The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 22

(Chapter song ‘Rockstar’ by Nickelback, ‘Parents' by YUNGBLUD)


“I think I like winger. You get to hit more. Aaron says I can play center, but I don’t know if I want that. Centers too hard.” I say as I go through my texts and respond to the locations in the stadium to meet for the pass off.

“Center's not hard. You have the most freedom on the ice. You play everything.” Finn says as he drives me to the stadium for my home game.

“I don’t know. Left wing is enough. At least I’m a forward.” I shrug.

“True. The front lines is always awesome.” He pulls to the front of the building and parks. “Alright. Ready?”

I look out the window. “Aren’t you gonna park?”

“I can’t stay. I got to go to the Hub.” He scrunches his nose at me.

“You’re missing my game?” I drop my phone in my lap.

“I’m sorry, Benny. I just have some really important things to take care of. I’ll pick you up after, ok?” He smiles.

I kind of pout about it, but its actually good that he’s hardly around. I don’t have to worry so much when I move my stuff. “OK. Oh…Drew wants to hang out at the mall. His brother’s driving us. He can drive me home.”

“OK. Drew. That’s Dylan’s little brother. Dylan's friends with Casey.” I state.

“Yeah. That guy. He helps Aaron coach and buys us pizza after. We’ve been hanging out with him. He’s cool. He says likes my slap shot.”

“I agree. It’s a really cool shot. OK. I’ll pick you up at the mall. The secret from Mom remember?” He taps my arm.

“Oh yeah.” I open the truck door, grabbing my duffle as I hop down.

“Eh! What time?” He asks before I close the door.

“Um…6?” I answer.

“OK. I’ll be there.” Finn winks and I shut the door.

I pull out my phone and open my group chat. I announce that I’m here and I have everyone’s stuff. I get a bunch of Yeahs on the chat wall and I smirk as I walk into the building.


I sit on the bench, holding my stick, watching the play, when I hear my name.


I look down the bench to the edge of the home side bench and smile. “Ray?”

I get up and walk to her as she leans on the railing.

“Hi!” She waves with a grin.

“Hi. What are you doing here?” The crowd cheers as the play skates by us.

“I come to see you play, silly.” She giggles and tries to touch me, but she’s too high up.

“Oh…why?” I arch a brow.

She lays her head on her arm on the railing. “Because I just do.”

“But…I’m not playing.” I hold out my hands. “I probably won’t be in this game.”

“That’s OK. I don’t come just for the game.” She rests her chin on her hands.

“What else is there?” my brows go up.

“Cute hockey players.” She laughs.

My mouth goes small. “What?”

She laughs more. “You're funny.”

A small smile crosses my lips. “I’m…Is this a trick?” I raise a brow to her. I don’t trust her.

“No.” She chuckles. “I’m flirting.” She blinks her blue eyes at me as I get what she’s saying.

“OHHH…” I nod. I glance at the game on the ice.

“So, you want to hang out with me after?” She smiles.

I lower my head and rub my neck. “Maybe.” I raise my eyes to her.

“Cool. I’ll wait for you by the locker room.” She pushes off the railing.

“OK.” I heat up as I smile. Ray is cute for a girl and I kind of like her, I just never thought she liked me, liked me.

I watch her walk away and my wolf does a little spin. “I feel ya, buddy.” I shake my head and walk to my spot on the bench.

I can hang with Ray at the mall, but I have to be careful. She can’t find out what I’m doing. If she was any other girl, I wouldn’t care, but for some reason, I don’t what her to know what I’m doing.


I count the hundreds as the guys take their Croak from my stash.

“Thanks.” I say as I pocket the cash and close my bag in the washroom of the mall.

“Hey, where do you get this stuff anyway.” A kid named Chris asks. I watch him inject it.

“I have friends." I shrug.

“Who?” Another kid named Turner asks.

“I can’t tell you.” I lean on a sink with my arms crossed. I look around the bathroom at the six guys on there. “I can show you though.”

“Really?” Chris says as he sits his ass down on the floor.

“Yeah, but you’re not in until you do something first.” I eye them all.

