The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 69: Party For Royalty Part Four!

Different Accommodations!

“This remine anyone of high school?” Tyler asked as they stood off in the corner just the five of them.

“Yeah, no one wanna talk to us then either” Jackson agreed with a huff.

“This borin!” Tyler huffed,

“Yeah, this party blows,” Jackson again agreed. The rest of the reception for The King was under way. As they all stood in the corner watching everyone else mingle, Adonis couldn’t help but shake his head. It felt exactly like high school. No one spoke to them, no one even dared to try. They were never invited anywhere and usually ended up having to find their own fun. This is boring! We’re the reject table Odin, what did you expect? Something….we’re The Devil, Adonis! Exactly, we’re The Devil, Odin, you should have expected nothing! Stupid normals! No one will ever want to talk to us, they were afraid of us then! They created us! Now they’re terrified of us! Mate’s bored! Adonis again looked to his left Kenzi stood there with her hands behind her back leaning against the wall.

Kenzi had tried talking to a few people but they didn’t want to talk to her either. Some went as far as to turn their noses down and backs to her. One commented on her attire and another looked utterly insulted that she even tried to strike up a conversation going so far as to say they don’t talk to gutter trash.

“I’m sorry sweetheart” Adonis pulled her into his arms,

“It’s ok!” She replied, cuddling into his embrace.

“It’s not you they don’t want to talk to” Adonis told her.

“They don’t know you, so they shouldint be so j….j….be mean” She huffed. Kenzi didn’t like it that no one wanted to talk to Adonis or the others, she didn’t like it that everyone thought they were monsters. They weren’t monsters and they were all being mean to them for no reason other than they were different.

“Call us when it time to leave, you fine us at the bar. Come on Tyler” Jackson was grumbling under his breath. Tyler nodded his head and followed his brother.

Kenzi clung to him tighter as the waves of sadness rolled off of her. None of this was right. None of this was right at all. Special Lil Button! Humans treat her like trash and that’s fine. Our world treats us like that and it’s not ok with her! It’s not our world, it’s theirs! Adonis held her tighter to him, he could feel himself starting to grow upset, he could see Elijah growing upset as he was fighting back Asmodeus who was extremely upset. He needed to stop this, then he heard the music change, and an idea popped into his head.

“Shh sweetheart. We’ll leave soon, until then how about we dance?” She looked up at him and nodded. It was hard to be upset when you were dancing. He spun her and she immediately started giggling. Waves of peace and calm rolled over them and he watched Elijah settle down.

Kane was watching from the other side of the clearly divided room. Demons on one side normals crammed on the other. He saw how only two would approach them. How only two dared to strike up a conversation with them. He also noticed how everyone else just stared at them, watched them like at any moment they were going to do something. They avoided them at all possible costs including the little pixie. He tried on several occasions to go over there but was always stopped when someone else wanted to chat. Alpha Adonis was the only one he wanted to actually talk with at this miserable party. He could see the look on Dax’s face that she would rather be anywhere than where she was right now. Which was deep in conversation about fabric and napkin patterns with another Alpha’s Luna. She would steal looks towards the little pixie before she turned her attention back towards the conversation. Marco looked utterly irritated and refused to speak an ounce of English to anyone that tried to approach him, forcing Kenneth to interpret for him and judging by the look on Kenneth’s face, he’d rather be talking to Elijah. Damon and Johnny couldn’t help but watch Jackson and Tyler and try to figure out how they could get around the wolves that were constantly trying to talk to them. And Carter was just holding up the wall looking at his feet. They were all bored, none of them wanted to talk to the ones they were actually talking to.

“You look like you could use a drink Carter”

“No Alpha, I’m ok”

“Go get a drink Carter”

“Yes Alpha!”

Carter moved from his position against the wall and headed towards the bar. Kane could see the looks of envy on Johnny and Damon’s face.

“….grrrRRRrrrr….Fuck you mean you don’t serve our kine?” Jackson huffed, glaring at the bartender as his fist smashed into the bar top.

“S-s-sorry B-B-Beta Jackson. A-A-Alpha E-E-Eric said n-n-no.” The bartender stuttered out, backing away. He was shaking behind the bar the second he laid eyes on Jackson and Tyler moving towards him. Alpha Eric said under no circumstances was he to serve the demons alcohol.

“Alpha Eric gonna get you kill….grrrRrrrr….” Jackson huffed again, this was really beginning to piss him off. It pissed him off in high school as well, no one spoke to them, they weren’t allowed to join the sports teams and they were never invited to parties. If they went it was because they crashed. Members of White Stone couldn’t have parties, because other packs wouldn’t attend in the off chance that they would be present.

