The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Sixteen | The Wolf And The Fox

Bella was bored, her arms open wide on the grass as she stared up at the sky with a small huff. It was the next day, and as much as she would like to continue training and using weapons, she was not allowed without supervision just in case she hurt herself. She understood their concerns, but she was bored and alone with nothing to do.

She knew that everyone had their jobs to do, and she knew that everyone had a role to play, but she would have thought that at least Christy would have been available instead. Liam had taken her out just like he did to Bella the day before. She was tempted to look for Harvey’s parents and Kyra, but there were so many houses that she did not know who lived where.

Closing her eyes, she tried to contact her fox but came to the same results as she had always come to. Bella knew that she was different, she had silver-white hair and silver eyes and was just odd compared to everyone else, but there was another thing that she did not like to talk about or mention, and that was her fox is mute. Her fox cannot contact her and talk to her like a normal fox or werewolf can with their humans. Bella did not know her name either, so she decided to name her Flower until she figured out how to talk to her fox.

She did not mind having a mute fox, and her fox was comfortable with their relationship, but sometimes Bella wished she had someone to talk to when she felt lonely or lost. Sighing, she re-opened her eyes and jumped. Harvey stood over her with a toothy grin as she held her hands over her eyes in embarrassment. “You looked peaceful. I did not want to disturb you.”

Bella groaned, sitting up as she held a small pout. “I was bored and lonely.”

“You should have come to find me, Bells!” He instantly spoke as he held a slight frown. “I do not want you to be bored or lonely.”

Her eyes lifted, her hands fiddling with her shirt as she saw the gold in his eyes, thanks to the sun. “You were working. I did not want to disturb you.”

“We do not like disturbing each other.” He chuckled before offering a hand to help her stand. “I am finished with my work and was wondering if you wanted to go for a run by the river. I would love to see your fox, and I need to let Fernis out.”

The thought of seeing his wolf sparked her intrust as she took his hand and shivered at the sparks that erupted between them. Without thinking, she let go of his hand and began to run towards the trees. Wanting to shift without shredding her clothes, she found a safe place and stripped before shifting. Orange-red, black and white hair replaced her olive skin as she noticed Harvey was waiting and shaking his head at her excitement before taking her clothes into his hands and leading the way.

She felt free in this form as she rubbed up against his leg and felt his fingers in her hair. The sparks felt a million times stronger as her fox purred at his touch. Harvey would occasionally look away from her as they walked, Bella needing to alert him from low branches and tripping hazards, but he still refused to look away from her. She was a little confused by his stare as there were werefoxes all over the pack, he would be used to seeing them by now, but his stare was as if he had never seen a fox in his life.

The smell of the freshwater hit her nose before the sound did as her ears perked. Her fox took control as she ran ahead, knowing that Harvey was right behind her. There was something so beautiful about this place that she loved. Although she had only been here once, she felt like she belonged as she trotted towards the water and stepped in.

The cold spooked her for a second before she placed her paws back in and started to play. The crisp smell caused her to smile internally as her eyes spotted Harvey in the distance. Tinted, dark orange-red, brown hair was not what she was expecting to see as she finally got to see his wolf. His beast stood tall and proud as he slightly crouched and began to stalk her like she was prey.

Her head tilted in curiosity as he crawled towards her, his ears down as she could not take him seriously. As if he could sense her lack of enthusiasm, he growled lowly. Her tail reacted to the sound as she decided to play along and lay down in the water while watching his movements. Bella still did not know what he was up to as he kept stalking her, his eyes never leaving her own while he slowly came closer.

And then he suddenly pounced, her eyes widening in fright as she stood and bolted away from him. The water splashed in all sorts of directions as she laughed like a maniac. Harvey was hard up her tail as she kicked water into his face to slow him down, but that only seemed to make him run faster as she felt her body being tackled.

Snorts escaped her fox’s lips as she giggled inside of her mind while they rolled. Their bodies were completely saturated as they finally stopped rolling, Harvey licking her face as he stood on top of her, declaring his win.

Her smile refused to leave her face as her eyes opened to find him looking down at her with a look in his eyes that she had only ever seen Grace and Jesse give each other. Even Byron and Sherry have shared the look, but she did not understand it as she tried to find the hidden answers. His head nuzzling into her neck snapped her out of her thoughts as her fox purred again from his gentle touch.

Her eyes roamed around the area as she felt herself pause. Harvey did the same as he lifted his head from her neck and stared down at her in confusion, but she did not know how to access the mind link to tell him what she saw. She did not know what she saw as she sat up and stared at the empty place. She had seen a person stand and watch them.

The very person she had not seen in over a year.

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