The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 69: Party For Royalty Part Two

Finding The Dress!

“Broke yur toy already?” Jackson asked, when he saw his brother huff and kick the body that just dropped to the ground.

“Yeah! They don’t make em like they use to” Tyler replied,

“Maybe you play too rough,” Jackson suggested.

“No! They jus too weak….Where’s Carter?” Tyler asked, Carter can go a few rounds with him at least.

“You ain’t beatin on Carter again” Jackson said laughing.

“Why?” Tyler asked looking at him,

“Thought you like him?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah, he can go a few rouns wit me” Tyler replied, Jackson just laughed more.

“What happen when you break him?” Jackson asked,

“Then I get a new toy, an rumour has it I can’t break em, break em unless I take his head. Head stay intact, I keep my toy.” Tyler replied,

“Adon not gonna let you has nomore toys” Jackson replied,

“Not my fault” Tyler huffed again, kicking the body.

“Come on, you might not need to wear a monkey suit, but you need to get clean up. You pass springtime fresh” Jackson said,

“Fuck you Jackass!” Tyler huffed, then punched him in the side of the head and took off running. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

You lil asshole!” Jackson growled and took off after him.

“Did he just snap that wolf’s neck?” Johnny asked as they watched the body drop to the ground at Tyler’s feet.

“I believe he did” Damon replied, nodding

“Why does he look upset?” Kenneth asked, after he watched Tyler kick the body

“I don’t know,” Damon said, shaking his head. There was know way of knowing why they did half the things they did. But Jackson thought it was funny.

“Um….” They watched Tyler punch Jackson and both men took off running.

“I got nothing so don’t even ask” Damon said. “Why do you all keep asking me anyway? Do I look like a demon encyclopaedia to either one of you?”

“You usually know stuff,” Johnny replied. “Like why does the little one never wear shoes?”

“They’re bored and need entertainment” The voice sounded behind them and when they spun they faced Elijah. He was very relaxed as he stood leaning against the door frame to the house. Damon stepped back immediately.

“I’m not going to hurt you, you have my word” Elijah said looking at him.

“Yeah, you say that now, then you do some fancy fucking ninja shit and my chests through my back” Damon replied,

“When a demon gives their word, they keep it. Our presence doesn’t exactly instil peace so our word is all we have.” Elijah said.

“Except demons are violent and bloodthirsty,” Damon countered. Elijah stood there in deep contemplation, on how he was going to best address that statement.

“Well that is true. We are violent, bloodthirsty and undergo bouts of aggression that make your Alpha’s look like a child’s temper tantrum, however it wasn’t our kind that savagely attacked a young girl without provocation.” Elijah returned.

“Provocation? Demon’s need to be provoked to be violent and bloodthirsty?” Damon asked,

“Yeah, Tyler snapped that wolf’s neck,” Johnny added.

“He called our Luna a horribly disfigured, inconvenient grotesque burden who is awkwardly disproportionate and short. That doesn’t sound like provocation? Your King put his hands on our Luna first and wouldn’t give her back, does that not sound like provocation? Your Queen snapped at her for trying to get a better understanding of something she is still trying to learn and asking a simple question, does that not sound like provocation? This miserable pack has gone out of their way to openly and frequently criticise, demean and degrade her and in some instances physically assault her by forcibly moving her aside. If that is not provocation and reason enough for us to burn this pack to the ground, then I am curious, what would you consider a valid reason?” Elijah tilted his head to the side waiting to see what they would say to that.

“That does sound like a lot of provocation actually” Johnny had to admit. Kenneth nodded his agreement.

“We protect what’s ours. What Tyler did was merely a temper tantrum. He is capable of much worse. It is baffling though. Your kind treat us like demons, yet you’re all so shocked when we act like them. Aside from today, have any of you actually encountered demon wolves before?” Elijah asked. When they all just looked at each other Elijah nodded. “Your opinions of our kind are based only on the stories you’ve heard, not on actual interactions. And the one interaction you’ve had was because our Luna ran into your Alpha and he stupidly decided to play keep away with The Devil. Tell me, if it was your Luna what would you have done? What would have been his response?” Elijah again waited for their answer. What answer could they possibly give him that wasn’t get mad and violent? They would have reacted the same way and so would Kane. None of them we’re sure the outcome would have been the same though.

“Jackson and Tyler….”

“Are deranged lunatics and shouldn’t be the sole basis for your judgements. Not all demons are like them, those two are just….special” Elijah cut in with a wave of his hand.

“Yeah fucking special is right. We were never properly introduced” Damon said, they weren’t going to get anywhere insulting them. And the last thing he wanted was to provoke the fucking ninja.

“Pretty hard to make any sort of introduction when you were too busy running away from me. But I know who you are….Gamma Damon Benson” Johnny tried not to break out laughing at the look on Damon’s face, but Kenneth’s snickers were not helping him.

