The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘It’s Always Been You’ by Caleb Hearn)


“Ben…stay still.”

“Ugh…why?!” He grits as I tie his tie up.

“Because this is formal and you don’t go in a t-shirt and jeans.” I say as I straighten his collar and dust his suit jacket.

“I’m 14 now. I shouldn’t have to wear this stuff.” He growls.

I chuckle. “Trust me, it doesn’t end at 13. A man's always going to be judged. Might as well look good while they do. Remember, that.” I wag a finger in his face.

He smirks at me and pushes my hand to the side.

“Ok. So, Jax agreed to put you up for the night.” I grab his shoulder and point in his face. “You are the responsible one. Do not let them get any ideas.”

He laughs. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your friends.”

“Good because they certainly can’t take care of themselves.” I mess his hair and I hear a throat clear.

I turn to the top of my penthouse stairs. A big toothy grin crosses my lips as April comes down the stairs in a black, flowing dress that’s high to her knees in the front and low to the floor in the back. The top is two separate halter straps that tie up behind her neck and her hair is curled up with crystals dotting her hair.

I want to cry, she's so beautiful. Her long legs descend the stairs and I take big steps to her.

My heart is racing already and I can’t help but devour her lips. She holds my hands as I hold her cheeks. I just melt into her lips. The heat we normally have already feels different. I know I’m Aprils second chance. I feel it in every fiber of my being.

It shouldn’t have taken me this long, but I’m so glad I stuck around. I may have been a gigantic asshole most of the time, but my love for her was never in question. I couldn’t move on. It wasn’t in the cards for me. Even with Kyle in the picture, even though I couldn’t have her, I still felt I was the piece of Kyle she was missing. It’s weird. It’s like she was surrounded by mates. Fate is a very fucked up thing. I’ll never understand it, but I’ll never tell anyone to push her aside either.

I break the kiss and take a huge breath. “You are amazing. I don’t deserve any of you.” I smile.

She grins. “You’re right, you don’t, but I don’t deserve you either.”

I chuckle and kiss her lips again. Her electric warmth fills my chest.

She pulls back and fixes my lapels. “Can we expect a press conference?” She arches a brow at me.

I shake my head. “No. I made all my statements after the game. I answered all their questions. Nothing is pulling me away from you or that moon this time.”

“Better not.” She playfully narrows her eyes.

I laugh on her lips and take her hand. “Let’s do this.” I growl on her ear.

I place my hand on my sons neck and escort my family to awaiting limo.

We drive through the city covered in the deep blue color of the moon. I point out to it over Ben. He smiles as the blue fills his eyes.

The moons reflection dances on the waves of the lake and Axelridge just glows.

I look over at April and I’m filled with so much love for her.

We went through so much shit together. Tonight we find our roses and I’ll cover her with them. She will be my everything. Ben will know the life I should have had. The three of us will be changed forever after tonight.

The limo pulls up to the courtyard of the Hammers Stadium. The red carpet is out and the press are snapping all kinds of pictures.

The driver opens the door and I step out. I pause for a moment and let them get it out of their systems before turning and helping April out of the car. She steps out and I hear the questions fly.

I hold her hand in my arm and wait for Ben.

He grins ear to ear as he runs ahead and stands on the carpet. The flashes strobe as we walk toward the stadium.

I stop and give April a big kiss with a dip. The crowd around us goes nuts.

The attentions turned as the guys meet us.

I go in for bro hugs and Jax holds my hand up in the air. “BEST ALPHA AXELRIDGE EVER HAD!!” He hollers out and they all cheer and clap.

I turn several shades of red and pull my hand away.

I grab April around the waist and we follow the boys into the ball.

“Beautiful as always.” She says as we walk in.

“It’s beautiful because you’re here.” I say as I kiss her lips.

Ticket holders dance and laugh and the drinks flow.

Ben is in awe. This is his first ball. Although, his wolf isn’t ready for the fate bond yet, it’s nice to have him here. He’s part of me and this night is for all of us.


We turn and a pretty girl with slightly curled, black hair runs out of the crowd. She’s wearing a pretty blue dress and sporting a large bright smile for Ben.

I tuck my hands in my pockets as I wait for introductions.

“Ray? What are you doing here?” He says.

“My parents come every year.” She giggles.

“Hello, Raylin.” April says as she takes the glass of nonalcoholic wine from me.

“Hi, Miss. Warren.” She waves.

“Having a good time?” I ask in my best dad voice.

“Oh yeah. This is the best, Alpha Trezner.” She bounces on her toes. She turns to Ben. “Want to hang out?”

He turns to me. “Can I?”

I nod. “Go ahead. Stay out of trouble.”

“I will.” He smiles.

They walk off and I see her lean to him and kiss his cheek. My brow goes up.

April hugs my arm. “Remember when we were that young.”

I swig my beer. “I do. I was never that smooth.” I laugh.

“You were. You just couldn’t see it.” She kisses my nose.

