The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 42

Rosalind's POV

I wake up and get out of Clayton and I's bed.

God, Clay is just acting like a totally different person. I have never seen this side to him and it pisses me off.

I get dressed in shorts, a black tank, black nike running shoes and put my hair in a pony.

Today I have training, again. But instead of training with my dad and Ace, I now have to train with Drake since he is the best fighter.

I walk down stairs and into the kitchen.

My mom and Alexa are sitting at the table and talking about something. I walk past them and grab a banana to eat.

As I peel my banana I see someone fried bacon. My mouth waters and I grab a plate and pile all the bacon on it before eating all of it.

I then turn around and my mom furrows her eyebrows, "Your cheeks look a bit dark today Rosalind.”

"Dark?" I ask confused as my mom stands up and walks over to me. She examines my face for a moment before she says, "strange. Are you feeling well?" She asks.

I nod my head yes. The past few days I was feeling sick but now I feel great.

Alexa then changes the subject,

"Got training again today?"

I turn and face Alexa. "Yea, but today I have to train with the new pack fighter Drake.”

"Have fun with that, I remember when I had to have training when I first became a wolf and it sucked.” She pauses and smiles. "It'll be worse for you though since you are a Luna. You're going to have to train harder." She teased.

The banana peel was still in my hand so I threw it at her really fast and it hit her face.

We both laughed and I left the kitchen

Once I am at the training center Drake walks over to me. He smiles, "Morning Luna Rosalind.”

I laugh slightly, "call me Rose, it feels weird being called Luna Rosalind." He nods his head okay and asks, "What all have you done in training so far?"

"Punching practice and running.”

"Then today we are working on your kicking," he says and then stands straight infront of me. "kick me in the side as hard as you can.”

I do as told and he winces slightly at the impact before he falls down holding his side I kicked

"Sorry!" I say as I bend down and try to help him up, but when I do he starts laughing and stands up perfectly fine.

"Sorry I just had to." He laughs. I hit his shoulder laughing as I say, "not funny.”

He shrugs and we start training more.

After about three hours of training, without taking any breaks, we are finally done for the day.

"I'm so hungry." I complain to Drake as we start heading towards the pack house. "Food sounds good right now.” He adds on to what I said. While we walk, a young girl about the age of 5 runs over to me and hides behind my legs. I smile and look at her.

I then look up when I smell a young boy. The young boy runs over to us with some big in his hands and the little girl squeals before she runs off with him chasing after her.

I remember when I was that age. It's when Clayton and I were becoming friends — which only brings me to think of Clayton. My smile that I had fades and I sigh.

Drake notices and asks, "What's wrong Rose?"


He raises an eyebrow at me, "doesn't look like nothing.”

I start walking again beside him and say, "It's about Clayton.”

He nods his head in understanding as I continue to talk, "All we've been doing is fighting lately and I'm sick of it.”

He stops walking and stands in front of me. "Hey, don't worry about it. Alright? He loves you - so much that he doesn't want anyone to talk to you." Drake laughs slightly to try to cheer me up.

We start walking again and go into the house to get food.

After Drake and I had lunch we decided to go for a run in wolf form, which sounds great because I haven't shifted for a couple days.

I shift into my black and brown wolf while Drake shifts into his ash blonde colored one; same color as his hair.

We start running around and racing in the woods as careless as can be. I run past Drake but when I do I am suddenly tackled by him. I grow! playfully as we wrestle around like pups.

We stop wrestling when we hear a growl that makes all the hairs on my wolf stand on end. Drake and I move away from each other as we see an angry looking grey wolf, Clayton.

Clayton's wolf stalks towards Drake and I hurry to get between the two. Clayton mind-links me telling me to move.

I mind-link him saying no and as I do I start to feel dizzy. Clayton must have felt dizzy too as he shakes his head a bit.

Clayton then jumps over me and growls at Drake. Drake, I guess, decided he didn't have to submit to his new Alpha. Big mistake.

They both just stood there, growling and snapping their teeth at one another.

All of a sudden my whole body fills with sadness, which quickly turned to anger and before I knew it Clay pounced on Drake.

They start attacking one another, biting and kicking. I growl at them to stop, but they ignore me and continue to push each other around. Clayton bit Drake on the leg which caused Drake to wince in pain. I grow! louder at them, only causing Clay to look at me and to get bit on his right front paw by Drake.

I felt a sharp sting go through my paw as I jumped at the two. They quit fighting and both snarled at one another until Drake finally bowed his head in submission.

Clay got the dumb submission he wanted. Clayton then growled at him and Drake got up, looked at me, and left. Leaving Clay and I alone in the woods.

Clay's wolf turned to me and walked over towards me. Before he got to close I jumped past him and started running. I don't want to be around him right now, he is my mate and all, but he sure as hell isn't acting like one.

As I run the dizziness happened again, but this time it caused me to trip. I then fell to the ground and as I started to get up again, I got even dizzier; causing me to black out.

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