The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 48

Clayton's POV

"So, let me get this straight. There were two packs made of only males to begin with; the evil pack was the ViscousAsh and the good pack was this pack. There was a war and then the moon goddess rewarded the good pack the first ever female werewolf, which was mated to the good Alpha-"

Athena cuts Rose off, "The “good’ Alpha's name is Marcellus and the first female werewolf was named Raelynn.”

Rose nods and continues, “So alpha Marcellus and Luna Raelynn had a daughter, which was the first ever full blooded werewolf, and after awhile Alpha Elis attacked their daughter, but ended up kidnapping and killing Luna Raelynn?"

Athena nods and looks out the large window in my office.

"If that is where my family line comes from, than shouldn't I have been Alpha to this pack? Does that make Clayton and I related?" Rose asks Athena.

Athena laughs, "No, eventually Alpha Marcellus died from the loss of his mate and his beta named Amory, which Clayton's family line comes from, became the new Alpha. My great grandmother then started to create a mate for everyone, so there wouldn't be any jealousy like that again.”

Rose and I try to take that in before I ask,

"Does Rose being related to the first pure werewolf make her a target?” I sure hope it doesn't, I don't want her to get hurt.

Athena says, "Actually, only the moon goddess family knows that, and as long as you keep it a secret nobody should go after her.”

I smile and look over at Rose. I feel stupid for having no interest in her dream, I really need to get my shit together in order to be a better mate.

I look back at Athena as she says, "Well, it was nice meeting you and visiting your pack, but I need to get going to the WestMoon Pack.”

"It was nice meeting you too, Athena." I smile and Rose adds on, "And be careful, don't need anyone going after you either.”

Athena smiles at both of us and heads out.

I punch the hard punching bag as I smile to myself; I bought Rose a dress so we can go on a date later. I feel like Rose and I just need some time alone for once.

I stop punching my punching bag when I smell Drake.

I look over at him as he walks in the training center, but when he sees me he turns to walk back out. I stop him by yelling, “Drake.”

He turns around and faces me, "Alpha Clayton."

I sigh and start walking over towards him — I'm not going to fight him, I know Rose wouldn't do anything with him, so I don't need to be rude. "l.. Uh.. I want to apologize for my behavior.” I tell him.

He stares at me, as if he doesn't believe any of those words, but he then says, "And I apologize for mine. I'm sorry I made it seem like I was after your mate,” he pauses and takes a breath

"I just didn't want to switch packs in the first place, so it made me angry and disrespectful to my new alpha. The only person here that accepted me in this pack was Rose — and she was the only one that could make me like getting switched.” He tells me.

"Rose does have a welcoming sense to her." I smile as I say that.

"I can tell you Alpha Clayton, you've got a pretty wonderful mate.” Drake tells me.

"Yea, I really do." I say in agreement before I get a drink of water from my water bottle.

Once I got a drink I ask, "Hey, feel like training?"

He nods and we start training together.

While Rose had her back turned to me and was talking to Alexa, I ran behind her and picked her up, giving her a nice big sweaty hug.

Rose laughs and turns to face me as I say, "I have a plan.”

"A plan?" Rose asks smiling and raising an eyebrow at me. "Yup, a plan.”

"And what is this plan?" She asks as she traces her finger on my sweaty chest from training. Her touch sends shivers over my whole body.

"We are going on a date." I tell her smiling.

"Tonight?" Rose asks.

I nod and she smiles at me. She opens her mouth to say something but I speak before she can, "I'll take that as a yes! I've bought a dress earlier for you to wear and I set it in our room, so you can get ready in there.” Without saying anything else I turn and walk away to go get ready for our little date.

After an hour of getting ready I was done and then waiting for Rose. As I stand at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to come down, Lacey walks past me towards the kitchen.

She enters the kitchen, but soon she comes back out and looks at me from head to toe. Lacey smiles, "Looking fancy Alpha.”

I look down at my white button down shirt and dark jeans. I don't have anything expensive to wear out on special occasions.

"Yea not really.” I chuckle.

I then smell roses and candy and I look up to see Rosalind.

She looks so amazing with her hair done up, the red dress I got her that comes down to her mid thigh, and a pair of white flats.

I didn't notice my mouth was open until Rose laughed and said, "Close your mouth, otherwise you're gonna catch flies.”

Lacey laughs and says, "Where you two going?"

I stare at Rose as she walks down the stairs.

"Yea, where are we going?" Rose asks me once she is by my side.

I whisper, "It's a surprise Princess."

She blushes slightly and I walk her out of the house to my car.

"Clay, you've been driving for 2 hours, how much farther?" Rose asks as she watches the passing trees.

"Only about 5 minutes left." I say and smile as I start to see the small town called Bemidji.

Rose smiles and I feel her excitement as I drive into the town.

Instead of a cliché date when people go to a fancy restaurant — I'm taking Rose somewhere better first, that is not so fancy.

