The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 23 - Ravishing emotions


“What did you not get, pup?” Alpha Ned’s voice roared.

Damn Nessa! Out of all of the packs and Alphas neighboring Rover Grove, Nessa had picked a school in Alpha Ned’s territory. Couldn’t she had been seduced by the beaches and seaside and moved to Moonlight pack? He knew he could stand his ground against Alpha Lee. Alpha Rylee ‘Lee’ Thomson was not as overly protective of she-wolves as Alpha Ned. But then again, losing a mate could do that to a wolf.

Alpha Ned’s vicious voice questioned, “What did I just warn you about?”

Alex opted not replying. Silence was better than rattling an Alpha.

Where was Rifkin when he needed assistance? This could turn ugly real fast and he knew Nessa would only put oil into the furnace called “Alpha Ned”, if she opened her mouth and slipped a comment of how he left off for the Academy, when she obviously needed support. Alpha Ned was not only known for his family-oriented views which Alex supported whole-heartedly. Alpha Ned’s conviction was that anyone and anybody disrupting a mating relationship should be considered as committing a great offense, severely punished… preferably by death! Death was also the sentence for insubordination, cheating, driving under the influence and causing a crash with loss of life or permanent injury to human or were. And the list went on.

Alpha Ned ran a tight ship. Something that had earned Alexander’s respect over the years.

As Alex didn’t reply, the Alpha roared commanding, “Speak!”

“You do not manhandle females here,” Alex replied as instructed. Showing some submission might go along to calm down an Alpha.

“And what did you just do?”

Nope, apparently not enough to calm down this Alpha. But it was worth the try.

Alpha Ned pushed onto his shoulders. “Stay cool. Don’t provoke him. He is just looking out for Nes. You want someone to look after her. Stay calm.” Alex chanted in his head much for his own courage as to calm down his wolf that was threatening to growl at the Alpha in question.

“You come to my territory and disrespect my rules. Do you know what that means?”

Alexander’s eyes widen. He did not like the implication. Could Alpha Ned go wolf on his ass and treat this as offense? Probably. Knowing Ned, he would most preferably punish him with… death. Alex was finally beginning to grasp the severity of the situation. Alphas first warned then punished. And Alpha Ned was known for being trigger happy with the way he executed his Order.

Alex quickly glanced at Nessa, who was just as stunned at what was happening.

“Now will be a good time to jump in, sis! Anytime now,” Alex tried to link with Nes, only to discover that as always her guard was up. Wolves could link with family and their pack. Of the two, the family link was the hardest to block.

“Don’t look at her. Answer me, or should I just add it to the list of your offences?”

“I…uhh. I’m sorry, Alpha,” Alex mumbled as those furious green eyes made him uncomfortable. Nessa seemed to finally come out of the stunned phase she was in and moved around the Alpha, but he effectively maneuvered his body in front of her. If the situation wasn’t volatile, Alex would have appreciated Alpha Ned’s attempt to protect her and his resolve to punish anyone who did her wrong. Could you admire the person who was going to be your executioner?

Nessa sighed and quickly placed her palms on the Alpha’s flanks, distracting him enough to duck under his outstretched arms with which he was holding Alex. Extremely risky and mindless move. She was now face to face with the raging Alpha. How would she be able to diffuse him? Touch helped but Alex doubted that he was going to be this easily persuaded their little family reunion was none of his business. Touch was essential for werewolves. It soothed and calmed down, giving werewolves the chance to belong to something bigger than the individual itself. The pack. The collective good. The community.

Of course, for both their sakes, he hoped Nessa had the patience to politically navigate the situation. She had a tempter that showed as she insulted a Pack Law member at a public function, not once but twice. Rifkin could neglect it for the sake of their relationship. But any altercation with an Alpha would go permanently on his record. Not that it mattered if Alex wasn’t alive to fret about his career.

Alex was about to swear this was his last day on Earth, when the Alpha shifted his penetrating glare to his sister. It was unbelievable how she did not crumble under the raw power he emitted.

