The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 40 The Blue Moon Part 2

(Chapter song ‘A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri)


After a long flight, we finally made it to Topin Valley. We talked the whole way.

She told me everything about the exchange with her father. I think he may have meant well, but what he said, ya can’t forgive that. As least, not off the hop. Should Ivy wish to repair the damage, I’ll fully support her, but I’ll make sure it's for her own good. I'll be exchanging my own words with Philip before he says one to Ivy. That’s my duty to her as her Alpha. I’m the wall between my Luna and anything that threatens to harm her.

Putting that aside, I have to make her my Luna before I do anything. Tonight, I am doing just that.

“Love, will ya hurry! We'll miss the best seats!” I yell as I put the finishing touches on my suit. We still stick to the team colors so I’m wearing a black suit with the lapels trimmed in silk white, gold and green. Straighten the collar of my green shirt and make sure the knot of my green, white and gold striped tie is straight.

“Well, hurry up, then.”

I turn from the hall mirror and my heart stops.

She’s dressed in a light green, glitter dress that goes to the floor. Thin bands of gold and white wrap just under her heart shaped chest and criss cross. Her hair is curled on her head with white, green and gold ribbons in her hair.

She holds out her white gloved arms and spins. “You like.”

“Ya make my heart hurt, darling. C'mere to me before I burst.” I beam.

She floats to me and sweep her into my arms.

I hold the back of her head as I stare into her eyes. “I won’t lie. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of gazing upon, but I’m so glad there’s so much more to you. I can’t wait to spend years finding out every inch.”

“Griff…” She breathes.

“I love you, Ivy and I’m going to show you how much tonight. Ready?” I smile.

“Yes!” She says enthusiastically.

I hold out my arm as she grabs her white fluffy coat. I escort her out of the cabin we rented and head for the car that will take us to the main ski lodge.

The ticket holders will be here, but all the packs members will mingle around the shops and restaurants that Topin Valley is famous for. Of course, the hills are open for skiing under the moon because why not? Eddie’s always been fun like that.

When we get to the five floor lodge, I’m impressed. The rebuild on it made great improvements.

It was taken out by an avalanche last year and since then, Eddie spared no expense.

It’s large front window show everything that’s going on inside. Outside the world is deep blue.

The cars stop and let people out.

Of course, the press is here snapping photos. Teams walk in with ladies and gents in tow. Everyone is beaming smiles, waiting for the fates to step in and make miracles.

The music is thumping in my chest as I get out of the car and help out my Ivy.

She looks absolutely radiant against the moons light and the lights from the party inside.

As we walk in the oversized double doors, the scent of wood logs hits us. In the middle of the gigantic room is a large sterling fireplace that’s screened on all four sides to ward off the nip in the air. There’s no clouds, but you can tell a fresh coat of snow fell earlier.

The red carpet leads into the lodge and to the middle of the foyer. A press pool waits for us with flashes and cameras.

I present Ivy to them and she smiles a big toothy smile. The questions fly and I ignore them. I just give her a kiss and answer them all.


I break the kiss and turn. “LADS!” I yell with my hands out.

My boys push their way through the crowded entrance.

“Eh…the man…Gonna get yer heart stolen with this one, ya?” Avery throws his arm around me as he thumbs to Ivy.

“I hope so.” I smile to Ivy.

“Well, if ya don’t, I’m man enough.” McDonald leans in and winks.

“Not in that skirt!” I roar.

“Don’t mess the kilt, boy!” He smirks and punches my arm.

“So what…ya fated then leave us, will ya?” Jonson says as he crosses his arms.

“Never.” I growl with a smile.

“Naw, he'll just pull the poor lass into the crazy we call a friendship.” Mallory belly laughs.

“Trust me, you lot will the be last thing around me Ivy.” I warn them all.

“Too late. I’m already sucked in, you mates are stuck with me now.” Ivy chuckles.

The boys bellow out Os. “Woman after me own heart! Ya brave, lass, to put up with us.” Fergus laughs.

“If I can put up with him, you boys are a piece of cake.” She smirks.

“EH, GRIFF!!” They laugh as the shake my shoulders. I just chew my cheek and shake my head at her.

“Get yer cute arse to the bar, little miss.” I wave my arms at her to push her on.

“Bye, guys!” She waves.

“Bye, Ivy! GOOD LUCK, GRIFF!” They yell.

After getting drinks, we find the Alpha table.

