The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 11

Clayton's POV

When we are finally back at Blake's pack I parked the car and got out before opening the back seat door. I look at Rose to see she is still sound asleep. I smile, she's not mad at me anymore — just the thought of her not being mad at me anymore makes my wolf jump with glee.

I get Rose out of her booster seat and carry her into the house all the way to her and Damon's room. Damon opened the door as soon as he smelt us and I walk in their room, setting Rose down in a bed.

She looks so peaceful and safe when she is asleep; it puts me at ease. I tuck her in and just sit there staring at her until Damon clears his throat. I kiss Rose's head and turn to Damon.

"Alpha Clayton, I feel bad about the fight. I don't like the thought of her mate being 15 years older than her, but today I seen that you would do anything for Rosalind.”

I pat his shoulder and he nods slightly. I take one last look at my lovely mate as she sleeps before walking out and across to my room.

Once I lay down in bed I realize I would do anything for Rosalind; if she wanted to dance I would let her wreck the furniture, If she wanted to cook I would let her burn the house down, If she wanted to scream I would let her deafen me, I never loved anyone as much as I love her.48 And with that I started to fall asleep knowing my mate is safe and sleeping just across the hall.

I wake to a strange feeling. I jump out of bed and go across the hall to Damon and Rose's room. I knock a couple of times before I just let myself in. I look around to see no one in there. I quickly turn and head out the door, following Rose's scent.

I go down stairs and finally find her eating breakfast at a table with Damon, Zoey, Blake, and a little boy around the age of one.

They look to me, "Clayton, join us for waffles and bacon.” Blake says smiling at me. I still have a weird feeling as I look over at Rose and see her staring at Blake.

I sit down between Rose and Zoey.

"Clayton, this is my son Kaden."

I look over at the young boy and smile, I can't wait till Rose is old enough for us to have our own pups.

"He looks a lot like you," I laugh looking at Blake, he chuckles and we all eat while I can't shake the weird feeling away.

After we eat Damon, Rose, and I all go back to Damon's room.

"Daddy, I don't wike it here. Those men give me a scared feeling.” Rose whines running over to me and jumping in my arms.

Is it possible that I was feeling my mates feelings? It can't be, I haven't marked her yet so we can't feel what the other feels, not yet.

"Darling, they're not going to hurt you." Damon says smiling at her. She jumps back out of my arms and goes to get dressed for the birthday party and I leave to my room to get dressed. Once I'm dressed decent I meet Damon and Rose in the hall. She's wearing the dress I bought her yesterday, she's so adorable in it.

We then go downstairs for the birthday party. I'm not big on the whole party thing anymore — I find it stupid.

Rose is currently playing with some other kids her age while Damon is talking to Blake, and me? I just stand awkwardly watching everyone enjoy themselves. Can't believe I used to be a huge partier.

Zoey walks over to me and smiles a weird smile, "Alpha Clayton, it looks to me that you're not having any fun.”

"Yea. Parties just aren't my thing.”

"Blake told me stories of how you and him were the biggest party freaks, always causing trouble and breaking hearts.”

I chuckle at the memories of Blake and I at Alpha Training. It was the best years of my life; that is until I found Rosalind.

"Well I changed.” I tell her with a forced smile.

"You changed? How 50?" She asks me as she gets a little closer.

"I became an Alpha and found my mate," I pause and look over at Rose while she laughs and plays with the other little girls. "I grew out of partying and sleeping with random girls.”

Zoey frowns slightly, "I see.” She says before smirking and walking away.

By the time that it is 9:30 pm Rose got tired and I carried her to her and Damon's room. Once I laid her down I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I ask answering my ringing phone

"Alpha Clayton.” A deep voice that I don't recognize says.

"Who is this." I ask/demand.

The man ignores my question and continues talking, "I suggest you keep a close eye on that little girl.”

"Who the hell are you." I demand using my alpha tone. They ignore me and say, "What's that girl's name again? Oh yea, Rosalind.” When he says her name I crush my phone in my hand and drop the broken pieces to the floor.

Right as I am about to go back in the room to check on Rose, Zoey comes walking down the hall.

"Alpha Clayton." She says smirking and makes her way over to me.

"Hi Zoey, I can't talk right now." I tell her as I turn to open the door to Rose and Damon's room. Zoey turns me around before I get it open though and she rubs her hands up and down my abdomen.

I grow! at her touch as it sickens me to have a female touch me that is not my mate.

"Don't touch me." I warn her.

She just smirks and leans in for a kiss, but I immediately push her away, harder than I thought, and she hits the wall just as Blake and Damon come walking down the hall.

Just my luck.

"ZOEY!" Blake runs over to her and picks her up while she starts to fake cry. "H-he kissed me! I tried to make him let go of me but he started to touch me and then he threw me into the wall!"

Blake growls a deep, threatening growl and glares at me. He pushes me against the wall as I try to tell him, "I didn't do that, your mate came at me!"

"DON'T YOU SPEAK OF MY MATE LIKE THAT!" Blake yells in my face as I push him away from me.

Damon growls at Blake, as a warning to leave his Alpha alone.

Blake gets mad at Damon as well, taking Damon's growl as a challenge against an Alpha.

Blake starts threatening Damon and me before I smell Rose, I look behind me to see Rose rubbing her eyes and standing in the doorway to her and Damon's room.

"What's going on?" She asks as she starts walking over to Damon while Blake has him pinned up against the wall. I push Blake off of Damon and hold Blake against the wall.

"Rose, stay there.” Damon tells Rose as Blake's beta runs into the hall and punches me in the face, causing me to release Blake.

Rose screams as Blake then punches me in the stomach. Damon runs over to me and tries to pull Blake off me only to get tackled by Jason. Jason starts hitting and kicking Damon and Rose starts crying. "Daddy!" She runs over and she hits Jason in the leg to make him leave her dad alone. Jason turns around and hits her, somehow I felt the stinging in my face as he slapped her — I then lost all control because my mate is in pain. I punched Blake hard enough that he let go of me and I tackled Jason down to the ground with my hands around his neck.

I start choking him. I didn't want to stop, until Damon pulled me off. "Get off my territory. NOW." Blake growls as Zoey hugs him.

I pick Rose up and try to calm her as she sobs into my neck. Damon hurries and grabs our bags and we leave out to my car to go home.

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