“Please,” Nessa pleaded.

Alpha Ned kept his steady gaze on her for a lot longer than Alex expected. It almost seemed they are mind-linking.


Marcus looked at Vanessa, who stepped up to defend her brother. It was clear they weren’t on good terms. His flirty Nessa was gone, substituted with a cautious, reserved and worried one. Was he looking that angry even Nessa was careful around him? The notion she would think he would raise a hand to her was angering him much more than the tension between the siblings. She surely must know that he wanted nothing short of protecting her, taking care of her and loving her. His heart tugged on the last part. It was remarkable what one night with her did to him! He lost interest in anyone else, but her. How could a mere she-wolf do that to a man? Unless, she is your mate and you are smitten with her.

Realization drew on him. She must be worried about what he might do to his future brother-in-law, not that the so-said future-brother-in-law knew had any inclination to fully understand his current status. Well, that was simple – beat the living shit of him until he confesses everything that he did to his little sis was Marcus’ preferred treatment of choice. After all he had to punish him for inflicting harm to his mate, but something was telling him Nessa would not agree with him. Damn, he had to be lenient with him for Nessa’s sake. It was amazing how both his wolf and he agreed – they wanted and sought her approval. If that didn’t make him whipped in love with her, Marcus couldn’t tell what else could qualify.

Even though Marcus was internally itching to discover all and any offenses done against his lovely Nessa, from child pranks to more serious offenses and make her sorry-excuse-of-a-brother answer accordingly, Marcus knew better. He knew how to choose his will-battles and this was definitely not worth risking her good graces over.

Or maybe it was? It all purely depended on the offense.

Nah, this was not his battle. If Nessa’s action could be any indication of her emotions, he should gracefully drop his attitude or risk his lioness to retort to him in public. Then there would be no chance of staying under the radar. Maybe that wouldn’t be that bad…

Nessa moved her hands onto his chest and slightly pushed onto his shoulders to focus his attention on her. Damn, she really knew how to diffuse his anger. Marcus narrowed his eyes on her, hopefully conveying the fact he knew what she was doing. She was distracting him from his prey. And what joy for sore eyes she was. She served to dampened his wrath. The pull towards her was unmistakably strong.

“My office, now,” Marcus roared and stepped away from her.

If he was going to let her brother off the hook, he would not indicate that he changed his mind because of Nessa. That would put a target on her back and ruin his reputation of a short-fused Alpha. He had spent so many years building it up and would not let one incident turn him into a weakling, attached to a she-wolf’s skirt. Not that he was complaining of the said she-wolf. And he would love to see what’s up her skirt… Marcus internally grinned. That was it. If she was stepping in defense of her brother, he would let this one go, but he would make her spend time with him. This was actually perfect. He’d whisk her to his office under the pretense of scolding her for the current situation. That would give him an hour or so in her company. Undisturbed! He liked the prospect of that. And who knows what that hour would hold for him?

Marcus shot a glare at Alex for a good measure, daring him to follow them then swiftly stormed off to his office, never looking back. His dangerous expression promised he would tear to pieces anybody and anything in his way, cleared a path between the bystanders. He didn’t have to turn back to know that Vanessa started walking behind him, sporting a worried glance.

Cover story established!

He opened the door and gave a quick glance of the office to ensure they are alone. His eyes trailed down to her the moment she passed by, entering the room. Shit. He was getting a hard on just by watching her sway that sexy behind in front of him, making her way into his office. He then quickly slammed the door behind him, giving a good notion how pissed off he was to anyone who was watching or eavesdropping. It would also prevent any unnecessary interruptions.

“Don’t disturb,” Marcus linked with his Enforces and knew they would guard the door. He noticed Nessa had ventured into the office and was looking around it with curiosity. He quickly sat down on the couch to hide his indisposition which only grew bigger as his eyes trailed down her profile. Her breasts move up as she took a deep breath... It was ridiculous how much she managed to turn him on, just by simply being there… She was going to be the end of him!