“How do you get in?” Turner crosses his arms.

I push off the sink. “You have to move Croak. Do that, you’re in.” I adjust my duffle.

The six kids surround me.

“We want in.” They all say in unison.

I nod and drop my bag. I pull out six vials. “I tell you what I was told.” I hand them out. “Sell these, bring me the cash and I’ll take you to them.”

They all look at the vials, thinking about it. It’s one thing to buy it, but selling it is different. I know how they feel.

Chris throws a smirk my way. “Cool.”

I pick up my bag. “Meet me at school on Monday. I’ll set it up.”

They clap my back. “Thanks, Ben.”

“Don’t tell anyone.” I warn them all.

“And ruin our supplier? Fuck that.” Tucker says and they all chuckle as we leave.

The mall is crowded for a Saturday. Families walk around and shop. I flop myself down on the seat next to Ray. Drew and Dylan were eating.

Dylan leans back, “Feel better?” He sips his soda.

“Yeah. Much better.” I smirk.

“I can’t believe we lost that game.” Drew moans.

“You played good though.” I pop a fry in my mouth.

“Yeah. Don’t sweat it, little dude. The seasons just started.” Dylan claps his brother on the back.

“I think you’re all great players.” Raylin grins. She flips her brown hair over her shoulder.

I give a half smile. “Thanks.” I glance at her and admire her soft pink cheeks.

“So, Ben. When’s Finn gonna come and help.” Dylan asks.

This changes my mood. “He’s too busy.” I mutter.

“Being Alpha is a big job.” Ray says as she bites a fry. “You can’t expect him to coach a bunch of kids.”

“I guess.” I stick my hands in my sweater pockets and kick my feet. A part of me understands what she’s saying, but another big part wishes it wasn’t like that. I’ll never get what I want from Finn. He can’t even be a part of our secret. That’s why it’s better to do things on my own.

The way things are going, this is a much better plan. I’m seeing Cornell tonight and hopefully he’ll let me on the island when he finds out what I’ve done for him.

I have my out and I just need to play Finn a little longer and then I’ll be ready.

“You guys have great coaches already. I think you’ll win the next game.” She smiles and feeds me a fry.

I smile back as I chew it. “Thanks, Ray.”

“Hey, Rockstar. What’s going on here?” Dylan grins.

“Nothing.” My cheeks flush.

“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Dylan says.

“He’s just shy. He’s always been like that. Right, Ben?” Ray almost bounces in her seat.

“No.” I scowl.

“Yes, you are. He’s so sensitive.” She giggles.

“I’m not sensitive.” I grumble.

“Ben. I’ve known you for a year. I know you are.” She tilts her head to me.

I sit up and turn to her. “I am not.”

“Ben, don’t fight. We're just talking.” Drew says.

“It’s OK. I like you that way. It’s not a bad thing. I think it’s cute.” She shrugs with a grin.

I lean to her and scowl harder. “I’m not cute.”

“Don’t get mad.” Her lips fall.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” I jump up and grab my bag.

“Ben!” Dylan barks.

I leave the food court and push my way through the crowd.

I don’t know why that made me mad, but for a second, I guess, it felt like I was talking to Finn. He constantly tells me to calm down, stop getting mad. I’m sick of it.

“Ben! Wait!”

I stop, but don’t turn around. I take a deep breath as Ray stops at my back.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

I turn around. “It’s OK.”

“I don’t think you’re a bad person.” She says as she plays with her fingers.

“OK.” I hang onto my strap and kick at the floor.

“Can you come back to the table?” She steps closer to me.

“I can’t. Finns picking me up. I’ll see you at school.” I mumble.

“OK.” She steps to me and kisses my cheek. My mouth falls and my body heats. “I’m sorry.” She whispers as she pulls back.

I glance at her eyes. “I…I’m sorry, too.”

“See you Monday.” She meets my eyes.

“Yeah. Bye.”

“Bye.” She smiles.

I turn and walk out of the mall, my hand holding the kiss Ray gave me. I felt like shit after. Snapping on her for such a stupid reason made me feel out of control. Her kiss seemed to make me realize that.

