The Consort

Chapter 28: Ride

"Is nobody else coming?" I ask, turning away from the horse to look at Heloix.

I was under the impression that there would be multiple others traveling with us today yet the field before us is bare, not one person in sight. Heloix looks up at me from the tail end of the horse, fingers stilling on the ropes he is using to fasten our bags to the mammal.

"The others have already left. Your human took too long to pack and now we are behind." He mutters, giving the ropes one last yank. "That'll do. Get up on the horse."

Bringing my attention back to the animal, I reach up and grab the saddle with both hands before kicking my leg into the air and reaching my foot towards the stirrup. It misses by an embarrassing amount, and I let out an annoyed groan before repeating the process once more.

"My leg doesn't go that high." I pout, dropping my hands from the saddle and turning to Heloix in defeat. His eyebrows are raised in amusement from watching my failed attempts, and I try not to take offense to it.

"Well, you need to learn how to do it. I won't always be available to lift you." He murmurs between stifled chuckles.

Despite his words, Heloix steps forward and grips me tightly at the hips before hoisting me up and setting me directly on the center of the seat. My hands reach forward and grasp the horn in panic, anxiety rushing through me at being on top of such a large, unpredictable animal.

After ensuring that the horse below me isn't going to take off in a run, I carefully release my left hand to tug down the hem of my dress. Heloix says nothing as he watches me adjust my clothing, choosing instead to bring his attention to the reins as I ensure that both of my thighs are entirely covered.

"What happened treating me like I'm made of glass?" I snap, feeling both embarrassed and frustrated by my lack of experience.

Heloix doesn't bother to look up at me, but I notice him roll his eyes.

"What happened to being independent?" He retorts.

Without warning, Heloix gets up on the horse as well, scootching me forward so he can fit in behind me. The giant mammal steps to the side as he adjusts to the weight, the sudden movements making me jump and slide towards the edge of the saddle. Heloix quickly catches the action, his hands flying to my waist and steadying me before reaching forward and grabbing onto the reins.

I'm all too aware of his biceps digging into my sides and his chest pressing firmly against my back, the proximity quickening my pulse as I inch forward to put some space between us. Admittedly, the position isn't nearly as comfortable, but I will manage.

The horse begins its trot after Heloix nudges its sides, a tiny squeak falling from my lips at the sudden movement. Needing something to hold onto, I once again grab the horn with both hands, gripping it so tightly that my knuckles turn white.

Although the pace is slow, my heart rate spikes every time the horse steps on the uneven terrain and jostles the saddle. Heloix's large thighs cage me in, bringing me a slight sense of security, but I try my best not to rely on them to keep me safe.

We make no conversation as we travel, and I seize the opportunity to take in the beautiful sights. I've never been inside of a forest before and it's better than I could have ever imagined. Loud birds coo and tweet nonstop, screaming their mating calls for the world to hear before taking off and flying circles around one another in a delicate, rehearsed dance. I gaze at them in wonder, filled with intrigue as we pass and approach a large creek.

The horse pivots as we come upon it, changing course to walk alongside the bank despite the muddy ground. A soreness settles into my back and thighs as we move, angry at me for forcing myself to sit in such an uncomfortable position for so long, but I ignore it, shifting slightly in the seat in a sad attempt to soothe the pain.

"You'll be more comfortable if you lean back against me." Heloix mutters, warm breath brushing against the crown of my head.

I shake my head immediately, rejecting the offer. "I'm fine."

He lets out a loud sigh at my response, seconds later pushing up his body against mine and taking the pressure off my lower back. The relief is immediate and, despite my discomfort with our proximity, I relax slightly into his chest.

I do everything I can to not think about our contact as we move, forcing myself to focus on the sounds of the rushing stream and the quiet snorts that fall from the horse's muzzle. Slowly my body becomes desensitized to Heloix's, though, and before I can stop myself I'm relaxing further into his chest and enjoying the warmth he gives off. While it isn't exactly cold outside, there is a definite breeze that, when blowing hard enough, causes goosebumps to pebble up along my skin.

Somewhere along the way, the horse's motions become soothing and I feel my eyes begin to droop, a heaviness settling over them. In response, Heloix shifts his arms slightly, raising his bicep for my head to rest upon. I hesitate on it for a moment, not wanting to leave myself so vulnerable around him, but as sleep nears my head lolls to the side and rests against his arm despite my initial reluctance.

Sleep comes in short waves as we continue walking, the horse's unsteady steps constantly jerking me awake. At some point I unknowingly slide down further into the seat, my back curving and hips moving forward.

The horse stumbles suddenly, shocking me awake as I bounce roughly in the seat and my tailbone smacks painfully against the saddle. Heloix's arm shoots around my waist to steady me, his action pushing me forward another inch and forcing my core to make contact with the saddle's horn.

A surprised gasp falls from my lips at the pressure, an involuntary shiver emerging from me as my core rubs against it through the thick fabrics of my dress. I attempt to move away, but Heloix's arm remains still, unintentionally keeping me locked in place.

Once more I attempt to move back, trying my best to ignore the pleasurable sensations as Heloix moves with each step of the horse and rhythmically presses me further against it.

"Heloix?" I mutter, holding back a groan as the horn continues rubbing against my clit, my thighs clenching tightly around the wooden peg.

He hums in response, remaining quiet.

"Can you move your arm?" I ask, flushing as my voice comes out in a breathy gasp.

Heloix doesn't immediately respond, but I feel his body tense up at my words. His right arm remains tightly pressed up against my body as he releases the left that still holds the reins and brings it up to my head. I gulp as he gently pushes my hair out of my face, his breath tickling the back of my head.

