The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 15

I grip the shower handle and squeeze my eyes shut. This warmth that envelops me is barely tainted by the cold water streaming down my back.

I make the water colder, but it is a waste of time, for the heat is springing from inside me and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. The fullness of the moon demands it; the virgin state of my body despite the mark on my neck goes against nature, against the natural plan for mates. If by the first full moon after marking, mates haven’t mated yet, the female goes into heat. The pain drives her into the arms of her mate, of the male who won’t be able to hold back any longer so great becomes his desire for her.

The fact I’m in this situation all because of Malachi angers me.

Slowly turning the water off and drying myself, I climb out of the shower and stare at my mark in the mirror.

When I first showed my friends, Gabby remarked upon how savage it looked, with a deep and jagged tear in my otherwise flawless skin. She commiserated that it must have hurt like crazy. She couldn’t have been more right.

Luci on the other hand just smirked and asked why I didn’t give it right back at him, marking the young Alpha in a passionate and intimate way. I told her to shut her foul mouth, nearly shoved her out the window, and wondered why oh why she couldn’t be sympathetic with me for once? I was not going to mark a man I barely knew, but she couldn’t seem to see the sense in being cautious.

Now, though it has healed to a pale white scar, the prominent mark is difficult to overlook. It is the reason why my skin is crawling with discomfort, my senses flushing with warmth and foreign desires.

Sighing and turning away from the dreadful source of my agony, I comb out my long hair and put on my lightest cotton clothing before heading down for dinner.

Mom notices my discomfort and rushes to my side, but I brush her off. In truth, I brought this upon myself and don’t want to hear ‘If you hadn’t—’ or ‘If you’d only told us—’ followed by a lecture. Listening to her wise sense which I know I deserve will only make me even more ashamed and pity myself.

As we sit up to eat, I can feel my parents eyes on me, but I try my hardest to act normal. It takes all my energy to keep my body still from the tremors that wrack through it. The pain is growing stronger, more desperate, but I focus on my parents’ conversation.

“Chesca has a few concerns about the pregnancy, but I assured her everything was fine. I know sometimes a mother’s intuition is important, so I told her to call me if she continues to feel this way. But I also have a feeling this little Alpha pup will be strong and very special,” Mom says around mouthfuls of salad, and Dad nods.

“Kaiden seems to be rapt about his growing family, and said I could begin training Savannah soon. She’s got the mindset of a warrior, but the temperament of a vixen. I can only hope she stops thinking about those rascals Justin and Cale long enough to focus on serious training. I’m afraid everything is either a joke or competition between that lot,” Dad mutters, stabbing his piece of steak with frustration.

“Oh Charles, don’t be so dramatic. Remember what we were like at that age? Let them be kids. They’ll know when the time comes to be serious. Responsibility will come soon enough; no need to rush them.” Mom gives me a sympathetic look as she says this, and I know all too well what she is referring to. I had never imagined that at only 18 I would be claimed by an Alpha. The painful reminder of his mark won’t let me forget. It stings, it throbs, it aches, consuming my thoughts and sapping my strength. When I keep squirming in my chair, Dad growls.

“That boy had better take responsibility for what he’s done to you. If I see his face I swear I’m going to—“

“Charles, calm down,” Mom takes his hand and squeezes it. “Your threats aren’t helping. Do you want Malachi to come here and claim responsibility, or do you want him to stay away? Because you keep saying—“

“I don’t know, Lex, but I hate to see Ari in so much pain all because of his impulsive actions.”

He is right—I am in pain, and it’s only getting worse.

“I just don’t trust that Alpha. If he’s anything like his father—“

“Just stop, please!” I cry out, my fingers tightening around my cool glass of water. “He doesn’t want to be anything like his dad, he told me that. Why do you have to be so upset with Malachi when we barely know him?” A fierce desire to defend my mate despite the pain I’m in overtakes me, making me speak more harshly to my dad than I intended.

“Well, I’ve seen his actions. He is young and has trouble with unexplained deaths in his pack ranks. He was thoughtless and reckless to mark you so quickly. So yes, I think I have a pretty good idea of what kind of wolf he is. Not the type I wanted for you, my Daughter.”

His words have brought tears to my eyes, and I stifle a sob but fail. With hot tears spilling down my even hotter cheeks, I take a quick gulp of my cold drink. “It’s so hot in here.. can’t we open the windows?” I complain, wiping sweat off my forehead. Mom jumps up to pull them open wider, then directs the column fan towards me. The sweep of cool air brings a short relief to my burning body. I squeeze my eyes shut against the pain that twists my gut into knots.

