary smiled. “Yes Miss.” Scurrying off to the stables.

The stable hand had tried to persuade Beth-Elena to wait for a travel companion but it was no use. He knew she would go, walking if she had to and he did not want to be having that conversation with her Uncle upon his return.

So Beth-Elena left to make the trip to Uri’s home. A much quicker trip during the light of day than it had been for the group that had made the trip through the darkness of the night.

It was unusual for the gates of Uri’s property to be closed but this morning they were and a gate keeper had been posted. Something was definitely out of the ordinary and Beth-Elena approached the gate a little cautiously but put on her best smile for the gate keeper. As not to appear too threatening she dismounted. “Good morning sir. My friend Uri is expecting me.”

The gate keeper realising who was addressing him bowed before he spoke. “Beg for forgiveness your Highness but Master Uri gave strict instructions that none was to pass through these gates without his permission.”

Beth-Elena sighed but continued to smile. “I am sure he did, but he is expecting me after all.”

“Yes your Highness but I will still have to make enquiries. I beg your leave. I shall return.”

The gate keeper disappeared through a small door at the side of the gate leaving Beth-Elena to stand and wait. He rushed to the main house almost knocking over one of the maids in a rush to find his master. “Master Uri!.” The gate keeper called a few more times as he made his way through the building finally coming upon Uri not far from his study.

“Slow down my good man. Why are you in such a rush?”

“Your instructions where not to let anyone pass is that not correct Sir?”

“Yes.” Uri was a little curious by the question and the man’s current breathless state. “Has someone arrived wanting entry?”

“Indeed Sir. The Lady Beth-Elena.”

“Where is she now?”

“I left her at the gate Sir.”

A half smile crept across Uri’s face. “Oh dear. She will not be pleased about that I am sure. How she found out so quickly is a mystery as well.” Uri looked at the gatekeeper and slapped him on the shoulder. “Well you better let her in before she decides to scale the walls.”

The gatekeeper departed in much the same way as he arrived while Uri went to find the others. Beth-Elena’s arrival, although not a total surprise was a little disconcerting so early. Uri had expected a little more time to think of a plan as to how he was hoping to introduce their new friends to the court and to Beth-Elena. He was not at all sure what kind of reaction they would get when she came face to face with Elizabeth and Bethie.

He found the group in the dining hall eating breakfast. Elizabeth and Bethie had played it safe and eaten the fruit that was on offer. Declan was happily working his way through a rather large plate of food and after an initial hesitation Danny and Derek were happy to follow his lead. It looked like Uriah and Urian were going to do the same as the women. Although they both had plates of food in front of them both men had chosen not to risk aggravating their digestive tracts by imbibing in food they could not identify. They both poked at what looked to be some kind of meat substance, two rather large eggs that could not have come from a chicken and if they had neither man wanted to see the chicken. They both took small bites of what they thought to be dark bread and both decided not to swallow. The milk they had been given was warm and nothing like they had ever tasted before. So that left the fruit and an understanding as to why Uri’s men drank so much mead as the water was almost as bad as the milk.

Declan greeted his friend with a half mouth full of food. “Joining us for a meal Uri?”

“Afraid not. Beth -Elena has arrived.”

At his words everyone stopped eating, Declan swallowing hard on his last piece of food. “She must have risen before the sun to have arrived at such a time. I think I shall meet her.”

Uri smiled at Declan as he left to find the princess then turned his attention to the rest. “I am unsure as to how Beth-Elena will take to seeing you all. It may be best to introduce you one at a time.”

Elizabeth stood. “Uri it will be a shock no matter how we do it. May I make a suggestion?”

He nodded and waited for her to continue.

“Introduce myself and Bethie to her first.” When she saw the uncertainty on his face she touched his arm gently. “It’s a girl thing. I think once she gets over the shock of seeing us then she will be glad to have us at her side when you introduce the others.”

Uri was still not sure but agreed to go along with it once he saw Urian, Danny and Uriah nodding in approval.

He could not gage from Derek’s expression whether he agreed or not.

