The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 59: Austin

I pulled the car into my parent's driveway and shut the engine. I don't know why I'm suddenly having this feeling of coming to see them but my conscience wouldn't let me be even though they are only my adopted parents.

I rested my head on the steering, my mind flashed back to what happened earlier this week. I knew I shouldn't try to hurt Nina again. I'm reluctant to do that but Deborah won't be happy, I need to please her, she's the woman I love and the mother of my boy. The sound of my phone ringing pulled me from my trance as I picked it up from the dashboard. A quick glance at the caller's ID caused me to quickly pick it up.

"Hello. Xavier, what's going on?" I asked him cause I wasn't expecting any of his calls. My eyes scan the front porch of my parent's house, memories of my sister running down the porch flooded my brain as I forced it away. I miss Mia so much...... "Doctor Pierre just called me. He said a lady came to asked information about you at the hospital "I sat up immediately on my chair....

"What do you say? A lady?" I ask him shocked. No one knew that I was treated in France. Only Deborah knew that I have DID and I have only just found out two years ago. Who else knew about this? I questioned myself softly. "He didn't say but just said she was heavily pregnant " Xavier answered causing me to curse under my breath.

"Damn! Nina " I swore vehemently. That bitch. How dare she sent her friend to ask information about me and to think that I was thinking of being good to her...

"Do you know her?" Xavier asked me slowly trying to decipher my indistinct grunt...

"It Nina's friend. I'm sure she sent her there" I told him clenching my fists. I felt like punching anything but I wouldn't want my parent's to look at me like the psycho I once was.

"What should we do? It's too dangerous that she knew about us" Xavier said. I could imagine him pacing down the bare apartment he used once in a while in frustration.

Who wouldn't be? I still can't wrap my head around how she came to know about me. Did Michael tell her? But Michael can't know about this. Only Mia did and she's dead.

"We'll need to go with plan C," I told Xavier, who grunted in response. His smile was evident in his voice as I couldn't help but smile back myself. I could only have gone far with Xavier and Deborah beside me..

"Get back to me when you've found the perfect location "I told him and hung up.

I sat back in the car, dreading to go in. Don't get me wrong, I do love my parents. I'm grateful to them for adopting me years ago but I still can't forgive them for always looking at me like a psycho.

A knock sounded outside my window as I turned to look at the person. Mom was on the other side giving me a questioning look. I forced myself to smile especially after seeing how frail she looks. I guess she never really gotten over Mia's death. She was the apple of their eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Austin? Are you in pain?" Mom questioned me softly as concern laced her voice.

I smiled as soon as I stepped out of the car, locking it firmly, I went to wrap my hands around her and hug her tightly "Nothing mom! I just wanted to come say hello to you, it been a while" I told her as she nodded and lead the way into the house.... "Where's dad?" I asked her immediately we where seated on the couch in the sitting room

Mom smiled as she took her knitting basket and started with what she was doing before she abandoned it to come check on me outside " He went over to help one of the locals this morning. I think his calf gave birth" Mom replied with a shrugh. Her face is completely buried in her work.

I'm glad that she's still able to work with her hands. I used that opportunity to look around the house. Nothing has really changed. Did they keep it that way because of Mia? It been a while but I still can't still read my parent's thought....... "How's Nina. It been a while you've brought her here" Mom asked me, her eyes were scrutinizing my face suspiciously....

I gulped nervously " Mom, hmm_________Nina and I were not really a thing. I had her lie to you" I told her, bracing myself for her scolding which never came.

Mom nodded "I knew you were lying but I chose to ignore it. I thought that you might fall in love with her she would have been able to change you. Such a sweet little girl" Mom answered as her eyes shone with unshed tears..... I gasped as I watch mom praised Nina in front of me making me get angry the more.

"Mom, I'm sorry to disappoint you but Deborah is the woman I'm in love with. You remember Deborah right? You've always wanted the both of us to be together since we were kids " I told her with a smile on my face. I was glad that I was finally achieving their dream for


"Deborah is not the woman for you Austin. Your relationship is bound for disaster. You both are sick, you need someone to heal you not Deborah " My mom told me as tears spilled down her face. Her knitting basket was completely abandoned on the floor as she pleaded with me to listen to her.

"Why can't you be happy for me once in your life" I screamed at her. I had finally lost the little control I had over my anger. I knew this was bound to happened anytime I visit them that's why I seldom come here.