Wordlessly, my dad gets up and goes to the freezer, returning with an ice brick and a cloth. He gently lays them against my neck right over my mark, knowing that is the source of my agony. I lean against his comforting embrace for a moment before his body heat becomes too much.

Mom begins braiding my hair, pulling it back from my neck so the cool air can better caress my skin. I focus on the feel of her fingers as they deftly weave through my hair. It is soothing, distracting.

“Did you hear about the guy who called his neighbor at four in the morning, telling him his stupid dog kept barking and was keeping him awake?” Mom asks in a mischievous voice.

Dad snorts from the kitchen sink, but I go along with the joke. “No, what happened?”

“Well, the neighbor called him back the next morning at four am, telling him he didn’t have a dog!”

“Oh.” I try and laugh. Dad rolls his eyes and I find his reaction more funny especially when mom glares at him.

“Why did the coffee file a police report?” Mom tries again, then gives the answer after a few moments of silence. “It got mugged.”

“That is such a Dad joke,” Charles groans. “Kaiden and Roman would have such a field day if they ever heard me telling something like that.”

“Well, good thing I’m not a dad. Hey, do you want to hear a joke about construction? I’m still working on it.”

I choke on my own saliva in an effort to groan louder than Dad, but I have to admit mom’s lame jokes are taking my mind off the stinging pain and desire in my body.

“Then there’s the one about the clown who visited his cousin in Austra—“

Dad opens his mouth to cut her off, but he’s interrupted by a loud banging on the front door.

Mom gets up quickly. “A caller at this time of night? I wonder who it is.”

But I’m not wondering, as his scent has already preceded the caller, crashing into me like a tidal wave and dragging me under without relent. My wolf howls with excitement and pleasure, while my heart thuds with sudden nervousness.

I am paralyzed for a moment, before propelling my body from my seat. When I round the hallway and the front door comes into view, my breath stops in my lungs at the most beautiful sight I have been dying to see.

“Malachi!” I breathe, running towards him with complete disregard to my startled mom and anxious dad. My mate’s dark figure is standing on the threshold, his black hair askew as if his hands have run through it many times. His posture is alert and agitated, and his deep blue eyes are searching for one thing only.


I jump into his arms, wrapping my own around his neck as I bury my face against his chest. Breathing in his scent, I feel the ache of the heat subside. His presence calms me instantly, and I suddenly forget every horrible word I had been planning to tell him when I saw him next. Right now, all I care about is being in my mate’s arms. All I want is him.

“Ariella,” he whispers my name, making me pull back to look up at him. His black shirt is creased, the sleeves messily rolled to his elbows, and his face is a storm of emotions. I get the sense his journey here was unplanned and hasty, with little thought to appearance or consequence. But why? Why now? After all this time….

“Are you alright?” Malachi’s arms tighten around me again and he buries his face in my neck, breathing in my scent to calm him as much as me. I can feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest where it presses against mine.

“Yes.” No. The truthful words get stuck in my throat. Because right now, I couldn’t tell him what I’m honestly feeling.

“You have some explaining to do, young man,” my dad booms from behind me, making me want to hide in Malachi’s shadow and become invisible. I hate conflict, especially between those I love and care about.

“She’s in heat. I’m here for her,” the rich voice rumbles from Malachi’s chest. By his choice of words, I feel the impression I’m just a piece of property to claim and acquire.

Another stab of heat washes over me from my core to my extremities, making me cling to Malachi’s shirt and reminding me of my fate. Beggars can’t be choosers.

“You can’t just show up now after all you’ve put her through, then ignoring her for weeks! What exactly were you thinking when you marked her? Were you even thinking at all?”

“He’s right, Alpha,” my Mom addresses my mate carefully, but I can hear the ache in her voice. ”You have some nerve coming here now. Didn’t you realise before tonight that she’d be in such pain?”

Malachi looks at me carefully as I’m tucked into his side. I’m trying to be strong, but all I want to do is kiss his neck and tear his shirt off.

“Things came up-“ his voice is choked, but he swallows and continues. I watch every movement his jaw makes, mesmerised. “I’m here now. And I will never leave you again, Ariella. All I want is to care for you. You are my mate, my Luna. Nothing should come between us, not even—“ he stops again, leaving my heart soaring with ecstasy yet also thudding with curiosity.