I gasp as the desperation continues to build in my core, resisting the urge to rub myself against the peg intentionally. It's been months since I've last pleasured myself, and the wait has made me incredibely sensitive, my body eager for release.

Heloix's left hand slides away from my ear and towards my neck, his fingers pressing into the skin as he pushes my head to the side. I move without much argument, my tongue darting out to lick my dry lips as he wraps his hand around the column of my throat.

His body shifts slightly as he adjusts his position, and seconds later I feel his mouth on my neck, his lips pressing wet kisses to the sensitive skin.

"It's okay. I know it feels good." He murmurs, releasing my neck and bringing his hand down to my breast, fingers skimming over the exposed skin.

"I-"I start, my words cut off by a silent moan as Heloix jerks his hips forward and forces me further into the horn.

I can feel my wetness seeping through my underwear, spreading along my thighs and into the fabric of the dress. I'm sure that without the thick layers of clothing between me and the wooden peg, this would be pretty painful, but luckily for me, I put on one of the nice ones that Heloix purchased me today.

Heloix continues his actions without pause, thrusting into me from behind and forcing my clit to rub against the horn in smooth, rhythmic motions. I gasp as his hand continues its teasing along my breast, his fingertips grazing against my exposed skin before sliding to the neckline of my dress and toying with the fabric.

"Can I touch you?" He whispers into my ear.

I vigorously nod my head yes, desperately chasing my orgasm and eager to feel his hands on me.

He groans at my quick yes, his hips stuttering against before jerking forward with more force. I can feel his loud pants against my neck as he continues to try and kiss me, his open mouth running along the side of my throat before sucking on the skin between my neck and shoulder.

"Tilt your hips back." He orders.

I do as he says, tilting my hips back slightly so more of my clit is pressed against the hard peg. It feels incredible, and I drop my hands down to grab at his thighs as the new position brings me even more pleasure. Heloix continues to push me against it as he finally slides his hand down the top of my dress and cups my bare breast.

His large hand barely fits under the tight material, and he removes it for a moment before tugging roughly at the fabric and ripping it open. The tear exposes my entire chest, and under normal circumstances I would be livid but I only find myself aroused by the action.

Large fingers trail lightly over my nipple, the warm flesh a drastic change from the cold air. Pushing my chest further into him, a loud moan escapes my mouth as he abruptly pinches the sensitive skin.

"I want you to cum for me, Addie." Heloix murmurs in my ear, small grunts falling from his mouth as he continues thrusting against my back.

I continue to rub myself against the wooden peg, groaning as I struggle to press against it just right and reach my orgasm.

"Touch me." I gasp, so close but needing some additional pressure to push me over the edge.

"Yeah?" He asks, a loud groan falling from his lips as he presses small, wet kisses along my neck. "Yeah!"

He's quick to remove his arm from my waist, pulling me back so he can reach my pelvis, his excitement apparent by his stuttering hips. He doesn't hesitate to grab a large handful of fabric at the hem of my dress and pull it up to my waist to expose my lower half to him.

I groan as his hand skims along the waistband of my underwear, seeming to hesitate, before giving in and sliding underneath the fabric.

He covers me entirely with his palm, his middle and ring fingers pressing lightly against my hole before sinking inside to the first knuckle. I worry that he will try and push them completely inside of me, but before I can voice any concerns his hand is sliding back up until his fingers press against my clit.

The digits slide easily over my skin, making me realize that he brought them down to my entrance to moisten them. I jerk away in shock as he begins to rub hard circles around my clit, his fingers bringing me more pleasure in just one movement than mine ever have.

I choke out a groan and slide my hips in tandem with him, gasping when he stops his movements to let me take charge. He curses as he holds his hand in place and urges me to masturbate against them.

"You want to know something else that I've never done? I've never felt a woman's warm pussy in my hand. Never felt the urge to pleasure one before." Heloix murmurs in my throat, rolling my nipple between his calloused fingers.

His words ignite something in me and I push against him faster, chasing my rapidly approaching orgasm as loud moans fall from my lips.

"Will you be my first? Will you cum for me, Addie?" He whispers into my skin.

I gyrate against him harder, throwing my head back against this chest as my thighs begin to quiver around his hand. I attempt to snap them shut as I feel myself starting to cum, but Heloix drops my nipple and forces them to remain open for him.

"Ungh, yeah," I shakily respond, reaching my peak. "Yeah, I'm-"

My words are cut off by a silent moan as I begin to cum, eyes rolling back as waves of ecstasy rush through my body.

We both remain still as I come down, the endorphins being replaced with embarrassment as I realize what I've just done.

Heloix's fingers slide against my clit once more and I jerk away in sensitivity, annoyed as he lets out a chuckle. He continues to softly caress me before dropping lower to my entrance and sinking one of his fingers into me completely.

I gasp at the intrusion, clenching up around him as he prods around my insides. He rests it there for a couple of seconds before pulling out and stroking my thigh.

"We will need to replace your dress before we reach the others. I've ruined the top and you've creamed all over the bottom." He murmurs, removing his hands from my body and sliding back into his original position in the seat.

"That's better." He mutters, his large hand wrapping around my front and pushing against my stomach to slide me back against him. "Was killing my back."

I remain silent as he speaks, my mind still absorbing what just happened. While it was objectively the best orgasm I've ever experienced, I don't want Heloix to think that my body is his to take whenever he pleases because I allowed him to touch me just once.

"Are you okay?" Heloix whispers softly, lips once more connecting with the skin on my neck.

"That won't happen again." I announce, eager to share my stance on the situation.

Heloix hums at my words before chuckling and hopping off the horse.

"Whatever you say my little human."

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