The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 122

Seventeen: Joselin
Joselin's P.O.V.
My mind spun, and I couldn't tell if it was from my drink or the man pinning me against the wall. To be in his arms, house, and
bedroom was a dream come true.
I wasn't surprised when Holden told me he could smell Tobias in the bar. I was excited. I knew he would show up, and the result
was far better than expected. His possessiveness was invigorating and sexy as hell.
Still, as he leaned in and let his nose touch the tip of mine, I was hesitant.
He wanted to reward me, and I was more than willing to accept my prize. But he still needed to prove that he wanted more than
just sex. If I just wanted sex from him, I would have come to him and cum for him long before now.
"And what is my reward?" My fingers trailed over his peck, and he glanced down briefly as I moved them up, dipping my fingers
up and under the collar of his cotton shirt, drawing circles against his warm skin.
"You'll find out soon enough." The feeling of him pressing his hardness against me had me licking my lips as I imagined
everything I wanted to do to him. But I needed to stay in control. If I let him take what he wanted tonight, there would be no
guarantee that he would still be interested in the morning.
"I think it is time for me to be the one who set some rules then," My fingers moved up his neck and to his hair. The soft strands
slid between my fingers as I balled them into fists. Tobias looked intrigued, smirking with raised eyebrows as he waited for my
"You can touch me," I whispered, licking my lips before boldly grabbing his bottom one with my teeth and pulling it softly before
releasing it.
Tobias groaned, placing his forearm on the wall next to my head as he leaned into me further.
"You can taste me," My tongue flicked out, teasing his lips. I turned my head, giving him my cheek as he moved forward for a
kiss. The growl of disapproval he let out made my toes curl in excitement.
"But you cannot fuck me. Not yet."

Tobias pulled back, looking between my eyes, but he appeared amused. "I agree to your rules. But know that by the time I am
done with you tonight, you will be begging to have me inside you. When I say no, I want you to remember this moment,
Well. Fuck me.
I had no doubt that he would stay true to his word.
When his lips pressed to mine, I was lost. Tobias was addicting. He kissed me like I was something loved, something precious. I
had never felt like that before. I never felt as wanted as I did at that Moment.
His hand on my hip moved to my lower back, holding me tightly as if he wanted to enjoy being close, but I could feel how tense
he was. His muscles were coiled beneath his skin, and his erection was pressed firmly against me.
I would never let it happen, especially in front of him. Still, the relief that the man I loved was holding me so close and kissing me
so tenderly made me want to cry. But I didn't. I refused to.
That would be seen as me being weak, and I already had enough of other people and myself questioning my strength. It was
bullshit to cry with excitement. To me, tears were reserved for grief, and I was celebrating.
Not even when I had been stabbed did I cry.
Yet, Tobias was my weakness through and through. I could accept that, though. He was worth it.
My eyes fluttered open when he broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my throat. "Tell me, sweetheart. Did you let him touch you
when I wasn't there?"
His teeth scraped against my throat, and my hands gripped his hair tighter, holding him to me. It was my sweet spot, and I
moaned loudly as he sucked on the skin for a moment as I whispered my answer.
"No. No, he hasn't touched me since dinner last night." It was a silent beg, a plea for him to believe I had been good. I wanted
my reward.
"Did you touch him?" Tobias's finger hooked under the strap of my dress, and I felt a thrill rush through me when it snapped back
against my skin. The delicious warning of what would happen if I broke his rules made me curious, and I knew I would be
breaking his rules soon if it meant more time alone with him.

