The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 15

(Chapter song ‘You Don’t Own Me' by SAYGRACE)


Maybe I didn’t have to knock Marcus off his balance like that, but ya know what? It was kind of fun seeing him sweat.

As soon as I whispered in his ear that his dad’s goons were watching, he plastered on his best smile. I must say, he takes to the press pretty good. I, myself, I could get used to this type of limelight. I certainly don’t get this being with Skylar. It’s fun playing pretend.

After our announcement, Marcus fielded the questions beautifully. When he left me to the vultures, I was bombarded by questions about my family. Questions I couldn’t or didn’t want to answer. I ain’t no snitch.

So I took off looking for Marcus.

I found him with his princess in the lobby of the stadium that connects the baseball diamond and the LaCrosse field.

I stood with a foot kicked out and my arms crossed. I didn’t have to listen in to see the little girl was upset. I guess if I were in her position, I would be too, but ya gonna have to break a few eggs for a good scam.

I watched Marcus try and reason with her then she left. He hung his head as I came up behind him.

“Everything alright?” I ask to his back.

He glances over his shoulder. “Get away from me.”

I feel a wave of embarrassment, mixed with a twinge of guilt, rush over me and he storms off into the crowd.

I fluff it off and follow him out. As I get to the front door, I see him arguing with a big, hot guy with light brown hair. It’s pretty heated.

Words that stuck out from where I stood. ‘Vinelli', ‘Lycan', ‘Evil' and ‘Sister'. This must be the princesses brother. His face is red and his arms are flailing as Marc argues back. I almost feel bad.

It's Marcus' problem. I didn’t know she’d be here so, it’s not my fault. I’m just making sure the deal we made stays good.

As I walk out the rest of the way, a blonde woman is giving me the stink eye. The hot guy joins her and shoots me the same look. I return it just as hard. Marky really has some smug friends.

I scan the parking lot and Marcus is gone. I’ll see him back home. I walk to my car and unlock the door.


I turn, see who’s striding toward me and cross my arms with a smirk. I put my attitude on as she stops in front of me.

“Hey, princess. Enjoy the game?” I smile.

She glares at me. “Don’t call me princess and don’t pretend like what you pulled in there wasn’t dirty.”

“Sophie…” I casually get closer to her. She crosses her arms and squints her blue eyes at me. I've never seen blue like that. I can see how Marcus could like that. The rest of her, well…

“Listen, sweetie. You may think ya know how these things go, but believe me, ya don’t. What I did was necessary. Yeah, I probably shoulda talked with Marc first, but I’ll beg forgiveness later. You, on the other hand, really need to know your place.” I step even closer and get this whiff of some sort of cheap perfume flower scent. It tickles my nose and I have to rub it to make it go away.

“You are not to get in the way. I’m sure Marcus told you who I am and who my connections are. If ya even think of making things difficult for me, I will have no choice but make it the last thing ya do.” I’m nose to nose with her and her eyes squint more.

“You don’t scare me.” She whispers as she locks her eyes with mine.

I look her over and tick my head. “I think I do…just a tiny bit.” I hold up my fingers with a small distance between them. “Play nice, princess. Who knows. Maybe we’ll become best friends.”

“Doubt it.” She growls.

I give her a chuckle, get in my car and wave out my window.

As I drive off, I watch her in my mirror. I rub my nose again because that scent is still there and I hate it. Just like I hate her. She’s little miss perfect and if I’m not careful, she’ll blow everything to shit when I’m not looking.


I pull into the pack house and sure enough, Marc is here.

I get out and strut into the house with my Luna on full display for anyone who maybe watching.

When I get in, I hear arguing.

“Marc, end it now. This isn’t going to go the way ya think.” Aster says.

“I can’t! Ya wanna end up dead? Cus I don’t!” Marc growls.

“That’s a wise decision.” I say as both boys turn their eyes on me.

Marcus scowls and gets up. He walks past me to the kitchen. He’s mad so, of course, I’m hot on his adorable ass.

“Marc. I’ll apologize for springing that on ya, but I won’t deny that it’s not a good idea. My aunt watches the news. If a big time player keeps his main squeeze a secret, there’s always something fishy going on.”

He finishes making a sandwich and points to me. “You are not my main squeeze.” His sandwich drips mustard on the counter as he fumes.

I point to it. “What…is that?” I say in disgust.

He looks at it. “Salami. What?” He holds out his hands.

“Ugh…gross.” I snatch the sandwich from his hand.

“EH?!” He protests.

