The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 5

(Chapter song ‘Don’t Phunk With My Heart’ By Black Eyed Peas)


‘The attack on the Blue Moon Ball is still being investigated, but Enforcers told this reporter, it was, indeed, a mafia hit on our own superstar MLB baseball player and council member, Alpha Marcus Cooper.

The exact reason is unknown at this time, but sources say the long time cease fire between the Lucco family of Brooklyn and the Vinellis of Queens, New York was broken by Vincent Vinelli six months ago. Since then, attacks in New York have increased and people are questioning how Marcus Cooper is involved. Now, it seems, that war has reached Axelridge.

As the rumors fly, Alpha Cooper is no where to be found. It’s believed he’s gone into hiding as the assassination attempt has been confirmed to have failed.

The attack resulted in several people injured including Luna Audrey Oakland, the newly fated mate to Council Alpha Jaxton Dupree. She is now in stable condition and recovering in hospital.

Alpha Finley Trezner had this to say. “We are deeply saddened by the actions of the cowards who tried to destroy a special night for all of us. I assure all of you, we will be doing everything we can to prevent another tragic event like the one last night. Thank you. No further questions.”

We'll report more as this story develops.’

I turn off the TV and pull my knees up. Jax brings me a tea and I take it as he sits on the coffee table.

“How are you doing, kid?”

I shrug and take a drink. “Ok, I guess. Why would he disappear? He’s gotta know we’d have his back.”

Jax leans on his knees. “He’s trying to protect you. He doesn’t want us mixed up in this. At least, that’s what he told me.”

“Jax. He’s a sitting duck out there. We have more than enough protection.” I stare at my brother as I hold my cup between my knees.

He sighs. “Soph. You need to understand Marcus. He’s a survivor. He came from a very dark and dangerous life. If he thinks you won’t be safe around him, I believe him. His family has a knack for getting people killed. As far as I’m concerned, the farther away from you, the better. As much as that pains me to say.” He lowers his head and my heart breaks.

“You can’t tell me you don’t want to hunt him out.” I say quietly.

He nods and raises his head. “Hell yes. I want to drag his ass back here, but with the Vinellis able to get so close, I’m not sure I can protect you both and that terrifies me. I can’t lose you again, kid. I just can’t.”

“I get it.” I lower my head and drink my tea.

He rubs my leg. “Don’t worry. He’ll be OK. He said he’d call when he’s safe. I have to see Rey. Are you gonna be OK by yourself for a while?”

I nod. “Yeah. Give Rey a hug for me.”

“I will.” He stands, kisses my hair and leaves the penthouse.

I flick the TV back on and the news is all over the shooting. Images of people crying, medics helping the injured and Jax with Marcus had me boiling in side. I turned the TV off and set my cup down. I rip off the blanket I had on me and got dressed.

Fifteen minutes later the White Mace is tearing around Axelridge looking for Marcus.

I ran through the darker parts of the city and ‘talked’ with the lycans who hang there to find out where Marcus went.

He hits the wall and thuds to the pavement. “Where is he?”

“I don’t know, man! I’m not involved in the Vinellis business!” He says as he sit up.

“Bullshit!!” I pick him up and throw him against the dumpster.

He coughs on the ground and rolls to his knees. “If I wasn’t so stoned…”

“Yeah…what? You’d shift? You think I’m scared of dirt bag lycan?” I say as I rip my mace off my back.

I walk up and raise the mace above my head.

“OK! OK!...DON'T!” He slams his back against the dumpster and throws a hand up in surrender.

“TALK!” I bark as I hold the mace up ready to pound his brains in.

“Alright! I don’t know…I heard something through the link. Something about him leaving the city. Some said he was headed to New York.” He lowers his hand, but his fear still sits in his eyes. “I just ignore it. All I want is my Croak and be left alone. The Vinellis can kiss my ass.”

I drop my mace. “Thanks.” I walk out of the alley.

He stands. “Hey, uh…thanks for not killing me!”

“Ugh." I grit as I leave the alley and head to my bike.

As I drive up the parkway, I activate Trish. “Trish. Scan Queens, New York for a lycan pack house.”


‘I found one. It’s owner Dahlia Vinelli. Vincent Vinellis sister-in-law. Would you like me to plot a route?’

