The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 26

(Chapter song ‘Hate Everything About You’ by Three Days Grace)


I sit in the trees by the end of the south bridge. Filling my sport bottle with water from the lake, I hear loud metal slamming from the bridge.

I stand and look out across the choppy water to the lit up bridge. I see the tops of trucks and the massive barriers close across the bridge. They back up toward the city and another barrier is closed.

I guess I’m locked out.

That’s fine. The farther away I am from this place the better.

I take a drink from my bottle and start walking. I can’t control my wolf yet, so I have to use him sparingly. Besides, he keeps whining for home and I don’t want him to go back.

I pull out my phone and there’s a million messages from Finn and my mom. There’s one from Ray asking me if it’s true I ran away. I can’t answer her back. She wouldn’t get it.

I pull up pictures I took of my dad’s photos. No one gets what it’s like to not have a dad. To never know if he loved you or not. To never know what his voice sounded like or what he felt like. Yeah, they tell you he did, but how do you really know? He can’t even tell me he’s proud of me or make me feel better when I hurt. If I’m in trouble, he can’t save me. He will never save me like other kids dads. I think that’s what hurts the most. Everyone else has their dad in their corner. Mines empty and always will be because he died.

I wipe my eyes with my sweater sleeve and put my phone back in my pocket.

I’ll just keep walking to the next city and go from there. My mom wanted to move to Phoenix Mountain where my dad worked. I think I’ll see if I can get a bus ticket there. Maybe I can follow my dad and be a soldier like him. In some way, maybe I can find him there.

I find a two lane highway road and follow it. I see a sign that says Rochester, NY 100 miles.

Not too bad. I’ll need food though. I’ll have to try and hunt something and let my wolf eat it. With the little amount of pup school I’ve had so far, he does ok at tracking, but he kind of sucks in this situation. I just hope he can catch something soon until I can buy food.

Walking until just the break of dawn, my stomach growls painfully. I step into the trees, take off my clothes and call the wind. It blows then dies down.

“Come on. Don’t be a jerk. I’m hungry.” I whine.

I call the wind again and he comes through. My black pup wolf shakes his fur out.

‘OK. Find food and eat, but then shift back, ok. Oh and don’t forget where we left our clothes this time.’

He whines and yips before trotting off into the woods.

His paws pad across the forest floor and his black nose sniffs the ground. He dips his head into the odd bush.

We round a corner and a rabbit crosses the path ahead of us.

‘GET HIM!’ I bark in my mind.

He barks loud and takes off.

The rabbit dips and jumps through the forest as my wolf chases him. The trunks fly by as he eyes the bunny tail in front of him.

The rabbit zigzags and my wolf is on it. He’s panting hard and his claws dig in for more speed.

The rabbit turns and ducks down into a hole.

My wolf slams his head into the hole with a growl. He tries to grab the rabbit who accidently cornered itself.

I see the rabbit frantically start to dig at the back of the hole so my wolf starts digging at the front of the hole. The rabbit screams in panic and my wolf snaps his growls as he tries to grab it.

He started to out dig the animal and open his drooling jaws to finally sink his teeth into it when I feel a sharp sting of teeth on my rump and I’m violently pulled out of the hole.

I'm thrown across the forest and land in the dirt.


My wolf whines as he raises his head and stares into the eyes of ten dirty, angry wolves. They snarl, growl and bite at me as my wolf pup cowers.

The one in front shifts. The kid looks to be 17 or 18. He looks even more drugged out then the ones on the island.

“Shift!” He commands with his arms crossed.

My wolf whines again and retreats. He’s terrified and I am too.

I stand and cover myself. Barely making eye contact as I shiver in front of the others who shift just after.

“What’s your name?” He steps up to me. His blonde hair is messy and he needs a bath.

“B-Ben.” I stammer.

He gets in my space and looks down at me. “You’re coming with us, Ben.” He smirks and lets out a chuckle with the rest of the older kids. His eyes are red rimmed with bright red veins in them and scary.

I swallow as I realize I may be in huge trouble now.


I follow the kids after they take me to my clothes. We breach the tree line and walk onto a large farm.

In the middle is a huge white and black farmhouse. There’s wolves hanging around it. Kids fighting each other and I watch a bunch of adults jump into trucks and drive off.

