The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Nine | Fox Vs Wolf

Burning pain at the back of her head woke her up as her vision was blurred. A small groan made itself known while she tried to get her vision back. Her surroundings looked familiar as her ears picked up the sounds of fighting.

And then it all came back to her. Her memory finally caught up as her eyes widened, trying to get out of the ropes that wrapped around her hands and feet so she could taste the cloth in her mouth.

Her head pulsated the more she moved, and the more she tried to fight against the ropes, the more her eyes felt heavy again while black spots clouded her vision.

“Wakey, wakey, my angel.”

Bella jumped, a blurry figure standing in front of her before he crouched and removed the cloth from her mouth. “Papa?”

He nodded. “Yes, my darling. You have been a very bad girl breaking all of my rules. What did I tell you?”

“Never talk to strangers and run away from Werewolves.” She whispered, her inner voice screaming at her to run while her vision adjusted. She just needed an escape, even if that meant playing along with the very man who raised her.

Finally, being able to see, she stared straight into the familiar blue eyes of her so-called father. His face was now repulsive to her while he grinned. “I have a little game for you. Remember what we used to play when you were young.”

Her eyes widened again, knowing exactly what he was talking about, as she felt like this was not going to be an ordinary game. “Hide and seek.”

“Correct!” He cheered, coming towards her and untying her ropes. “Now, I will count to ten, and you go hide.” He then paused, a deep frown forming on his face while his crystal blue eyes darkened. “And if you dear to run, I will send one of the rogues after you to rip your head off in front of your mate, got it!”

She nodded, her heart feeling like it had stopped from his words as she stood and ran towards one of the fallen buildings. Cursing Harvey for feeding her as she had put on some weight and could not fit into the places she used to be able to fit into.

Her head still felt like she had been hit by a train as she fought the dizziness and the black spots. Neil counted down before he shouted zero. She knew the game. She knew she had to be smart about it while she avoided him at all costs. If he found her, he will take away the one thing that is dear to her. That was always the rule, but this time was different. He cannot take her Harvey; he cannot take her family away from her, and he can definitely not know about her mother and take her away as well.

Bella tried to contact Harvey through the mind link but found that she could not do it, thanks to her bleeding head and pain. Neil knew. He knew about the link and had to cut it off, but to hit her so hard hurt her greatly. Everything that he did and is doing now pained her in ways she did not know about. He was her father for eighteen years. He raised her, and after everything, realising that the one person she trusted most was actually her enemy was heartbreaking.

“Where is she!?”

Her heart stopped again, pausing in her place as she peeked around the corner to find Harvey, Jesse and Byron standing in front of Neil. Harvey’s fists bawled up tightly while his eyes were pitch black, meaning Fernis was in control. Just like last night, Fernis had taken control, but now, now this Fernis was different. This Fernis wanted to kill.

“I said, where is she!?”

“My child’s whereabouts are none of your concerns,” Neil explained with a shrug. “She is no longer a part of your lives.”

Harvey growled, the deep, loud rumble being heard for miles as a few rogues appeared. Neil nodded towards them as they attacked the three boys. Byron and Jesse shifted into their wolves and tore out the rogues’ throats as they made sure that none of them had gone near Harvey. His eyes never left Neil’s own while he shook with rage.

“If you did anything to my Isabelle, I will personally cut every last limb off of your body and feed you alive to rabid rogues. Nobody touches a hair on her head, and that includes you!”

Neil laughed. “Such big words for a young pup. You do not scare me, boy. That girl will always obey my order even if she did stray away from her rules for a while.”

Harvey raised an eyebrow while the last rogue was killed. Both Byron and Jesse were now covered in blood and looking terrifying as she pulled back a bit and caught sight of a small figure running along the treeline. “I call your bluff.”

Neil smirked. “Bella, come here!”

She felt herself quietly whimper. He had no control over her, not anymore, but there was also this feeling of dread that sat at the pit of her stomach, and because of that, she wanted to come out. She wanted to obey to keep Harvey and the boys safe.

“I said, COME HERE NOW!” He screamed, his face turning red while he looked around. “The game is over until I say otherwise!”

She pulled back completely and turned her body around so that her back was against the wall. Still hidden from sight, as she felt her breath get shakier the longer, she stalled. Bella did not know what to do while Neil began to scream, Harvey fighting him at his every word while her eyes opened again. A little hand came to her mouth to keep her quiet as she went to scream.

“Do not make a sound,” Kyra whispered. “Go to him.”

Bella shook her head. “I cannot do that. He could do anything!”

Kyra pulled her lips into a thin line. “I do not have time to argue. Just trust me.”


“Trust me.”

She stared into the girl’s eyes for a little longer before she nodded. Her nerves made her want to vomit as she came out of the small hole both Kyra and herself were in, making her presence known to the four men as she came to Neil’s side and looked down to the ground in submission.

“See, I told you, boy!” Neil laughed. “Total submission.”

Jesse and Byron growled lowly, Harvey doing the same, but she could feel his disappointment in her. “What have you done?! Why is she bleeding?!”

Neil shrugged. “This is what happens when you disobey orders!”

Bella did not get time to look up before she felt his fists in her hair, blood pooling around her face and neck even more as she cried out and fell to her knees. Tears streamed down her face as she silently prayed for Kyra to hurry up with her plan.

“Let her go!” Harvey yelled, his eyes slightly moving behind her before they went back to Neil again. “I will not tell you again!”

“You have no control over me!” Neil yelled back, placing a knife to her neck as she felt the blade touch her skin. “Now watch as I kill the one person your pathetic self will ever l-”

The loud bang and the ringing in her ears cut him off as she felt her breath get taken out of her. The grip on her hair loosened as Harvey ran towards her. Her eyes caught sight of Neil on the ground with a bullet wound through his skull and Kyra standing a few metres away with a gun in her hands.

Harvey’s arms wrapped around her as she could not look away from Kyra’s scared face. The look of terror in her eyes made Bella call out and open her arms for Kyra to join the hug. Her little hands dropped the gun in seconds as she ran over and threw herself into Bella.

“I had to.” She hiccupped. “I had to do it.”

Bella tried to shush her calmly. “It will be okay; everything will be okay. You saved us.”

Harvey nodded while he kissed Bella’s forehead. “You saved all of us, sis."

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