The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Olivia’s POV

When we arrived at Li's pack, I was extremely on edge. The wolves here looked like they could crush a house with their pinkies and I was at least a fourth of their size, but she walked around here like she owned the place. We stopped in front of the house and she took a deep breath before opening the door. The smell of pure testosterone and Alpha wafted into my nostrils almost making me dizzy if was so intense. I always heard of Lycan's being the most superior wolf but to actually see them in person was an understatement. They were stealthy and smart and extremely big, which explained Li's wolf. Beautiful long silver fur and silver eyes plus it didn't hurt that she was the size of a small car.

When we walked down the hall I could smell a cigar burning and it instantly made me think of my dad, and how he used to sit in his office and read through paperwork, then I would run in and make a mess of it all. He used to call me Olivinado because I would run in and around his desk creating a breeze and knocking everything over. I held back a tear as she opened a door and walked in.

"Who the he...Li?" A big man with long grey beard ran around his desk and picked Li up hugging her hard. "What are you doing here and who is your guest?

Then he looked over her shoulder and his eyes locked on mine, making me feel like I was an annoyance.

"Romero, this is Olivia. She is my...friend." Li said and I felt myself smile at the thought of having a friend after being held captive and hiding out for almost three and a half years.

He walked around Li and straight up to me where he stood like a damn oak tree in front of me, he extended his hand and said "Welcome Olivia."

Just then another man came running in and picked Li up spinning her around then placed her back on her feet before saying "Li! What...when...who?" As he looked between me and Romero then back to Li.

Li said "Damon, can you show Olivia to my room. I'm sure she would love a shower and to rest."

He nodded and guided me out the door back down the hall to the room all the way at the end. He showed me where all the toiletries and towels were and then left the room. I walked around staring at the blank walls and colorless décor, I was expecting more from a teenage girl but I guess when you live here you lack the ability to coordinate colors and patterns. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower, making sure to pay special attention to all the areas that were important, I mean living in the woods didn't exactly help in the hygiene department so having hot water and actual soap and shampoo, felt like a dream. I also shaved and made sure to clean under each fingernail and toenail.

I must have been in there for a half an hour before the water started turning cold. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel then walked over to my bag, throwing on a shirt and some shorts. I combed my hair taking extra care to get out all the knots and quickly braided it then wrapped it into a bun. It was extremely long and soon I would need to get it cut but until then I just kept it tied up.

I laid down on the bed and tried to close my eyes but they just kept popping open thinking about what Li and that man were talking about. I knew she was keeping secrets from me, I mean what normal girl wouldn't want to be Queen of the Werewolves? She obviously was hiding something but I wasn't going to push her. She would tell me when she was ready to. I sat up and rummaged through my bag, looking for the album. I missed Tanner so much but I just couldn't risk going home and having him taken away from me too.

I sat on the edge of the bed and opened it, reminiscing about when we were kids and how much he taught me. He may not have been our next Alpha but he sure knew how to fight and he didn't go easy on me when he trained me. I owed him big time for all the things he showed me, in fact they saved my life. I was flipping through the pages when I heard Li walk into the room.

"Hey, I'm going for a run. I shouldn't be long so make yourself comfortable."

"Can I come? I'm not really tired, I slept on the plane and I'm getting antsy just sitting here.".

She looked at me like she wanted to say no but then she said nodded her head and turned around walking out the door and down the stairs to the back porch. She undressed and shifted then ran off into the woods. We ran for a while before she stopped and crouched down low. I followed her actions and soon there were deer everywhere. She watched as a buck crossed in front of us then suddenly she leaped out and took him down in one swipe. Then she dropped him to the ground as he took his last breath. She motioned for me to come out and have some but I felt bad since this was her kill. Once we were done and cleaned off, we trotted off to a stream for a drink.

Suddenly I felt a stinging, burning sensation in my leg and I felt dizzy. I looked over at Li who was just standing there then her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. Soon after I fell down too and everything went black.


I woke up hours later, groggy and with an insane headache, naked in my human form. I sat up slowly despite the tingles going up and down my body begging me to lay back down. I looked around and didn't see Li anywhere but the strong smell of cigarette smoke and cheap aftershave stung my nostrils. I got on my hands and knees and slowly got up. I followed the smell for a while before I heard voices. I saw Li lying on the ground with a fucking chain around her neck that was attached to the tree. She wasn't moving and he was screaming at her, suddenly he kicked her hard then grabbed her by the chain and dragged her to a car

I watched cautiously as they drove away and waited a few minutes before I shifted and followed along the road. They were driving down a long dark road when a hanger appeared and a small plane came into view. I watched as the car stopped and everyone in it boarded the plane, including a naked Li. I ran around the garage as fast as I could and slipped into the bottom where the luggage is stored. I tucked myself into a corner and hid between two bags as the door closed sealing me in. I held on to the bottom of the plane and prepared for the flight. I had no clue who had Li or what they wanted with her but there was no way I was letting her go through this alone.

Who else absolutely loves Olivia?

But for real, will she find Li?

And does she know what she's about to get in to?

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