I lead her through the crowd to our table. The stage is crowded because the cup is on display under glass and people are taking photos in front of it. A guard stands tall beside it.

I motion to the cup as we sit down. “To think, I spent most of my life wanted that instead if what’s in front of me right now.”

She leans to me from her chair. “The point is you changed. Life isn’t always about cups or fame. It’s the small things that can make a life so big. Hockey can be a great game, but like I said to you. It shouldn’t be everything. It shouldn’t cost the people closest to you. I know how much you love the game, Finn, but I love you too.”

I nod. “I get it. I’ll miss it, but I realize that behind the glass you were always there. You always will be. The pucks won’t. I needed my priorities straightened out. I’m sorry it took decades for me to figure that out, but it’s never too late to fix things, right?”

She smiles and cups my cheek. “Never.” She kisses me.

I stand and pull her onto the dance floor and sway my baby around. I watch the lights dance in her eyes. I see the soft glow of her skin. I see how happy I’m making her. I always want her this happy. She will never feel sadness. She’ll never feel alone. She’ll never feel frustration or anger. She will never feel unsafe. I will make sure she has me at her beckoned call for the rest of my days. I’ll still have my duties as Alpha, but she will never be put second even after I die. She will always be first in my life no matter what.

I get called over to the stage. I lean to a stage hand.

“Speech in 5 minutes.” He informs.

“Thank you!” I shout back.

I cuddle April as we dance more. Five minutes and I’ll be feeling what I’m sure I should have felt long ago. I really believe that fate took our bond away because I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t do right by April so her bond went to Kyle. I don’t know if the cosmos works that way, but it makes perfect sense to me. Why give something as important as a fate bond to a man who hasn’t grown up yet? Who always put himself first? If I was fate, I’d tell me to fuck off, too.

Not this time. I’m ready, Fate. Bring it on!

I dance a bit more until I’m motioned up on stage.

I walk with April to the stage stairs and lead her up first.

I just start to go when my arm gets grabbed. I turn and almost start to whine. “Really, Freddy?”

“Yes, really. You do this every year. Come on.” He waves me to the door.

Every year, I deliver my speech in front of TV cameras instead of the stage. I told myself I wouldn’t be this year.

“No, Freddy. Not this time.” I turn to the stage.

He grabs my arm again. “Unless you want to be sued for millions, I suggest you make your appearance.” He eyes me. “You still have a week left of the contracts to fulfill.”

I blow out a breath, bit my bottom lip and look at April who’s on stage. Her face is plastered in concern as she flicks her eyes between me and Freddy.

I nod and step up to April. “I will be right back.”

“Finley, no!” She protests.

“I swear. Right back. Just wait for me. Don’t run off.” I stare into her eyes.

She lowers her eyes. “Fine.”

“Right back." I say.

I turn down the stairs and push Freddy through the crowd.



I stand on the stage and look around at the eyes staring up at me.

I knew he couldn’t escape it. I had this aching feeling that somehow his celebrity would ruin this for us and I knew that addiction would be too hard for him to resist.

I step down the stairs as the stage hands tell the audience the Alpha is delayed.

I stand off to the side as the roof is opened. I look up as the blue moon fills the arena. Just like that night, I had my heart set on Finley. He disappointed me then and it looks like he’s disappointing me again.

I decide not to stay this time. I don’t want another Kyle, and if Finn can’t be with me 100 percent, I don’t want him either.

I search the crowd for my son and I start feeling heated. I want to cry, but hold it back to not embarrass myself. I just believed, after all his promises, he wouldn’t do this to me again.

Well, this is it. I’m not going through more years of this. The next time I see Finley, I’m putting my damn foot down and telling him to never come around us again. I don’t need this emotional torture.

I’m so upset, I can’t seem to catch my breath. What’s worse is I smell Finn everywhere. He’s haunting me when I’m supposed to be furious. My eyes well as I search for Ben. It’s not fair. Why am I always meant to be alone? What did I ever do to warrant this?

My body heats more as I get more upset.

I finally get to the doors and take another look around the crowd. I can’t see Ben anywhere. Now, I’m scared I lost my son too.

The moon is almost at its peak and I feel it in the air. The happy couples getting excited finding each other and I lost everyone.

I quickly wipe a tear away and feel the air around me get heavy. I see the smiles. The kisses. My heart breaks. It pounds in my chest and feels like it’s in a vice. My breathing speeds up as I get more upset.

I almost expect Kyle to come out of the crowd, but he won’t be. This time I’m truly alone.

I look up as the moon is almost high. I shake my head, take a step to go find Ben and my arm is grabbed.

I’m spun around and Finn slams his lips on mine. I start to cry as I feel the bond snap in my chest. I grab his head and kiss him deeper. The air around us electrifies my skin and my body feels like it’s on fire.

He wipes my cheeks with his thumbs. His soft lips dance with mine. The bond snaps back and forth and I cry because he came back to me. He didn’t leave me alone.

He slowly pulls back. “Mine.” He whispers.

I choke a laugh. “Mine.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.