“This stupid! ….grrrRRRrrrr….” Jackson snarled, Ko surfacing for a brief flash then receding.

“Come on Jackass let jus get the fuck outta here, nuttin but a bunch of stupids here anyway” Tyler said pushing him away from the bar.

“Royal Delta Carter, what can I get for you?” The bartender asked, when he saw Carter approach. That action caused more grumbling from Jackson. Carter looked at the bartender then looked at Jackson and Tyler.

“Three whiskeys and leave the bottle” he replied. With a quick nod the bartender poured the drinks, handed them to him and left the bottle. Carter set one in front of Jackson and one in front of Tyler. The brothers looked at the drink then at Carter.

“Thanks” Jackson said,

“This party is dull enough. To navigate it without a drink is just torture” Carter replied, Tyler cracked a grin, and Jackson snorted.

“Beta Jackson Monroe” Jackson extended his hand

“Delta Carter Williams” Carter shook then picked up his drink and the bottle and headed towards a table with the brothers in tow.

“Why wouldn’t the bartender serve you?” Carter asked when they sat down.

“Eric a dick” Tyler huffed, dropping himself into a chair.

“Gettin back at us for causin the stampede” Jackson added as he too took a seat.

“It was pretty funny though, if that hadn’t happened I’m pretty certain I was going to be pushed into Alpha Eric and off the stage” Carter said, trying not to laugh

“Yeah, that be a reason we hadn’t done a rounup in a while,” Jackson said, causing Tyler to laugh. “Las one pretty much went like that too”

“I ask you somein?” Jackson looked at Carter,

“Sure” Carter said

“The fuck you go four rouns wit Tyler?” Jackson asked,

“If I’m not at the side of Luna Queen Dax, I’m on the training fields” Carter replied. Jackson nodded and Carter released a small relieved sigh, he wasn’t entirely certain what question Jackson was asking him.

“I ask you somein else?” Jackson really wanted to know why she was wearing a bell.

“Ok” Carter said shrugging,

“The fuck her wearin a bell for?” Tyler broke out laughing, if it wasn’t for the bell he wouldn’t have heard her when he did.

“She lost a bet with Alpha King Kane a while back, and she has a tendency to find herself in trouble. Her height gave her the advantage of going unnoticed, and she snuck out of his office and beat someone with a napkin dispenser trying to get information from them.” Carter replied. Jackson and Tyler sat there quietly for a minute, before they both erupted into laughter.

“So you put a bell on her?” Tyler choked out,

“She snuck out of the office wearing an unicorn hospital gown and a pair of slipper socks, stole Alpha King Kane’s truck and tried to hit him with it.” Carter explained further. That really set them off.

“Maybe we put a bell on Kenzi?” Tyler managed to say,

“Yeah, her stop runnin into people” Jackson added,

“Yeah, they hear her comin an jus move,” Tyler agreed.

“She does that often?” Carter asked. Both the brothers just nodded grinning.

“Fanculo!” Marco huffed, when he saw Carter cross the room and sit down at a table with the brothers he was done with this.

“Calm down Marco!” Kenneth said, grabbing a hold of his shoulders.

“Ti calmi! Non voglio più essere qui. Perché Carter parla con i fratelli e io devo parlare con queste persone? (Calm down! I don’t want to be here anymore. Why is Carter talking to the brothers and I have to talk to these people?)” Marco huffed again, he would rather be talking to the brothers too, they were more entertaining and he didn’t need to worry about someone translating for him or pushing him to speak English. The brothers accepted that he had a hard time with speaking it and didn’t judge him for it. He has heard the same stories the others have, but he just didn’t see them the same way.

“Because this is where you are needed” Kenneth told him.

“Fanculo! Non voglio essere qui. (Fuck! I don’t want to be here)” Marco was about ready to have a tantrum in the middle of the party. Kenneth pushed him off to the side away from others. He was starting to fight against Kenneth, if he didn’t get to the otherside he was going to have a breakdown.

“Let him go Kenneth” Kane came through the link.

“Sí, sir!”

Kenneth backed up from Marco and let him move to the other side with the brothers. Kane had been keeping a close eye on Marco, he was just waiting for him to crack. When he saw Carter go over there and start talking to the brothers, Kane knew that was the final straw for him. He hated using Marco’s idiosyncrasies against him, but it was a sure fire way to get his men talking to the demons. Again he watched Johnny and Damon and the envy cross their faces as they watched Marco stop at the bar then join Carter at the table with the brothers. Before anyone could converge on Kenneth he too was crossing the room. A quick stop by the bar with two glasses and what he assumed was a bottle of scotch, Kenneth sat down with Elijah. Three down Ky! Four to go! Dax just huffed and excused herself, she was done with this. She had enough and didn’t care too much for fabric patterns or designs on china. However she got stopped halfway across the room when someone else wanted to talk to her.

