The Boy I Once Hated: Love & Hate Duet

The Boy I Once Hated: Chapter 20

Eighteen years old

The next day is killer on my sanity.

I keep reliving Sky’s glorious expression on her face when she came all over my fingers and then again on my tongue. How her lush body molded perfectly against mine. The way her full lips pouted when she was denied her pleasure. It took all my strength and then some to pull away from her. To not fuck her right there on my living room couch. I must have beat my cock into submission three times last night and three more in the shower this morning before I was ready to face her over breakfast.

“Good morning, Noah. Did you have a nice night?” Clara asks enthusiastically when I step foot into the kitchen.

“Hmm,” I mumble, hoping she is astute enough not to try to bond with me so early on a Saturday morning.

Luckily, Clara’s focus is quickly diverted from me to her eldest daughter the instant Daisy waltzes into the kitchen all bright-eyed, wearing one of her the-sun-is-shining smiles.

“You look awfully chipper this morning,” Clara greets with a wide smile.

“That’s because I am,” Daisy announces, ruffling my already mussed hair, and grabs a mug out of the cupboard. “Nothing beats a full night’s sleep. Sorry I bailed on you guys yesterday, but I was exhausted. Was the movie any good?” she singsongs as she pours herself some coffee.

‘Once you’ve seen one slasher movie, you’ve seen them all,’ I reply, knowing my remark will be enough for Daisy not to ask me about the plot of the movie since I haven’t the foggiest.

The moment I walked downstairs last night and saw Sky snuggled into a blanket, all I wanted was to either steal her away and lock her in my room or nestle her to me right there where her big sister could see. When Daisy demanded Sky share her blanket with me, I damn near skipped my way over to her. What happened next wasn’t planned, but I sure as shit don’t regret it. Making Sky come has become my favorite thing to do.

Unfortunately, Sky might have another opinion on the matter.


How should I play this? Nonchalant? Like it was no big deal? Or should I tell her the truth? That she disturbs all of my dreams and I think of little else but her?


How the fuck are we going to go from here? Are we step-siblings that are supposed to hate each other?

Or have we crossed that invisible line on the sand that makes us something more?

I fill my bowl with cereal, my chest tightening as I count down the seconds until Sky shows up, so she can answer all these godforsaken questions running rampant in my head.

But Sky never shows up for breakfast.

And when she doesn’t come down for lunch either, my anxiety is replaced with frustration. By the time she shows her face around dinnertime, I’m pissed as all hell. So much so that I refuse to acknowledge her presence in the kitchen when she arrives and says hi to me.

Her forehead wrinkles in confusion, but it quickly vanishes when her mom starts talking to her.

‘Hey, stranger. I thought you might be hibernating or something when you didn’t come out of your room all day. Let me guess? The muse was strong today and you couldn’t leave your writing cave until you got all your words down? Is that it? Will you let me read whatever got you all inspired?’ Clara asks with pride shining in her eyes.

“Maybe. We’ll see,” Sky responds noncommittally, her cheeks blushing. ‘How was your shift last night, Mom?” she adds to redirect the conversation to a safer topic.

‘Oh, good. You know, the usual. I’ll just be happy when I get back on the day shift next week. With Curt not being home, I hate leaving you girls all alone at night.’

‘Mom, we’re all adults here,” Daisy interjects, rolling her eyes. “You don’t have to treat us like we’re kids anymore.”

‘You will always be my babies to me,” Clara says, kissing her eldest daughter’s cheek, and then pressing another one on Sky’s temple.

With the blatant display of motherly affection, I immediately lower my gaze away from the Ames women. I hate it when Clara is this warm and loving to her daughters. It serves only to make me miss my mom more. Miss how I don’t have a parent that gives a shit about me like she used to. How Clara evidently does for her girls.

‘Well, this baby has a hot date tonight,” Daisy croons. “And if it goes as well as I expect it to, I fully intend to prolong it to a breakfast date, if you catch my meaning,” she adds, wiggling her eyebrows.

