The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Nineteen | Awkward Puppy

“Look at that white hair!”

“Look at those eyes!”

“She looks like an angel that fell from heaven.”

“Ew, did you have to say that?”

Jack shrugged, hugging April before kissing the top of her head. “I still love you.”

Her eyes hurt from looking back and forth between the two. From one touching her hair to the other squeezing her cheeks, Bella could not find a way out.

And they were not the only ones in the room either. The former Alpha and Luna were there, as well as Xenia and Vincent. She felt more than just uncomfortable at the moment and wished that she could turn back time and convince herself just to train alone while Liam and Christy stood around and acted like a couple.

She was happy for them; she was happy that Liam had finally found his mate, and she was happy that Christy had not tried to run away and had given Liam a chance, but she hated that they kept getting distracted. The moment they got caught up in each other was the moment she could no longer train, and that was beyond frustrating.

“Why do you both have to be such nemesis!” Luna Tilly stated while she shook her head with crossed arms. “Leave the poor girl alone!”

April pouted. “How are you not mad about our own children keeping all of us away from her!?”

“Because most of us are very intense!”

Jack scoffed, wrapping an arm around Bella’s shoulders before guiding her towards the dining room table and making her sit down. “We are not intense; we just have questions.”

Bella felt her face heat up, her heart picking up speed as she figured that they would have questions. There was not much to give them, she was still learning about her old life, and she lived it.

Xenia perked up at the idea. “Finally, something interesting.”

Alpha Zander sighed, rubbing his temples as she made eye contact with him. His apologetic look said it all as she felt herself gulp with nerves and turned her attention to the two people she really wished she had never met. “Q... Questions?”

“Oh my god! She is as quiet as Vinny was when we first brought him here!” April gushed, Vincent sighing with his own look of annoyance while Xenia played with his hair.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Jack spoke, sitting down on the chair that was in front of her. The only thing that broke them apart was the table. “How did you and Harvey meet?”

Bella widened her eyes, her lips slightly parting as she was not expecting that. Had he not told them? Do they not know about her situation? “He found me.”

Her vague answer caused a frown to form on Jack and April’s faces. “What do you mean, found?”

She fiddled with her shirt, looking down as she wished the ground would swallow her whole. “I lived in the old Werefox territory. Harvey was trying to take me to the pack for months.”

“Months!” April screamed, her eyes wide as she looked flabbergasted. “I could never go through so many heats!”

“I never went through heat,” Bella spoke, her statement causing them to pause as she figured that she had to explain it all to them. “I did not come into contact with him until a few weeks ago. The others found me, and I ran from them, and that was when I ran into Harvey. He refused to leave until we talked, and that same day, he brought me here with the promise to find my father.”

“So that is what he is doing,” Xenia commented with a slight frown on her face. “That boy does not tell me anything anymore.”

“That is because you tried to talk to him about masturbation and how normal it is for people his age,” Vincent spoke with a tired sigh. “You know he gets uncomfortable with that stuff.”

Xenia’s only response was a shrug before she turned to Bella. “You mentioned your father?”

Bella nodded. “My papa raised me in the werefox territory. I have been told that he had possibly kidnapped me, though.” She then held a frown of her own as she eyed the table. “I did not know about mates or heat. I thought that werewolves were dangerous and were out to kill me, so I hid. I followed my papa’s rules, and if it were not for Harvey, I would still be there on my own.”

“On your own?”

“I have been on my own for over a year. He left to get supplies and food and never came back.”

The atmosphere changed in seconds as the room fell silent. Nobody knew what to say as they all held their own looks of concentration and wonder, and Bella could not blame them. Her situation was messy, and she wished that it were not like this. She wished that she lived a normal life as they had so she would not be going through all of this mess.

“Well, that took a turn,” April mumbled before her eyes finally stared at the bow and bag of arrows that Bella had brought with her. “I have been wondering, why do you have those?”

Bella stared down at the bow in her hands. “I am not allowed to train without Liam supervising me, but he keeps getting distracted by his own mate, so I thought that maybe... maybe Xenia could train me instead.”

The room fell silent again. Xenia’s eyes never left her as she hopped off of the counter that she was sitting on and walked over. “My boys are not ′letting’ you train?”

The way she asked her question did not feel like a question as Bella slowly nodded. “Harvey does not want me to hurt myself.”

“Like hell are you being ′let’ to do anything!” She snapped, holding her hands to her hips as Bella felt herself jump with fright. “I am training you in everything. Not just in Archery, and you are going to out-train them all. I want to see you kick my boys’ asses for thinking that they can control you like that! Like hell will I ever allow that to happen!”

Bella felt herself smile, her heart still racing as the others rolled their eyes at Xenia’s outburst. “Thank you, Beta.”

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