“Shut up!” He snapped at Johnny. “How do you know who I am?” He asked when he turned to face Elijah again.

“We did our research like I am sure you did yours. How were the books?” Elijah asked,

“Incomplete!” Damon replied. Elijah stepped further onto the deck as he studied Damon more closely. Johnny and Kenneth watched him carefully, he clearly didn’t view any of them as a threat.

“Damon Benson….had a thing for the ladies, now you’re happily mated to Lydia Brennan beauty shop owner in Howler’s Bay. She is your….second chance. You were rejected by your first when you didn’t obtain your rightful rank of Gamma the first time. Lone wolf for two years then came back and Alpha Kane welcomed you with no questions asked. I hear congratulations are in order. She is pregnant with a boy. You are also Luna Dax’s biological full blooded brother. Do you want me to tell you about your father?” Elijah asked,

“No!” Damon shook his head.

“How did….” Johnny went to say, then Elijah turned his attention to him and he stopped talking.

“Beta Johnny Masters. Your father is Edward, former Beta of the late Odin McKenna, now sits on your pack’s Elder Council, but holds the respect of the former late Alpha, due to the fact that he took care of his son and daughter. Mother is Martina, she was a pack nurse. No siblings. Your first mate was Alpha Kane’s sister, Lacey McKenna, but she wasn’t your true mate, just a….temporary placeholder until you would cross paths with your real one Tamara Burkhart. She was a surrogate of sorts, though I am sugar coating what her previous pack did to her. Congratulations to you….twice. Both boys! I am curious as to why you thought the farmer wouldn’t be mad after you ran the tractor through the barn though?” Elijah arched an eyebrow at him.

“The barn was still standing,” Johnny answered though it sounded more like a question. Elijah nodded his head taking Johnny’s answer into deep thought then he turned to Kenneth.

“Lieutenant Kenneth Rossi. A created position higher than a Beta but lower than an Alpha. Guess it makes sense when your territory expands several states. You would need to put figure heads in place to keep everyone in line. You were head of the New York faction but opted to transfer to Howler’s Bay to take over the Hillcrest faction. Congratulations to you as well, Seraphine Velasquez is pregnant with a girl. She was an exceptional dancer when she first started, but that world beat her down quickly and she lost the passion for it. Now she teaches at a dance studio and has rediscovered her love of the art. It is rare that your family finds their mates, your sister is the only other one in your whole bloodline to find hers and that was pure fluke.” Elijah spoke to Kenneth.

“You are better researched than we are,” Kenneth replied to him. He was rather impressed with the knowledge Elijah had on them.

“Questo è ciò che accade quando si ricercano persone e non si esaminano solo libri che potrebbero non essere accurati. (This is what happens when researching people and not just looking at books that may not be accurate.)” Kenneth perked his head at that.

“They are not accurate?” Kenneth asked. A wry smile graced Elijah’s face.

“Your kind views us as liars and cheats. Why are you so shocked that we lied and cheated?” Kenneth could only smile, of course they lied and cheated.

“Ai demoni non piace essere studiati! (Demon’s don’t like to be studied!)” Kenneth said.

“No!” Elijah agreed.

“Is any of it true?” Johnny asked,

“Maybe!” With a slight shrug, Elijah kept his answer vague.

“You’re not going to tell us?” Damon said

“Now why would I do that?” Elijah asked, turning to Damon.

….grrrRRRrrrr…. Before any of them could answer they heard a commotion coming from the field behind them. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Jackson and Tyler were fighting. Growls and snarls could be heard as they threw each other around.

“ ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. STOP BITIN ME!” They heard Jackson yell. When they turned back. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….

“Where the fuck did he go?” Damon asked. The spot where Elijah once stood was now empty. He was nowhere to be seen “Fucking ninja!” They turned back to watch the brothers continue to go at it.

“Isn’t Jackson in a tuxedo?” Johnny asked, trying not to laugh as Tyler knocked him into mud.

“He won’t be anymore,” Kenneth replied laughing.

“Sweetheart, are you going to come out from under the blanket?” Kenzi had calmed down, but she stayed wrapped in his arms hiding from everyone under the blanket she was using. She shook her head, she just wanted to stay hidden, to stay invisible. If no one could see her then no one could be mean to her.

“You’re eventually going to have to come out.” She shook her head again.

“What about when you get hungry? Are you not going to come out when you get hungry?” She shook her head again. Poor Lil Button! I know Odin! We’re going to burn this pack right? To the fucking ground!

“Can I try?” Dax asked. She had stayed, she wanted to make sure the purple haired pixie was ok. Adonis thought about it for a moment. He wasn’t sure he wanted her talking to his mate anymore, but decided he would leave it up to Kenzi and motioned for her to give it her best shot.

“Tough day huh?” Dax asked. Adonis felt Kenzi tense up at Dax’s voice. But she nodded her head and cuddled more into Adonis’s arms.