‘We all catch your meaning. Subtleness really isn’t your strong suit, is it, sis?” Sky retorts with a chuckle.

“Hmm. Can’t you postpone it, sweetheart? I really don’t like leaving Skylar all alone at home all night,” Clara interrupts, completely bypassing her eldest daughter’s remark on getting some tonight. The woman sure does like living in denial lalaland.

“First, she’s not alone. Noah will be here, too. And second, which part did you miss about we all being adults? Skylar’s eighteen, Mom. Not eight,” Daisy says, quickly coming to her sister’s aid.

I don’t miss how Clara looks worriedly to me and then over toward Sky. Instead of saying anything that will only give sway to her concern, I keep my mouth shut and open the fridge to grab the leftover cannelloni from lunch and put it in the microwave. I lean against the counter, my head bowed, pretending to scroll through my phone while I wait for my food. All the while feeling the weight of Clara’s scrutinizing gaze on me.

“Okay. You’re right, Daisy,” she concedes eventually. “Neither of you are kids anymore. No use being such a worrywart.” She smiles shyly at us both before looking at her watch. “Oh geez, is that the time? I better get ready if I don’t want to miss my bus and be late for my shift.”

“I can drive you to the hospital. It’s on my way,” Daisy offers.

“You’re going to the other side of the island? Is that where your date lives?” Sky asks curiously, trying to pin down who her sister is knocking boots with.

If Daisy is going to the rich side of the island, then there is only one person she’s hooking up with, and that’s Derrick Monroe. He texted me a few days ago saying he’s home from college on the mainland for Thanksgiving. I guess Daisy got the same memo and is taking full advantage of his little hiatus back at Thatcher’s Bay.

‘Thanks, sweetheart. I appreciate it,” Clara says regarding Daisy’s offer of driving her to work.

Daisy promptly nods and tells us she also has to get ready, leaving Sky’s question intentionally unanswered. Not wanting to be left alone with Sky in the kitchen, I excuse myself and take my dinner upstairs to my room, locking myself in.

An hour passes by before I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door. I stare holes at it, wondering if I should open it or just leave Sky hanging like she left me for the better part of the day. It would serve her right. When she knocks again, my resolve breaks, getting up from my bed and swinging the door open for her.

“What?” I grumble, trying hard not to stare at her heart-shaped face or her Cupid’s bow lips.

“Are you busy?” she asks nervously, wringing her hands together behind her back.

“Yes. What do you want?” I ask sternly, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Mom and Daisy have left for the night, so I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me.”

“Not in the mood.”

“Oh, okay,” she says, her sad gaze falling to the floor for a split second. But all too soon does she remember herself and snap those silver eyes that feel like bullets to my chest right back at me. “Are you angry at me or something? Did I do something to upset you?”

“I’ve been angry at you since the day you moved in, or haven’t you been paying attention?”

“No, that isn’t it.” She shakes her head, looking suddenly just as angry as I feel. “You’re pissed at me because of something else. It’s about last night, isn’t it? You regret what we did and now you’re taking it out on me, aren’t you? Well, listen here, buddy. It takes two to tango. You let it happen, too. You touched me because you wanted to. Nobody forced you to,” she yells at me, pointing a menacing finger in my face.

“Don’t you think I fucking know that?” I shout back, pushing her finger away from me.

“God, I’m so stupid,” she mumbles, eyes shut, pressing a closed fist on the center of her forehead before she drops it and looks up at me again. “I really thought yesterday was special. That maybe, just maybe, things would be different between us now. But nothing’s changed, has it? We’re right back where we started from. Awesome! Message received, Noah. I’ll pretend nothing happened either since it’s obvious you already have.” She turns to leave, but then turns to face me again, true misery starting to water her eyes. “Fuck you, Noah Fontaine. Just…fuck you.”

When she turns around to leave me again, I grab her arm and pull her into my room, slamming her back against the wall after I’ve kicked my door shut.

