Chapter 603
Anastasia wasn't supposed to do any strenuous activity. Just a few steps in, and a sharp pain hit her lower abdomen.
She had to stop, clutching her belly and trying to catch her breath.
Ahead, the Peppa Pig mascot was getting further away, and she felt a pang of frustration. It was a lead she'd worked so hard to find, possibly connected to whoever had taken her daughter, Pattie. Taking a deep breath, she whispered to her belly, "Hang in there, little one. Mommy's going to find your sister soon."
Despite the pain, Anastasia focused on the mascot again and forced herself to keep going.
But it disappeared around a corner, and panic set in. At the crossroads, she scanned her surroundings, feeling a surge of self-blame. How could she have lost it? "Hey, sis."
A familiar voice called from behind.
Turning around, Anastasia saw Dailey, who had managed to catch the mascot.
Overjoyed, she rushed over and confronted the person inside, "Where's my daughter? Did you take her?"
A woman's voice, slightly muffled, came from inside the costume, "Who are you people? Kidnap who? I'm no kidnapper!"
The woman inside was clearly out of breath from the chase.
Anastasia signaled Dailey to remove the mascot's head, revealing an elderly woman in her sixties-Cynthia's neighbor.
"If you didn't take my daughter, why were you running? And why the Peppa Pig costume? Tell me the truth, or I'll take you to the police," Anastasia pressed on, her patience thinning.
The elderly lady, almost in tears, protested, "You were chasing me, so of course I ran! Why would I run if you weren't after me? I don't even know you. What do you want with me?" Had they got it wrong?
Anastasia was determined. "Why are you wearing that costume? Where did it come from?"
Embarrassed, the lady stubbornly replied, "I bought it. Why does it matter? Can't I wear it to entertain my grandson? Why did you chase me? Let go, or I'll call the police. Harassing an old lady in broad daylight is there no justice anymore?" A costume wasn't proof of anything. Peppa Pig outfits were everywhere.
Realizing she didn't actually know this woman, Anastasia might have indeed made a mistake.
She motioned for Dailey to let go, and the lady huffed, holding onto the costume head as she walked towards the residential complex where Gianna lived.
Feeling a bit hopeless, Anastasia saw her enter the complex and, on a whim, decided to follow and call out once more.
The lady stopped, holding the costume head, and asked, "What now? I told you, I don't know you."
"You live here, right? I think I've seen you before..." Anastasia recalled, "You're Cynthia's neighbor, aren't you? Living right across from her? Cynthia is my aunt; I've seen you around."
Having seen the lady a few times at Cynthia's, Anastasia recognized her despite the earlier confusion.
Sweaty and flustered, the lady hadn't recognized Anastasia at first.
Once she realized Anastasia knew her, and thinking she was after the toy, the lady got defensive, "Seriously, you threw it away, and I picked it up. Now it's mine. It's just a toy, not worth much, and you're chasing me for it? That's just petty." Anastasia felt a jolt. "You found this toy?"
"Yes," the lady replied. "Cynthia threw it in the trash. I picked it up. If it's in the trash, it's not wanted. Once I take it, it's mine."
Hearing that Cynthia had discarded it, Anastasia was near tears, "Please, can you tell me again? Who threw the toy away? Was it really Cynthia? When did she do it? Don't worry, I'm not asking for the toy back. I just need to know if it was Cynthia." "Yes, Cynthia threw it away. I saw her with my own eyes. My grandson wanted it, but she refused. So stingy, she'd rather trash it than let him have it."