The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Nine | Parents From Hell

“I said, what the hell is going on?!” The woman yelled again, her hands to her hips while Xenia groaned and tried to hide her face in Vincent’s shirt.

“Hello, mother.” She muttered, Vincent stiffening after hearing her words. Xenia had completely forgotten that her parents were coming back and if they were coming back then Alpha Zander’s parents were here as well.

Rebecca and the Wizard were already dead as their bodies were being cut down. Alpha Zander shuffled in his place before Tilly touched his hand in reassurance. Xenia sighed again, removing her face from Vincent before she turned to her parents.

It had been five years, five peaceful years of her parents being on a worldwide holiday, and she never thought that she would see them again. Unless she had some issue like her health or if Alpha Zander found out his mate was not actually his mate.

“Why is everyone gathered? And why are there two dead people? And who the hell is that man, Xenia?”

She flinched. If Xenia could pinpoint the reason for her attitude, it would be from her mother. Her greying black hair was tied into a ponytail, her wrinkled face showing her age, but her tan skin made her look young while Xenia’s father stood there quietly, staring at Vincent with a glare in his blue eyes.

Xenia Meadow was a spittoon image of her mother, Jessica Meadow and she hated it.

“Uh... ” She mumbled under her breath while she ran her fingers through her hair. The entire Pack was dead silent and watched the exchange. “Welcome back?”

“Welcome back? Is that all you have got, Xenia!” Her mother growled while she walked up the stage and grabbed Xenia’s arm. Her nails dug into her skin as she winched but she was used to it, her mother was never the gentlest. “You are in so much trouble young lady, I know this was all your doing! We should have never left, and we should have never handed over the Beta title to you!”

“Hey! Let her go!”

Xenia felt like she had gotten whiplash as her head snapped towards Vincent, his eyes flashing from his gorgeous green colour to black as his hands had pulled her back into him, his arms wrapping around her waist and head while his eyes examined her arm to make sure she was okay. Xenia smiled up at him just so he would know that she was good. “I am fine.”

“Again, who the hell is this guy!? And never disrespect your Beta again!” Her mother yelled, her brown eyes fuming with anger before she turned to Alpha Zander. “So much for an Alpha, all you do is stand there and watch.”

“I mean no disrespect, Jessica.” Alpha Zander stated his jaw clench while Jack came to Xenia’s side as protection. “But disrespecting me, your daughter, and her mate are not how things go anymore. If you want more attention then go ahead but me, your Luna, both my Beta’s and my Gamma are going to burn these bodies on our own.”

And with that said, he nodded towards them and walked off the stage. Jessica fuming as her face was turning red, a shocked look on Xenia’s father’s face after finding out about Vincent. Xenia walked alongside both Vincent and Jack as they acted like human shields, Tilly walking beside Alpha Zander with a white face, her eyes tossing towards Xenia while she shrugged and snuggled herself back into Vincent.

“She is wrong you know,” Jack spoke, his eyes looking off into the distance before April came to his side with wide eyes and a shaky breath. “You are the best at your job, and I would never choose another Beta.”

Xenia smiled and shook her head. “You know she has said worse to me before Jack, this is her being tame. Wait until Frank starts up.”

“Agh, your dad is just as bad.” Alpha Zander commented while he sided-eyed Vincent. “I am sorry man; her family are nuts.”

“Hey!” April yelled. “I am not that crazy.”

“You are not blood-related.” Jack laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder while she pouted.

Tilly watched the exchange with a weird expression on her face, looking up at Alpha Zander before she tugged at his shirt to gain his attention. “Is this what it is always like?”

He nodded. Their feet were at a complete stop as the bodies were placed at a far enough distance that they could all do this alone. “Welcome to the family of chaos.”

Xenia bunted Vincent, his eyes still flashing in anger as she cupped his face to make him look into her eyes. The bodies were lit on fire next to them as the smell kicked into their senses. “It is alright okay; she is like that. They both are.”

“That is not how parents should treat their children.” He growled out, his eyes staring at the hand mark on her arm and the nail indentation. “Especially inflicting pain and blood onto them.”

Xenia softly smiled, her eyes softening as she went onto her tippy toes and kissed his lips. “I have lived eighteen years of my life with them, and you get used to it after that many years. I can take it, I promise.”

Vincent shook his head, stuffing his face into her neck to calm himself down. “I do not care. Watching you get insulted was the worst thing I have ever had to witness.”

“Dude, we literally just watched two people get hanged.” Jack interrupted with a laugh, his face contorting as he sucked in the smell of burning flesh.

“I would rather watch people get hanged,” Vincent mumbled into her neck, her smile widening as she felt a million times better.

“This is why I love you.” She whispered so only he could hear. “You are the kindest, sweetest soul that has seen corruption but refuses to accept it and I refuse to allow my parents to do the same.”

He hummed, tightening his hold around her waist. “I still do not like it.”

“Neither do I.”

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