“Where are we?” I whisper. I eye the kids with red glowing eyes. I pull up my strap and hear them hurting each other. This makes me cringe.

“Home base.” The blonde guy says.

I hear a roar and stop dead.

I watch a bunch of lycans walk out from the side of the house and take off into the forest. Their howls make my skin crawl.

Lycans.” I say under my breath.

These are things of our darkest nightmares. I had plenty where they came into my room and attacked me. During phys-ed, we’re often told about them and how we are at war. We all train to protect ourselves from them if they get into the city. But I’m only level 1. I can’t fight a lycan kid much less an adult one.

The kid grabs my arm. “Don’t worry. If you’re one of us, they won’t kill you. We're part of the army. Come on.” He pulls me and my feet trip to a walk.

I keep my head down, only glancing once in while to the people around me.

When we get close to the house, the kid howls.

The front door opens and more men walk out. They stand me in front of the steps and the men look me over.

One man crosses his arms. His one eye is covered in a patch. He turns his eye to the kid. “What’s this?”

“We found him in the woods.” He responds.

The one eyed guy gives me another once over. “Kill him.” He barks and turns.

The kids grab me and my heart jumps into my throat. “Wait!” My voice cracks as I yell.

He stops and turns around.

“Y-You…You need me.” I swallow.

He tilts his head and walks down two steps. “Why would I need a kid who can’t even control his wolf yet?”

I need an answer…anything…Think!

“Because….M-My…” My eyes meet his. “My dad’s the Alpha!” I blurt.

Mumbles fill the area and the guy arches a brow over his patch. “Really.”

He takes the final two steps and walks into my space. “Maybe I do have a use for you.”

The kids chuckle and mumble behind me as I start to sweat. The smirk on his face tells me I may have dug this hole a bit too deep.


The wind blew across the bridge as we stand at the barrier.

The one eyed man, named Michael, stands with me, his hand around my nape.

My brows stitch up as I look up at the security camera pointed down at us.

I turn and look up at Michael.

“If daddy loves you. He’ll show.” He lifts his chin.

The sound of metal moving in the distance floats across the lake.

Each comes in almost a succession as they get louder and closer. I feel the bridge vibrate as the barriers are opened.

My heart pounds in my chest at the thought that Finn actually came to save me.

The barrier in front of us cracks and starts to open. I hold my breath as the lights from the bridge flood us and the silhouette of a man in spiked armor, stands in the growing separation of the walls.

His metal goalie stick hangs at his side. I see his hand grip it hard.

I watch his lowered head rise slowly and his eyes glow blue.

“Trezner. Didn’t know you had a heart." Michael snarls.

“Let my son go.” He growls darkly.

“I will, but we have to talk first.” He says in a snide tone.

“No, release my boy and I may not smash your face in…totally.” He thumps his heel on the ground and his hover boots come on. He bounces his stick in his other hand.

“Finn.” I choke as I shoot him a worried look.

“It's OK, Benny. I’m here.” He nods and I nod back.

“It's fine, Finn. I’m sure you’ll be much more willing to talk after you recover.” Michael smirks.

I quickly look at Michael then Finn. “IT’S A TRAP!” I yell.

Michael’s eye glows gold and he grabs my throat.


Loud, demonic roars came out of the darkness as Michael lifts me off my feet. He changes to a large black lycan and throws me back into the road.

I scream through the air and land in the middle of the army of lycans and rogues on a collision course with Finn.

The ground quakes as heavy feet and paws hit the pavement around me and over me.

I scream and whine as I cover my head and try not to get trampled. I feel paws hit me and I flinch to get out of the way. The panting and growling hurts my ears and the heat from them all draws enough sweat to soak in seconds.

“FINNNN!!!” I cry out.

The last of them pass and I sit up on my but. My cheeks are wet and my mouth falls open as I watch the army cross onto the bridge.

“Finn.” I whimper as a tear falls.

I get to my feet and think quick. I pull my backpack to my front and open it. I reach in and pull out three vials of Croak.

My mouth goes small and my brows cinch. My hand shakes as my eyes rim with tears. I feel an anger brew inside that I never felt before. Anger at these guys for hurting my dad. I look at the bridge and hear the roars rise with the sounds of fights.

I pull out more and stuff all my pockets quickly.

“I’m coming, dad.” I run to the fight to find that asshole Michael and save the man who saved me.

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