“What do you want from me, Skylar? You want to be my girlfriend? My sister? What?!” I blurt out hurriedly, on the fringe of losing all control.

“How about a friend? Can’t we at least be friends?” she croaks, unshed tears adding a strain to her voice.

‘No. I could never be your friend.”

“Why not?” she asks, hurt, a stray tear falling down her cheek.

“Because every time I look at you, all I want to do is either yell at you or kiss you,” I confess exasperatedly, gently wiping the tear with the pad of my thumb.

“You’ve already yelled at me today. What’s stopping you from kissing me instead?” she whispers, her melodic voice pulling me deeper into her web. She goes to her tippy-toes and presses her temple against mine, making me instantly groan and close my eyes.

“Huh, Noah? Why don’t you just kiss me?”

“Because if I do that…if I kiss you…then I’m not going to be able to stop.”

“Who says you have to?”

I breathe her in, my breath hitching as her lips draw nearer to mine.

“Little stalker, don’t…”

“Stop me then.”

But I don’t stop her.

I can’t.

I never could.

Instead, I lean in and meet her lips with mine, my burdened heart willingly offering itself over to her. I stand still as she curls her arms around my neck, pulling me down so she can kiss me like she wants to. When her tongue breaks the seam of my lips, begging for entry, all my resolve flies out the window. My tongue wrestles with hers, our teeth and lips clashing together as we devour each other.

I pick her up from the floor, her legs entwining around my hips as I walk us to my bed. I lay her down on it, my body covering hers as I continue to get lost in our kiss. Her eager fingers pull at my hair to break our kiss so she can nibble and suck on my neck.

“Sky,” I groan as she rubs her hot core on my hard length.

“Hmm,” she hums, licking my Adam’s apple and then biting down on my bottom lip.


“Sky,” I try again, my chaotic mind unable to focus on anything but the way she smells. The way she moans and sighs when my fingers dig into her hips. The way her limber body cocoons itself around mine.

“Baby, please, listen,” I beg, my hand already cupping her breast under her sweatshirt, my fingers tugging her perky nipple.

“No. No more words, Noah,” she sighs, the heels of her feet digging into my ass so that my cock is pressed firmly on her greedy pussy, giving her the friction she needs. She lets out another one of those long sighs that kills me when the head of my cock rubs at her swollen clit. “I spent all day in my room dreaming about this. About being in your bed with you on top of me. Don’t ruin it with words, Noah. Just kiss me.”


“Was that what you were doing all day? Thinking about me fucking this greedy little pussy?” I growl, dry humping her cunt with my hard shaft. She nods breathlessly, her nails digging into my shoulders with each thrust. “Did you play with yourself thinking about how I would pop this little cherry of yours?” Another nod, this one accompanied by a loud wail. “Did you come?”

“Every time,” she admits on a pained sob. “Please, please, Noah.”

“Please what, little stalker? What do you want?” I grunt, before I bite down on the little spot where her shoulder meets her neck.

“Argh!” she cries out. “Please!”

“Please what, baby? I’m going to need you to say it. Be very explicit.”

With a knowing smirk tugging at my lips, I pull away from her, going to my haunches, my fingers tightening their grip on her thighs.

Her hooded eyes blink twice at me, her chest heaving for breath, so turned on she can’t think straight. Not that I’m any better.

“Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you. Just say it.”

I watch her lick her lips, looking so fucking beautiful it takes all my willpower not to just give in before she says the words I long to hear. But I stay strong, running my fingers up and down her legs as I stare her down.

“Say it.”

“Fuck me, Noah.”

My cock swells painfully as I memorize this exact moment. The moment when my sweet little stalker finally caved and opened her locked gates for me. I pull my t-shirt over my head and throw it across the room. Her half-mast eyes shine as they take in every inch of me.

“Has anyone ever fucked you before?” I ask, knowing the answer already as I pull off her shorts and panties.

She shakes her head, biting that fat lower lip of hers that drives me crazy. I stare at her mound for the briefest of seconds, knowing if I take longer than that, I’ll lose my train of thought and just eat her out again. That can wait. First, I want to break her seal and ruin her forever.

