The Choice

Chapter 32 the trial part 3


The next day is the same old same old, with another trial. This one I’ve been mentally preparing for since Colin announced them. As I get ready I can’t help but wonder where I went wrong with Gwen… we had been so close and she just played me like a pawn… how could I not notice? I picked out another Tuder dress this time in a dark purple. With my hair in a braided bun and the tiara Arabelle gave me I’m all set for the day. I made a stop to Colin’s office again to pick up the evidence we had on them and made my way to the courtroom. Kieran meets me at the bottom of the stairs and we go together like we have been. I made my way to the prosecution bench again and got our things set up. The crowd comes in and the smell of… popcorn? Why is there popcorn? I chuckle to myself as I probably would’ve brought some too the way these cases have gone. Soon I see Ayla, Danielle, Xander, Rosetta, and Jude all in their full royal attire like yesterday. I’m sitting with Kieran on the bench with my evidence. My hands are all sweaty with nerves.

“I call to order the trial of the Prince CedarCrown and Princess of OakCrown Prince Damian Camus of CedarCrown and Princess Gwendolyn Westwood of OakCrown vs our new beta female Princess Selena Stoneshire.” Colin roars out in the room. We all hear a heavy and loud door open and hear chains being dragged on the floor. They come out in plain and simple clothes like a peasant would wear along with silver chains just like their parents have. Once in a beautiful royal suit and ballgown being reduced to peasant clothes. I can see my biological brother’s and my adopted sister’s disgusted faces by having to wear such clothes.

“Your opening statement Princess Selena. Tell the court what happened.” Colin tells me in a gentle tone. I get up from behind the bench and take a deep breath.

“Members of the council, people of the court. I stand here today… because these two” I point to them feeling kind of dramatic. “Are the ones who actually pulled through in kidnapping me! And not only that but POISONING ME AND MY UNBORN TWIN PUPS! I’ll start off with the kidnapping, I had just gotten home from my honeymoon and just as I was about to enjoy my wedding night with my new hubby. I get a text from Princess Gwendolyn saying to come to her room. The next thing I know I’m locked up in cuffs like a prisoner in a tower not even anywhere close to my mate! Prince Damian drags me to the Cedarcrown throne room, and I’m in front of his majesty, his queen and Princess Gwendolyn. His majesty wanted me to get a new mate (not happening) despite already being marked and mated, literally coming home from our honeymoon. Then I was locked in my tower again but this time with food and blankets. Eventually I heard noises from outside and Kieran rescued me. I was back home by the next day.

Fast forward to my baby shower, I’m visibly showing that I’m pregnant with twins, and we’re all having a good time. I had gotten a drink of iced tea that had some flowers in it. Didn’t surprise me since flowers were used in the decorations and I thought these were edible flowers to make it look pretty. I took a sip, and at first I was fine and kept going about my business, but after about an hour I got dizzy and I must’ve passed out. Here, I have the flowers with us from the party.” I pass the bag carefully to them. Murmurs happen throughout the crowd as the council carefully looks over them. Kieran stands up and grab my hand. I cry into his chest and he holds me for a few minutes. I hear a chair screech the floor, I look up to see Arabella staring down at me with a sad smile.

“Can you handle this trial? How are your babies?” She asks me with concern.

“Oh, they’re as healthy as can be! My doctors, Mia and Connor Stoneshire, heads of the hospital back home, took excellent care of us, and got the poison out before they were born. I can show you a picture of them if you’d like.” I’m such a proud momma wolf for a moment as I approach the stand to show them. All the ladies go “aww” and smile at me.

“Yeah, I can go on.” I go back to my bench to get ready to present evidence. “My first piece of evidence, a signed note by them. Kinda dumb to sign it.” The crowd chuckles while I hear the crunching of popcorn being eaten.

“Prince Kieran, since you were a part of the rescue effort, tell us your half of what happened at the kidnapping and poisoning.” Jude asks him so confidently.

“Of course, I’d like to present the security footage as evidence. Proving that they were on the grounds at the time of the party/poisoning.” He hands it over to them and they play the footage on a TV. I started shaking, actually seeing them putting the poison in the cup, and hoping that I’d get it. Leaving the note on the border making sure they’d see it… I wanted to wipe the smirks off their faces… I growl at them, warning them not to mess with me again.

“Easy, Princess Selena… you’ll get what you want…” Colin tries to not be biased but I can tell he’s just as mad as I am. “What else happened as you got to CedarCrown?” He tries to remain composed but I can tell it’s hard to.

“It was my brother, Conrad and I who made it inside since we got ambushed by the guards. So we were pushed into the throne room. The king was like ’so you think your bond is so special then use it to find her by morning, if you find her then I’ll leave you alone, if not she stays here and you have to forget her forever.” Now it was my turn to growl… I can’t believe he’d even offer such a thing! “Don’t worry my Lena even if I didn’t I would’ve kept looking for you.” I cuddled up to him and smiled up at him.

“Anyway, I found her and took her home. We made sure Lena, and the babies were ok, and instead of going to lie down, she went to the warriors who were a part of the search party and made sure they were ok.” The crowd goes “awww,” as some snacks on their popcorn again.

“What a thoughtful luna you are.” Arabella looks at me proudly as if I was her own daughter.

“Thank you, and the warriors were all ok, just a little worn out and hungry. So I made them some snacks.”

“Sweetie, you missed the best part.” Kieran comments to me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“What was that?” I asked him confused

“When you told Damian and Lena off…” Kieran smirked at me and then to them. “And I quote ‘save your tears, you’re never coming onto our packlands again’ and then told Damian ’You may be my ‘brother’ but what the hell was that!? Was that supposed to be some sibling bonding!? Absolutely not! I never want to see you two ever again! I trusted you Gwennie, and you broke it! It’s going to be a long time before I ever even think about talking to you again! I may be just a small pack luna but I know for a fact that I’ll be happier there than as a princess and I’ll take that any day!’ I felt so proud cause she stood up for herself for the first time.” Everyone on the council seats looked so shocked. Colin and Arabella both stand up and they look so serious.

“Well… after hearing the testimony and deliberating on this. I don’t think we’ll need the banishment doors.” The crowd gasps and I look at them surprised. I see the snackers have more popcorn, wish I could have some. “We decided that since they wanted to separate you two so badly that their punishment is to separate them.” They look shocked and scared. “Damian, you will be sent to OakCrown as an omega servant, and Gwen, you will go to CedarCrown and receive the same. So get used to those peasant clothes, you’ll be wearing them and similar ones for a long time. Court is adjourned, Prince Xander and Princess Rosetta you take your new servant and Prince Jude take yours.” The gavel banged for the last time, and I just feel like a weight has been lifted. Everyone that has hurt me is now gone. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I hug Kieran and cry tears of joy. We left the courtroom with our heads held high. We get back to the castle where I see Xander and Jude with their new servants and I giggle a little.

“Princes…” I nod to them out of respect but they smile at me.

“Princess Selena. Glad things have worked out in your favor.” Xander smirked at me.

“I just hope your new help actually helps.” I give them the coldest look I could give. “Gentlemen, I’ll see you at dinner, I’m going to rest beforehand.” I held my head high and tried to hide my giggle until I got back to my room. Once I get there, I let out a deep sigh and just relax onto our bed.

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