“HEY!!” The boys throw up hands and wave us in.

“Howya! Grand event, to be sure." I say as I seat Ivy then sit myself.

“Big night, Griff. Nervous?” Noah slams a hand on my shoulder.

I take Ivy’s hand. “Not at all.” I lean in and kiss her.

“I can’t remember the last time I was here. Love what Eddie’s done with place.” Finn says.

“The kids would have a great time here.” April says.

“No, I wouldn’t.” Ben says while playing on his phone.

“Give me that.” April rips it out of his hand.

“That was my last man!” Ben protests.

Finn leans over April. “No phones.” He points to him.

“Fine, but you owe me for the stuff I lost.” He mumbles.

Finn lowers his head and shakes it. “Griff, you sure you want one of those?”

“10, mate.” I correct.

“10!” Ivy’s brows shoot up.

“Well, not all at once!” I laugh.

“Even still!” She crosses her arms and scowls.

I lean to her lips. “Plenty of time for that talk.”

“Oh, we'll be talking.” She nods. I kiss her lips with a chuckle and hug her.

The music dies down and a feedback comes from the stage.

“Hey, uh, guys? Yeah, up here…Uh…hi.” Eddie awkwardly stands on the stage and we all turn to him. “I’ve…um…never done one of these things before so, I’m sorry if I suck.”

The crowd laughs.

“GO, EDDIE!” Jax yells out.

He points to Jax. “Thanks, bro.” He turns back to the crowd. “Jax.” He motions to the table and the crowd chuckles as Jax waves from his spot.

“Anyway…” He paces with his hand in his pocket. “Um…I hope you guys have a chill night. Welcome to Topin Valley. We have tons of rad stuff here. You can eat, sleep and do stuff. My house is your house. If you like recreational, I got some in the back.” He stands center stage and thumbs over his shoulder.

“Eddie…” I groan as I drop my head.

“Never fails.” Finn chuckles.

“The moon. I hope the moon is good to you guys. I’m not expecting much, but you guys have fate, I can feel it.” He smiles. “I know it’s been crap for my pack for a while, but with this party I’m saying I’m back. I’m stronger and you guys won’t ever have to worry like that again. I promise.”

The crowd claps, whistles and cheers.

“I also want to say that the Snow Dogs did a stellar job this year and in two years we’re bringing home all the golds!!”

The crowd breaks out in another round of applause.

“So, um, yeah. The moon will beup soon and the new skylights will let it shine. Drink, talk and have a great time.”

He lower his mic then raises it back to his lips. “Oh, I was told to tell you, no mosh pits. I know you GenXers are eyeing the floor.”

He points out to the crowd as a bunch of older wolves boo then howl.

“GET THE PARTY ROCKING!” He lifts the mic and drops it on the floor as he gets a standing ovation.

I rise to my feet because it’s amazing to see him up there doing what an Alpha is supposed to do. Breathe life into his pack. Ivy stands right next to me as we all clap for him. Not many know his true story, but some know enough and know this was a huge step for him.

The music starts and people make their way to the dance floor.

“I’m dancing!” April gets up. “Come on, Benny.”

“No way.” He scowls.

“Ben, dance with your mother.” Finn says.

“You come, too.” She says.

“What? No way!” Finn crosses his arms.

“Finley, dance with your mate.” Jax points to him with a smirk.

“You dance with yours.”

“What? No, I’m not humiliating myself.” He leans back and tip his bottle back.

“Fine, Rey?” April says.

“I’d love to.” Audrey stands and joins April and Ben.

“How's Marc?” Ivy asks.

“He's in dad mode.” Jax mumbles. “Too busy to hang out.”

“Sounds like you need a kid.” Finn bounces his brow.

“I don’t know. Rey’s not ready. After her first, she’s finding it hard to move on.” Jax picks at his label.

Noah leans on the table. “How’s the search coming?”

Jax looks to the floor, sees the girls then turns back. “I tracked her as far as Phoenix. After that, she disappeared.”

“You think she knows what she is?” Finn asks.

“I would think so. The first shape shift is brutal then there’s all the biological gross stuff. The unfortunate part is trying to find an abandoned kid that can shape shift.” He shrugs.

“Just drop it, man. If Rey finds out you’re looking for her kid, she’s going to kill you.” Noah says.

“Look, she may be Rey’s, but she was Vinnie’s, too. I’ll be dammed if I let the Vinellis get a hold of her before I do.” He thumps his finger into the table. “She’s 19 years old. Somebody has to look out for her that knows where she’s from.”