“Yeah, I bet. I’m not having the greatest day either. I got hung by my throat. His actions were understandable though. Had my mate not touched his, it wouldn’t have happened, but it still sucked and I don’t recommend it.” Adonis heard the faintest giggle from under the blanket.

“Then I stupidly snapped at the sweetest little thing I have ever met in my entire life. And what did she do wrong? Nothing, not a fucking thing and I was a mega bitch to her. She was trying to understand something that is both complicated and confusing. I lived through it and I still don’t fully understand. And there’s no instruction manual.” Dax continued.

“Why would there be an ins-inst….” Adonis pulled the blanket from her head and she turned to look up at him.

“In-struc-tion” He emmunciated the word for her.

“In-struc-tion….instr-uc-tion….instru-ction” Dax furrowed her brow, when she sat back and listened to the instructions he gave her. Um….what? I don’t think she has much of an education! What? Why? Nyx asked. I don’t know!

“Why would there be an instru-ction manual, it’s not firnisher?” Kenzi looked up at Adonis for clarification. He could only smile down at her. Our mate is so clever! Odin gushed.

“Before I was a wolf, I was having a hard time grasping a lot of things. Like when the first time Ky and Nyx had….” Adonis’s hands went straight to Kenzi’s ears and he shook his head, a hard set look upon his face.


“A doe-eyed bambi!” Adonis finished for her.

“Oh!” Dax went wide eyed. “Sorry, I didn’t know”

“Now you do,” Adonis replied.

“Who’s Ky? Who’s Nyx?” Kenzi asked when Adonis removed his hands.

“Nyx is the name of my wolf and Ky is her mate, Kane’s wolf” Dax replied, Nyx came forward and Kenzi’s eyes widened then she looked up at Adonis.

“Is she a demon?” She asked, then looked back at the amethyst glowing eyes.

“No, she’s not. I don’t know why her eyes are like that.” Kenzi nodded. Her first response is to ask if I’m a demon? Nyx pouted. Demon’s have different eye colours than normal wolves. They probably told her that!

“She has very pretty eyes,” Kenzi said. Aww….can we keep her? No! Why not? Mega monster! Oh, right!

“Nyx says thank you. She likes how glittery yours are.” Dax replied. I do, so pretty. I bet he stares into them all the time! Nyx gushed. The pink blush hit Kenzi’s cheeks and her nose wrinkled. She’s ours! Odin huffed in his head and Adonis instinctively held her closer to him.

“I’m sorry I called your wolfie break-ed” Kenzi apologized, she really didn’t mean to upset her.

“You did nothing wrong, she was broken. I took my bad day out on you, and I’m really sorry Kenzi, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I would still really like to get to know you.” Dax apologized. Kenzi’s smile broke big on her face as she threw her arms around Dax and hugged her. I’m gonna bite it! No you’re not! Adonis immediately averted his eyes from his mate’s perfectly round honeydew that was now sticking in the air.

Dax was startled for a second when Kenzi threw herself into her arms and hugged her, but soon she found herself melting into it. It was warmth and kindness the likes of which she has never felt. It was soothing and comforting, joyful and hopeful. It was sunshine, pure sunshine. Not just any sunshine, that perfect amount you get on a rare day, and spend the rest of your life waiting for again. That’s what was wrapped up in Kenzi’s hug.

“Let’s put some clothes on you” Dax said, trying not to laugh at Adonis who was trying not to look at his mate’s perky ass.

“I’m still naked!” Kenzi looked down at herself then pulled the blanket back around her.

“Yup, you are! You stay here” Dax said as she got up,

“Where am I gonna go? I’m naked” Kenzi looked at her rather confused.

“I’m gonna go find another tailor” Dax giggled while Kenzi nodded, but she was apprehensive about meeting anymore wolves. She wasn’t really having much luck with that today.

“It’s alright sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere” Adonis pulled her back into his lap.

“That’s cause I’m naked uner here,” Kenzi blurted. Dax paused at the door tilting her head questioningly. She heard Adonis chuckle at what she said, and realized this must be normal. This little pixie might be a doe-eyed bambi, but even they can say stuff.

“That might have aided in my decision, but I want to be here. You’re having a tough time today. This pack is full of stupid people, with big mouths. Someone shines brighter than them and they need to destroy them. And you, my tiny dancer, shine brighter than them all.” Adonis brushed the hair from her face as he looked into her sparkling silver eyes. Brushing his lips across hers he felt them part for him. Inviting him, encouraging him, provoking him to drink the sweetness of her drugging nectar. Her brush was feathery, light, tempting. Her pink little tongue teasing him when she flicked his bottom lip. Could he do it, could he keep it to just a kiss? He could before, but that was before he tasted her skin, before she tasted him, before he made her scream his name. Could he go back? When he felt her teeth nip his bottom lip he caved and claimed what he wanted. Captured what he needed. Crushing her to him. Demand, want, and need mixing with passion, desire, and love. He took and she gave. He gave and she took. Her arms around his neck pressing herself into him, her fingers messing up his hair as they tangled themselves. His hands caressed her back running the curve of her spine, until his hands cupped and caressed the honeydew that started this whole thing. A firm squeeze had her pressing more against him. He had to force himself to keep it to just a kiss. Though the temptation to explore was very high. She was wearing nothing but grey cotton panties and a bra and she was pressed flush against him.