Once I see the a small frozen yogurt place called Cherry Berry I pull over and get out of the car. I hurry in front of the car to Rose's door and open it for her.

She laughs slightly, "Frozen yogurt sounds amazing right now!"

I smile at her and we walk into the small shop, well, I walk in while Rose kinda ran. The scents of dozens of different yogurt flavors and toppings overwhelms me as I follow behind the excited girl.

We walk over to the counter and look at the bowl option sizes for the yogurt. Rose grabbed the biggest one and hurried her way to the flavors. I chuckle and grabbed the biggest one as well and join her.

I start reading the flavors out loud, "Raspberry Tart, Cheese Cake, Cotton Candy.."

Rose cheers, "Cotton Candy, yum!" She then starts filling her bowl with the cotton candy flavor while I fill mine with blue raspberry. We then add toppings such as strawberries, blue berries, sour patch kids, sweettarts, and kiwi before we pay and sit down at one of the bright red tables.

Rose smirks at me once she ate hers — she ate it in a hurry.

She then leans over to give me a kiss on the cheek, causing me to be distracted as she snuck her spoon to my bowl and got a big scoop of my Blue Raspberry frozen yogurt.

I glare playfully at her while she sits back down. After she has the spoonful in her mouth and looks over at some teens that just walked in, I dip my finger in my bowl of yogurt and lean over, putting the tiny bit of yogurt on her nose.

She drops her mouth open and raises her eyebrows.

"Close your mouth, otherwise you will catch flies." I say mimicking what she said to me earlier.

She replies, "Mr. alpha, you made a mess and now you must clean it up."

I shake my head slightly before I lean over and swipe it off her nose with my finger. I then kiss her forehead and she smiles like an idiot. "Now, are you ready to go somewhere else?" I ask her.

"Another place?"

I nod and we leave Cherry Berry.

Once in my car I drive us to the Walmart and we enter the store.

Rose whispers, "Why are we at Walmart?"

I reply, "To goof off."

I then take her hand and bring her to a section filled with sun glasses and big hats. I grab a pair of ugly green sun glasses and a purple hat and put them on Rose.

She laughs and grabs a pair of pink old lady looking sunglasses and a huge orange before putting them on me. She then steps back and looks at me before she walks past me and grabs a pink feather scarf. She puts it on me and I strike I pose like a hot model and she starts laughing her butt off, "Hi, my name is Miss Dolly, but you can call me Doll.” I say in my best impression of a girl.

She grabs my hand and brings me over to the men's section. She walks around for a while before she grabs a onesie with a cow on it.

Why is there a cow onesie for men?

She puts it on and says,

"Hello Doll, I am Patrick Ballard the Third."

"You're one ugly thing Patrick Ballard the Third.” I tell her with a girl voice while she puts the onesie hood up that has cow ears.

Rose gasps, "At least I'm better lookin’ than you Dolly."

I fake gasps and reply, "I am a movie star! Do not insult me you cow.” "Do you play all the ugly old lady roles?" Rose asks.

We both stare at each other before Rose turns around and starts running.

One of the cutest things I have ever seen; my mate running in a cow onesie.

I chase after her, but come with an idea. I then turn, running into a different isle and I hide in one of the shelves behind a bean bag chair. After a minute Rose walks into the isle and looks around, once she was close enough I jump out at her and her response to that I guess was to throw a punch.

I dodged it quickly and wrapped her in my arms, "Rude to try to hit your mate.”

She smiles slightly, "Sorry Miss Dolly, just don't jump out at cows like that.”

She then says, "I have to buy this! It's so comfy! And you should buy one too so we can match.”

I shake my head, "You can, but I'm not buying a cow onesie.”

She frowns, "come on we can be one of those annoying matching couples!”

"As much as I love you, I'm not getting a cow onesie.”

"You know you want too." Rose says.


Once we are back at the pack house it is about 11:41 pm so Rose and I head upstairs to our room. Once we are changed into comfy clothes we go down stairs to eat a real dinner.

Rose smiles at me and tries to hold in a giggle while we walk towards the kitchen. When we are by the entry to the kitchen I smell Drake, Elliott and Damon in there.

I then hide around the corner of the entry and Rose enters.

"Hey cow.” I hear Drake say to Rose.

"Hey!" She says, then there is a pause before she says, "Clayton come on."

"I'm not going in there.” I protest.

Rose then walks out of the kitchen and over to me. She shakes her head and grabs my hand, pulling me into the kitchen.

Once I am in Drake, which was holding a bowl by the sink, turns to look at me, and when he does he drops the bowl

Elliott looks up when the bowl hits the floor and they both stare at me, before Elliott nudges Damon in the side, causing Damon to look up at me.

They all three stare at me for a moment as I walk over to the fridge, and they burst into laughter.

"A cow onesie! Oh god, this is great!" Drake says through tears of laughter.

I look down at the onesie Rose convinced me to get and back up at the guys, "So what? I'm one motherfucking sexy cow, you're just jealous.”

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