The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 46

Xavier’s POV

When I finally woke up it was dark out. At first I thought that I had dreamt fighting back as I was surrounded in darkness, but after I calmed myself down and started to take note of what was around me I realised that it was just dark out. I had no idea what time it was or even what day it was but I was just glad that I was awake.

I lifted my head up slightly to see if I could find Blaine anywhere but frowned when I couldn’t see her. Hadn’t she been just next to me not long ago?

I pressed the call button to get someone’s attention and sighed when Hannah and a nurse walked in, both looking tired and disheveled.

“Xavier you’re awake” Hannah sighed in relief as she took a seat next to me. The nurse just offered me a small smile and nod before checking my vitals before quietly leaving.

“What... what happened?” I asked as I cringed at the pain of using my voice.

Hannah didn’t respond at first, she just offered me a small plastic cup of water with a straw in it to help ease the raspiness in my voice. Finally she looked up at me though and offered me a small smile “Anna and Blaine managed to get you back, but it wasn’t easy. It took a lot of energy on both their parts to achieve what they did” she muttered as she ran a hand through her messed up hair.

“Hannah... what happened?” I asked again, needing to know what happened to my mate and my Luna.

“Well after they managed to bring you back Anna collapsed on the floor, the strain of the Goddesses touch to much for her to cope in the current state she’s in. She’s doing fine now though, both her and the baby are okay, they’re just resting in a room a few doors down from you” Hannah nodded as she looked to her right, as if she could see Anna through the walls.

“And Blaine?” I prodded, my heart rate picking up and my palms beginning to sweat as a small dose of fear trickled down my spine.

“She... she umm... lost a lot of energy, too much energy for her body to handle causing her heart to momentarily stop beating” she stuttered as she looked up at me.

I shot up into a sitting position but quickly collapsed back onto the bed as the bullet wound in my shoulder screamed in pain. “I h-have to see h-her” I managed to get out as I tried once again to sit up, groaning as the stabbing pain intensified.

“Oh no you don’t” Hannah stated as she stood up and placed her hands on my shoulders, gently forcing me back down onto my bed. “Xavier listen to me, we got her back, she’s fine. She’s currently unconscious and sleeping in the room next to yours” she explained as she walked over to the blinds on my left and pulled them up so that I could see into the room next to mine. “She’s drained but the doctors are confident that she’ll make a full recovery in a couple of days” she said as she looked over at me, making sure that I was staying put.

My eyes didn’t waver from Blaine though as I watched her sleep through the glass wall. She looked so peaceful I would have almost guessed she was just sleeping and hadn’t just died trying to save me.

“How did they...?” I muttered as I ran my eyes over her blanket covered body.

“It wasn’t easy” Hannah sighed as she came and sat back down next to me. “The wolfsbane in your system was causing your body and wolf to deteriorate with every passing second. Your wolf was to weak to help heal you and without him we all knew you’d die” she sighed as she held her head in her hands. “Anna came up with an idea to use her gift to channel Blaine into your head and try and search out your wolf, offering him her energy so that he could resurface and heal you.

“At first it seemed alright, after the initial shock on Blaine’s part she calmed down and fell into some form of trance like state. SHe had semi shifted though, hene the fresh wounds on your hand where her claws attached themselves to you” she explained.

It was only then that I realised my left hand was all bandaged up and in a soft cast type thing. So the hand that I was feeling was Blaine’s and the electricity that had been running through me was energy as it passed from Anna into Blaine and then into me. “So what happened after?”

“Well it all seemed to happen so fast after that” she sighed. “We thought it was working, Anna even confirmed as much as she said Blaine had found you and was transferring the energy. It was short lived though because not long after, the energy transfer stopped, causing it to build up in Blaine at an unhealthy rate. There was nothing we could do though, Anna said that breaking the bond between the three of you could cause irreversible damage to not just you, but them as well”. She paused for a second as her eyes unfocused, looking as if she was reliving the experience over and over.

I thought back to my time in the darkness, back to when I had forced the electricity to stop so that I could talk to my mum for just that little bit longer, and froze. I had done that. I had put my mate and Luna in danger by being selfish and blocking their help.

“The energy eventually started to flow again though” Hannah sighed as she continued to stare off into space, “but seeing as it had built up Blaine’s body released to much of it at once and caused her heart to stop” she muttered.