"Everything I did since childhood is not always right, you always find one excuse or another to rubbish it" I stood up abruptly from the couch and paced around the now empty room which was bare from most of my pictures except the one of Mia and them. "Oh! I see, you've removed me from your life, you wish you were one happy family again right? Well that's too bad because Mia is dead and she is not coming back again " I shouted at her, my eyes screaming with vengeance.

I know I shouldn't be glad that mom was crying but I'm so happy that I was able to afflict her pains, the pains I have spent the rest of my life trying to live past them. But no matter what I do, I still find myself thinking back on them

"Watch your mouth, Austin" Dad's voice bellow from the doorway as he marched into the room angrily

"I can't have you insulting your mother in my house " Dad screamed as he walked over to comfort mom.

"When have any of you behaved like a parent to me? Everything was about Mia and even now that she is dead, everything is still about her" I retorted back at him. All those years, all those anger I've finally set them free today. I'm done being the victim, let them also feel what it was to be hated.

"Is that what you have to say to us? After everything we've done for you. We adopted you when your parents abandoned you and you pay us back with evil" Mom questioned me, her eyes was back to normal cold look. She was like I've always known her cold but only always smiling for Mia.

"How dare you?" A sounding slap sounded on my cheek as I turned to glare at mom" I took you in, fed you and even clothed you. But how did you repay me back by killing my only daughter"

Dad gasped as he pulled mom back to his side" Calm down darling, I know you are angry with Austin but he didn't kill Mia, Michael did "

I ignored them as I nursed my now reddened cheek. I wished I never came here, I wished I had stayed back at my house, I wouldn't be here nursing my cheek. It's all Nina's fault and I'm going to make her pay for everything she has caused me. First, Deborah, now it's my parents.

My phone ringing caused me to pick it up, so I strolled down the room to the basement. I could still hear mom's voice trying to convince Dad that I was the one who killed Mia and not Michael...

"Yes Xavier, tell me " I called into the phone as soon as I picked it up, my eyes scanned the basement filled with carpentry works. I didn't know Dad was into woodwork.

"I found a place where we could use. It's the perfect spot for us. I will text you the location " Xavier answered as I nodded.

"Yes, do that, I will join you shortly "I told him and hung up the call. I turned and was about to walk back into the room but a picture caught eyes.

I walked slowly to go pick it up from the carton but discovered that it was my pictures. The glass was broken and the pictures has been shredded into pieces.

I took hold of the shredded pictures and clenched my fists. I marched angrily outside to see them conversing slowly among themselves. I pick up my car keys from the centre table and walk outside to where I parked my car without saying anything to them.

I got into my car and pulled out of the parking loot just as my phone dinged with the message from Xavier. I swipe through it and punch the address in the navigator before driving off to meet Xavier.

I glanced at my parent's house for the last time, memorizing all the features, as that was the last time I will be seeing any of them again.

Xavier was at the location as soon as I pulled into the parking lot of the uncompleted building in the middle of nowhere. I got out of the car just as Xavier ran to meet me.

"What do you think about it? Perfect right?" Xavier asked me, I ignored him as I turned to look at the bushes behind us. The next house was probably a mile from here and for that I'm happy..

"This is more than perfect. This will do " I told Xavier grinning happily. I could imagine what I will be doing to Nina tonight. I hope my psycho side took over tonight, I wouldn't want to pity her at all...

"I want the job done tonight, where's the bait?" I asked Xavier as we both started to walk back into the building with Xavier ahead with me following behind..


"He's inside. I've briefly talked about what he will need to do. And you'll have to be careful, I wouldn't want to risk him seeing your face" Xavier said out of concern for me. I nodded as I stepped out of the room to another one where a young man was seated with his back to "Don't turn" I said immediately to him as soon I noticed he was about to look at me. He nodded, his hands were shaking from fear..

"I heard you've been briefed right?" I asked him with a cold voice bare of emotion..

"Y_yes sir. Please don't kill me,I will do everything you asked of me" He pleaded in a shaky voice. I like him begging but the only voice I want to hear tonight is Nina.

"I won't if you do your job well but if you play smart with me, not only will you be dead but all of your families will join you too"

"Please sir, I will do everything just don't kill my mother" He replied, making me hate him even more. I wish I could kill him right now but I need him for tonight to happen.

I hate anyone that has a happy family because I couldn't experience what it was to be loved. Only Deborah has ever loved me, that's why I'm ready to give her my all..

"That's good then," I told him as I walked over to where he stood and grip him on the shoulder tightly, careful of him not to see my face. He whimpers, I let him go and motioned to Xavier to see me off as I drove home to prepare for tonight.00000000000

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