The Amethyst Pack (Book 1)

Chapter Chapter Seven

The rest of the day went by so quick, even though my mind was far from work. Tony and I made a great team in the kitchen as Vance and Pauline worked out the front. Customers were upset that there weren’t any cakes left so I ended up making a replacement batch midday and they flew off the shelf within an hour.

“We’re going to need more eggs” I groan as I notice we only have a few left.

“I’ll get some tomorrow morning on the way in” Tony smiles.

“Great” I smile back.

“Don’t look now but your friends are outside” Tony says as my eyes dart outside and there they were, Craig, Daniel, and David, stood outside talking.

I could feel my body crave to go outside as my eyes met Craigs as he smiled brightly, then the twins noticed and waved enthusiastically.

It was already 7:40pm right now, were they waiting for us to close?

All three walked in to the café as Pauline called out to them.

“BOYS! How lovely you’re here!” She smiled hugging them.

What was she playing at?

“Is Lucy busy?” Daniel smiles.

“Go out before they drag you out” Tony smirks as I wash my hands, hang my apron and head towards them.

“What are you guys doing here? We were meeting after work” I raised a brow as Craig came towards me.

He lifts a piece of hair that had got loose from my bun and places it behind my ear.

“We thought we’d come see you” Craig smiles.

“Well I am honoured” I blush.

“We thought we could come with you to meet Serena too” David says quietly as my eyes dart to Vance’s.

“No, I have to get her alone or she won’t come” I sigh.

“Lucy…Look at me” Craig says as my eyes meet his.

“What Craig?”

“Your lying…” He says

“No. I will be bringing Serena. She wants to see Lucien on her own terms” I answer as he stares into my eyes, it’s like he’s looking into my soul.

“Fine” He huffs angrily.

“Why are you getting pissed off with me?” I growl out.

“Because I can see you’re lying Lucy! I can see it in your eyes!” He snaps.

“God damn it Craig, I can’t explain this right now. You’ll understand when you meet her…Please, just trust me” I say putting my hand on his as the tingles increase.

“I do trust you, you have no idea how much” He murmurs.

“He doesn’t shut up about you, he sure does trust you” David smirks.

“Shut it” Craig growls behind him as I hear Vance chuckle.

“Listen, we’ll head back to the house, let you get Serena and meet you there.” Daniel smiles.

“Thank you. Now please, go, we need to pack up and clean up. I’ll see you soon” I smile.

“Ok. Please be careful” Craig says.

“Always am” I smile as they wave. But before Craig heads out I see him stop as I glance nervously at Pauline as she just smiles and nods towards him as he comes rushing to my side.

“Fuck it” I hear him murmur before I’m in his arms and his lips are on mine.

My heart is exploding with fireworks and heat floods my body as I kiss him back just a passionately.

“Hey! Save that for when she’s not working! Lucy! I need you in here!” Vance growls out as Craig and I separate.

“Vance…” I raise a brow at him, not looking at Craig as I blush.

Pauline gasps as she looks at me.

“I will see you later Lucy” Craig sighs, kissing my head and leaving as quick as he came.

I rush into Vance’s office.

“What the hell was that about?!” I growl as he picks up a little compact mirror handing it to me as I frown and look into it. Gasping at my eyes which were now swirling with a mix of blue, brown, and purple.

“The swirling is your mating bond, if he saw your eyes, he would know you are a wolf. And a strong one at that. The purple is the sign of an Alpha too” Vance says as I gasp.

“An alpha!” I cry out as I look at my eyes begin to calm as the purple fades.

Then the pains started, my side flooded with agonising stabbing pains.

“My god, your body is already feeling the link between you both. Usually this doesn’t happen until the mating. For a week during the mating ritual you won’t be able to leave each other’s sides without feeling agonising pain until it’s complete…” He says.

“So is he feeling this too?” I groan.

“Possibly…I don’t know. Sometimes it’s more powerful in one due to their rank and power. You seem to have a lot of hidden power within you, so it could be affecting you more.” Vance sighs.

“Great…Fantastic” I groan sarcastically.

“Listen, we’ll shut the café and get everything sorted, go get yourself ready and when you’re done we’ll leave straight away. We need to get you back to Craig” He sighs as I nod, flinching at another surge of pain.

Craig: Are you ok?

“Craig just asked if I was ok by text…You don’t think he can feel it…do you?”

“Hurry go get ready” Vance nods as I rush off as quick as I can to get dressed.

I make sure my locket is firmly clasped around my neck as it hangs between my breasts hidden behind my red crop top and leather jacket.

Five minutes later and I was ready, grasping at my side as I was nearly crying in pain.

I slowly made my way down as Vance was coming through the door.

“Oh shit! Pauline!” he shouts as I fall to my knees.

She rounds the corner and touches my side, her hand glows green as the pain eases a little.

“That will last for a little while, at least until we get closer” Pauline says as I thank her.

“We’ll go in my car” Tony says as he grabs his keys.

We all bundle into his car as I begin to get nervous, the pain was dulled by whatever magic Pauline used but I could still feel it.

“Won’t she feel her wolf more the closer we get…If there are more wolves, the more it will come out…” Tony mumbles.

“Yes, Serena I need you to stay calm ok. We can’t have you wolfing out in the car” Vance says.

“Great…Keep calm, ignore the pain, go see the man who is practically family you haven’t seen in years because your parents were killed, see the guys, see your mate and explain you already know that your mates…Simple…Great…” I groan.

I scream out as we get closer to the house, Pauline was holding my hand, using her magic to help with the pain but it wasn’t working anymore.

“Tony, drive faster!” Pauline cries as pain fills my chest.