She seemed to snap out of it by then though and looked back at me with a small smile, “like I said though it all worked out and everyone just needs a good rest before you’re all back to normal again” she nodded.

I looked up at her and noticed a forced smile on her face, almost as if she was being overly positive not only to convince me but herself as well.

“Thank you for telling me Hannah” I sighed as I looked down at my hands.

We stayed in silent for a moment as we both got lost in our thoughts. I had nearly killed my mate, all because I had been selfish enough to want an extra few minutes with my mum.

“It wasn’t your fault you know” Hannah whispered next to me, breaking our comfortable silence.

I looked to over her in confusion, acting as if I didn’t know what she was talking about but sighed and dropped the act when she gave me a pointed look. “How’d you know?”

“I’ve known you my whole life Xavier, I know you’d never do something that would intentionally harm any of us” she sighed as she took my hand in hers.

“But it is my fault though” I muttered, hating myself for it. “I was the reason the energy stopped flowing” I explained as I looked down into my lap. “I... I saw my mum and I think I unconsciously knew what the electricity thing was trying to do to me and I just wanted to stop it so that I could spend more time with her” I sighed.

“You saw her?” Hannah asked in bewilderment as she squeezed my hand.

I smiled slightly as I thought back to my brief encounter with her, “yeah, it was amazing” I sighed as I squeezed her hand back.

“I’m glad the Goddess allowed you to have those moments with her” Hannah whispered as she squeezed my hand again, “but there really is no reason to feel guilty over something that wasn’t your fault. You had no idea what was happening, all you wanted was to see your mum and I think everyone can understand and sympathise with that. Besides nobody got hurt so there really is nothing to feel guilty over” she smiled down at me.

I gave her a pointed look before looking over at my still sleeping mate.

“Okay nobody died” she said as she rolled her eyes at me.

I gave her another pointed look before looking back at Blaine again.

“Oh for the love of everything Xavier I’m trying to remain positive here for the both of us and you’re really not helping” Hannah sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“There’s the Hannah I know and love” I chucked as I smiled up at her slightly, I had always loved winding her up, even as a little girl.

She just stuck her tongue out at me and huffed before slouching back in her chair, obviously not impressed with my teasing.

“Oh did I hear something about rogues at some point?” I asked, changing the topic in the hopes she won’t be grumpy anymore.

“Oh yeah!” Hannah quickly sat up with a bit grin on her face “You’ll never guess who decided to show up” she smiled, almost jumping in her seat.

“Who?” I questioned, confused as to why she was jumping in her seat so much for a rogue.

“Well were supposed to keep it a secret for when Blaine wakes up but whilst we were trying to save you we got a link saying that border patrol had spotted two rogues trying to get into our territory. Jax told them to put them in the cells until he was available to questioned them and when he finally got down there he realised that it was Blaine’s dad and brother!” She squealed, rushing it all out in one breath.

My eyes widened at the information, “I didn’t even know they hadn’t made it out of the cave” I muttered as I looked back at Blaine again.

“Oh yeah apparently they stayed back to deal with Benjamin and the others so that Jax could get you and Blaine out to safety. We had all thought they hadn’t made it, but apparently they did” she squealed.

I smiled at her excitement, not taking my eyes off my mate. She had her whole family back and safe, just as it should be.

Hannah left shortly after that, claiming that she still had a whole hospital full of people to visit and that I needed to get some more rest so that my wolf could continue to do his thing and heal me. I lay back in bed and smiled at the realisation that I had seen my mum and that she was safe.

I had always pictured in my head her, my dad and Louise all looking like they did when they were killed, sitting in an empty darkness not dissimilar to what I was in. Now I know though that they were happy and proud as they looked down on me from the Goddesses Garden, smiling away and waiting for the time when it was my time to join them.

I stared at my beautiful mate’s face and sighed as I realised the weight of their death had been lifted from my shoulders. I couldn’t wait to join them in The Garden but I couldn’t help but hope that it wouldn’t be for a very long time, until I was old and wrinkly with a still smiling and fiesty Blaine at my side.

Ugh you guys, I feel like we are so close to the end! 😭

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I look forward to hearing your thoughts ❤️

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