The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 2

(Chapter song ‘Wasn't That A Party' by The Irish Rovers)


My ear twitches to quiet beeping as the dark I’m in fades to light.

What the hell happened? I remember water, then falling and this incredibly weird feeling of being torn in two. I feel like I’ve been on a month long bender.

I open my eyes a little at a time as I adjust to the light above me. Where am I?

I was at the pitch. I remember that much.

Everything aches. My head feels like a donkey’s dancing a right jig on my brain.

I groan as I reach my hands up and press my palms to my aching eyes.

“This is so weird.”

The words hit my ears like cymbals crashing on the drums.

“But it’s so cool. Look at them.”

My temples throbbed with every damn syllable.

“Oi! Keep ‘er down.” I groan as I start to register my surroundings. “What kind of banger did I get on.”

“Griff! Hey, buddy.”

I focus my eyes and Jax is at my bedside.

“Jax? What’s going on? I got a head on me like Jon the Baptist. My arse is done in.” I try to sit up then fall back down, holding my forehead.

“Here.” He grabs my hand and puts two tablets in it. “These should help.”

I sit up, pop the pills and take the cup of water from him. “Ugh. Thanks.” I drop my head back down. “I must have been so hammered last night. I don’t remember leaving the field.”

“What do you remember, Griff?”

I lift my head and force an eye open. “Finn? That you? Didn’t realize seeing me shattered required an audience.” I growl and lay back down.

“Griffin, you aren’t hungover.” He chuckles.

I lift my head and point to it. “Tell that to the two randy monkeys hammering on my brain!” I fall back down.

“Aye…I feel like boiled shite.”

I freeze and my eyes shoot open. I drop my hand from my forehead and look at Jax. He thumbs over his shoulder and I shake my head no on the pillow.

He crosses his arms and nods yes.

I slowly roll my head to the voice and roll my head back. I stare at the ceiling as I absorb what I saw. Sucking in my top lip, my memories come flooding back.

The other me groans and rubs his head as absolute dread builds in my chest.

Jax leans down. “Griff…breathe.”

I completely ignore him.

“Griffin…Come on, man. Relax.” Finn says.

My eyes flick between my friends then back at the ceiling.

“Feckin' hell. I think I’m singing to the ring soon.” He chokes from the other bed.

“Marcus.” Finn says.

“On it.” I catch Marcus leave.

Jax holds my head. “Griff, you’re turning red. Breathe before you pop.”

I felt it all. From the pit of my stomach, it broiled and stewed then shot up my throat.

I scream loud enough to make Finn jump back. Jax lets go and steps back like I just spit pea soup.

I shoot myself up to a sit and scream again.


The other me sits up and we look at each other. I frantically point at him then me then him again. “What the bloody hell?! Why?!! NO! THIS CAN'T…WHO?” I ramble on as he blinks at me.

He crosses his arms. “His heads gone.”

“You shut up.” Jax points to him.

“Oi. Watch yer yapper.” He scowls.

“You want to watch yours.” Jax steps to him.

“Jax!” Finn shouts.

The two back down as I have my legs pulled up and hyperventilating between my knees.

Finn pushes past Jax. “Griff. Don’t panic.”

I lift my head. “Don’t panic? THAT GIT HAS MY FACE!!” I scream.

“Who ya calling a git, ya feckin' spanner?!” He crosses his arms and scowls at me.

I throw my legs over the edge, pushing Jax out of the way.

“Listen here.” I stand and wobble on my feet. “Why ya slagging me? Who the hell are you?”

He looks himself over. “I’m you.”

I jut my chin out and shake my head. “Naw, mate. Ya aren’t. Ye be something else and I ain’t havin' it.”

I ball my fist.

“Ya want a rumble, ye got one.” He growls as he stands and supports himself on the bed.

I step to him with all the anger I have.

“WHOA!” Jax pushes us apart. “Enough!”

I shove Jax off me. “Why are ye entertaining this eejit?! Lock him up….or kill him.” I cross my arms and stare him down.

“Kill me? Kill you! You’re the arsehole here.” He grits.

“Ok, Griff. Settle down.” Jax says to him.

“Oi! He’s not me!” I growl and shove his shoulder back.

He holds a hand up. “Griff, I know. Just calm down."

“Don’t talk to him like he’s me! I’m me!” My other self grits.

“I know…”

“Don’t talk to my friend like that!” I push against Jax’s arm.

“What ye gonna do, ya Mary!” He pushes against Jax’s other hand.


“I’ll show ya!!” My wolf surfaces and so does his. We lunge at each other. I throw a punch and he leans back.

Jax struggles between us as we grab at each other and throw blows.



I grab his shirt over Jax's arms and try to reach for his throat.


Finn grabs my shirt and pulls me back onto the bed as Jax pushes my other self onto his bed.

We're both frothing at the mouth and heaving breaths.

“I don’t know what yer playing at, but I won’t stand for it.” I say as I sit up and pull my shirt down.

“ME? What are you playing at?” He grinds as he sits up too.

