The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Going Home?

The flight was quick and before I knew it we were bumping along the tarmac and coming to a stop. There was another car waiting for us on the strip and once we were secured and ready to exit, my chains were freed from the chair. I tucked my arm to my side trying to keep it hidden, I really had to figure out how to conceal it better. Once my arms were released I was hoisted again over some jackass's shoulder and taken out the plane.

"I can walk, I'm not a fragile woman." I said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah but then you might run away and as much as I love the chase, I don't have time for one today."

I huffed as I was thrown into the back of the car and Julius scooted in besides me. He looked at my naked form and licked his lips making me move all the way to the door and ball myself up, trying to hide my nakedness from all the men's prying eyes. "You could have at least given me something to wear."

"This is more humiliating, don't you think. Dragging you around by your neck and leaving you naked like the dog you are." He said with a smug look on his face.

If I were just a little closer, I would have gouged his eyes out. We drove for a while before I realized where he was bringing me. I instantly froze and the fears I had from yesterday came rushing back. He was really bringing me back to Tanner, to kill him. I tried my hardest to calm my breathing but fear crept into my throat making it hard. I needed to get to him first and warn him. I needed to be the one to explain everything but how would I make him understand that I was hired to kill him before I knew who he was, that meeting him had nothing to do with getting close to him as a target, that I had not only fallen in love with him before he became King and that I was going to have to leave in order for him to stay alive. A million questions ran through my mind the closer we got to his pack.

I needed to escape but how? I closed my eyes and thought about everything Damon taught me about self-defense, for incase this exact situation ever occurred. Then an idea popped into my mind, it had been hours since they injected me and I actually felt stronger and these restraints really couldn't stop me if they weren't attached to anything. If I managed to run and shift, there was no way they could catch me. Before I gave it any more thought, I opened the door of the moving car and jumped out, tucking as I rolled into the grass. As soon as I stopped I shifted, breaking the collar and arm cuffs into pieces sending them flying all over the road. I heard the tires screeching to a halt and quickly began running in a zig zag pattern to avoid them shooting me again. I managed to get away and hid out in the woods until a safe time passed.

This is where it was going to be tricky, how do I get to Tanner without Julius getting to him first? Would Julius kill him before I got there? No! He might have been a lot of things but he couldn't do the job, which is why he came to me in the first place. But what would I say to him? I needed a plan before I ran off and messed anything up further. I started to shift back when I heard rustling in the bushes. I turned and hid behind a rock waiting for the threat to approach when a little brown wolf came peeking through the trees. Olivia? How the hell did she get here?

I walked out from behind the rock and immediately shifted, giving her the signal that it was safe. Soon she was doing the same and ran up to me wrapping her arms around my naked torso.

"Olivia, how did you get here? Are you ok?" I pushed her away from me checking to see if she was injured.

"When I woke up by the river and you were gone, I followed the scent of the men who took you and saw you chained to a tree. I got there just in time for you to be dragged off, so I followed the car, then stowed away in the luggage compartment under the plane."

I squeezed her hand tight then filled her in on the plan, giving only the details she needed to know, then she suggested a place where we could hide out until the morning. Once we made it to the abandoned barn, we agreed that one of us would sleep while the other kept guard and switch in a few hours. I took the first shift so I could figure out how we were going to get into Tanner's pack undetected, then how to explain why I left, without telling him I was his killer mate, and Julius's lies that could potentially put him in danger.

After a few hours, Olivia woke up and we traded places. I went lie down and tried to get some sleep but again the sandman decided to play hooky and keep his magic to himself. I finally had enough and went back to the front with Olivia.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked me.


"I used to have that problem too but once I started meditating, I began to get the best sleep of my life."

"I've never been a sleeper, but then again growing up like I did I never really could. Fear kept me from closing my eyes."

I looked off into the distance trying not to let the past come back to life, but the more I pushed it away the more it reared its ugly little head. The worst memories involved the cage and the look in my father's eyes as he locked me in it. He was always so cold but almost conflicted placing me in there, like he wanted me gone but he didn't want to be the one to do it, keeping his hands clean if you will. I choked down the bile rising in my throat as Olivia cleared hers.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. I think we need to get to Tanner's as soon as possible. Let's go." I stood up and started walking towards the pack house.

If I remember correctly, it wasn't too far from here. Hopefully he was there and not being guarded by too many men, it would be hard enough getting past his personal security team let alone the royal guards. Once we reached the edge of his property, it was clear that getting in was going to be difficult. The perimeter was entirely covered by men in military attire with guns as well as trained snipers located on top of the pack house. We quickly found some extra clothes in the woods and then I used my super sensitive sight to check out possible locations to be able to infiltrate.

Olivia was looking as well and soon we both had our eyes on an area that was completely wide open and unmonitored. She waved me over to her and explained how we could get in without having to go through any of the main doors.

"There is an old cellar door near the West side of the house that Tanner and I used to use all the time as kids. But it passes through the dungeon." My eyes suddenly widened with fear.

The dungeon will be hard on Li!

What do you think Tanner will say when he sees her?

Does he really not know they're mates?

What will he think of Olivia being there?

I dedicate this chapter to mirjana who I always can't wait to see what she thinks about a chapter! Thanks for your support.

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