The Artist

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


I knew I was alone before I opened my eyes. My skin had been infected with his claim. He made it feel foreign and alive. It wasn’t mine anymore. It was his. The entire covering of my body belonged to the devil. Itching and tingling as if a million microscopic flies pestered it like it was dead. I would have gladly scratched it off if it wasn’t for the fact that he’d have to feel Kita’s claim as well. Alexander had claimed my flesh. But Kita held my blood.

Agonizing minutes crept into endless hours, that’s how time moved for me. The shock of losing my life had finally taken hold. I was no longer Henley Allred. I was just an object. I had no desire to do anything but sit and wait longingly for death. That is until the devil touched me. He was all too willing to remind me that I was Omega. The Alpha would tempt me with the realization that he knew my dynamic, making her alive with wanting. The Alpha would call to her, and she would respond. Giving him exactly what he demanded, my nature would repay him for doing so. The greedy, lustful Omega tried to lounge in the waters of ecstasy. But the water turned cold when the heat of the rut left me. And I had to turn to my memories of Kita for the warmth I needed. Day six in hell found me sitting on the floor in the devil’s lair, looking enviously at the clouds that floated outside the window. I believed that I was free once. Moved along by the wind, and caressed by the sun. I never dreamed my life would turn out like this. Not with the perfect cover. I’d known at 14 I was Omega. That’s when I had my first estrous. I was so afraid, so out of control. A frightening need had taken over my entire being. My Omega dynamic was a siren. And she’d wanted to be taken. If Kita had not found me hiding in an abandoned building, I don’t know what would’ve happened. He kept me safe while the vixen ravaged my body. Not one time did Kita try to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state. Another way he’d stolen my heart. Kita had been my safe harbor more than once. The young Alpha had stepped up as my protector the moment I moved into the foster home with him. A truth I was very grateful for. This home, like the rest, was not a safe place, especially for a young woman. Kita had taken me in loving me like a sister. It was a love I was always hoping would grow into something more. Unfortunately, it hadn’t. Kita had his own issues that kept him guarded. And I couldn’t expect him to feel something that I did. So, I loved him my way, praying he’d change his mind. And he had. For the first time in years, Kita saw me as a potential mate. Needing and wanting me the way an Alpha should. He’d changed too. Frustrated and wary of the hunger that I had awoken in him. Unfortunately, the catalyst was not one I’d planned or prepared for. Another Alpha, aggressive and dominant. That had been what had sent me into a maddening estrous. One frenzied kiss from the challenger had changed my scent. Changed me, announcing to the world my need for Kita, my first love.

Alexander Castillo, my own personal devil, and mate. The ruthless Alpha who accused me of lying. Physically assaulted Kita, and forced me into a pair bond. When he opened the door, I didn’t bother to look at him. He just reached down, pulling me to my feet.

Alexander pulled me down a long hallway, stopping briefly to turn the knob. With the lights, on he moved me further into the room.

“This room has the most windows.” He said, releasing my hand to close the door behind us. “Lots of natural light.” He continued to speak as he moved through the large room. He’d built me an art studio. From the little I observed, he had bought the most expensive supplies.

“Why?” I asked the devil. He was confused by my reaction. He thought I would be grateful.

“So, you can work, Henley. An artist needs a proper studio.” Alexander said, watching for my reaction. I didn’t make him wait long.

“You killed her. I’m not an artist, not anymore.” I told him firmly. I was not Henley; I was her ghost.

“Dead women do not respond the way you did last night, Omega.” Again, he reminded me of my sins.

“But I assume a whore would, ” I replied, feeling the truth of that statement inflict mortal wounds. “That’s what I am now,” I told him bitterly as I turned my back to him, waiting by the door to leave. The devil grabbed me roughly. I gasped at the pain he used to crane my neck back, forcing me to look into his angry green eyes.

“Don’t disrespect my gift, mate.” He warned, acting like I’d hurt him with the truth. I was not interested in his feelings.

“The dead do not accept gifts.” It was easy to keep his glaring eyes. If he ever let the wrath that burned in him free, I would get a quick death.

“I am making great efforts to ensure your happiness, Henley. I do not appreciate my efforts being pissed on.” Alexander said.

“What the fuck did you think would happen between us?” I truly wanted to know. “Did you think I would be grateful that you killed my will to live? So, fucking happy that you forced me into a bullshit pair-bond because you think you’re a fucking god.” I asked him. “Did you think that I would be happy with your blackmail, torture, and hostile take-over of my entire way of life? You’re fucking insane.” I seethed at him. “Don’t try. You will never make me happy.” Alexander growled; the timber was known to my Omega. And he was happy to use it against me.

My body had betrayed my heart.

“Really, your body disagrees. Shall I remind you of that?”

“Do what you want to with it, while you still can.” I didn’t fight his grip. “I will be taking it with me when I die.”