Footsteps coming back down the hall had him pulling the blanket back around her. No one else needed to be seeing her like this. He should have pulled away from her but he wasn’t done with those sweet seductive lips yet. He wasn’t going to be done with them till he had no other choice….oxygen, oxygen was not a choice it was a need. They parted slightly, drawing deep breaths into their lungs, only for him to savagely reclaim her mouth, slipping between her parted lips the first chance he got. She clung to him and he held the blanket to her and not even the throat clearing at the door interrupted them. They were lost in their own world and this one no longer existed….until oxygen was needed. The throat clearing again still didn’t fully part them. Adonis’s lips still found their way back to hers. He would never not find his way back to her, she was home. His home.

“If you too are quite finished” The sharp voice broke them apart and Kenzi sank back under the blanket, hiding from the harshness of it. ….grrrRrrrr….

“We’re not finished, you’re just interrupting ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis growled.

“I was just coming to check on things,” Eric replied. He didn’t see any of them in the office when he stopped by, and one of the tailor’s wouldn’t stop shaking. He assumed that had something to do with Adonis.

“Things are fine!” Adonis replied as he wrapped his arms more around the blanket bundle. His hand did find a little gap in the fabric and he couldn’t help himself. He slipped his fingers through and lightly trailed them across Kenzi’s delicate skin. She squirmed and the faintest giggles could be heard.

“Why are you wearing a black shirt? You’re supposed to be wearing a white one.” Eric said as he looked at his brother.

“I told the tailor I wanted black, if he gave me white I would stain it blood red. He saw things my way” Adonis replied, as he continued to elicit tiny giggles from the blanket. Eric nodded, that explains the shaking tailor.

“Is she dressed?” Eric asked. He was secretly hoping she wouldn’t be. She might be a mangy stray his brother found on the side of the road in the backwoods town he calls home. But not even he could deny her looks, or her figure and he found himself wanting to see more of it.

“There was an incident with her first tailor” Adonis said,

“An incident….with the tailor?” Eric questioned, his breathing picked up a little and he started fearing the worst.

“Tyler got a new toy!” Adonis stated simply,

“A….new….toy?” Eric’s eyes went wide, that tailor was on loan from another pack. How was he going to explain to them the man was coming back in who knows what state? And knowing his brother’s demons one of those states was not alive. A sly smirk crossed Adonis’s face as he continued to maintain his focus on the giggling squirming bundle of blanket in his lap.

“So she is not dressed?” Eric asked as he watched the blanket squirm.

“….grrrRrrrr…. My mate will be, when Luna Dax gets back with another tailor” Adonis replied, he was growing tired of the way Eric was referring to his mate.

“Luna….Dax….The Queen….you sent The Queen to fetch another tailor?” Eric’s eyes widened.

“I did not send her to fetch anything. She volunteered.” It was then that Adonis turned to look at Eric, His sly smirk had grown as he watched his brother take that information in. Kenzi had made some friends, some very powerful ones. Eric swallowed hard as this sunk into him.

“Ok, finally found one who is only slightly afraid to be in the room with you” Dax commented as she walked back into the room.

“Your Highness” Eric addressed her with a slight bow.

“Am I interrupting something?” Dax asked, a quizzical look crossed her face.

“No, I was just checking to see how things are going” Eric replied,

“They’re going fine, you can leave,” Adonis said.

“Well fine is a relative term. Hopefully this one can do his job and the mini monster won’t get another toy. Guess when his last toy broke he took it out on the big monster and both of them ended up in the mud. Big monster’s now being fitted for a new tuxedo, and the ninja is hosing off the mini monster on the front lawn.” Dax replied.

“Demon’s need their fun” Adonis said.

“You can leave now!” Dax turned to Eric,

“Yes, your highness” Eric bowed once more and walked out of the room.

“Fucking dick!” Dax mumbled. When she turned to look at Adonis his brow was raised. He heard her, again the red blush crossed her face at being caught mumbling under her breath. Maybe you should stop mumbling. You clearly are not very good at it! Shhh Nyx, no one asked you!

Adonis rose to his feet and once again pulled the blanket from Kenzi’s head.

“The tailor is here” He watched her pull her bottom lip between her teeth. “He won’t say anything, I will be in the room the whole time to make sure” He assured her. Kenzi nodded, but still held the blanket tighter around herself. Adonis offered her a smile, kissed her forehead and encouraged her to step behind the screen. When she was out of sight, he was across the room and had the man by the throat. Dax stumbled back falling into a chair wide eyed, she didn’t even see him move.