Uri worried about Derek. As he had been told by the others, Derek did not utter a single word on their trip the night before. Uriah had confided in him that he was also worried about his friend, not knowing what to do to help him, concerned as the change had been so dramatic. Uriah explained that Danny and Derek were very much alike. This shocked Uri because all he could see was the vast contrast. To him Declan and Danny were more alike and Derek seemed to be the odd one out.

It was evident that Uriah and Derek’s friendship was as deep and as strong as his and Declan’s. He had spoken words of comfort to Uriah but they sounded weak in his ears.

Looking at Derek leaving with the other men, still limping slightly he wondered if the trauma of travelling through time had already marked Derek with irreversible damage. Uri wondered if it was because under all that bravado he was so sensitive that he had been so affected. If he was indeed like Declan, Uri could well understand. Declan had made a fine solider but he also had a soft sensitive side that not many people saw.

Elizabeth had noticed Uri’s distraction, her voice tender. “He will be alright Uri. He is much stronger than people give him credit.”

Uri smiled back at her and she was overcome with just how much the three men were alike, Uri, Urian and Uriah. Each managing to engulf you with their eyes, drawing you silently towards a heart full of love and compassion yet guarded. Again Elizabeth found herself wondering if she had met Uriah first would things have been different.

Uri’s tender touch as he took her hand sent a shiver up her spine. “Master Derek does well to have such a fine women by his side.”

They all turned hearing Declan and Beth-Elena as they entered the hall. Both Elizabeth and Bethie smiled as they listened to Beth-Elena. “But Declan, why the secrecy, we have no secrets from each other.”

“Not a secret, more of a surprise. You will see. We have some very special visitors who have come from lands far away.”

“So why then has Uri locked his gates?”

Beth-Elena’s eyes fell on Uri and she smiled. Elizabeth and Bethie had gone to stand behind him. “Uri, please tell me what is this game that my beloved insists on playing.”

She looked from Uri to catch a glimpse of the women behind him, her face clouded with concern. “Uri why do your guests hide?”

Uri sighed. “I think it best if they explained. Ladies if you would.”

Uri stepped back allowing Elizabeth and Bethie to take their places in front of him.

Immediately the smile left Beth-Elena’s face. She looked from the women to Uri and to Declan who had come to stand beside her back to the women. “How, how is this possible?”

Bethie took a small step forward. “It is a shock; it was for me when I saw Elizabeth.”

Beth-Elena grew a little pale. “Your name. Lizbeth?”

“Elizabeth and this is Beth, Bethie.” Elizabeth held out her hand. “Seems we are related.”

Beth-Elena looked straight passed the two women into the soulful eyes of her friend. “Oh Uri, How.. I don’t…” And with that she fainted. Uri jumped forward but luckily she had collapsed into Declan’s arms.

Declan scooped her up, laying her on a sofa near the large fire place. Both men knelt down beside her as Elizabeth and Bethie looked on. Uri brushed her hair from her face and Declan put her arms on her chest. “I think she should remain seated when we introduce the others.”

Uri looked to his friend to see if he was joking but the concern etched on his face told him he was being very serious.

After several minutes Beth-Elena came to, sitting up with a bit of a start. “You are not a dream, you are real?”

Elizabeth smiled. “Very real I am afraid.”

It was Bethie’s turn to talk. “We have another surprise for you.”

Uri gave her a look. “Do you think it wise so soon?”

Bethie shrugged her shoulders. “Might as well get it over with. She is going to need to know sooner or later.”

Declan got up and began to walk to one of the doors at the other end of the hall. “I expect that you are right my lady.”

Beth-Elena could feel her stomach tighten and she took hold of Uri’s hand. “Where is he going? What is happening?”

“He is not going far. For what is happening… I do not have the words to describe it adequately.”

Once again they all turned as they heard Declan returning with the others. As they got closer they walked shoulder to shoulder. Declan, Danny, Derek, Urian and Uriah. The sight of them all together still gave Elizabeth the chills.