A week past, seven days of hell, Henley refused to touch anything in the studio. Even when I left and sent Jamison in my stead, hoping she would at least pick up a pencil. But Henley didn’t. She only sat there for hours, staring blankly out the windows, or at the floor. When she grew tired of that, she would turn her eyes to Jamison, peeling his flesh off with her utter hatred for the man she’d christened the traitor. I knew the sting of it. Bright blue eyes that scrutinize silently every move you made. Finding fault in everything. I almost felt bad for subjecting Jamison to the cruelty of Henley’s wrath. But I needed a reprieve. Which only came when her body took pleasure from mine. A blissful time of peace that never lasted long enough. She refused me at every turn, defied me with every opportunity. Not even threatening her with the dark talents of my second fazed her.

“His name is Jamison, and if you had any sense, you’d be cautious of provoking him,” I warned, hoping to see some rational emotion take her. “He served as an elite soldier for years. He’s a dangerous man.”

“Really?” Henley actually looked hopeful. So far, from the response, I intended to get.

“Traitor, if you kill me now, I will lift the curse I gave you.” Henley deliberately called him by the name he hated. Jamison was a hell of a poker player. It is was only because I know him well that I saw the tells that gave away his feelings.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your offer, Ms. Allred.”

“Fine, I will extend your punishment. You’ll have to deal with me after I’m dead.” She threatened my second.

“You have many years left to live, Ms. Allred.” Henley laughed, an eerie sound that was haunting, not humorous in the least. I didn’t care for the implication, growing instantly defensive with Henley.

“You don’t know me.” That sharp tongue and deliberate willfulness of hers had driven me to correct her. Pain was the only emotion she could be controlled with. And I grabbed her roughly.

“I know you, Henley. This body is mine.” I reminded the little hellion that was my mate. She hissed low the pain registered.

“And that is all you will ever have.” She burned my skin with the hatred she held towards me. “You will never be in my heart.” The red-haired hellcat hit me where it hurt. As if she knew my deepest desire. I found immense pleasure in Henley’s body. A soulful euphoria that was not of this earth. But it wasn’t all I wanted from her. I wanted to be as precious to her as she was to me.

“Jaime, please excuse us. My mate needs reminded that I am her Alpha.”

“Why make him leave? Show your dog how you remind me.” She taunted me. “Traitor, would you like your master to show you the art of rape?” I roared outrage by her accusation.

“I have never raped you, Henley. Never, you beg for my knot. You beg for the pleasure I give you.” I shook her roughly. “And yet you whine for an Alpha who never made you his.” Henley didn’t cower as I lashed out; she only pulled the collar of her shirt, proudly displaying the marks of the inferior Alpha.

“I am his. In every way that matters.” Henley’s pride did not waiver, not even when I rutted her violently — making her body weep for me hard. I pounded into her.

“Your mind can be filled with him, Henley. I don’t care. But you will take me. Every fucking inch.” She could refuse me many things. But not this. Not our mating. She cried out as my knot bloomed in her tight womb. If I wanted the illusion of bliss and affection, I had to take it now. “Look at me, Henley.” Eyes still blown with pleasure instead of resentment caused my cock to pulse with pleasure. “Who do you see?” I demanded.

“You, I see you.” She panted.

“And who am I?” I pushed her.

“The devil.” I lost ground with Henley daily. The second she returned from orgasm, no matter how gratifying she’d returned more bitter if that was even possible. Every day I went out of my way to do things in my power to please her. But I gained nothing in return.


I thought I knew how to wear down my enemy — dark talents of torture were well-known to me. If my enemy knew anything, I would break them. Within days of meeting the beautiful Omega, I realized I’d met my match. The woman had a way of withering away ever piece of my armor, using her eyes to cut me down. The perfect art of callousness the military had used to mold me was crushed by one scorned Omega. A new day found me standing guard over Cass’s hostile mate. Another day where Henley did not touch one item in the studio, Cass had built her. I would gladly give every dollar I owned to move Henley’s attention off of me. She had no idea how painful it was to stand here and take her abuse.

“Don’t you get tired of babysitting me, traitor?” Henley asked.

“I look forward to my time with you,” I responded, keeping my tone light. She did not believe me.

“You’re still going to burn in hell.” I cringed internally at her threat. She had no idea that I was already suffering her curse. The little Omega had made good on her word. And I dreaded her prophecy.

“Cass will need company there.” I shrugged, trying to appear unaffected by her statement. “I can’t abandon him now.” Keeping my facade in place was becoming a daily struggle. I was not a good man. I had done horrible things, hurting as many good people as evil. Truthfully, I would never be rid of the burden of guilt. Henley made that emotion feel like joy. The hours she spent damning and despising me were becoming unbearable. Days slowly passed, taking hope with them. Henley was not giving one fucking inch. Pushing away Cass, and their bond, instead of embracing it. I didn’t know that was possible, Omega’s where borne to bond. They needed it to survive, to be complete. Again, Henley defied the rules. Desperation and stupidity had me on the ropes.

“How does someone like you have so much hate in them?” I could not take a second more of her glaring.

I regretted the question when I saw the flash of wicked joy flicker in her blue eyes.

“Someone like me?” She asked me. “The me you tricked and forced into a biological prison?” She demanded. The Omega had me agitated today.

“You should take up poetry.” I huffed.

“Are you as dangerous as he says?” The question was worrisome. I hesitated to answer, knowing there was a motive to it.