“Come!” Marcus said gruffly, immediately scolding himself for his hoarse voice roared through the room, sounding a lot more like a command than a request. She slowly turned around and walked towards him. Her obedience was surprising. Only if she was like this more often, it would make his life much easier. Nah, that also meant he wouldn’t have the opportunity to indulge in the bickering remarks he so much liked to exchange with her.

When she was in his reach he patted the couch next to him. Nessa shook her head. So much for being a submissive mate! Marcus growled at her and quickly pulled her into his lap. Her back slammed against his chest and her perky behind was comfortably resting against his hard on. He expected her to fight him off, especially after feeling his hard on rub against her. Surprisingly she let him snuggle his nose into her neck, inhaling her scent.

“Better?” She asked as his breathing normalized.

“Yeah,” Marcus agreed and moved his hand over her arm. The puncture wound was healing nicely.

“Can I sit next to you?”

“You denied it, remember?” Marcus reminded her, moving his hands over her sides and quickly interlacing his fingers over her belly for a good measure against a sudden escape. She was effectively trapped. Marcus smirked. Now, he could relax.

“You are making creases on my dress,” Nessa complained, her voice betraying her playfulness.

“I can help you take it off,” Marcus’s solution clearly didn’t sit well with her and she tried to elbow him as he managed to turn her joke on her. Good, at least she wasn’t repulsed by his proposition. “What? I am trying to be considerate.”

“Considerate, my ass!” Nessa exclaimed.

“Oh, what a very fine ass it is,” Marcus shot back at her, wondering how fresh could he be before she cut him off. She shook her head and laughed in his arms, relaxing in his hold. She then pushed onto his thighs and shifted on the seat next to him, keeping her legs over his thighs. He grinned. So much for creases on her dress. He still enjoyed the compromise she was willing to take. His hand slipped under the hem of her dress and crept over her outer thigh.

Compromises were the foundation of any relationship.

“You’re impossible,” Nessa shook her head, but did not swat his hand away.

“Wanna come and check?” Marcus propositioned, indicating his groin with his eyes. She blushed and he smirked as her eyes trailed down to the indicated area. His confession they are mates freed him of any and all socially appropriate forms of behavior. And hot damn, he liked making her blush as he was voicing all his inappropriate thoughts. He felt content and free for the first time in years. Had he felt the same before? Probably… Many, many years ago.

Her rosy cheeks and the slight annoyance on her face made him smirk wider. He knew then and there – his new hobby was making her blush. He just wanted to kiss her senseless.

He gasped as she moved her hand over his manhood. He didn’t see that coming. Her assertiveness was surprising… in a good way. He could even let the triumphal grin on her face slide.

“Two can play this game,” Nessa’s thought invaded his mind and he grinned even wider, relaxing on the couch. All was going to be fine…. She could pass thoughts to him which meant it was only a matter of time before her wolf resurfaced. Life was finally looking brighter. All because of the little she-wolf beside him.

“Shit!” Marcus mumbled suppressing a moan. It wouldn’t do her much good to know what power she had over him. Her hand lifted and only her index finger pivoted against the fabric covering his member.

“Shit?” Her cunning voice made him chuckle. He quickly grabbed her hand and pressed it against his tux.

“Shit as in don’t stop… please,” Marcus smiled and relaxed once again to her touch. That was how life was supposed to be. He closed his eyes and let her hand investigate him, massage him and all together compensate for all of the worry he felt for her as he had seen her being grabbed by a werewolf – brother or not, he didn’t know when he saw their altercation.

“We have to set some rules, Alpha,” Nessa’s voice was gentle, calming but held a passionate promise he was more than curious about. He snapped his eyes open just to see her moving closer to his face and leaning against him. The power-play in her words turned him on more than he would admit.

“Rules?” He prompted.

“Why yes…” she gently squeezed her hand and Marcus groaned. She was definitely going to be the end of him. She continued stubbornly, “No creases on my clothes. And don’t you even think of ripping off any clothes.”

“Or else?” Marcus smirked.