Beth-Elena gasped as the vision before her registered. She stood and Uri stayed close making sure she was not going to faint before he joined his brothers. As he did Bethie took hold of Elizabeth’s hands not sure she was not going to faint.

Beth-Elena walked down the row of men looking at them intently, taking the time to peer deeply into their eyes. Each man’s eyes were ever so slightly different but not so much that one would normally notice. Beth-Elena sighed. “If this is not some trickery how can it be explained? I see three men.” She pointed to Danny, Derek and Declan. All different yet all the same and I see three more men.” This time she pointed to Uri, Urian and Uriah. “All different yet all the same.” Then she turned to Elizabeth and Bethie. “And we three, you say we are related?”

Both Elizabeth and Bethie nodded.

Uri stepped out of the line-up. “It can all be explained. As surely as I would give my life for you, I promise it will be clear.”

Urian and Uriah held their breath at Uri’s words. It may have just been a knight’s pledge to a princess but to them it said so, so much more.

Derek had also caught the meaning behind Uri’s words and wondered if he was right in assuming that he loved Beth-Elena more than he was willing or allowed to show. He took a quick glance at Uriah and wondered the same about his relationship with Elizabeth. He had heard him call her Lizzie and couldn’t remember if he had ever heard Uriah call her that before. Between his dreams and the interaction he saw between Uriah and Elizabeth, Derek wondered if this had all been a mistake. Could it have been as simple as getting Uriah and Elizabeth together? Would this have saved them from the trauma they were now living? But then, why would he have dreamt about Bethie and Beth-Elena and everything else if it had been so simple. He had lost is voice and he wanted so much to tell the others about the dreams, the nightmares he was now having. Some nights the plane crash came to torture him but most nights he saw a battle and in this battle they all had a part to play. He also had seen new deaths, one of the reasons he did not want to put his hand out back in the kitchen. He had seen the outcome of these deaths all through history and his heart shattered into so many pieces he could hardly breathe most days. He fought in his dreams to change the outcome but it never worked. He fought in real life to keep himself together but he was losing this battle as well.

As Uri explained their situation to Beth-Elena Uriah saw the change in Derek’s expression. He knew his friend well enough to know he was thinking deep and hard about something. He only hoped he was revisiting their recent trip and not traumatised by his dreams unable to talk about them or worse, he had come to realise how he felt about Elizabeth. Uriah knew he would never hurt Derek in such a way, he would never step in and take Elizabeth away from him no matter how much it hurt him not to be able to tell her how much he felt for her. He had no idea of her feelings towards him and from what he had seen she had no idea how he felt. Like Urian and Uri he was doomed to watch from the side lines as her life unfolded with Derek by her side and not with him.

The more Uri explained to Beth-Elena the more shock registered on her face and the tears began to slowly roll down her cheeks. She began to shake a little so Elizabeth and Bethie took her to sit back down. Elizabeth sighed. “I know this is a lot to take in but we are here to do whatever we can to make it right. I promise. Somehow we are connected and we need to help each other. Sister to sister.” Elizabeth took hold of both Bethie and Beth-Elena’s hands.

Beth-Elena smiled weakly. “I never had a sister.”

Bethie squeezed her hand. “You do now Bea.”

Everyone looked at Bethie as she gave Beth-Elena a nick name. “What, like this isn’t confusing enough with Eliz a Beth.” She made the emphasis on the Beth. “And me and now a Beth-Elena.” She turned back to Beth-Elena. “You don’t mind us calling you Bea do you?”

Beth-Elena was a little shocked at Bethie but she had to smile. “No, after all it is the name my Uncle has called me since I was a child.”

Her statement brought a look of surprise from both Uri and Declan. Neither one had known about this.

Beth-Elena gave them a precious smile that charmed all the men in the room. “A lady has to have some secrets.”

Elizabeth smiled as well. “Sounds like your Uncle and my Grandmother had similar ideas. She is the only one who ever called me Bethie.” She looked to Derek. “Except for Derek.”

The smile she gave him wiped away all the doubts that he had that she did not love him. Maybe he was wrong about Uriah?

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