The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |9|

Chesca was just being petty, she realised. Had she expected Alpha Asa to act in any other way? He was going to keep on patronising her as long as she was a female alpha, so she may as well get used to it. Besides, she had to be nice if she still wanted him to agree to her request. Her little huff back at the door was childish, even she could admit that. She got up off the couch and smoothed her shirt. It had been hard deciding what to wear. She wanted to impress Asa but not look like she was trying too hard. She wanted to look feminine and not like a macho tomboy, but she also didn’t want to look too sweet and girly. And hot just wasn’t an option. She never worked or wrangled deals like that.

So she’d paired her comfy skinny jeans with an oversized shirt, with her black leather jacket and ankle boots completing the outfit. Classy and practical.

She stepped up just as the men entered the spacious lounge, their hands gripped in an Alpha shake. Kaiden was smiling and laughing at something Asa must’ve said, then his eyes met hers and she frowned.

“You two know each other?”

The solid and burley Alpha Asa grinned, “Sure! I’ve known Denny Boy ever since he was a little tyke,” he clasped Kaiden’s shoulder. Kaiden ruffled his hair and Chesca just stared at them, raising an eyebrow. So that’s why Kaiden was eager to come with her—she vaguely remembered him saying they were friends.

“And how do you guys know each other? When did you meet?” Asa asked with genuine curiosity.

“Ahh, that’s a good question. How did we meet, Chesca?” Kaiden rubbed the back of his neck.

She narrowed her eyes at him, “Do you forget so quickly, Kaiden? I believe someone was trying to steal my pack and dominion. Lucky for him I had mercy.”

She left it at that, the bewildered look on Asa’s face and the nervous chuckle on Kaiden’s lips making her feel slightly better. Kaiden regained his composure and brought up a different topic with Asa.

“Alright, can we just talk about what we came here for?” she interrupted their happy banter, annoyed that her patience was thin.

The smile slipped from Asa’s face. “Fine,” he pressed his lips in a straight line. “How about you two go freshen up, then we’ll talk business. Your rooms are up the stairs, down the hall, and on the left.”

“Thanks, man,” Kaiden said jovially, but Chesca just marched upstairs.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Things were just getting on her nerves and she couldn’t pinpoint why. Was it the way Kaiden was so smooth about everything, and Asa was happy to see him but still thought so little of her? Next to almighty Alpha Kaiden, she must be a measly gnat in Asa’s opinion. She was beginning to think it was a bad idea bringing Kaiden.

It didn’t take her long to have a short nap in the massive four poster bed, then a quick shower to waken herself and feel revived after the long drive. The bathroom was even masculine, with dark tiles running up the walls of the shower that cascaded from the large waterfall head, making it feel more like a natural cave than an indoor bathroom. Even the towels were massive, all in fitting with the swarthy Alpha of this region.

She exited her room to head downstairs, and was met by loud rock music, the heavy bass reverberating through the large house. Kaiden joined her and they walked together, a grin on his face, a confused scowl on hers. They entered the lounge, and she stopped in her tracks.

There was Asa, and a group of other men, playing a bunch of instruments, the music blasting from all around them. The strong alpha was sitting behind a drum kit, his wild locks flying in the air as he pounded on the kit, his whole body playing with such enthusiasm. The others were playing hard on bass guitars and a keyboard, and Chesca stared with wide eyes. She’d never seen an Alpha so passionate about something other than their pack. She’d always known Asa was different, he was strong but just, wise and never cruel--intentionally. She still couldn’t understand his habit of always refusing her requests. He was well respected by his pack, and there’d never been any trouble or rebellion amongst his ranks as far as she had heard. He was the model Alpha, feared but deservedly so.

He looked up at them and nodded, a smile spreading across his rugged face.

They listened for another half hour or so before they wrapped up, the band members smiling at each other. “Warriors that rock together, fight together; am I right boys?” Asa stood and clapped them all on the back. “This is my beta, gamma, and a few guards,” Asa introduced his team and they shook hands politely enough, Chesca having met some of them before and dismissing the expected sly smirks they tried to hide on their faces.

“Alright, where can we talk?” she turned to their Alpha.

“Talk? No, we eat first,” he pushed them all outside to his large patio where a bbq was set up and food was already on the tables. Flaming torches ringed the outdoor area, and as the deep of dusk settled over them, Chesca felt slightly cold in the warmth that wrapped around them. It was a strange feeling, but she still never felt comfortable in this man’s world. For that’s what it felt like; like she was just an intruder on someone’s else party. She couldn’t quite fit in amongst the jokes and discussions that flowed between Kaiden and the other men. She wasn’t here for casual conversation.It was a business trip, but Asa obviously didn’t roll the same way as she would like.