“My god, look at her eyes!” Vance gasps.

“What?” I cry as Pauline grabs a mirror. My eyes are turning into a deep purple.

“I’ve never seen a wolf with such bright purple eyes before!” Tony says as he races towards a lonely house, it’s lights were all lit, and cars flooded the drive way.

The pain was slowly ebbing away, and I didn’t understand why until the door was ripped open as we got to the house.

“LUCY! You didn’t answer me! Are you ok?!” Craig grabs me from the car and entangles our bodies together in a tight embrace.

“What the fuck are they doing here?” Daniel growls at the others in the car.

“Where is Serena, Lucy?” David growls too.

“BOYS! What is going on? I thought you said she was coming with this Lucy girl?! Who are these other people?” I hear Lucien’s boom before I see him as I whimper in Craig’s arms.

“He’s not going to hurt you baby” Craig mutters in my hair.

“Lucien.” Vance holds out his hand to him.

“Who are you?” Lucien growls as he watches over Tony, Pauline, and Vance.

“The name is Vance I’ve been watching over Serena for you for the past couple months.” He says.

“So where is she?” He growls.

“Lucien…” I murmur.

“Leave him alone Lucy” Craig hushes me and tries to get me to walk away with him.

“No, stop.” I push off him as he looks hurt.

“Listen to her Craig” Pauline says.

“Lucy! Come here!” Lucien growls angrily as Craig scowls at him in warning.

“Baby, you don’t have to do anything he says” Craig snarls.

“I do. Just wait and listen. I’ll be ok” I kiss his cheek and walk slowly over to Lucien.

“Where is Serena?” Lucien growls.

“Look into my eyes Lucien” I say as I step towards him and into the light.

“What?” Daniel grumbles.

“Why would I do that?” Lucien snaps.

“Because of this” I say before pulling out the locket from my chest as the boys all gasp.

Lucien steps forward and tugs at my face as I hear Tony hiss in anger.

“Serena?” Lucien’s eyes lighten as his touch becomes lighter.

“It’s me” I nod as tears flood both our eyes as he takes me into his arms and twirls me around.

“I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry!” He cries.

“Lucy!” Craig growls angrily as Lucien stops and puts me behind him protectively.

“My name isn’t Lucy…I’m so sorry Craig” I cry.

“No…You can’t be…” Craig mumbles.

“Craig go for a run” Lucien growls.

“NO!” Craig snarls as his arms shake.

“Craig! Don’t! You’ll scare her!” Daniel says getting in front of him.

I walk around Lucien and move Daniel out of my way as I place a hand on Craig’s cheek as he visibly begins to stop shaking and calms.

“You still know me…I’m still the girl you knew, there’s just more to me. I never lied…Well, except my name…” I sigh.

“You…Your…I can’t believe this…” He mutters.

“I think we all need to have a little chat” Vance says.

“Yes, let’s go into the gardens where we won’t be overheard by everyone inside” Lucien nods and leads us all with him, his eyes don’t leave me. But I’m too focused on keeping Craig calm.

“Well, firstly I think I can help clear most of this with one touch” Pauline laughs standing in the middle of us all.

“How is that?” David growls stepping towards her threateningly as I step in front of him.

“You dare harm any of them” I snarl.

“Holy shit!” He gasps and steps back.

“What?!” Daniel exclaims as he turns me around and looks in shock too.

“Your eyes Serena! They are doing it again!” Tony grins.

I look to Lucien with a grin as he walks up to me.

“You know what you are?” He murmurs.

“I haven’t for long…Nearly two days…” I mumble.

“How about we all calm down and come to the witch that can show you her life so we can get on with how we are going to protect her!” Pauline snaps as Craig turns to her.

“Protect her? From what?!” He asks.

“I don’t know, I was hoping you guys would tell us that” She replied as people got closer to her.

“How much are you showing Pauline?” I ask.

“Everything” She mutters, looking at me as I back up.

“We all have to know Serena, in order to keep you safe” Vance sighs.

I look to Craig and the boys, yes they knew about most of the stuff that had happened to me, but to see it…That was completely different.

“This won’t change our bond Luc…Serena” Craig walks up to me, places a hand on my face and kisses me softly.

“I hope not” I sigh as they all go towards Pauline and touch her hand or arm as their eyes all go white.

I could see the pain and shock on their faces as the memories went by, I could almost feel their anger.

As quick as it started they all backed off, breathing hard as Lucien let out the biggest howl I had ever heard, I backed up in fear as he began to shake, his body contorting and sprouting fur as he turned into a large grey wolf.

“Oh my god!” I cry as he stood in front of me.

“Don’t be afraid” Tony mutters.

Craig and the boys all seemed to be standing still in shock.

Lucien padded towards me slowly. He stood in front of me as I put out a hand to touch his fur on his head as he nuzzled into my hand.

“This is really happening…Holy shit” I murmur.

“I’m going to rip them apart” Craig finally growls out as my eyes dart towards him.

“Craig” I whimper as he whirls to me and darts to my side as he takes me in his arms.

“No one will ever harm you again. EVER!” He growls as I feel the vibration come from his chest against my head.

“I know” I smile as my hand rests on his cheek as he kisses me deeply as I hear cracks behind him, Lucien had turned human again once more.

“I think we need to all have a talk. But I would like a moment with Serena alone first” Lucien says.

“No” Craig says in a possessive growl.

“Craig, it’s ok.” I smile.

“But I don’t want to leave you” He groans.

“I won’t be far I’ll be right back. Lucien’s basically my uncle, I haven’t seen him in nearly ten years, please, could I have two minutes with him”

“Ok” he sighs and kisses me before walking off with everyone else.

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