The Assistant (sequel to The Beta's Mate)

Chapter Dealing With Grief

One Year Later

Dylan walked into his dad’s office. Looking around, it looked like a cyclone had gone through there and destroyed everything. His mom, the pack Luna, had been his dad’s assistant. It was plain to see just how invaluable she had been. The Alpha’s office was disorganized and decidedly untidy. Files and papers scattered onto almost every surface. Even the leather sofa set seemed to be in use for paper placement.

Dylan hesitated to speak. So much set his dad off these days. He hadn’t really grieved for his Luna. Not really. Dylan knew it. Stephanie knew it. As did Stephanie’s mate, Colton. It was as if Royce thought that by grieving he was letting Diana go. Either that or he was just trying to remain strong for his children and pack. Either way, the future combustion of emotions was sure to happen. “Dylan, your father is an exceptional Alpha and much beloved in our world. However, if he does not let go of the tight reins that he has on his emotions and grieve properly, it could cause his wolf to go berserk. It’s not helping him, holding all that grief in. I think, deep down, he blames himself for the Luna’s death.”

Just recalling that conversation with the Elder caused a shudder to go down Dylan’s spine. Suddenly, a notion hit him. He would hire his dad an assistant. One who was human and had no desire for a mate, lover or any other type of deeper relationship. Having decided, he quietly turned and left the room where his dad was busy trying his best to drink himself into a stupor. Difficult at best, because of their metabolism, alcohol, like medicines, burned through their bodies at an accelerated rate. Going to seek out his sister, he asked her opinion. Both she and her mate thought it a grand idea.

“That’s exactly what dad needs right now. Someone to help get and keep him organized. Right now, he’s so scatter-brained that he probably couldn’t string two sentences together. Let alone two word. She also needs to look nothing like mom. Can you do the interview, Dylan, or do you want me to do it?”

“No, I think I’ll do it. After all, I will probably have more interaction with her than you. I want to be able to see how see she handles herself around a powerful, and sometimes aggressive Alpha male. Who knows, this might be just what the Elder ordered. It will definitely shake dad up. It will probably set him off. I’m actually looking forward to shaking dad out of his funk. This could be just the thing to help him.” Dylan was smirking, thinking about what type of woman he wanted for his dad’s new assistant. And if he wasn’t mistaken, he knew just the person to call. Dylan disappeared into his own office doors as Stephanie turned at looked up at her mate. “Well, that was interesting. I wonder who he has in mind. She’s need to be a strong woman.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it too much, love. Dylan has a good head on his shoulders and will make a fine Alpha some day. However, he did have the look of a little boy getting into mischief. On second thought, your right. We might need to be a little worried.” Colton felt a little apprehension at the thought of bringing in a human to work around so many male wolves. They were a male-oriented society. It was just how things worked. It had always been that way. To bring a single female, human, no less, into their midst, was just asking for trouble. It didn’t matter that she was married or not, a wolf sensing his mate was almost unstoppable.

“Elizabeth, how are you? Great, glad to hear it. Listen, I know that you sold Daniel’s company and are at something of a loose end. I was wondering if you would like a job. I would be on-site and you would have to be available around the clock. Yes, it is for my dad. You are just the person I feel like dad needs. You’re a strong woman. You have a backbone and aren’t afraid to show it. You don’t back down from an aggressive person. Hell, I’ve seen you handle wolves with such finesse that they think leaving you alone was their idea. But on the other side of that coin, I need you because you are a widow and aren’t looking for a powerful Alpha mate. You aren’t interested in taking a lover and you have nothing to tie you to any one place if dad needs to travel.”

“Exactly. No, you daughter is welcome to visit any time. However, you may not want her to. You never know when a wolf might decide she’s their mate. Oh, you wouldn’t? I’m sorry to hear that. No. No woman should be treated like that. Fidelity is something guaranteed in a werewolf relationship. However, the aggressive nature of our wolves often can be uncomfortable and overwhelming for the human mate. Me? No, I still haven’t found her. I know. One day I will. Lizzie. Yes she will. She will be loved so much. I figured she’s human, Lizzie. I’ve met almost all of the she-wolves. No, I don’t mind that I waited. It’s just that when I do find her, I might just shut down and operate solely as a wolf. I’ve waited a long time, Lizzie. Yes, that’s true. So, do you think you can handle the job? Great! See you in three days time then, on Monday. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll e-mail you the gate codes and security information. The guys at the front gates will be expecting you. See you soon, Lizzie. Ok, Bye.” Dylan hung up the phone feeling something akin to excitement. He couldn’t wait to tell his dad.


So Dylan thinks he’s doing what’s best, huh? Does anyone else think that this could lead to disaster on many levels? I’m taking a watch and see attitude. And just how does Dylan, an alpha’s son, know Lizzie? Stay tuned. All will be revealed.

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