Just another thing Finn does to me. He gets in my head that sometimes it comes out on other people. I don’t like that and soon that should go away when I do.


After sneaking out, I made my way to the North shore.

I step carefully through the kids messing around, talking and shooting Croak.

They sit on the couches and trip for a while. I watch as they seem to not even be here anymore. Their minds are somewhere else. As someone who hasn’t tried it yet, it kind of looks scary to see them and hear them when they shoot up.

I swallow and enter Cornell’s room.

“Benny!” He smiles when he sees me.

I pull out my cash. “Hey.” I look around at the towers of kids.

“Any problems?” He asks. His beady eyes look me over as he takes the stack from my hand.

“No. I…I got some kids who want in.” I say nervously.

“You do? That’s excellent! Good job, Benny.” He claps my arm and count the drug money.

“Yeah…They…um…They’re gonna sell Croak for me.” I say low.

He stops counting and rests his arms on his thighs. He grins. “Look at you. My little business man.”

“I-I was hoping that I could…” I look around the dimly lit room. “You know, move in now.”

“You’re doing so well out there, Benny. The school is very profitable.” He holds the cash up to me.

“I know. I just…I got the Junior hockey team now and I figured it would be enough.” I step up to him.

“The hockey team? You kidding me?” His brow goes up.

“No.” I mumble.

He pushes off the table and sits down. “This is great news. I love it. Fuck, Ben. You’re just a little bastard on a mission.” He laughs.

I furrow my brow. “So can I move in?”

He glances at me. “No.” He says sharply.

“Why not? I did what you wanted.” I lean to him and argue.

He rolls his eye to me. “Don’t get mouthy with me, boy.”

His growl has me lean back.

“You have access to places none of these idiots do.” He waves to the other kids in the room. “If I pull you, I lose that. So, no, Ben. I’m not satisfied yet. Keep bringing me money and kids and we’ll talk about it later.” He goes back to counting cash. He separates a bit and gets up.

He holds out 200. “Here. You’re cut. My best advice, Ben. Patience. We’re playing a long game here. We don’t want to rush things.” He slaps the money in my hand.

I pocket the cash and nod.

He waves his hand at me. “Go. Grab your package on the way out and hook up more kids.”

I nod again and turn.

“Oh and Ben…”

I turn back to a sick smirk.

“Remember, daddy loves you.” He leans back and holds out his arms.

“Yeah.” I grumble as I turn back around and leave.

I hear Cornell cackling as I leave the Island with my next batch of Croak in my bag.

Cornell denying me access to the island again, only pisses me off. I’ve done everything that he asked me to do and asked for nothing in return except for him to save me from this life I have.

Just like all the other adults in my life, he just crushed me. Well, fuck him. If he won’t let me into Treasure Island, I’ll build my own. I don’t need him…

I don’t need anyone.

I climb back into my bedroom and pull out the cash I saved. I have 5000, but I need more.

I stop and think. The Croak I have will get me far, but not far enough. I bite my cheeks then leave my room. I go to the hall closet and take out towels.

I find a box and pull it out.

My hands are shaking as I open it. I glance over my shoulder to my mother’s room. I look back at the box and suck in my top lip.

I pull out two thick rolls of bills. My heart speeds up as I pocket one.

Finns money my mother had been putting aside for when we left Axelridge. There’s at least 10, 000 here. I glance at her door again, think, then pocket the second roll. She won’t need this now that her and Finn seem to be tight again. She’s not moving anymore. I can tell.

I furrow my brow as I put the box back in a quiet hurry.

I turn back to my room and shut the door. I pack some stuff and jump out my window. This time my wolf lands it.

I stride across the yard and throw my pack over the fence.

“Me and you, buddy. That’s all we need. Screw everyone else.” I mutter as I hop the top and pick up my bag.

I walk through the woods not knowing where I’m going. All I can do is feel the raging let downs I’ve had.

I glance over my shoulder as I exit the woods into the streets. “Fuck yous all.”

I take off running and let the night swallow me whole.

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