“Yes. The fastest one possible.” I say as I kick my bike into a higher gear and hit the interstate. Jax is going to kill me, but it’s better to beg forgiveness than ask permission with Jax.

I’m getting Marcus back even if it kills me.

I sat and watched the large mansion for a day or two. The Vinellis came and went with no sign of Marcus anywhere. I’m sure they have him, but I can’t pick up anything with the bugs I planted except the plans for a truce negotiation.

It wasn’t until the second night, I actually caught a break. The Vinellis prepared for a meeting. I situate myself on the roof of a garage out of sight.

I watch the driveway as black cars and limos pull up. A limo driver gets out and opens the door. I’m snapping pics like the paparazzi. I focus on the big guy. He looks like an older version of Marcus. Another guy steps out who’s younger, but also looks like Marcus. A women is helped out by the second. She’s gorgeous and she’s followed by an older woman. They’re all dripping in riches. Definitely something shady about these people.

My lips drop and my brows stitch up. Marcus?

I lift my phone back up and zoom in. Handsome smile and strong jaw. Gorgeous hair. Yep. It’s him. He’s talking with the second guy and escorts the young woman into the Vinelli house.

What the hell?

I back off the garage and jump down to the ground. I sneak across the grounds in as much darkness as I can and dip around the back. I take off my helmet and slink to a window. As I peak into the richly decorated house, I see a full on dinner party.

We're going out of our minds, Jax leaving me a million messages about how he’s going to tear me a new one, for a dinner party?! He better have some good fucking answers.

I watch him walk through the crowd. He stops and talks with a few people and he seems to be having a grand old time. With the Vinellis!

The older man whispers something to him and he looks perturbed by it. The older man motions to a door and Marcus stares at it. He sets his drink down and walks to the door. He opens it and walks inside, shutting the door behind him.

I arch back and see if that room has a window. I keep low and look in the next window.

My eyes widen when I see Marcus alone in a room with an elegantly dressed woman. Who the heck is she? They’re talking and he’s smiling that smile he uses when he’s trying to impress.


I whip my head to see lycan goons headed my way. They’re guns are drawn. I pull my mace, throw it and slam my helmet back on. It hits them and sends them across the lawn.


I round the yard run into a bunch more Vinelli men. They’ve shifted and roar at me.

I swing and catch one in the head. He slams to the ground and I jump. I bring the ball down on the head of another.

I throw it out and hit one. It doubles back just as another gets in the way. He gets hit in the back and thrown my way. I jump out of the way, grabbing my mace out of his crushed spine as he flies by.

I run for the gates and leap. Bullets spark as I’m shot at and jump down to the street. Hopping on my bike, I pop a wheelie and squeal out of there.

Marcus is a dead man. I think as I leave Queens for Oxford, thinking of ways to rip my own new one when I see him again.


“Will you listen for 5 seconds! Marcus is in trouble. Deep trouble.” I stop, throw my hands on my hips and scowl. “I think.”

Jax whips around. “I don’t care, Sophie! You could have been killed!”

“Not the point! Did you not hear me when I said Marcus is in bed with the mob?!” I throw my hands to the side.

He points in my face. “You saw wrong, Sophie. It wasn’t him.” Jax turns to the kitchen and opens the fridge.

I follow. “I know what Marcus looks like, Jax.”

He downs half a bottle of beer and leans on the counter. “All of Marcus' family look alike. It wasn’t Marcus.” He pushes off the counter and walks into living room.

“Yes, it was, Jax!” I yell.

“NO!” He whips around and glares at me as he points aggressively to his chest then me. “MARCUS WOULDN’T DO THAT TO ME! NEVER!! IT WAS NOT HIM SO, QUIT SAYING IT WAS!!”

I stare at my brothers furious face. I can see it. He believes me, but chooses denial instead. “OK. It wasn’t him.” I mumble.

“Ok.” He grumbles as he slams down on the couch. “Marcus will be back. He'll be safe and that’s all that matters.” He swigs back his beer with a deep scowl on his face.

“Alright. If you say so.” I fold my arms and see the hurt in my brother.

“I do.” He grits.

“I’m going for a shower.” I say and turn for the stairs.

“You do that.” He growls and drinks again.

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