“Not even what?” My dad prods, and Malachi once more shifts his attention to Charles.

His eyes darken as a strange seriousness passes over his face. But though I hardly know him, I have come to expect his serious and stony expression. “Pack matters. You don’t need to know anymore. Now Ariella, let’s go.” He turns me around and steps to the door.

“Wait!” Lexi gasps. “You can’t go just like that. To mate? You barely know each other!”

My face burns in embarrassment. This is the last thing I want to discuss in front of my parents.

Malachi smirks slightly and says, “Would you rather I leave her here to yearn for me? To burn for me?”

After a tense moment my dad looks to me seriously, his chest heaving as he calms himself. I can only assume he wants to protect me from the wolf who hurt me, yet Malachi is the very same and only wolf who can help me.

“Ariella, do you really want to go with him?” My dad asks.

For a moment, uncertainty skips in my chest. My dad’s arguments against Malachi sing through my mind, but I push them aside. I would be a coward if I turned my back on Malachi, my mate.

“Of course I do. He’s my mate,” I look up into Malachi’s eyes and see the lines around them ease a fraction. “But do you want me? Don’t take me just because you think it’s your duty and I’m your claim to stake. I want you to want me-

My words are cut off when Malachi picks me up, pulling my body to his in a tight embrace. My legs automatically wrap around his waist to hold myself up as his hands smooth over my hair and back.

“You’re all I’ve ever wanted, as selfish as that sounds,” he whispers against my neck.

Before I can even glance at my parents or say anything more, we are out the door and heading down the path. The shock of our quick departure makes me giggle, and I lean back to look into Malachi’s face. The silvery light of the full moon illuminates his smooth skin, casting his black hair with blue tints and making the crystal ice of his irises glow with mythical beauty. My mate’s handsome features are pure perfection and before I catch myself, I place a kiss on his forehead. Pressing my lips against his warm skin sets a fire ablaze in my core and I hug him tighter still.

All of me wants him, craves him, and I never knew I could feel this much desire for someone. It surges through me, from every thought to every touch. His hands on my back are burning me in a good way, his hot breath on my neck as we jog across the boundary lines remind me of his authority and power. This Alpha male is taking me to his place, to his own pack, to his home.

Now that I am with him, my pain has subsided to be replaced with desire and need. And it is only as we climb the last hill together, hand in hand, that I finally comprehend what might happen between us once we reach his mansion. The warm glow from the windows of the large structure spill out to the surrounding gardens and pathways, and I am suddenly nervous.

Malachi gives me an amused grin when we reach the front door, and in an instant he has swept me into his arms and carries me across the threshold. It is a human tradition—I know from my history lessons. The husband would carry his new bride into their home, to surreptitiously christen their bond, marriage, and family unit.

Yet I realise Malachi and I haven’t had a formal ceremony in front of family, and I haven’t been officially accepted as Luna of this pack. To be here alone with Malachi as his marked mate is a dangerous position I’m not sure I want to be in.

But the throb in every cell of my body makes my hesitation disappear like water droplets evaporating in the heat of the sun. I don’t even take notice of the inside of his house as he carries me upstairs, down the hallway I will never forget, and into his bedroom. His scent is everywhere here, permeating from every wall, carpet, and object, and speaking to my senses in a thousand screaming voices. All drawing me to him.

I push Malachi against the closed door, an action I don’t know who is controlling. Not me for sure, as coming anywhere close like this to a male wolf is something I have never done and would never have thought to do. Luci would, but not me, not Gabby. It is much too... forward for my modest desires.

But nothing about this situation tonight is modest. My blood is hot in my veins, and as I press up against Malachi’s body I can feel he too is burning up. My eyes are on level with his chin, and I study the dark shadow that roughens his skin, before I trail my eyes down to his neck. The vein running across is throbbing, and I can hear his heart almost sync with mine. Our hearts are pounding, shuddering, as the space between our bodies is nearly nonexistent. My hands clutch his broad shoulders, running up to his neck as I feel his own settle on my hips, pulling me closer. We breathe the same air, hot and heavy with this tension and ache between us. I see his Adam’s apple rise and fall before lifting my eyes to his. The darkness in them scares me momentarily, but then I realise what it represents: such desire and want.

For me.