“You will do your fucking job and keep your fucking mouth shut. Is that understood? ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis/Odin growled lowly. Orange and silver flames danced in his eyes as he glared at him.

“Y-y-yes s-s-sir!” He whispered out, Adonis’s hand tightened.

“You’re going to make him pee” Dax commented,

“He wouldn’t be the first one I made pee today” Adonis replied, letting him drop to the floor.

“That’s because you’re a mega monster” Dax mumbled.

“You’re not as quiet as you think” Adonis spoke as he straightened out his tuxedo. Her face darkened, when she realized he heard her for the third time and she pressed her lips together. “You should really stop trying to be. If you have something to say either say it or shut up.” Dax could only look up at him. Does he not know who we are?

“I don’t care,” Adonis said.

They stood there watching as the tailor handed her dress after dress to try on. Kenzi would show them and they would either shake their heads or disagree and she would try on the next dress. Adonis didn’t care what Luna Dax thought would look good on his mate, her opinion didn’t count. If he didn’t like it she wasn’t going to be wearing it. She swam in everything, the man tried not to sigh or huff. But he was showing signs of frustration and Kenzi was picking up on it. With every dress she tried on she was growing more and more concerned at how much of a bother she was becoming. When she came back out from behind the screen wearing the blanket and not the next dress, he bit his lip to prevent himself from saying something. Kenzi showed Adonis the open back and he understood. It would put her too much on display and after being told she was horribly disfigured and grotesque she wanted to hide. He moved towards the racks pushing dress after dress aside until he found one he liked. Gunmetal grey. He ran his hands over the smooth delicate fabric. The bodice would definitely need to be fitted in the waist. It had a high back to keep her hidden, but the plunging neckline he found very appealing. The skirt was long and would need to be altered to prevent her from stepping on it, but he liked the well placed high slit. He pulled the dress from the rack.

“Make this one fit her” Adonis said as he held it out. Dax arched her brow, how did he know it would look good on her? She’s gonna look so pretty! Nyx gushed. Dax couldn’t help but agree, but most males would have chosen something way more revealing, Adonis seemed to be trying to cover her up and she didn’t understand why. Kenzi was gorgeous, both inside and out. I thought we had big boobs! Why are you looking at her boobs? How could you not look at her boobs? She wasn’t wearing any clothes! Ok, she’s well endowed! Very well endowed and her booty, mega monster couldn’t keep his eyes off of it! I’m surprised he kept his hands off while we were in the room! Bet he didn’t when we weren’t! Nyx! What? Too far! Come….! NO! Fine, but it’s the truth and you know it!

Dax took the dress, she saw the look on Kenzi’s face over the last one. She needed some encouragement, and Dax didn’t think the tailor was going to give her that. When she rounded the screen her eyes went wide as she took in all the scars on Kenzi’s little body. Her mouth hung slightly open, though she had her own, they were nothing compared to what she saw on the little purple haired pixie. What the hell happened to her? Oh Goddess Nyx, who would do that? Poor little pixie! Dax now understood why she didn’t even want to try the other dress on. She understood why the horribly disfigured comment was upsetting to the mega monster. She understood why the mini monster got a new toy. And she understood now why he had specifically chosen this one, it would keep her hidden. Kenzi had her back to Dax, she was facing the other direction expecting the dress to come from that way. It took a few seconds for Dax to get her mouth to work correctly.

“Kenzi” Dax spoke softly, When Kenzi turned her eyes were slightly alarmed. “Alpha Adonis said this one” Dax handed her the dress, but never said a word about what she saw. Kenzi’s hands shook slightly as she accepted the dress. Keeping her head down as she waited for the comments, cringing at what would be said to her. Instead Dax just hugged her.

“You’re gonna look absolutely beautiful in this dress” Dax whispered in her ear. One more tight squeeze Dax left her behind the screen to put it on.

Adonis saw the horrors on Dax’s face. He knew she saw the scars on Kenzi’s back, but she never said a word. Never uttered a comment. Queeny likes our mate! She has her own scars, to say something would be hypocritical! Maybe, but Queeny also likes our mate! How can anyone not? She’s perfect! She’s flawless! Adonis looked to Dax, her head was slightly turned down and he could see the wheels turning.

“Thank you!” She turned to him slightly, why would the mega monster be thanking her?

“For keeping your mouth shut” Adonis replied as he waited for Kenzi to come out from behind the screen.

“Who would do that to her?” Dax asked, memories of her own past flashed in her eyes.

“Stupid people!” Was all Adonis replied. He was done talking about this, and Dax stopped herself from asking anymore questions. His jaw was tight and the muscle ticked. Nope, not asking anymore questions!