“You’d be punished,” Nessa replied. Marcus closed his eyes. Things could have not developed any better. The things that she was doing to his senses… F*ck it… Should she want anything, Marcus knew it would be hers. He was literally putty in her hands. Literally!

“Isn’t a constant hard-on punishment enough, my little minx?” Marcus asked her.

“I am giving you a hand with that, am I not?” She saucily replied and undid his tux, sliding her manicured hand into his boxers. He gasped at her unexpected boldness. Her eyes were darkened with lust and his wolf was yelping inside him, recognizing his mate.

“Yes, you are,” Marcus agreed as she guided her fingers against his shaft. Her long nails brushed against the surface of his skin, teasing him to no end. Marcus began to wonder just how wanton would this go before she decided to call it quits?

“Good boy!” Nessa commended, her voice laced with dominance and pride, leer clear in her eyes. His wolf was fighting him for control. He had to put all his self-control into not shifting into his wolf that very second. What good would it make, scaring her with his beast, who had every intention of pinning her down and ravishing her on the spot? The human had to take control. He would not let his wolf mess things up now.

“You wanted to set rules?” Marcus reminded her, steering the conversation to a more neutral topic. She chuckled.

“You never lie or cheat on me.”

“Done,” Marcus agreed too quickly. Could he be more whipped? Her thumb pressed the top surface of his member.

“You promise?” Nessa prompted.

“I’d rather die than cheat or lie to you.” Marcus honestly replied. He was never letting her go. That was for sure.

“Did you lock the door?”

“No, but it’s being guarded and I told everyone off,” Marcus offered.

“For your sake I hope the room is soundproof,” Nessa chided, making him chuckle.

“Any self-respecting Alpha would soundproof not only his office, but his whole Pack House!”

“Good,” Nessa said.

Damn, her approval meant so much to him. He could feel a burst of pride in him after she approved his action. He relaxed under her touch, keeping his eyes closed and smiled as he felt her shift beside him, angling her hand to grasp more of his shaft. He liked this playful, uninhibited side of her. He must remember what he did to inflict such a response from her. As soon as he felt her wet lips connect with his, his eyes snapped open, registering the brisk kiss and her attempt to move to straddle him. Was she going to do what he thought she would? Before any other coherent thought crossed his mind, she gently lowered herself onto him.

Wet… tight… and his….

His arms snaked around her hips and pressed into her.


She moaned against his mouth then pulled away, pressing a finger against his lips as her forehead leaned against his.

“Don’t you dare rake my dress!” Nessa commanded him.

How could she think about a dress right now was beyond him! He followed her eyes and noticed the extended nails, a sign that his wolf was not giving up the power struggle within him.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” Marcus replied and caught her lips, lifting his hips to meet her, urging her to start moving.

“The rules…” Nessa pouted. Even though he knew the mock hurt was manipulative, he had to admit he immediately wanted to do anything in his power to make her happy. Maybe his decision was entirely reliant on the fact that if he made her happy, she would stop pouting and start moving. She continued softly, “I happen to like my dress.”

Marcus groaned underneath her and focused his will to suppress his wolf. It seemed to work as she teasingly started sliding against him. He groaned.

“You can take it off, you know…”

“Shut up!” Nessa commanded him as she pressed all the way down into him, effectively sucking him in, then softly begun rocking against him, in an entrancing rhythm.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Marcus agreed. After all, who was he to argue with his Alpha mate.

Whatever she said just became LAW.


Damn! She couldn’t believe her boldness. She had single handedly ravished an Alpha in his office. Not that he would complain. Judging by the smirk on his face, he was absolutely enjoying it. Was it her or was her wolf finally making an appearance after all this time? She always managed to control her urges. Even with Brandon, she has never lost control and grasp of what’s proper.

Unlike tonight.