Without helping myself, I close the gap between us and and drag my tongue against his neck, wanting to feel him, taste him. He has done this to me before, and now finally I enjoy the intoxicating drug that is my mate. The physical contact has my wolf jumping with delight; Malachi’s proximity has my body singing with excitement. I don’t even realise my fingers have drifted across his chest and are tearing at his shirt buttons until his own hands grip my wrists

“Ariella, wait.”

His stern voice startles me, and I snap my eyes to his. For a moment, I’m broken from my frenzied trance when I see the frown of his brows. “What?”

“We...we shouldn’t..” Another rise and fall of his Adam’s apple.

“Why not?” I study his face, his neck, his shoulders and bare chest as he breathes in deeply, his heart beating rapidly. I can’t think straight, and I’m not sure I’ve heard him properly. After pushing myself against him, his grip on my wrists tighten and he holds me back.

“It’s too soon.” With those words, he releases me and sidesteps, walking to a desk that sits against the wall opposite the bed. It is of deep mahogany timber and covered in usual office essentials, but those details are inconsequential to me right now.

My body flushes with another wave of heat and I cross to the nearest window, flinging it open. After breathing in some fresh air, I am ready to face my puzzling mate again. He carried me all the way deny me?

As I face his beautiful bare back, my eyes focused on the toned muscles around his shoulders and spine and the triangular shape of his torso, I pull my own shirt over my head, needing the cool breeze to caress my sticky and hot skin. I am desperate, and only one man can ease this pain and internal torture. Crossing the room without thinking, I wrap my arms around him, pressing my body to his. “Malachi, I need you.”

He freezes at the cascade of sparks between our skin contact, the object in his hand clattering back to the desk with a startling noise. When he spins to face me, disentangling my arms once more, his eyes have darkened further. I smirk as those dark eyes glide up and down my body, trying not to look at my flimsy underwear. I know he is just as affected with the full moon as me, so why is he acting like this? Why are his warm words from earlier so contradictory to his cold actions now? Does he not want me anymore?

“Ariella, I can’t—”

“I need to mark you,” I cut in, hating the direction his words are taking and needing to say mine before he completely shuts me down. “You’ve made me yours for everyone to see,” I point to my mark, “So now I need to make you mine.” My voice drops to a low whisper as I lean in close, feeling his skin shiver beneath mine. I can see just the right spot on his neck, as my fingers glide over his silky skin.

“You can, but not yet. Not now,” he pushes me off him, and I stumble a step back.

“Why not? Is there something I should know about? If you don’t want to sleep with me then why did you mark me? You said you cared, so prove it,” I push, blaming the full moon on this stupid confidence that has overcome my body and taken my usual timidity hostage. My hands slide around Malachi’s waist to his back; my eyes drink in his bare abdominals that are traced with ink across his ribs on one side. I will have to study his body art when I’m not so desirous for his touch.

“Of course I want you—”

“Then prove it!” I place soft kisses on his jaw before being pushed back again.

His eyes flash with resolution and dominance, “No, I am not doing this with you now, Ariella. I already regret marking you so quickly, when you weren’t ready.”

His husky voice and cold tone stun me again and I gasp, my face creasing into a frown as my heart plummets to my feet. “When I wasn’t ready? How can you claim to know what I am or am not ready for, Malachi? I am ready for this. You made sure I was ready for you!’ I point to my mark, to his claim that graces my neck like an adorning jewel.

The hard expression in his eyes as he stares at me frightens me. His jaw ticks, and I barely have the patience to hear his response. I think I will hate it. Truly, I don’t know this Alpha in front of me who stands unmoving and unrelenting by his desk.

“I’m sorry. I will fix this one day, but not now. Not yet,” he explains in a husky voice, eyes avoiding mine.

Dread finally settles over me, and I accept his rejection. Tonight, I realise I have been foolish. Suddenly wanting to be covered from head to foot with the thickest of material, I wrap my arms around my bare stomach as my shoulders wilt under his unreadable stare.

Turning, I stomp away to the other side of the bed, ready to burrow myself under the covers and ignore him the rest of the night while I suffocate in despair. “Fine, leave me be. Let me writhe in pain all night, for all you care.”

I hear a deep growl, then two strong arms envelope me in his strong embrace. “I am not about to let that happen. And don’t ever say I don’t care for you, because I do.”

When my mate’s lips press to my mark, shivers chase each other down my back as I melt in his arms. His touch has me holding my breath, wanting more. Dying for more.

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