The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter Three : Meeting The Alpha

My eyes flashed to where I thought the door was, unable to see anything other than black.

Even without my vision, I knew that we are in deep trouble.

“What did you just say?” A deep voice bellowed out the words. The anger and rage made me shiver in suspense while my limbs had soon turned to jelly in response.

“I want these sick bitches dead!" He snarled loudly, sounding ready to lunge at us and tear us apart at the first chance he got.

I could hear the harsh breathing of the werewolves, resounding against the walls over and over again in extreme resentment and disgust.

“That’s enough, Kent. The Alpha will make the final decision,” the Beta said as I let out a deep breath that I didn’t even know I was holding.

Although they won’t kill us right now, it doesn’t mean that they won’t later.

If their Alpha gave them approval, we would be dead faster than the bat of an eye.

Just at the thought, my heart was palpitating way too fast in my chest. My fingers were curled into a fist, dull nails biting into my skin until I could feel the painful sting of reality.

I have never felt more terrified in my life.

“These bitches killed my brother!” He snarled and I could hear his loud footsteps come towards us, making me cower back into myself.

I was unsure of what direction to run if that was even an option at the moment.

“Enough!” The Beta finally roared out as my ears rang in the aftermath of his exclamation.

That shut them all up and I could hear their footsteps get smaller from the squeaking of the stair boards when the door creaked and groaned as it was shut.

Then, we were enveloped in silence for the next few hours.

Hungry, isolated and desperate for a way out.

Asuka had stopped sobbing for a while now and there was only a sense of hopelessness that sunk in.

There’s no way out.

We are all going to die and we deserve it.

Other than the knowledge of us all dying soon, one question couldn’t help but pop into my mind at this moment was.

Could I die?

Is it even possible?

I’ve never tested the theory to see if a person, who was unable to age, like me would be able to die.

I don’t think I really want to test the theory because I doubt that I’m a cat with nine lives. Who knows what might happen if I decide to test out the theory to realize right after that I am standing next to Lucifer in the pits of hell?

Suddenly, the floorboards above our heads creaked rather loudly. The door keeping us captive slammed open again with an extremely sickening boom of the wood hitting the back wall.

The noise immediately jolts me from my own self-anger and depression.

“Get up. Now.” The Beta’s voice boomed out, shocking me as I clumsily tried to stand but found that I couldn’t. My legs are numb from sitting there for so long on the cold cement and scared stiff from fear of what could happen.

Before I could attempt to stand again, big hands grabbed me by my lab jacket and yanked me to my feet, dragging me along when I heard Asuka yelp loudly from behind.

“Where are you taking us?” She shouted hoarsely and I could clearly hear scuffling as if she was trying to fight them off.

Don’t do it, Asuka.

My teeth bit down hard onto my bottom lip.

“Shut up, b*tch,” someone else threatened and the harsh crack of a slap across human flesh made me shiver in suspense.

I clumsily, blindly, followed the person who was dragging me with them. I could barely stand because my legs that felt like they were being attacked my pins and needles.

As I attempted to move faster, my left leg caught onto a stair step and I stumbled forward. The lab coat choked me painfully when he yanked me back up before my face could hit the wood.

I stumbled several times until I could figure out the spacing of the stairs and I could hear their annoyed growling, obviously angry we were slowing them down.

Heck, if they would just take these damned blindfolds off, we could walk on our own instead of bumbling after them like newborn fawns.

I scowled.

We finally reached the top of the stairs about a handful of minutes, still being yanked roughly around until I heard the creak of a door opening.

Before long, we were all pushed inside of another room.

Chills went down my spine, my hairs standing on end when I was shoved to the ground, my shoulder slamming onto the floor as I hissed in pain.

Blindly, I raised my head when I was slammed back onto the ground from a heavy boot on the back of my neck, jaw grinding against the wooden flooring. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I gritted my jaw hard at the bout of pain that inflicted half of my face.

Damn, that freaking hurt!

I ground my teeth together to keep myself from lashing out in rage because I would be the one hurting in the end. Being forced to bow in front of their alpha in such a degrading manner was very upsetting for me, it made me want to fight back but I knew it was useless and would only put me in an even worse position.

I couldn’t hear their words as I was clouded with my anger, tears wetting my cheeks and the blindfold as the foot on my neck finally disappeared, leaving only pricks of pain still lingering behind.

“Kill them. Kill them the same way they killed Lucas,” said another deeper, more sinister voice.

From his authoritative demeanor and cold finality, I could only assume that this was their Alpha.

I froze, feeling completely numb for the first time.

“Gladly, my Alpha,” said Kent with a dark chuckle bubbling from his throat that made me cower closer to the ground, wishing there was someone to save me from this nightmare.

But I knew that there would be no savior, never would be a savior.

I could hear both Amy and Asuka sobbing brokenly, their hiccups and silent sobs made me tear up again from the hopelessness of the situation.

And all I could hear was white noise when they dragged us out by our hair. My legs were no longer capable of holding me up at hearing the news.

I felt like breaking down and crying like a baby but I knew that it was useless.

We will die.

I will die.

Tears dripped down my face when the blindfold was roughly yanked off of my head. A light breeze tossed my bangs around when I opened my eyes and stared at the wide forest before me. The afternoon sun burned against my flesh and made me squint in order to see ahead of me.

We were outside.

And if I wasn’t heading to my execution, I would have complimented on the beautiful scenery before me. But sadly, this isn’t a vacation of any kind.

What are they planning?

Before I turn my head to look behind me, the scary slice of claws ran down my hands, completely cutting the lines that tied my numb wrists together. I was rather thankful that he didn’t cut my wrists open.

“Ple-please just let us go!” Asuka pleaded, her face bright red, tears making her cheeks shiny and blotchy in an ethereal way.

I found myself just watching her entirely piteous wailing as if in a trance.

“Don’t you plead so prettily? Did my brother also do the same when you experimented on him? When you killed him?” He snarled out the words, vicious and so very feral in all of his animalistic glory.

I was frozen in fear now.

My tears stopped a while ago with the rest of my sanity.

“Unlike what you did to my brother, I will give you the chance to run in the next 5 minutes. If you make it, you live. But, if we catch you, I will tear you limb from limb, devour your flesh and swallow your bones,” Kent said, sharp canines glinting from the sun with a wild smirk decorated on his lips.

It was true that wolves liked to play with their food, chasing their prey until they couldn’t run anymore from exhaustion before biting and tearing their flesh apart in the most painful and gruesome of ways.

They were going to chase us, catch us, and then, kill us.

I shivered.

God, please have mercy.

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