I’ll be her first, her last, her fucking everything.

I want tonight to haunt her, just as it will haunt me for the rest of my days.

I lean down just enough to pull her hoodie off her, finding nothing but gorgeous glistening skin underneath, two round swollen breasts begging to be fondled with. I run the palm of my hand from her neck, down the valley in between her breasts, to her navel, right down to her dripping cunt and throbbing clit.

“This pretty pussy is mine now, Sky. For as long as I want it, no one else will touch it. Understand?”

She nods again, widening her legs, anxiously waiting for me to stay true to my word.

“Say it,” I growl, bending down to lick her belly button. She arches her ass up off my bed, groaning when I push her back down. “Say it.”

“It’s yours. My pussy is yours. Please.”

I can’t help the wicked grin that flashes on my face, loving how my nemesis, the girl who has tormented all my thoughts since the day she came into my life, begs to have her virgin pussy filled and fucked. My eyes trail down her naked body, my cock straining in my sweats. When I take longer to say or do anything else, I feel Sky’s fingers lightly graze my chin.

“It’s okay, Noah. I trust you.”

It’s the sincerity in her words that kick-starts my heart into drumming wildly in my chest, reminding me that this isn’t just a fuck. This is Sky’s first time. She’s trusting me with her body, heart, and soul. Trusting that I will take care of her, protect her, keep her safe in my arms. I swallow dryly, the adrenaline pulsing through my veins spiking to new heights.

Here’s the thing.

I know how to fuck.

I’ve been doing it since my freshman year. Fucking comes as easy to me as breathing.

And I’m fucking good at it, too.

But as I stare into Sky’s eyes, I realize what I’m about to do is as far from fucking as possible.

“Sky,” I hear myself stammer, suddenly feeling out of my depth.

“It’s okay. I trust you,” she repeats with that loving timbre in her voice that wreaks havoc on my heart. She extends her arms toward me, and like a fool, I engulf myself in them, letting her wrap her arms around me.

I let her kiss me, needing her warmth more than I need my next breath. I let her lead me into this new uncharted territory, one kiss at a time. I relinquish all doubt, fall into the kiss, praying she will catch me as I stumble into this foreign abyss. Sky worships my body with her lips, mouth, and tongue, her hands running up and down my back, shoulders, and arms. Each caress she delivers feels like she’s branding my skin, imprinting her name on my flesh, and marking me as forever hers.

“Little stalker,” I choke out when I can’t stand the myriad of emotions taking over me for a second longer.

“I’m ready,” she replies hurriedly, desperate for me to possess her.

I push off her just far enough for me to pull my side table drawer open and take out a condom. My teeth rip through the foil packaging, and in quick haste I sheath my cock before nestling myself in between her thighs. I position the head of my cock to her opening, groaning when I see her juices coating it.

“Noah,” she calls out to me, placing her palms flat on my chest. “Look at me. Please. Just…look into my eyes, so I can look into yours.”

There’s this edge in her voice that has me halting my next move.

“We can stop. Tell me to stop and I will.”

Inwardly, I curse at what I’ve just said, but fuck it. I mean every word. If she wants to take this slow, even if at a snail’s pace, then that’s what we’ll do. This right here, is more than enough.

“No,” she whispers, her silver eyes deadlocked on mine. “I want this. I want you. Just you.”

“You have me,” I hear myself say, the words falling through my lips as if they were always hers to hear.

The coy smile that springs free on her face has my heart thumping even faster.

“We’ll go slow, okay?”

She nods, biting the corner of her lips as her hands drop from my chest to hold on to my forearms. Ever so slowly, I breach her entrance, groaning when I feel how tight she is around me.

“Noah,” she hisses out, her nails cutting into my skin.

My gaze rises from where we are synced together and focuses on her eyes, like she asked me to. Never wavering my gaze from hers, I inch a little more inside her, my legs starting to shake at the feel of her clenching all around me.