“Yes, don’t ask me to kill you again,” I warned the little rebel.

“Why?” Henley challenged me. “You should be used to it.”

“I killed in the name of my country, Henley. I killed to keep people like you safe.” I was overly defensive. She’d set the trap so flawlessly, and I walked right into it.

“You didn’t keep me, safe traitor. You hand delivered me to the enemy.” I snapped at her, mad because she’d got under my skin.

“He is not the enemy Omega. He is Alpha. Cass is your Alpha.” The anger that was boiling in me was fueled by feelings I did not like. I reacted like a child.

“Guilt is your color, traitor. Be sure to wear it to my funeral.” Henley won again.

I put myself through extra reps tonight, working out harder than normal. Cass’s little Omega had hit more nerves with her threat then I cared for. It’d been hard enough when she looked at me with pure disgust. Her expressive blue eyes left no doubt she hated me. Doubling down, she had informed me she cursed me as well, threatening me with pain. I was like every other person on the planet, and I didn’t like to be threatened. I’d killed anyone that tried to intimidate me and or what I was sworn to protect. The little Omega did not know this. She had no idea what I’d done for my country. Henley didn’t know I was the deadliest Alpha she would ever meet. Henley had validreasons for her emotions. Even the ones towards me. I had abducted her friend. Physically assaulted and aided Cass. I was directly responsible for her current state. She did not respond the way the claimed Omega was supposed to. She was fighting the bond and Cass. All documented research stated that claiming and pair-bonding would settle her. That she could come to accept and be content, Henley was as far from content as one could get, and determined to make us all suffer. It was almost 9 o’clock when I sat down with my dinner. Multitasking, I pilfered through Henley’s assistance tech, carefully monitoring her cyber activities. Henley had been with Cass for days. In that time, Monica Reed had become financially set for life. Henley’s contingency plan had made her any Kita very wealthy. And Ms. Reed was rampant with worry.

Her online and cell records showed she had contacted Kita, demanding to know what the hell was going on. She’d not touched a cent of the money, threatening to go to law enforcement if Kita did not tell her the truth. But the Alpha had gone dark. He had not responded for the past two days. His last text read, take Henley’s gift and move on. That’s what she wanted. Ms. Reed had not done that. She continued to flood Henley’s broken phone with calls and text. She also kept Henley studio social site active. But did not mention that Henley had essentially vanished. Henley’s Beta assistant had not gone to the police yet. An event we did not want. Cass’s Omega was not settled. Until then, I would need to play the devil’s advocate.

Monica Reed was concerned for Henley. The woman looked rough. I watched from across the street as a frazzled Beta fumbled to get into the studio. I gave her a few minutes to settle before I crossed the street. When I opened the door, a little chime sounded. Monica sprinted from the back room.

“Henley?” She called out. Only to be crushed to find me.

“Ms. Reed?”

“How do you know my name?” Panic stopped her.

“Henley told me your name,” I said, stepping closer. “I am Jamison Sadler.”

“Oh, my god’s. Where is she?” Her emotional state was radioactive. Monica started to shake, walking closer to me. Tears already shimmered in her eyes.

“Please, calm down Ms. Reed, I will tell you everything.” I tried to reason with the crumbling woman while ignoring the guilt.

“A mental breakdown?” She repeated. Looking stunned and disbelieving, “Henley is the strongest woman I have ever known.” Monica’s tone was clear. She was struggling.

“I am very aware of Henley’s determination, Ms. Reed. She is a remarkable person. But she is also human, and susceptible to the same illness as the rest of us.” I said, watching Monica closely. This woman was far too expressive. I could easily guide her where I wanted her to go.

“According to her partner, she has been under a lot of stress recently.”

“You talked to Kita?” Monica was forlorn. She was hurt that he’d spoken with me and not her.

“In-depth, he also mentioned that Henley had become violently ill a few weeks ago.”

Monica nodded. “Henley thought she caught something from the exhibit,” Monica said, taking my words to heart.

“Henley’s illness more than likely caused this,” I said, Monica, turned away, shaking her head as she struggled with the news. She loved Henley; the two of them had a true friendship.

“Henley is strong, Mr. Sadler.” She continued to fight, “She has a proud heritage.”

“Heritage?” Curious to her meaning, I pressed her.

“We splurged a few years ago," Monica said, wiping a lingering tear from her eyes. “It was expensive. But worth it.”

“What did you find out about Henley?” Nervous and excited, I waited for vital information.

“Henley is descendent of the Norsemen. In her time, she would’ve been a shieldmaiden.” Monica smiled; she had no trouble seeing Henley in that light. She was a warrior by blood. “But we also found out that the tribe she came from was well known for their healers and Seers — men and women who had the gift and sight into the future.” Monica looked away briefly. Needing a second, overcome with the news I had given her. “Me personally, I think she so much more than that. I think she’s a witch.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Has she cursed you yet?” She asked, my skin tingled with an odd feeling of guilt.

“She did that just yesterday," I admitted, holding my emotions. Stopping them from giving me away. “But her mind is not right.” I made an excuse.

“Henley’s mind is dangerous. You should be careful.”

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