She looked at Marcus’ flushed face as their breathing normalized. He was trailing kisses against her neck, leaving saliva onto her skin – a neon sign for anyone remotely alive, indicating she belonged to him. Subconsciously, he was marking her, stating his claim on her. Instead of fuming over it, as she knew she should, she simply couldn’t stop a smile from forming on her lips. He wanted his stake on her. He wanted her. She could see herself falling for him.

“I could certainly get used to this,” Marcus arched his hips to prove his point. “Remind me what I did to deserve such a treat?”

Nessa lazily ran her fingers through his hair.

“You stood up for me. It was adorable!”

“For future reference, small and furry animals are adorable. I am neither!” Marcus grunted.

“Aye, there’s nothing small about you, tiger!” Nessa flirted.

“Wrong species,” Marcus playfully bit her shoulder.

“I stand corrected – rabid tiger!”

“Tigers can’t get rabid!”

“Oh, yes they can,” Nessa argued and at his arched eyebrow she playfully pointed at him, “Exhibit A.”


Oh, no! She did not just compare him to a rabid tiger! What the f*ck was that even supposed to mean? He spanked her behind to prove his dissent.

“Don’t crease my dress!”

“Don’t you think it’s a little bit late for that?” Marcus smirked noticing she did not object to spank, but that bloody dress issue. Nessa hit him on his shoulder in response.

“You agreed to the rules.”

“I guess I was already found guilty. Punish me?” Marcus pleaded rather too excitedly.

“I’ll save it for when you least expect it,” Nessa replied then tried to stand up from his lap. Marcus growled at her, stopping her.

“I’m addicted,” Marcus confessed and lowered her back onto him. She shook her head at him but allowed him the small victory. He quickly squeezed her in his arms. “Does this mean you accept being mates?”

Nessa looked at him as he waited for her answer.

“What do you think? This doesn’t happen with just anyone,” Nessa said and he growled at her implication. “I just don’t want to jinx it, so don’t make me say it.” Nessa replied and expected Marcus to fume at her indecisiveness. Instead he laughed.

“Jinx it? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I disappoint you!”

“You better not!” Nessa agreed, eyeing the room before she asked. “Do you have a bathroom here?”

“Hate to break it down to you, love, but now you can’t simply wash off my scent on you,” Marcus mumbled letting her move off his lap. She grinned at his state of undress and at the endearment.

“I need to straighten my dress and hair before we walk out. After all, you scolded me for,” she quickly took his left wrist in her hand and turned to see his watch, “Forty-five minutes. You stud!” She winked at him and then seriously applied, “I am supposed to smell like you after surviving revilement for forty-five minutes.”

“You are having too much fun with my temper,” Marcus pointed out and shook his head. Her playfulness was definitely surprising and he didn’t miss how in tune he was to that side of her. “There is a door into the corner, behind that big vase.” Nessa quickly jumped off the couch and looked at him as he was fixing his tux. “Why do I feel used?” Marcus theatrically sighed. She chuckled then bent over, kissing him slowly.

“Nah, you love it!”

He chuckled at her and nodded towards the end of the room. She smiled and headed that way, not before his hand contacted her behind in playful spank. She gasped and turned around.

“Creases, mind you!”

“That was for taking advantage of your Alpha,” Marcus chuckled.

She stuck out her tongue on him and rushed into the bathroom.

He felt alive. He felt young again. And he couldn’t believe she actually stuck out her tongue at him. A tongue he wanted to feel and taste. He shook his head. He had to focus and try to collect his thoughts. The scent of arousal and sex hung heavy in the air. He quickly turned on the AC to cool down and ventilate the air, effectively getting rid of the evidence of their encounter.

He made his way to the bathroom, only to discover her trying to pin her tousled hair, that he was solely responsible for. He smirked. He could get used to this sight. Watching her morning and evening routines, talking to her as she prepares to go out with him… He found everything about this simple chore amazing… only because she was involved with it.

His eyes trailed on her shoulders where he could see the markings that his teeth left. She was shifting her hair over them. He was going to forbid it, but then caught himself - what was better: a fruitless display of his claim on her or keeping her alive? He knew that he would do anything to keep her safe, even if that meant suppressing his primal urges for dominance and possession.