“Here, try some of this flame-grilled angus burger,” he came over to where she sat on one of the rustic log benches and offered her a plate.

“No thanks, I don’t eat meat,” she said politely and picked at the measly salad on her plate.

Asa just stared at her for a second before laughing. “You don’t eat meat? Hey fellas, you ever heard of a wolf that doesn’t eat meat?”

The others looked over in surprise and mockery. “What do you eat?” “How do you survive?” “That’s so weird!”

“Hey! Do I look like I’m a weak pathetic girl about to keel over and die from lack of protein?” she threw back at them, suddenly defensive and hot after feeling sorry for herself the last hour.

“Bet you couldn’t beat me in an arm wrestle,” one of the men sneered at her.

Kaiden stepped between them and snarled. “Of course she couldn’t. She’s a woman, you dufus!”

Chesca knew he meant this in a good way, defending her inherent weakness as genetic and not from lack of discipline on her part. “But on a battlefield she just might. There’s more to being an Alpha than just braun and muscle,” the muscle ticked in Kaiden’s jaw as he stared the man down. Chesca knew that if Lexi had been here, she’d have whooped and cheered at Kaiden’s little speech. Chesca’s heart did a little flip flop of its own. “That’s why she has me, to be her strength while she uses that mind of hers.”

“Ok, wait up!” she jumped up, all sweet feelings gone. “I don’t have you, so what are you talking about? I can take care of myself, thank you very much!”

“Really? That’s not what you were saying the other day,” Kaiden turned to her, his eyebrows twitching. “You said you needed me to--”

“Oh ho ho, I never said I needed you!”

“Yeah, that’s why you brought me along--to help you persuade Asa to give you the land.”

“No, I didn’t! You invited yourself just to catch up with your cronies. I can handle this myself perfectly well,” she spat at him, unaware that everyone had stopped and was watching them, the food in their mouths momentarily forgotten.

“Really? I thought you’d failed the last few times you’ve asked.”

“You’re really pushing it now, Kaiden,” she growled lowly.

“Woah, guys, calm down,” Asa interrupted, but she continued like she didn’t hear him.

“If you think you’re some kind of saviour who’s gonna rescue me, then you know nothing--”

“No, I think we’re going to work together like we should be. That’s what--”

“Work together? Is that before or after you kill me and take my pack?” she jabbed a finger at his chest.

“Chesca! I said I’m not going to do that. We’re mates!” he shouted.

She stopped still.

The air was so heavy and ringing with his words that even the crickets from deep in the forest could be heard, but they soon stopped as well, as if the revelation was just as startling for them.

“Mates?” Asa asked quietly. Then he burst out laughing. “I should have known! Oh, this is so good!! You guys…” he thumped them both on the back, pushing them together and his deep voice booming over the gathering. The others soon joined in. “Wow, my Denny Boy found his mate. Why didn’t you guys tell me?” he asked, shaking his head.

“No, we’re not-- It’s not like that,” she started to explain, but Asa wasn’t even listening, just grinning and toasting to them with a glass of brew. “We haven’t accepted each other,” she finally blurted out.

Silence again, only this time Asa choked on his drink. “Who would do a stupid thing like that?” he looked between them. “You’ve found each other. Why not accept and be together? Why is there even a question about it?”

“You dont get it, he’s just…” she failed for words to describe Kaiden.

“She’d rather bite my head off,” he also just glared at her, his eyebrow quirking up with a hint of amusement.

“But you’re mates!” Asa repeated, like it was clear as day to just accept whoever fate paired you with, no matter that they were arrogant, stuck-up, pig-headed mongrels who were just after your pack. She gulped for air.

“Whatever, can I just discuss with Asa the request I came here to make? Alone? In private?” she drilled Kaiden with a dark look.

“Obviously no one is in the mood to negotiate, so we’ll do it tomorrow,” Asa said casually like he’d planned to do it then all along, looking between the two who continued to glower at each other. He smiled and took a swig of his drink. “Carry on boys,” he turned and continued the lively talks with his friends.

Chesca marched upstairs and tried to get some rest before the big day on the morrow. Yeah, like that was going to happen. She had no idea just what Asa would do now that he knew about their bond.

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