Kenzi stepped from behind the screen, she had the dress pulled up as high as she could, but still found she was stepping on it slightly. A smile spread across his face when he saw her. Our Queen is beautiful! Yes she is! Good luck keeping your hands to yourself! Fuck you mongrel! Don’t mongrel me, you were the one that was gonna grab some honeydew when she hugged Queeny! You were going to bite some honeydew! I’m still gonna bite some honeydew! No, you’re not! Yes, I am! Odin! Adonis! You are not biting her ass and that’s final! I will bite her ass and you won’t be able to stop me! FUCK! With Odin laughing in his head, he approached her.

“This one for sure” He said, his hands moving over the smooth fabric. This one definitely! So many thoughts swirled through his head. Down doggie! Fuck off Odin! He lifted her onto the platform so the necessary alterations could be made. It would definitely need to be brought up, and taken in at the waist.

“This is going to take a bit. Why don’t you get her a snack?” Dax suggested. Adonis turned to look at her, raising his eyebrow. “I doubt she ate anything since brookies. She’s probably hungry”

“I think you found a new friend, sweetheart,” he said when he turned back to her. Kenzi smiled up at him and nodded her head in agreement. She probably was hungry, but he didn’t want to leave her alone either. And he wasn’t entirely certain of Queeny’s motives. She was trying to get him out of the room, he just didn’t know why.

“I’ll stay with her,” Dax offered. She needed to talk to the little purple haired pixie, get to know her, get her to trust her. She screwed up the first time, but she wasn’t going to make that mistake again. And she had a better shot of having an open conversation without the mega monster in the room. Adonis looked towards the tailor, he was weighing his options.

“He won’t say anything, and if he does I’ll tell. Then the mini monster will get a new toy, maybe he’ll play more gently with it this time and it’ll last longer” Adonis released a small chuckle.

“Tyler doesn’t play gently with his toys, that’s why he goes through them so fast,” Adonis informed her. “But it’s not Tyler this one will have to worry about” Adonis made it a point to look at the man when he said that.

“I-I-I won’t say anything,” he stammered, as a ripple of fear crashed through him.

“What would you like for a snack sweetheart?” Adonis turned back to Kenzi. A smile spread across her face and he nodded his head, he already knew what she wanted.

“I will be right back” He pressed his lips to hers, before he went to exit the room.

“Brookies are good too” Dax mumbled under her breath, then stole a glance at him. He again arched his brow at her and she smiled.

“There’s probably none left. The mini monster and the big monster most likely got hungry after their tussle on the lawn.” Adonis informed her.

“Dammit!” Dax stomped her foot. I knew I should’ve taken some!

“Yes, you should’ve” Adonis agreed as he walked out of the room, leaving Dax standing there with her mouth slightly open.

Adonis entered the kitchen a short time later to see his men there.

“How’s Lil Kenzi Cakes doin?” Tyler asked,

“Better now, she’s hungry and needs a snack” Adonis said

“That not surprisin I don’t think her ate much of the firs one her had” Tyler replied,

“You lef her alone up there?” Jackson asked concern growing inside of him.

“No, she’s with Luna Dax” Adonis replied, arching his brow at his Beta.

“You left her with their Queen?” Elijah asked, they all exchanged a look, but never said anything. That didn’t make any of them feel better.

“Easy boys, she won’t say anything to her again. She is well aware of the mistake she made the first time she did it. She was having a bad day.” Adonis replied, he watched all his men closely. None of them were comfortable with Kenzi being left alone with The Queen.

“I guess. Her got hung by the throat. That don’t soun like a good day to me” Jackson shrugged.

“It not, it fuckin hurt. He gotta iron grip” Tyler fired at him, remembering the day Adonis had him pinned to the wall, he couldn’t help but touch his own neck.

“What Lil Kenzi Cakes want for a snack?” Jackson asked,

“Knowin that lil girl, prolly fries” Tyler cracked up laughing when he saw the slight head nod from Adonis.

“Prolly for the bes. They ain’t sharin nuttin. Kenzi give samples, these fuckers are stingy” Jackson motioned toward the cooks in the kitchen.

“Yeah, Kenzi let us sample everthin. We hungry and they holdin out on us.” Tyler agreed. BANG! THUMP! They all turned in time to see a cook hit the ground and Elijah placed a tray of fries in the oven. A smile crossed Adonis’s face and they went back to conversing like it was nothing. The other cooks moved further away from them but continued what they were doing.

“What are we thinking about The Royals?” Elijah asked, when he rejoined them.

“I don’t know. Alpha Kane is here looking for someone, yet he says we need to talk. We signed the peace treaty years ago, and we have kept our end of the agreement, so what do we have to talk about?” Adonis asked.

“They have been trying to do research on us, but any information they have was taken from the books the council has.” Elijah informed them of the conversation he had with Johnny, Damon and Kenneth.

“Well we know those is inaccurate” Jackson replied, laughing.

