The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |21|

The metal felt refreshingly cool under her touch, and Chesca’s fingers curled around the arm of her chair. Her grip tightened the more he stared at her. The man from the forest, the one who had tried seducing her, the one Kaiden claimed was his brother, was at this very moment standing in her reception hall. The last rays of the moon seeped through the large windows, and the smooth tiles that overlaid the floor gleamed their reflections. The reflection of his smug expression she just wanted to wipe from his face.

“A female Alpha,” he said carefully, his stylish fringe barely out of place despite the rough handling from her and her guards. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time, Bro,” he winked at Kaiden, who stood scowling beside Chesca. She sat with her back straight on the large chair that was perched on a raised platform. It felt like a throne, the polished steel engraved with intricate designs of vines and leaves. She saw them as intertwined hearts, and liked to think that’s where her pack name came from; SteelHeart. A symbol and testament to their strength in the face of adversity and heartbreak, their tenacity as strong and unbreakable as steel.

“Who would’ve guessed you’d finally find your mate,” he gave a small chuckle that sat awkwardly in the air, and made Chesca’s skin crawl.

“Does Father know?” Kaiden growled lowly, his hands balling in fists.

“He knows everything,” the man shot back quickly, a gleam in his eyes. He walked back and forth in front of them, an air of authority as if he owned the place and they were merely gracing him with their presence.

“What are you doing here, Elah?” Kaiden asked darkly.

Elah. Interesting name. It suited him in a strange way. Strange man; strange name. Chesca got the feeling there was something off between him and Kaiden.

“Am I not allowed to visit my dear big brother?” he quirked an eyebrow and gave a look of innocence.

“You were on my territory,” Chesca pointed out coldly, leaning forward to emphasise her authority.

“I just followed my brother’s scent. I knew he wasn’t dead yet, so...I figured it was safe enough,” he shrugged casually.

“I’ll show you what safe looks like,” Lexi stepped forward, pushing up her sleeves and cracking her knuckles.

“Lexi, don’t,” Chesca stopped her, knowing how physical her head guard could take things. But she wanted to talk and find out more about this man. His face was already messed enough from Kaiden’s blows, but something told her he’d seen worse and relished in his ability to handle it. He displayed an insistence to come out on top no matter the adversary.

“That’s it. Down, doggy,” Elah gave Lexi a patronising smile filled with amusement.

“Why, I oughta--”

“Lexi.” Chesca warned, but understood perfectly just how much Lexi was boiling inside. It seemed these brothers had the fine art of infuriating women down pat. Did no one teach respect these days?

“What is it you really want, Elah?” Kaiden asked, this time taking his brother’s collar in his fist.

Elah jutted his chin and chuckled, “You miss me?”

Kaiden shoved him back. “Don’t mess with me. If Dad thinks he can--”

“Cool your engines, Turbo. Daddy dearest has nothing to do with this. He couldn’t care less what you’re doing. But I heard wind you got yourself a mate and wanted to see it for myself. Is there a crime against that?” he shrugged himself free from his brother’s grip.

“Crossing onto our territory, yes,” Lexi muttered while Chesca just watched the exchange with interest.

“You could’ve called, let me know you were coming,” Kaiden’s harsh tone had dropped a notch, and Chesca could sense the argument coming to an end.

“You see any cell towers around here? This place is like the Middle Ages,” he turned around in circles, letting his gaze wander over the high arched ceiling and elaborate framed windows. “All I need now is a suit of shining armor and a damsel in distress,” he winked at Chesca.

“In your dreams,” she folded her arms across her chest and glared at him.

“Maybe in your dreams,” he responded coyly.

“Shut it, Elah! She’s my mate,” Kaiden pointed a finger in his face angrily.

“You got yourself a real keeper,” Elah quipped, still directing his words to her. “If ever you feel the urge to kill him…. go ahead, I give my full permission.”

“Oh boy, get in line,” Lexi rolled her eyes, apparently bored of their bickering.

After a few more minutes of harsh words and nonsense threats, Chesca threw up her hands. “Just stop it, both of you!”

They looked up at her, their arms and fists locked around each other as it they were seconds from strangling each other. Maybe she should have let them continue.

“Elah can stay on one condition,” she shifted her eyes from one brother to the other, making sure she had both their attention. “He won’t say a single derogatory or disrespectful word about me or my command. Is that clear?”

Elah stepped up and bent in a showy bow, “I will be the perfect gentleman.”

Kaiden smothered a snort. At least that’s what she guessed the inhuman noise was from his throat.

“He’ll be staying in the West wing, right next to Kaiden,” she finished.

“What? No, I—“

“Charles, escort our guest to his quarters,” she waved her hand and ignored Kaiden’s protests. Let those two fight it out later, she didn’t need to get involved in family affairs.

When the men had left, Lexi turned to her. “You believe him?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Huh, I spose not….” She trailed off and looked deep in thought. “However, you could make him stay in the dog house--”

“You and Charles are in charge while I get some sleep. I’ll be down in time for lunch, ok?” she have her friend a pleading gesture before heading up to her room.

Kaiden met her in the hallway, peeling off from the wall. “You’re really going to let him stay?”

“Why not? Aren’t you happy to see your brother? I could always keep him in the dungeons--”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” he chucked, a little too forced it seemed. “I just...I was having a good time away from all his nonsense, is all,” he walked beside her slowly, matching her weary footsteps. They’d both been up all night, and Chesca couldn’t wait to sink into her cool sheets and finally get some sleep now that the sun had risen and her body had returned to normal.

“You two don’t get on?” she looked at him sideways.

“Well,” he let out a heavy sigh. “We have our moments like all siblings I guess, but it’ll be alright.” he gave her a small smile. “It might actually be fun having him here. Thanks.”