I open the bin and trash it. Cleaning off my hands, I grab a plate and raid the fridge. “Marcus. This union has to look authentic. That means everything. Family get togethers, press, and dates. You're a big important man and I've come to realize that a huge chunk of your life is seen on TV. I have to be seen as part of it.” I look over my shoulder and arch a brow.

“No. No way. We are not dating.” He growls.

I slap on cheese, lettuce, mustard and mayonnaise on some bread, put it together with new salami. I cut it and clean up.

“We have to. How do you think it would look like if we aren’t seen wining and dining?” I shove the plate into his hands. “Try that.” I cross my arms.

He looks at the sandwich and then me. He picks up a half and takes a big bite. His face scowls and I feel my heart stop.

“Oh my God.” He says with a mouthful as he chews. He looks up at me. “How the hell you make salami taste this good?” He shoves another big bite in his mouth.

“I fill it with love.” I wink and tap his chest. As I walk past him, I blow out a breath.

“Ok. You can make a kick ass sandwich, but that doesn’t warrant dinner.” He says to my back as I walk to the common room. “I agreed to mob meetings. You’re taking this too far.”

I turn around. “You’re not taking it far enough. Look at the bigger picture, Marc. What happens when they question?” I plant my hands on my hips.

He stops mid chew. “They come looking.”

“That’s right. Is that what you want?” I tilt my head to him.

“No.” He mumbles.

I step up close to him. “For the next year, we have to play the rules of the game. That way everyone comes out on top.”

He shoves a finger in my face. “Fine, but no more surprises. Ya catch me off guard like that again and I’ll call this whole thing off. I don’t want to run, but I will if I have to.”

I brush the crumbs off his shirt. “Sure, slugger. Whatever ya want.” I raise my finger to the side of his lip. “You got some mustard…”

I wipe it off and lick it off my finger. His face drops as I smile. “You’re right. That is tasty.” I spin around and head for the stairs. “Good game, slugger. I can’t wait to watch you play more. Make the dinner plans.” I give him and sultry look over and climb up to my room.

As I get to my room, my phone dings. I open it to a message from Skylar.

SKY: Where are you?

YOU: Alpha Coopers pack house. Why?

SKY: I need to see you.

YOU: I’m not flying to New York, sugar.

SKY: I'm not in New York, sweetheart. I’m in Axelridge.

YOU: What are you doing there?

SKY: Come to my place and find out.

YOU: I can’t tonight.

SKY: Why not?

YOU: I have plans.

SKY: What kind of plans?

YOU: Dinner plans.

I waited for a response and got nothing.

YOU: Sky?

The three dots ticked in the bottom corner for what felt like forever. It was as if he was writing a novel or something. Finally, he responded.

SKY: Fine. Text me in the morning.

YOU: Are you ok?

SKY: I’m fine. Goodnight.

YOU: Night.

I close my phone and stick it in my back pocket. I feel a wave of concern wash over me. He said he was fine, but he didn’t sound fine.

I walk into my room and push Skylar to the back of my mind. I need to get into character here. I’ll deal with Sky tomorrow.

I throw open my closet and search my many dresses. None of them say Luna. I throw up my hands in frustration and head back downstairs.

Marcus is on his phone. He looks up at my frustrated face. “What?”

“I have nothing to wear.” I grumble.

“Wear to where?” He arches a brow.

“To dinner tomorrow night!” I flop my hands to my sides.

He nods. “Oh. You were serious about that.” He says.

“Yes! Of course, I was.” I bark.

“Just wear whatever. I don’t care.” He waves me off.

I flop on the couch beside him. “I don’t want to wear whatever. I have to compliment you. Come shopping with me.”

“What? No!” He shakes his head and surfs his phone.

I lean back and cross my arms. “Fine. I’ll go all by myself and people will wonder where my Alpha is. They’ll question how he could ever let his Luna wander the streets all alone.”

I side eye him and he turns his head to me. “You’re pushing it.”

“Anything could happen to me. I could be mugged or kidnapped. With the recent attacks, they’ll think you don’t love me.” I smirk.

It becomes a staring contest as he tries to reason his way out of it, which he can’t. Guys like Marcus don’t want to be seen as uncaring and him leaving me to shop alone would do just that.

“Get in the damn car.” He growls.

I jump up. “Yay! Thank you.” I hug him and he pushes me off.

“Stop touching me.” He growls.

“Better not have that attitude while we're out, slugger.” I smirk, turn and head to the car with my Alpha behind me.

What’s strange is, Skylar would have told me to get out of his sight. He’s always too busy to shop with me…or too drunk. This will actually be kind of fun. I’ve always wanted to go shopping with my guy. Even if he’s my fake guy.

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