“Yeah, las I check demon wolves can’t fly on the full moon or any time for that matter.” Tyler agreed.

“The books are not entirely inaccurate, overly embellished, and more so incomplete.” Elijah said.

“Why are they looking into us?” Adonis asked,

“Might have something to do with whoever Alpha Kane is looking for” Elijah replied. “Maybe he thinks we know something or someone.”

“Have you found anything on why they smell like fake demons?” Adonis asked him.

“No, Eric’s library is….utterly fucking useless. He has nothing to help with research on anything” Elijah huffed. “I will look at Steve and Kennedy’s library when we get back to White Stone.” The timer going off brought them from their conversation. Stirring the fries Elijah placed them back in the oven for another ten minutes.

“They have taken a pretty big interest in us. I ran into Marco and he asked me how piccola was doing” Elijah said.

“The fuck a piccola?” Jackson asked,

“Mean lil one in italian” Tyler answered,

“The fuck he wanna know bout Tyler for?” Jackson asked, growing defensive, he might like Marco, but that was his brother.

“I ain’t the lil one nomore, that Lil Kenzi Cakes. I ran into Marco after Eli hose me off, he ask me the same question. He seem genuinely concern.” Tyler said,

“The fuck they callin you if it ain’t lil one nomore?” Jackson asked,

“Mini monster. I like it” Tyler replied, his grin big on his face

“Yeah I see how they call you that. Siderin you like to bite people” Jackson replied laughing, though he did touch his arm where Tyler bit him.

“The fuck you laughin for….big monster” Tyler said to him

“Big monster….they callin me big monster, the fuck they calling Adon if I big monster?” Jackson asked, Adonis was bigger than him.

“Mega monster” Adonis replied, Jackson and Tyler stood there staring at him. Tyler was fighting to keep a straight face.

“Bout Eli?” Jackson fought to get it out, he was trying not to crack at the name.

“Fuckin ninja!” Tyler choked out before he started roaring with laughter and Jackson wasn’t far behind him. The brothers howled, clutching their sides, faces turning red, tears streaming down their cheeks. Jackson was doubled over and Tyler had hit the floor.

The timer went off again and Elijah went to take the fries out. Putting them in a bowl he handed it to Adonis.

“Better go feed….piccola” Adonis could only smile. I like that! I do as well! Still calling her Lil Button! Of course you are!

“That is nice though,” Jackson commented when he could finally breathe. He used the heel of his hand to dry his eyes and the back to wipe the tears off his cheeks.

“Yeah!” Tyler agreed as he sat on the floor trying to maintain control of himself. He too wiped the tears from his cheeks.

“If nuttin else, these royals providin entertainment” Jackson commented.

“Yeah!” Tyler again could only agree. They watched as Adonis left the kitchen with the fries.

“I still fuckin hungry” Jackson said as he turned to the cook.

“Me too! If I don’t get some damn food I’ma go fuckin nuts” Tyler pulled himself from the floor to face the wide eyed cooks on the other side of the kitchen. One of them slid a tray towards them, and went back to whatever they were doing. Jackson started laughing all over again.

“Kenzi here, her know we need food. We get grumpy if we don’t get it.” Tyler said as he too started laughing. Elijah could only shake his head at the brothers. Still not understanding how anything they did still surprised him.

Kenzi stood on the platform trying to be as still as possible so the man could make the alterations. But her mind kept wandering and a song would pop into her head and she would find herself dancing along to it. He would huff, she would apologize and stand straight again. Dax was trying not to giggle, her new pixie friend liked to move.

“What are you listening to in your head?” Dax asked, hoping to take her attention off whatever was going through her mind and the huffing man.

“Bones by Galantis,” Kenzi replied. “It’s one of my fav-orites”

“Never heard it” Dax said,

“You bring an energy I’ve never felt before

Some kind of chemical that reaches to my core

Feels like, as far as you and me, I’ve never had a choice

You feel like home, mmm

You’re like the opposite of all of my mistakes

Tear down the biggest walls and put me in my place

I know that kind of comfortable you cannot replicate

You feel like home, mmm

So if you’re asking me

Sayin’, “Oh, how do you know?”

I don’t just feel it in my heart

Don’t just feel it in my heart

No, I feel it in my bones

I feel it in my bones”

When Kenzi started to sing, Dax’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Even the tailor stopped what he was doing and looked at her. Holy fuck the girl can sing! Nyx was floored. With the tailor not doing his job she started to move her body to the song she was singing.

“Holy fuck girl, you gotta set of pipes on you” Dax said, causing Kenzi to giggle, blush and wrinkle her nose.

“Thank you” Kenzi blushed harder.

“Do you know anything by Andy Grammer?” Dax asked,

“Uh huh!” Kenzi nodded her head.