“For what?” she paused as she reached her large double doors. The fine white paint bordered with gold embellishments seemed to glow in the early sunlight.

“For letting him stay. I know we can both be jerks sometimes….”

“No kidding?” she chuckled and pushed inside. “But the moment he misbehaves, I’m sending him packing.”

“Of course. I expect nothing less from the well-disciplined Alpha,” Kaiden gave her a genuine smile and hesitated on the threshold.

She nearly closed the door but noticed something on the end of her bed. “What’s this?” she held up two flowers. Staring at the red petals, she watched the edges glow with an orange gleam before curling in on themselves and blackening to ash. Blinking rapidly, she erased the image of memories. It made her feel sick, and it took a large amount of willpower not to scrunch the perfect flowers between her fists.

“Oh, uh…” Kaiden rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I left them there for you last night. I knew you were feeling...not very well, so…”

“So you brought me flowers? Red roses?” she watched him shift on his feet. It was kinda cute, to be honest. The big arrogant alpha, nervous.

He cleared his throat, “I know, Lexi warned me you weren’t really a flower person, but my mom always liked roses and I just wanted to do something nice for you after everything...” his voice faded.

“They’re beautiful, thank you,” she quickly said, trying to put into practice everything she’d slowly been told by her friend over the last few weeks. Give him a chance. Don’t be so cold. Open up a bit. He didn’t need to be hurt by her horrible past and memories. It wasn’t his fault.

The smile on his face rivalled the brightness of the sunrise, wiping away the tired worry as well as the usual brooding arrogance. Right now, it seemed he was actually trying to be caring. She felt a tug towards him, a strange pull on her heart despite the absence of the heat, and she wanted to wrap her arms around him but stopped short. Biting her lip, she didn’t know what else to say, and neither did he it seemed.

“Ok, let’s get some sleep,” she eventually muttered with a soft smile, and slowly closed the door as he doffed his head and turned to walk back to his room. Watching his retreating back for a moment, she wondered if there was potential…. Potential for him to be a loving and respecting mate like she’d always wanted, like her dad had been towards her mom all those years ago.

She touched the arrow pendant around her neck. Kaiden’s mother sounded like a wonderful person, and she felt a longing to have met her.

Chesca went to sleep with a smile on her face and the sweet scent of roses wafting over her pillows. Maybe she could learn to like flowers again.

The next few days passed quickly for the diligent Alpha. Busy with overseeing the expansion projects and normal pack business, Chesca didn’t get much time to herself. Which was how she liked it, but after awhile she came to realise something. The extra work she felt the burden of might not be completely necessary, as her commanding ranks and guards normally shouldered their share. But Roman and a few guards had been hard to track down whenever she had a job to give them or a question to run by them. And she also hadn’t had any flustering encounters with her mate.

Lexi informed her that Roman and Kaiden were excitedly showing their guest, Elah, around the pack. Apparently Kaiden’s brother was fitting in quite well, getting along with all the members who they visited with. Chesca knew she shouldn’t be feeling angry at this, but something made her pause and clench her jaw. It was bad enough that Kaiden had such powerful sway over her pack, but his brother now also? Was it their way of insidiously creeping their way into their hearts and minds before ripping it all out from under her feet?

Lexi told her to stop thinking so hard, and that her and Charles were keeping an eye on things. She didn’t need to worry about anything. Elah was just a carefree young man, looking for some fun before life’s responsibilities weighed him down. He didn’t have a mate or pack, so what harm was it to just kick back and enjoy life?

At meal times, however, Chesca found it increasingly hard to swallow her food and remain polite when Elah kept looking at her. He’d send a wink one moment, then a flattering comment the next, complimenting on her hair, her choice of shirt colour that matched her eyes, or the exquisite ring that adorned her finger.

He’d kept to her rules, and hadn’t said anything negative or disrespectful to her or Lexi, or other women, but instead was going overboard on the other end of the spectrum. His charm might work on other females, but she was sickened by it. She made a mental note to ask Kaiden just how long his brother intended on being here and frustrating her.

He didn’t seem too pleased either with Elah’s behaviour, sometimes sending a glare or growl his way, as if he was feeling possessive of her. Yes, like in the forest. He’d punched his own brother to get between them and keep her untouched. Undeniably, there was more that lay beneath the animosity between the brothers, but she didn’t really care to know what it was. She had enough problems on her plate, she mused as she pushed the food around that sat in front of her. It seemed she only had the appetite for dinner when tucked safely away in her office, surrounded by books and paperwork that was a lot less stressful than two arrogant males, boasting and big-noting themselves, and vying for her attention.

“Isn’t that right, Darling?”

Elah’s smooth voice suddenly dragged her from her thoughts.

“Umm…” she had no idea what they had been talking about.

“She’s not your darling, so just shut your flapper, El,” Kaiden shot daggers across the table. His gaze was hot enough to roast the rare meat that Elah casually lifted to his mouth, and the sly tilt of Elah’s lips showed just how little he thought of his brother’s reprimand.

Instead he gave Chesca one last look full of hidden meaning before she abruptly stood, nearly pulling the tablecloth with her.

“Thanks for dinner, it was scrumptious,” she mumbled as she headed out the room. Grabbing an apple and a jar of Nutella from the kitchen, she headed up to her office. Once inside, she sank into her chair, her father’s old chair, and felt the familiar arms of leather wrap around her. It comforted her, just being here and smelling the usual smell of musty books and worn leather, ink and new technology. Her laptop hummed to life, and after two solid hours of work, she finally felt settled enough to head to bed, quite sure of a deep sleep.

Opening her door the next morning for her usual run through the beloved forest, she let out a yelp.

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