Fuck, but she feels amazing around my cock.

Still, I don’t press on, waiting for her pussy to stretch and get accommodated with my size.

“Are you okay?” I ask, needing to know where her mind is at.

“Uh-huh,” she chokes out, her eyes squinting with pain.

“Baby, if this hurts too much—”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Don’t stop. Please.”

“Always so polite,” I tease, needing to do something to get her out of her head a little bit. “If I had a hundred-dollar bill for every time you’ve said please tonight, I’d have enough for a brand-new muffler.”

The little laugh that she lets out has my tense muscles relaxing.

“Don’t get used to it,” she sasses back with a smile.

“Yeah? What else can’t I get used to?” I joke, inching a little more inside her. “Fuckkkkkk!” I grunt when I’m halfway there.

“I can think of a few things,” she banters once she’s recovered from this last assault.

“Yeah?” I retort, wiping the sweat off my brow. “Like what?”

“I’ll think of something,” she stutters, her head falling back on the pillow, her breasts rising up to the heavens when I run my thumb over her throbbing clit, sliding my cock a little more until I’m right at her hymen.

With my thumb still flicking her clit, I reach out to her breast and pinch her nipple. On cue, she snaps her head back my way, her lust-filled gaze fixing back on mine.

“While you think on that, just remember that this…this right here…is not one of them.”

And in one full stride, I thrust myself deep inside her womb, splitting her open until I’m fully seated to the hilt.




My breaths come out in spurts as I try to regain some control, but by the way her pussy keeps squeezing my cock, latching onto it in a vise grip, I’m not sure that’s going to happen anytime soon.

“Sky, are you with me?” I choke out, needing to check in with her.

“Always,” she says, her luminous skin looking even more translucent to me.

“I’m going to move now, baby,” I warn, needing to prepare her.

She nods anxiously, her hands back at holding my forearms, as if they are the only things that can keep her centered. Slowly, I start to slide in and out of her tight pussy, each thrust driving me insane. While I was doing everything in my power to prepare Sky for this moment, I forgot to get myself ready for it.



This is everything.

“Noah,” she moans out, telling me that the lingering pain of losing her virginity is now long gone and has been replaced with nothing but pleasure.

Thank fuck for that.

Since I’m no longer the cause of her suffering, I fall on top of her and start to pound into her sweet cunt, my mouth taking hers hostage.

“You taste so fucking good, little stalker. Your mouth is almost as sweet as your pussy.”

She moans and quivers beneath me as I keep to my furious tempo, knowing that I’m already close to coming undone with how tightly her walls clench around me. Every little wail and loud moan she lets out only serves to fuel me to drive into her deeper, faster, harder.

“Noah!” she suddenly cries out, her eyes widening. “Oh my God! Noah!”

“Oh, fuck! You coming, baby? You coming on your first time? You coming on my cock? Shit, Sky. Shit! Shit! Shit!” I mumble, vigorously hammering into her so she can ride the wave of her orgasm to its fullest.

Once I’ve made sure she’s seen God in person, I let go and come right afterward. My vision blurs, black spots corrupting my sight. I shake my head, needing to see her face. When it finally clears and I’m welcomed with the most heart-stopping, post-orgasmic smile, something inside my chest cracks, splintering right down the middle. I fall onto my back at her side, still reeling from what just happened. It takes us a minute before we both catch our breaths, the real world outside starting to sneak its way into my bedroom.

“Noah,” Sky calls out, turning to her side to face me.

“Yeah?” I reply, turning to lay on my side, too.

“Thank you. Thank you for making love to me,” she says with happy tears in her eyes.

Instead of giving her a reply, I press my temple to hers and then offer her a chaste kiss. Then I pull her to me, her head nestling into the crook of my neck as I run my fingers up and down the slope of her back. I swallow the lump in my throat and kiss her temple again the minute she gives in to her slumber and falls asleep.

But I don’t sleep.

I can’t.

Because she’s right.

I did make love to her.


I just made love to the one girl who can never be mine.

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