The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-Eight | That Guy Again

Her feet paced the earth floor, both of her index fingers are against her mouth while she waited for Vincent and Jesse. A small voice inside of her mind was hoping that Jesse was somewhere else, anywhere else as this could go in so many different directions.

The last time she had come face to face with this guy, she had almost died. Xenia knew that a little too well as she could still feel the eminence pain that her body had gone through. If she could compare Wolfsbane and the process of going through heat, she would rather go through heat. At least with that, you can fuck your brains out with your mate to ease the pain, Wolfsbane does not work that way.

Instead, it works to dry out your blood. The chemical goes into your bloodstream and tries to take out both your white and red blood cells until there is nothing left. It feeds off your blood like a Vampire on crack and what is left is a body that is completely soulless.


Xenia stopped moving, the sound of both Alpha Zander and Vincent calling her name at the same time indicated that he had gone to get help. The way she had contacted him was in a rushed way as she was still talking to Lola but her rushed, worried voice was enough for Vincent to gather help and for that, she was grateful.

The sound of twigs snapping sounded closer than they did, however, as she turned and growled towards the direction of the intruder. A small whimper was being heard as she instantly knew that it was Grace. Her motherly instincts kicked in as she wanted to hold Grace in her arms and protect her from this monster.

“Do you hear that little one?” A male voice spoke with a chuckle. “They are all coming for you.”

Xenia growled again as she could not pinpoint where the voice was coming from. Grace’s cries were making her frustration even worse as she bawled her fists. “Come out you fucking coward!”

“Never swear in front of a child, you should know that Xenia!” The man taunted. “You do not want the kid to think that swearing is a good thing now do we?”

She found herself growing more and more impatient. Loud footsteps coming closer as she knew it was Alpha Zander, Vincent and possibly Jack from the extra sounds. “Do not worry Grace, I will get you to safety.”

“Oh, you think?” The man spoke, his loud laugh echoing throughout the trees. “She thinks that you are going to make it out alive.”

Grace cried even louder at his words. Xenia nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Alpha Zander standing next to her while he gave silent signals towards Jack. “Let the girl go. She has done nothing wrong!”

The man laughed again. “How have you not realised what is going on already? You are the Alpha after all or is your daddy, right? You are pathetically useless like your mother!”

“I know what you are doing.” Alpha Zander spoke again, controlling his temper as he has always been able to do. “But I will not fall for it. Grace does not deserve to be placed into the firing line all because you follow the wrong person.”

“I do not follow anyone!” The man yelled, Jack, tilting his head as he figured out where the man was hiding. “I was hired, and I plan on getting paid!”

“Hired to do what exactly?” Vincent questioned, standing closer to Xenia, and covering her body as protection. “To hurt an innocent child?”

Silence fell for a few seconds while Jack waited for Alpha Zander’s command. “To be a distraction.”

With those words, loud howls echoed throughout the land. Her blood ran cold as realisation had finally kicked in. Loud growls and snarling were coming closer and closer as Grace was thrown into Jack’s arms. The man disappearing as Alpha Zander cursed in anger.

“A fucking trap!” Xenia yelled; her eyes wide while Alpha Zander mind linked the entire Pack all at once. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

“Take Grace and get to the cellar now!” Jack commanded, handing Grace over as Xenia wrapped her arms around her little body. “Everyone else is already on their way there.”

“What about the rest of you?” She questioned. “I refuse to bury any of your bodies!”

“Just go!” Vincent screamed, the loud sounds of wolves coming closer, making them all panic. “You can kill us after!”

She hesitated, her head slowly nodding before she held Grace tighter and began to run. Her body felt numb as she allowed her instincts to kick in. Running into thousands of her own warriors on the way out of the trees and into the Pack as she heard aggressive snarling and attacks from behind her. Her heart racing as tears threatened to spill down her face but she refused to allow them to fall, Grace could not see her weaken at a time like this.

Her eyes landed on Tilly as she ran over and forced Grace down the cellar, where Jesse was already waiting for her. Tilly’s eyes were wide in fear as more and more people piled in. It felt like hours before everyone was finally in, Linda coming over last before the three went in and slammed the metal door closed.

The steps that lead to the underground hideout were damp and cold as her body shook. Her adrenaline was pumping just as fast as her heart before she suddenly felt her hands being grabbed. Linda stared at her knowing before she was taken to the back of the cellar to be locked inside of the cell.

“You do not have to do this!” Xenia begged, her hands wrapping around the bars while both Tilly and Linda stood and looked at her.

“Yes, we do,” Linda spoke, running her hands through her greying brown hair. “For your own safety, we have to. It is a massacre out there and we need you down here.”

“What about the boys?”

“They will be fine.” Tilly softly reassured. “Zander is keeping me updated as much as possible.”

Xenia sighed, resting her forehead against the bars while she tried to control her shaking body. “What about Vincent?”

“He is kicking ass as we speak all thanks to you.”

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