The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Healing

After we reached the hospital, all the girls were brought in and checked out. Because some of them were humans, we had to keep all the she-wolves on silver beds so they wouldn't shift unexpectedly. The doctors and medical staff were used to treated all types of people so it was nothing new to them. They simply treated them and sent them home. Luckily all of them only received a few minor cuts and bruises and some had mild dehydration but other than that physically they would heal in a day.

But mentally was a different story. How do you recover from such a traumatic experience? You don't, simple as that. You can try to move on but the memories keep you in a constant state of panic. The nightmares that never end and the embarrassment from being scared to even leave your house was too much for some people. I've been fortunate to have people around me to help me diffuse my anxiety but not everyone is that lucky.

"Are these girls going to get psychological treatment?" I asked Tanner as we left the hospital.

"Yes. Our staff doctor has been notified and he has given the humans names and numbers of counselors for them to contact. The rest of it is up to them."

I nodded knowing that they probably wouldn't do it themselves if they had to.

"Let's get you home so you can clean that cut."

I stopped suddenly remembering the last thing Finn and I talked about. I didn't want to see him right now, if ever again, but I needed to make sure my leg was taken care of. This kind of injury was nothing compared to the others I'd received. Luckily I healed extremely fast and never scarred but I still needed to wash it out.

"I'd rather not go back home right now. Could I possibly stay with you tonight?" I shivered at the thought of him telling me no.

He looked at me with contemplation in his eyes. He was holding something back and I was afraid to find out what it was. "You can stay as long as you need. But I have to know if that ass you're living with did something to you to make you not want to go back home?" His hands were clenched tightly by his sides and the veins in his neck were popping out.

"He didn't do anything." I said staring at the ground as we stopped at his truck.

"Don't lie to me Mila. You've already done that once tonight, and don't think I've forgotten that either. I don't tolerate disobedience and once that leg is healed I will show you what I do to those who insist on defying me!" He said as he ran his hand down my side giving me goosebumps all along my skin.

I gulped loudly as I realized what he was saying. I knew he was rough in the bedroom but this type of punishment wasn't what I was used to. My wolf instantly started purring at the insinuation and started stretching like she was ready for a marathon. She didn't like the sweet shit and she sure couldn't stand anyone telling her what to do but when it came to Tanner, she rolled over faster than puppy waiting for a treat.

"Y-yes, Alpha, beast." I said barely above a whisper but his eyes grew and he growled at me.

I turned on my heel and quickly climbed into his truck before he had the chance to throw me up against the hood and fuck me in the parking lot. My leg was still burning but not nearly as much as before and I could already see the skin knitting back together in some spots. It would probably be 50% healed by the time we reached his cabin but I still needed to clean it.

We drove to his place in silence but I could tell he wanted to ask me what happened inside the building. I mean I did run out then blew it up causing a metal shard to become lodged in my leg but other than that it was an easy mission. Right?

I looked over at him and noticed his brow was furrowed and he had a scowl on his face. I wish I knew what he was thinking! I hope he didn't regret taking me in for the night. I bit my lip as my stomach twisted into knots.

"Aren't you going to ask me what happened in there?"

"Isn't it pretty obvious? You blew the mother fucking place up." He said in a pissy tone.

"I did what I had to do to get those girls out safely."

"And you might have blown the whole investigation because you can bet whoever is in charge isn't going to stop. He'll just keep doing this somewhere else." His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

"What did you want me to do? It's not like you told me what was going on. You knew all about this and you pretended not to when I approached you. Were you thinking that this person would be there and that you could swoop in and catch him?" My hands were clutching my legs so tight that my nails were digging into my skin.

Was he really mad at me for saving those girls? Or was he pissed that I brought too much unwanted attention to this problem?

"You don't know the half of what's been going on." He said in an annoyed tone.

He turned into his driveway, pulled up to the house and threw the truck in part before jumping out the truck and walking to the door.

"Then why don't you tell me?" I said as I limped behind him.

"No!" Unlocking the door, he stomped inside not waiting for me to follow.

"So I risked my life for something bigger and you won't tell me?"

"It's none of your business, Mila."

"It's my business now! Tell me why you're so involved. Are you part of this?"

I stopped in my tracks as I thought back to the files Julius had given us. Murder, bribery, extortion, underground markets but I don't remember sex trafficking, unless I skipped over it. How could I have been so stupid? It all made sense, how he was at all this parties. How he knew about the missing women. He was in my bedroom the night I went after him. Was he there to take me but I awoke before he could? I slowly backed away from him trying not to show the panic in my face.

It was him. That's why there were no special agents or detectives swarming the place. That's why he was so willing to bring me there and hand me over. But he never expected me to ruin his plan by killing everyone inside and saving the girls.

He watched me carefully as I stepped away from him.

"What's wrong, Mila?" He said cautiously.

I placed my hand behind my back reaching for my knife as I stared at him. Anger boiling inside of me like molten hot lava waiting to erupt. I was going to take care of this problem once and for all then move on to my real mission with any distractions.

I pulled out the knife and held it out in front of me daring him to make another move.

"Why did you do it, Tanner?"

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