The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 11

Xavier POV

“I told you to keep an open mind Xaver, I told you! And what do you go and do... laugh in her face and deny the fact that you two are mates in front of a pack member, I mean do you know how hurtful that must have been for her to hear?” Anna yelled at me from her living room.

After Blaine had walked off I had excused myself from Jason and started the slow walk back to my place. I didn’t know why I said what I had said to Jason but I had instantly regretted it when I saw the look on her face.

I cringed again when Anna started back up again with her yelling. Not long after I had left Blaine the alarm was set off by one of the wolves on border patrol informing us that Blaine had crossed the boundary line and had disappeared. I had run straight over to Jax and Anna’s place, hoping that they had some form of plan on how to get her back but so far all they’ve done is give me grief.

“I know okay Anna I know... I was a jerk, please just tell me how I can get her back” I sighed as I rested my elbows on my knees.

“Oh so now you want her? After successfully pushing her away you now want her back?” Anna laughed as she continued to pase the living room.

“I don’t know Anna okay? All I know is that my wolf is going crazy thinking about Blaine being all alone in no mans land whilst being injured. Look I promise to keep more of an open mind about her but please... just help me get her back on our packs land”.

Anna sighed as she sat on the coffee table in front on me “look I’ll make some calls around, maybe a neighbouring pack has spotted her or something.”

I smiled up at her in thanks before getting up and stretching. “I’m going to go for a run and see if I can catch up to her, could you let the packs know that I may be passing through? Oh and if you hear anything please link me”.

Anna smiled as she too stood up “sure thing Xavier and please remember to keep an open mind about her, she’s been through a lot in her life and the last thing she needs is a jerk of a mate telling her she’s not worth it”.

I just nodded in response before stepping outside and made my way over to the tree line to shift. I still couldn’t believe that she had run, I mean I knew I was a bit harsh on her at times but it wasn’t like she was any better. She must’ve known that flirting in front of me was just a sure fire way for me to retaliate.

I sighed as I followed her scent through the trees, if anyone could follow her scent it would be me. Even through I hadn’t known her very long I already knew her scent by memory. It wasn’t fruity like most females, it was more woodsy, like freshly cut grass and the way the ground smells after a fresh rain storm.

Thankfully Blaine hadn’t shifted yet, making the possibility of me catching up to her that much more plausible. She was probably trying to hide her scent as much as she could seeing as it’s always more intense when we’re in our wolf form. It was also probably why the border patrol couldn’t pick up where she was straight away and couldn’t follow her for very long. She was a smart girl I’ll give her that.

As I ran I thought about my family, about what had happened to them and about the promise that I had made to my father at his funeral. I felt so torn, on the one hand I wanted to honour that promise to him and to my family and get revenge on the rogue that killed him but on the other hand I wanted my mate. The more I thought about her the more I wanted... everything from her. She was so snarky and sarcastic, she had fire in her that matched the colour of her hair and I couldn’t help but admire that about her. One thing was for sure, the Moon Goddess gave me a challenge with that one, but was it a challenge I was ready for?

I skipped to a stop as I took in my surroundings. Blaine sure knew how to confuse someone who was following her, her scent was all over the place with it going this way one minute only to disappear and go in the complete opposite direction. So much so I was struggling trying to find out which way she actually went. Thankfully I had a keen nose and my wolf was solely focused on finding our mate so after a bit of sniffing around I managed to find the correct route that she had taken and took off in that direction. Her scent was getting stronger with every minute that passed and it wasn’t long before I heard a noise in the distance, a noise that sounded awfully like a scuffle.

I took off into that direction, panicked that my mate was in some form of danger. I mean I knew she could handle herself, any wolf who had survived a significant amount of time as a rogue had to be about to handle themself, but she was injured and to other rogues in the area that could mean weak. An easy target.

I skidded into the clearing and what I saw had my heart in my throat; Blaine was on the floor, the fabric covering her thigh completely saturated in her blood from the stitches being reopened, with a rogue male pinning her down. Both were in their human form but I could tell Blaine was struggling, whether it was from exhaustion or blood loss I wasn’t sure but all I knew was that I had to help her, I had to help my mate.

I growled towards the couple, resulting in gaining both of their attention, as I slowly stalked towards them, assessing the stranger and looking for any weak spots that he may have that I could use to my advantage. I didn’t shift, seeing as I didn’t have any clothes with me, so I couldn’t communicate with them very well but I just hoped that Blaine could remember what I looked like in wolf form.

“Who the hell are you?” The stranger asked, not getting off of my mates back as he shoved her face into the dirt.

Blaine suddenly looked up, realising that the wolf that had entered the clearing wasn’t a friend of the stranger holding her down and I saw shock register on her face as she took me in. “Xavier?”

Yey! He’s slowly starting to realise what he wants, lets just hope it lasts 🤞 I’m the type of writer that doesn’t plan as I go so I honestly don’t even know what the next chapter is going to hold 😂 I feel like it’s more exiting that way

Request... would you mind going over and checking out my other story Whisper on a wing? I really enjoy writing it and if you like Blaine then you will definitely like the main girl in it Kathy. I haven’t had much feedback from it and I would love to hear what you fabulous people thing.

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