His lips curled into a smile, and he pressed a long, firm kiss to mine before whispering against them. "Good fucking girl."
Tobias grabbed the bottom of my dress, pulling the fabric up and over my head in a swift movement, leaving me in nothing but
my thong. I hadn't bothered to wear a bra as my dress didn't allow one, and the pained noise of approval he let out as he looked
me over told me he was happy with my choice.
"Get on the bed."
I obeyed, trying to hide my eagerness as I stepped away from him. The loss of his body heat instantly made me want to shiver,
but I resisted. I knew he would already be able to see the goosebumps along my skin.
My fingers trailed over the bedding as I looked as seductively as possible at him over my shoulder. My ponytail brushed my back,
and I smiled when I found his eyes on my face instead of my naked body. He would get his chance to explore that later. For now,
he looked happy as we made eye contact.
As I climbed onto my knees on the mattress, I wondered how many other women had been in this same bed, how many women
he was about to compare me to, and whether or not he would find me wanting. The thought was frustrating, and I did my best to
push it to the back of my mind.
It was hard enough knowing that I would never look like them, not with the lines on my body and the lack of color in my eyes and
"On your back." I laid back, unable to stop myself from turning my head when I smelled Tobias on the pillow. It smelled
I bit my lip as he collected himself, taking his shirt off over his head but leaving his jeans on as he walked to the foot of the bed.
My knees were bent, my heels digging into the blanket. Tobias grabbed my right foot, carefully undoing the strap that held my
shoe on before placing my foot back down and doing the same to the other.
It was sweet and thoughtful, something I hadn't had anyone else do for me.
His rough and calloused hands began their journey, massaging my calves to my thighs. I knew Tobias was aware that I was wet
and ready for him. I was positive that as he worked his way up my thighs and I spread them, he could see the evidence of my
desire on the fabric there.

I held my breath as I looked down the valley of my breasts, expecting him to continue his journey up my body. Instead, He
stopped, moved back to my knees, and replaced his hands with his lips. The small kisses and love bites he trailed across my
flesh were euphoric, and I couldn't take my eyes away. I could barely breathe properly.
Never in my life has I wanted someone this badly, and I moaned when he kissed the insides of my thighs.
"Do you know how long I have dreamed of tasting you, Josie?" His words caused his hot breath to hit the sensitive skin where
my panty line started, and my hips wiggled as I silently pleaded for him to put me out of my misery.
His hands slid up my thighs, and I gasped as he ripped the fabric from my hips. My hands grabbed the back of his head
instinctively as he leaned in and licked me, getting his first taste at my entrance before moving up to my clit.
His groan turned me on even more, and my back arched off the bed as he licked and sucked on the small bundle of nerves
between my legs. Waves of pleasure rushed through me, building me closer with every second.
"Fuck," I moaned, my right hand pulling free from his hair to slide up my stomach and grab my breast. My nipple sat between my
fingers as I pinched it while holding Tobias to me with my other hand.
The orgasm rocked through me quickly as Tobias continued to eat me out, his mouth going back down to my entrance before he
thrust his tongue into me. I had never felt anything like it before.
"Mh, Tobias," I cried, but he didn't stop. He knew exactly what he was doing and what he wanted.
One of his arms was under my thigh and over my stomach, but his other hand moved from my ass to join his tongue at my core.
As he went back to my oversensitive and throbbing clit, his fingers circled my pussy a few times before he shoved two of them in
me. I cried out in ecstasy, forcing my hand away from his head to grip the blanket.
"Yes! "
Tobias pulled his mouth away, using the palm of his hand to rub against my clit as he moved up my body and kissed me deeply. I
could taste myself on his tongue, but more so, I could taste him.
The added sensation had me rocking my hips even harder against this hand.
"The sounds you make when you're cumming for me are so much sweeter than I had ever imagined." He kissed me again, and I
knew he was right about his statement earlier. We had only been enjoying each other for a few minutes, and I was already willing
to throw the rules away and beg him to fuck me.

"More," I gasped, needing any and everything more that he was willing to offer me.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. Your night is just getting started. I am going to continue to fuck you with my tongue and fingers until you
lose your voice from screaming my name. Your pussy will be mine before the sun comes up tomorrow. Then, the next time I have
you in my bed, I will fuck you so deep that you can never get my scent out of you, and everyone will know that you are mine."

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