The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter Eight : Meeting The Council

My eyes accidentally caught the Alpha’s eyes.

I could feel my heart possibly skip a beat or two from sheer terror or something else that I couldn’t name.

His electric glowing blue eyes were the first thing that I noticed. They were rather hypnotic and mesmerizing at first glance, and I found myself having a hard time removing my gaze from his.

He had black charcoal colored hair that covered his temple from view while an arrogant jaw gritted and full lips pursed into a displeased frown in response to my blatant staring.

Shortly after my appraisal of his handsome form, I notice his tall aristocratic nose wrinkle in disgust, probably because of how bad I smell.

I immediately avert my gaze from this strange need to submit to the more stronger of our kind. And I was actually scared he would kill me for staring him straight in the eye.

His frown deepened.

The sheer power and dominance of his aura had me almost keeling over when he finally took a seat behind the desk, much to my relief. And the hard muscles that bunched under that masculine physique could have rivaled even Adonis himself.

I duly noted that I wasn’t the only one affected by this Alpha. Everyone in the room cowered, even Jared.

From where I was stationed, I could see the sweat that gathered behind Jared’s neck when he turned and faced off with the other Alpha.

Jared’s jaw squared and teeth gritted like he had a serious case of constipation.

I could even hear the sound of his teeth grinding together.

“I did not mean to breach our contract, Alpha Eros. I have simply come to collect something of mine,” Jared explained nonchalantly. His body was as tense as a wounded spring ready to snap and seemed to betray all that fake bravado he tried to exert.

My toenails dug into the sole of my almost non-existent shoe. I tried to remain in my sitting position and waited for Alpha Eros to reply.

"Yours?" Alpha Eros repeated.

I had to contain a shiver at hearing that strangely dangerous lilt in his voice that sounded too dark and menacing to be real.

“Yes, mine," Jared replied adamantly, unaware of the danger that he was walking straight into. I would have definitely backed off instead of heading face first into it like Alpha Jared was.

And from my observations, Jared had nothing on Alpha Eros.

“I will gladly remove my pack from your lands once I retrieve m—”

"No.” Alpha Eros blatant reply caused Jared to step back slightly in confusion.

“I don’t understand, Alpha Eros. What do you mean?” Jared’s fingers clenched into a restrained fist, his jaw squaring and teeth grinding like nails on a chalkboard.

“There is nothing on my lands that belong to you, Alpha Jared.” Alpha Eros seemed almost too calm for this type of confrontation with another bordering Alpha.

I had to almost double take. My eyes probably were the size of saucers by now.

I think I just found my silver lining!

“This woman here—”

Belongs to me. She is mine, Eros stated calmly.

My fingers went slack in my lap, mouth falling open in disbelief at his serious statement.

Almost immediately, Jared snarled gruesomely. His features started melding together in a rather disturbing otherworldly way. A snout almost formed on his face before reverting back into somewhat human features, and no one was disturbed by it.

I choked back a scream that threatened to bubble up my throat.

“I found the Breeder first,” Jared gritted out, canines glistening as he tried to control himself. I could tell he was very close to shifting into his more primal side.

“It makes no difference, Alpha Jared. She is mine,” Eros growled right back, lips peeled back over very sharp canines.

I couldn’t contain the urge to shrink into myself.

Alpha Eros swiftly stood tall with a loud clatter of his office chair and the creaking of the desk when it was shoved aside. He stalked right over to Jared’s raging form and towered over Jared with his slightly taller physique.

I could tell that Jared was rather apprehensive of Alpha Eros from the way he flinched and cowered in response to the taller male.

“We will take this to the council board then,” Jared said with gritted teeth.

I gulped loudly.

“And you will lose, Alpha Jared,” Alpha Eros said tauntingly. It was as if he knew something that Jared and I didn’t.

Almost seconds after Alpha Eros’ statement, I was promptly dragged out and locked up inside of another room until this supposed ‘werewolf council’ showed up.

Stupid Jared let them know that I had a knack for running away so they had me locked inside of a bedroom without any windows or bathrooms.

Although I was still rather confused by my situation, I was in dire need of using the bathroom.

The guards outside had thought that I was attempting to escape with my need to use the bathroom and had denied any requests that I made while looking down their noses at me each time.

Possibly, werewolves didn’t need to pee as often as psychotic traumatized women.

And I haven’t gotten the chance to pee for quite a long time. Yesterday, when Kent was chasing me, I had wet my pants after seeing his werewolf form and from not peeing for over 10 hours. Although my pants were dry now, I didn’t want to pee my pants again. Just the thought of sitting in my own piss was enough to make me think twice.

With no bathroom in sight, I currently had no other way to relieve myself. The burn of my bladder was terrifyingly painful and tight. So my only option was to find a place to do my business.

As embarrassed as I was, I ended up pissing in the corner like some sort of mongrel, hoping they wouldn’t notice or catch me in the act.

But I knew that they would notice since their keen sense of smell was 1o times better than my own. Even I could smell the slightly acrid liquid on the ground so there was no way they wouldn’t.

Although I knew that werewolves were like other animals that urinated and defecated in random areas to mark territory, this was too strange for my human mind to comprehend.

When the two guards opened the door and dragged me out of the room, they didn’t once comment on me peeing in the corner and only did their job of escorting me out into a giant hall filled with people.

Everyone was staring at me like I was a cow with two heads, some in disgust and others in disbelief.

At the front of the room stood a row of chairs and desks almost like an actual courtroom with authoritative judges at the front.

A set of five older men sat at the center, all looking in their 50-60s. And I could only deem them to be the supposed ’council’.

I guess this is the moment of truth.

The council will decide on who will get to keep me. As sad as that sounds, it was the truth. I literally didn’t have any say what-so-ever.

And, as of this moment, I couldn’t decide which of the two Alphas would be considered the lesser of two evils.

One of them clearly had hidden agendas that needed to be noted while the other was just a pompous and chauvinistic male who wanted to make me his breeding whore. And I can’t forget the fact that he has a wife hidden somewhere because that would definitely make for a great relationship. Note my sarcasm.

If I had a choice I wouldn’t choose any of them. Instead, I would actually be running like my life depended on it and never coming back.


“Alpha Eros. Alpha Jared.” The councilmen greeted the two Alpha males who had made way through the crowd to stand right before them.

The entire crowd of people went quiet respectfully.

Everyone was staring rather excitedly at the drama that was about to unfold while I was just stuck in the crossfire trying to find my way out.

“It has come to our attention that a Breeder has been found,” one of the older men stated before gesturing towards me. At that moment, everyone turned their gazes towards me.

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