I’ve been waiting on the sunset

Bills on my mindset

I can’t deny they’re getting high

Higher than my income

Income’s bread crumbs

I’ve been trying to survive

The glow that the sun gets

Right around sunset

Helps me realize

That this is just a journey

Drop your worries

You are gonna turn out fine.

Oh, you turn out fine.

Fine, oh, you turn out fine.

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

You gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

(Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammer)

Dax joined her in the chorus marrying her voice with Kenzi’s. Her eyes sparkled and she grew excited, but didn’t stop singing. The tailor just stood off to the side, unsure of what to do right at the moment. He couldn’t very well alter the dress while she was dancing and he didn’t want to say anything. The Queen already said she would inform The Devil if he did.

Adonis walked back into the room, and that was not what he was expecting to see, let alone the excitement he felt. His Queen and the normal’s Queen locked in a duet. Look at her! Oh, trust me I am! He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, he could never take his eyes off of her when he heard her sing. She was mesmerizing. Her eyes sparkled, the smile big on her face. Beautiful! Not a strong enough word! There isn’t a strong enough word! No there’s not!

“Are the alterations finished?” Adonis asked when they stopped singing.

“Not yet, but I can finish them without her in the dress” The man replied, looking at the floor.

“Sweetheart, it’s time for your fries. Why don’t you slip the blanket back on and give the dress to the man.” Kenzi nodded and carefully got down and disappeared behind the screen. A few minutes later she returned with the blanket wrapped around her. She handed the dress to the man and happily skipped over to Adonis. They sat on the couch in the room while Dax sat in one of the chairs. They continued talking, and to Dax’s surprise Adonis didn’t interfere in any question she asked. He let Kenzi answer what she wanted, and didn’t try to control the conversation. If anything he sat back and studied her until he looked bored and turned his attention to his mate.

“Fries for a snack huh?” Dax said.

“Best eatable creation ever” Kenzi replied, “I sometines eat them for breakfast”

“For breakfast? Fries are breakfast?” Dax asked, trying not to laugh when Kenzi started nodding her head.

“If you eat them at breakfast they are and think of them as really, really long hashbrowns. Patrick says I’m not pose to, but I do it anyway” Kenzi replied, Adonis chuckled behind her. Dax couldn’t help but look at Adonis, he was a monster of a man, terrifying and menacing. With or without his wolf he was the stuff of nightmares. But right now as he watched his mate, he was calm and sedate. His eyes shone with adoration, the little pixie was his sole focus, she had him captivated and entranced. Dax watched him watch her, her movements, how he listened to the words she spoke and when she giggled the corners of his mouth would turn up. Though she knew he was well aware of the presence of others, no one else was in the room as far as he was concerned. His wolf would flash in his eyes and he too kept his focus on her no one else existed to him either. No one else was as important.

“What do you do for work?” Dax asked

“I’m a baker. I’m the baker for Sweet Talk Bakery in Blackwoods” Kenzi answered.

“A baker!” Dax repeated. No wonder those brookies were delicious!

“What do you do?” Kenzi asked,

“I’m an artist. I own an art studio, Custom Creations” Dax answered.

“Like paintings, and re-sign-ing?” Kenzi asked. Dax’s eyes widened a bit, and she fought back the urge to laugh when she caught a look from Adonis.

“Yup, paintings and resin” She replied. Why would that upset him? Cause he’s a monster! No, I don’t think that’s why! Then you tell me why! I don’t know!

“I took a class on re-sin a year ago. I liked it, but I don’t really has tine to do it,” Kenzi said.

“Oops….I was supposed to meet Kane in Eric’s office an hour ago.” Dax said when she checked the time on her phone.

“Are you gonna get in trouble?” Kenzi asked, concern lacing her words.

“I’d like to see him try and give me trouble. He won’t get any!” Dax said matter of factly.

“Any what?” Kenzi asked, confusion evident on her face. Dax dropped her jaw, she completely forgot Kenzi was a doe-eyed bambi.

“Dessert!” She blurted the first thing that came to mind. Nyx was howling in her head, and she could see Adonis fighting back as well.

“He might be ok with that. I don’t think they’re serving dessert” Kenzi said.

“Ok, well it was nice getting to know you and I hope we can talk again real soon. See you later” Dax stood up and with a look and wave over her shoulder she left them alone in the room.

“I like her. She’s nice!” Kenzi said as she cuddled into Adonis’s arms. Though he sat there not saying anything, he had mixed feelings about Queeny. She’s up to something! Odin too was on the fence about her. Queeny might like his mate, but he had the feeling she was using her for something. He might need to use one of his many fine traits to his advantage where she was concerned.

“Should we see if your dress is ready? Though I would be ok if all you wore was this blanket” Adonis remarked as he slid his hand down her thigh.

“You’d re-re…. Take it off,” She said. And there goes her mouth!

“You are absolutely right my tiny dancer. I would remove the blanket first chance I got” Adonis replied chuckling.

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