As she noticed the movement, she glanced in his direction and then focused her attention on the mirror.

“I wanna rip off your clothes next time around,” Marcus admitted.

“Who said that there’s going to be a next time?” She cheekily replied. He was behind her trapping her between the vanity and his body in a second. Neither he nor his wolf liked the notion of what she was implying.

“Careful now,” Marcus warned her, kissing her exposed shoulder. She was ticklish but did not refuse his advance, which made him relax.

“That could be arranged” She thoughtfully agreed. Marcus grinned at her and let his teeth scrape over her exposed shoulder. “Marcus!”

His attention snapped at her widened eyes in the mirror. He then noticed that his teeth shifted. This was not going to be just a hickey. He was about ready to mark her.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean,” Marcus started as she turned around to face him, as she was inserting the last pin in her hair.

“Is your wolf THAT worked up?”

“More than you know,” Marcus confessed, flashing a hesitant smile.

“I don’t want you to mark me only to lose you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“You know what I mean. After you have your revenge, I would be here. Don’t get yourself killed or caught. I won’t do conjugal visits.”

“Conjugal?” Marcus repeated as if trying the word on his lips and then asked in a surprised tone: “Who said anything about marriage?”

Nessa rolled her eyes on him. He sobered up and vowed, “I won’t get caught!”

“Don’t be cocky! Pack Law is not stupid. They are here for a reason.”

“Fine, I promise to be cautious.”

“That’s better,” Nessa pointed out, playing with the ends of his collar.

“Now, would you mind telling me why you were so pissed off at your brother?” Marcus asked. Nessa stiffened in his arms.

“We are not close.” She shortly replied, keeping things vaguely.

“No shit,” Marcus couldn’t help the snarky remark which earned him a glare.

“This was the second time that I’ve seen him in six years,” Nessa replied, straightening the tie under his three-piece tuxedo. Marcus smirked at the intimacy of the gesture.

“And?” Marcus prompted her. She looked up at his eyes as her hands continued to straighten his vest and belt line. She was really distracting him.

“He wasn’t there to beat the shit out of my cheating mate as any self-respectful brother would!”

“Say his name and he’d be dead,” Marcus growled. She shook her head.

“Water under the bridge! He has a family now…” Nessa replied and then said “Besides, his rejection got us together.”

Marcus smirked.


“Yes, together, even though you are such a bad influence and make me act out! Bad, bad, Alpha!”

“Language, missy! Or the Big Bad Alpha will take offense!”

“Oh, I am shaking,” Nessa giggled.

“That you were….” Marcus smirked, effectively stopping her giggle and she hit his shoulder at his implication.

“Promise me, you won’t do something stupidly courageous with Pack Law around. I want to know what it is like to be fully mated to someone special one day!”

“That day could be TODAY… Just say the word… Your wish shall gladly be my command,” Marcus said and peck kissed her.

“It’s not the time… I’d probably end up forcing you to choose between us and your revenge. I can’t do that to you. So hence, you go do your thing. Just be careful.”

“You know, technically I don’t need your permission,” Marcus said and pushed her hair to display his mark to which Nessa shook her head. “But since you are mine, I shall adhere to your suggestion.”

“Grumpy, I need to go. Nic and Michelle would be worried sick after the way we left.”

“I guess that means I have to let you go before they kick down the door, demanding proof of life.”

“Yip! Alpha Ned is dangerous when cranky!” Agreed Nessa, as he let her go and smirked at her. If someone has told him a year ago that he would actually enjoy banter like this with someone, he would have thought them insane. She was already changing him and he actually enjoyed every second of it.

She quickly took out a small perfume bottle from her bag and started spraying it all over herself.

“Are you trying to suffocate me?”

“Dual function: one, it damps down your scent on me,” Nessa explained and Marcus rumbled at her. She playfully sprayed him too causing him to sneeze. “Bless you. And two, I am marking my territory against blondies.”

Marcus laughter echoed through the half bath.

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