Chapter Novel Heirs 22
< The Alpha's Hidden Heirs
Chapter 22
Selene Get 5
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Rain streaked down the restaurant windows, making the outside world look fuzzy. The plants everywhere really set the mood.
Finally, things had calmed down, and I was treating myself to dinner alone. I picked a place away from the hotel needed some fresh air after all that drama.
Axel wanted to come, but he was stuck dealing with Alpha business.
"What can I get you?" The waiter flashed a friendly smile.
I glanced at the menu. "Bring me your best dish."
The waiter's eyebrows shot up.
Great. Did he think I couldn't afford it?
"Is there a problem?"
"No, not at all! Would you like some wine with that?"
Classic upsell.
"Just water, thanks." I gave him a small smile, and he headed off.
I people-watched while waiting for my food. Lots of rich guys with women who definitely weren't their wives. Typical Alpha behavior - they had their mates at home, so they figured they could do whatever they wanted on the side.
I almost laughed when I spotted one Alpha I recognized. He'd been to a pack meeting with my dad once. And shocker that wasn't his wife hanging on his arm.
"Called it," I muttered, watching him wine and dine his date.
"True love's pretty rare these days." I sighed.
My mind drifted back to when I was head over heels for Kane. Man, I was so happy on our wedding day. And what did I get? Nothing but pain and humiliation.
The waiter brought out this gorgeous plate of food - perfectly plated and everything.
"Time to enjoy something good for once," I told myself, digging in.
After dinner, I paid with my card and headed out. I didn't realize how late it had gotten - I must've lost track of time in there.
The street was dark and empty. No cabs in sight. It was a twenty-minute walk back to the hotel, but I figured I'd just hoof it.
I turned down this tree-lined alley. The fresh air felt nice, and the breeze on my face actually had me smiling.
Then I saw them - a group of guys hanging out under a streetlight. I tried to just walk past, keep my head down.
"Hey beautiful, where you headed?" One called out.
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I picked up my pace and ignored them. Big mistake - they started following me. Before I knew it, one grabbed my arm.
"Back off," I snapped.
"Aw come on, baby. You got all dressed up like that just to tease guys?" He yanked me closer while his buddies laughed.
His grip tightened when I tried to pull away. That's when it hit me - these guys were rogues.
"Just play nice and you won't get hurt."
My stomach dropped. What were rogues even doing here? This area was supposed to be off-limits to them.
Suddenly I was right back there - that day I barely escaped from those other rogues. My whole body went stiff when one of them ran his fingers down my bare arm.
I could fight - I wasn't helpless. But I wasn't trained to take on rogues, and those memories kept flooding back, making it hard to move. When another one grabbed my waist, I finally snapped out of it enough to snarl and shove them back.
They stumbled, surprised I had any fight in me.
I took off running, but they were right on my tail. The hotel was still a good fifteen minutes away.
"You can't get away, sweetheart! Once we spot something we want, it's ours!"
Their words made my skin crawl. I prayed for my strength to kick in.
I glanced back to check how close they were - and slammed right into someone.
I froze, thinking another rogue had cut me off. Then I felt that familiar solid chest. I slowly looked up. "Kane?"