Finn shakes his head. “I hope you know what you’re doing, bud. Things like these can get real messy.”

“I know Rey won’t like it. She hasn’t gotten past the guilt of it. I get that, but I really feel she needs us, ya know?” Jax says.

“I can understand that. Just…tell Rey soon, OK?” Finn advises.

“When it’s right.” Jax says before swigging his beer.

“Hey guys!”

We turn to our newest prodigy. Dressed in a red button down and black tie. His moppy, brown hair always makes him look like he rolled out of bed.

“Corbin! Marc let ya out, did he?” I chuckle as I side clap him behind Ivy.

“I’m 19. He can’t keep me prisoner.” Corbin laughs.

“He bought your ticket, didn’t he?” Jax snorts as he kicks back.

“Yes…Wanted alone time with the kids.” He rubs his nape. “Truthfully, I can use the space. Babies are loud.” He scrunches his nose.

We all chuckle.

“You got a date?” Finn asks.

“Nope. Flying solo. It’s fun. Better then spending it in a cage.” He ticks his lip up.

“Definitely.” Jax chuckles.

The crowd starts to mumble loud. I look out and I see hands pointing up. I follow their arms and see the moon, bigger and brighter than ever. It’s just off its peak and I have to find Ivy.

“Gotta go!” I spring from my seat and rush through the crowd. As I dance my through, the air is thicker. The people almost feel claustrophobic.

The lights dim to let the pure blue light fill the room. The mumbles turn to shouts and awes as I see Ivy dancing away.

When I get to her, I grab her and spin her with a yelp. “Ya notice the moon, love.” I play with her lips as the heat between us turns electric.

I touch her skin and it’s like everything feels a thousand times better. My heart thumps to meet hers and I kiss her as the room grows to an intense blue. Cheers in the background don’t even compare to the emotion I feel in my heart.

The room dissolves and I feel like I’m drowning. Ivy grabs my shoulders and pulls me to her just as I feel it.

The snap. The bond that makes us one. The most wonderful thing on the planet. She is mine. Forever. My Luna. My Ivy girl.

I kiss her deeper as the bond grows and starts to snap between us. I swing us around and hear claps and cheers.

I slowly break the kiss and pull away. Her eyes are slits and teary.

“My prince.” She hitches.

“My princess.” I smile back. “I never doubted. Yer perfect for me. Yer all I need, Ivy girl. In all the years I have left, ye be filling them. I love ya so damn much.”

“I love you, too.”

I kiss her again and spin her around. She giggles on my lips and I will never go a day without making her make that sound.

I break the kiss. “Gotta tell now.” I smirk.

“If we must.” She grins.

With laughter on our lips, I drag Ivy back through the crowd.

“Well?” Finn asks when we break the crowd and get close to the table.

“Dreams do come true!” I laugh, sweep Ivy off her feet and kiss her.

The table yells out and claps as I spin us around.

“Never thought the grumpy Irishman would find someone who could put up with him.” Noah laughs.

I point to him as I set Ivy down.

“It’s a challenge, but I think I’m ready for it.” Ivy grins.

“Ya better be, Luna Ford.” I smile then kiss her.

“Griff’s not the only one.” Jax hits Finn and points to the crowd.

I turn and can’t believe what I see. If anyone needed this night to come through, it was him.

I watch Eddie stand with a lovely, blonde lass in a pink, floor length dress. She looks familiar, but I can’t place her. They stand close, talking. It looks like they just met. I’ve heard of strangers becoming fated, but I’ve never actually seen it.

He shakes her hand and leans to her ear. She laughs and he looks at her like she’s the only woman in the world.

I can feel their bond already. With everything he went through, it’s about time he got a break. If Fate thinks this lady is the one, she’ll be the one to understand and help him get his life back. She looks like a fine lady and Eddie looks like he really connects with her.

I take Ivy in my arm as we watch the two exchange numbers and he dotes over her curled hair.

“Growing love is a trip, but there really is something about love at first sight.” Ivy says.

“Aye, it takes a strong pair to make that work. Ya know nothing about each other except spending the years. That’s the beautiful thing about love. No two are the same when it comes to how it works.” I kiss her temple.

“I hope the love they grow will be as strong as ours.” She looks up at me and smiles.

“If his heart is in it, it will be. Just like mine for you.” I whisper, cup her cheek and kiss her passionately.

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