“Guys!” Finn steps in between us. “Nobody’s playing anyone. There’s a perfectly logical explanation for this." He looks at us both.

I cross my arms. “Aye? What would that be?”

He crosses his head and shrugs nervously. “I…uh…I don’t know…”

“Right…So let’s get it on then.” I stand.

“No! Griff!” Finn pushes me down and points in my face. “No.”

“Finley! He’s a demon…or…or…a shifter…or…” I point to the identity thief.

“No, I’m not!! You’re the…whatever!” He throws a finger at me.

“Me?!” I stand again.

“OK!! Look. So far, the tests show he’s none of those things, alright. None of you are.” Finn says as he plays peace keeper.

“What is he then?” I cinch my brow and glance at him. He’s inspecting his clothes and body.

“He's…well…you.” Finn ticks his head to me.

“No. I refuse to believe this second rate hack is me.” I shoot him a look of death.

“Who ya calling a hack, ya hack?” My other self sneers.

“Griff, he is you. DNA confirmed it. Not only that, but it was 100 percent match.” Finn says.

“100 percent? That impossible.” I eye my other self.

Jax leans to me. “Not if you’re a clone.”

I meet his eyes and look at him like he just spoke another language. “That’s also not possible.”

“Apparently, it is, buddy.” Jax looks to the other guy who shrugs.

Finn walks to a desk and picks up a paper. “It’s true, Griff. You two are perfect matches. The only thing that’s not the same is your scar. It’s not on him. That’s how we know who the original is.”

“He didn’t have spinal surgery?” I point to him.

“No, Christ Almighty!” My clone throws up his hands. “Scars aren’t part of your DNA. Ye thick or something?”

I furrow my brow at my twin. “Alright. Don’t lose yer head. So? What’s the craic then?” I look at both of them.

Finn looks to Jax. “Craic?”

“Story.” Jax supplies.

“Oh. Right.” He sits on the bed next to me and glances at us both. “From what witnesses told us, you were hit in the face by pressurized water that shot up from under the field. Then you duplicated. I’m not sure how, but I suspect there’s something in the water.”

“What? A spell or something? Is there a witch?” My eyes widen.

“Fairy.” My second says.

“Fairies? Why would a fairy mess with my pitch?” I arch a brow at him.

“Why do fairies do anything? To get a laugh, I’m sure. A right good one they got, too.” He ticks his head and crosses his arms.

Jax holds up his hand. “Ok, guys. Fairies aren’t real.”

Finn rubs his chin. “No, but nymphs are.”

“Nymphs?” Both me and other Griffin question.

Jax turns to him. “Yeah. They control earth elements. You think one of them is here?”

“Possible. I’ll have to make some calls to see if anyone is missing their pet.” Finn says with annoyance. “In the meantime, Griff, other than being split in two, you have a clean bill of health.”

“I don’t feel like it. My head feels like a football in a Zero count game. ” I blow out a breath and run my hands through my curly, blonde hair.

“I think it’s a side effect of the duplication.” Jax informs. “He was worse.”

I smile and point to my twin. “Ha!”

“Ye want my fist, don’t ya?” He grits.

Finn shakes his head. “Griffin. When you’re ready, I need you to go to the lab and work on the island barriers. We need to lock this place down.”

I hop off the bed. “Have fun with that, mate. After this, I’m heading to the pub, hunting something fine and sleeping for a week.” I turn to my doppelganger. “Send him in to work.”

He gets off the bed and walks to me. “Why do I have to work? How about I hunt and you work?” He thumps a finger in my chest.

“Like I’d trust you with a lass.” I chuckle.

Jax leans to my ear. “Griff, he’s literally you.”

“So, doesn’t mean I’d trust him with a ladies sensitivities. No, you go to work and listen to Finn beak off. I’m off for a pint.” I smirk and hit his arm.

“No ones going for a pint.” Finn puts his foot down.

I stitch my brow together. “Since when can I be told I can’t leave?”

“Since your ass got duplicated and we don’t know how? We don’t know enough to allow you out in public, but you can still work.” Finn stands in front of me and folds his arms.

“He has a point.” My second says as he stabs his curly, blonde hair.

“He has nonsense.” I point to Finns nose. “There will be ice up the devils arse before you imprison me here.” I point to the floor.

“Griffin. We don’t know if there’s affects. Anything could happen. We need you here in case something does.” He states.

“What could happen? I feel fine.” I toss my arms out to the side.

“Yer wee man could fall off.” My twin suggests with a shrug.

My eyes widen and I flick my eyes between him and Finn.

“Possible?” Finn shrugs with uncertainty.

I scowl and point in his face. “Fine. I’ll stay, but not because ye told me so. If I become a Molly, I’m taken ye all with me.” I look to the other me. “Let’s go.” I growl.

Finn and Jax exchange looks as my other self joins my back.

I stride out of the medic room and turn down the hall.

People stop and stare as we pass. I'm sure I have hell all over my face as my idiot partner gawks at the sights.

“WHAT ARE YE LOOKING AT?” I yell at them and storm to the science department with my twin in tow.

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