“Forgive the interruption your highness” Two Alpha’s had interrupted a conversation Eric was trying to have with him.

“But would it be too much to ask to have a word with you….in private?” One asked as the other looked towards Eric. He recognized the two Alpha’s as the two that were speaking to Alpha Adonis earlier before the cow’s charged through the speech and periodically throughout the reception. They seemed to know him well enough and weren’t afraid to talk to him at all.

“Of course, excuse us Alpha Eric” Kane said as he moved away from him silently breathing a sigh of relief. When they moved far enough away from the others he stopped the two men.

“What would you like to talk about?” He asked them.

“Nothing, you looked like you could use a bail out” One replied trying not to laugh.

“Forgive us your highness, Alphas Steve and Kennedy Burgess from White Stone Pack.” Steve said introducing him and his brother

“Thank you for the bail out,” Kane said. I think someone has horseshoes up their ass! You’re an asshole! How can you not think that when the mega monster is staying with these two and they just bailed you out? You’re still an asshole! Ky laughed smugly in his head

“You’re welcome!” They replied in unison.

“If you don’t mind me asking, I saw you both talking to Alpha Adonis earlier. Why is it in this clearly divided room of dominating Alpha’s are you two confident enough to walk up to The Devil?” Kane asked.

“We don’t mind you asking, but we do mind you using that term in our presence” Kennedy stiffened.

“With all due respect your majesty, we don’t like the term devil, Adonis is our brother. It is one thing for him and his demons to use it, but it is rather derogatory to hear someone else call him that. It’s like being called toilet drinkers. He was rejected from this pack and his father kicked him out, our father took him in and raised him like a son. We watched him turn from a boy to a man. And looking at him right now, does that look like The Devil to you?” Steve motioned towards Adonis and Kenzi dancing.

“Don’t get us wrong, he can be a real asshole, but can’t we all?” Kennedy added.

Kane turned to watch as Adonis spun and twirled the little pixie. Her non stop giggling brought a smile to The Devil’s face. No he looked nothing like The Devil he was perceived to be.

“Steve, I had a thought” Kennedy said interrupting Kane’s.

“Oh dear Goddess save us now, what is it Kennedy? Steve was already cringing.

“Relax, it’s not a bad thought this time. Where is The King going to stay?” Kennedy commented,

“That is a thought! Are you talking about poaching The King?” Steve asked,

“Well this house is no longer suitable, cows trashed it, and I still think there’s one in the kitchen. We have the rooms….” Kennedy let it drop there as he looked around at what was left of the dining room of Primrose Pack. Kane couldn’t help but watch both Alpha’s a curious look upon his face. Are they trying to help? Ky too was curious as to what they were up to.

“What about Adonis?” Steve asked,

“That might pose a tiny problem, but he will be more comfortable and more inclined to talk when he is on our territory and not this one where he is being watched carefully….by Eric” Kennedy countered and motioned towards the other side.

“That is true. But we’re assuming The King wants to talk to Adonis.” Steve fired back

“Who wouldn’t want to talk to our little brother? He is absolutely cha…. Here I am trying to talk him up and he has to go and make me a liar” Kennedy turned just in time to see Adonis smack Eric’s head off one the tables on the far side. His men by his side in an instant and Kenzi tucked safely in behind them all.

“He is charming….just don’t provoke him” Steve warned.

“We better go help, excuse us” Kennedy said, moving towards the other side.

“Should you choose to upgrade your accommodations, the offer is open” Steve said as he hurried to catch up to his brother.

Adonis and Kenzi didn’t stop dancing the whole time. He did however notice how Alpha Kane’s men were making their way over to what was clearly his side of the room. The fuck? Easy Odin, they aren’t doing anything! Why are they over here? I don’t know! Something’s shifty! Shifty indeed! Adonis spun Kenzi again and her musical giggling brought him fully back to the present and he stiffened.

“Are you going to put a shirt back on?” Eric asked him

“I would, but my mate is using it to cover herself. If I took it back she would be naked. And as much as I would love to keep her naked, I don’t want the rest of you filthy dogs seeing her.” Adonis replied as he spun Kenzi one more time then twirled her back into his embrace.

“Do you have to be difficult?” Eric fired at him, though he couldn’t help the small peak he took at the little stray’s uncovered bottom half.

“I don’t have to be,” Adonis responded, moving Kenzi to stand behind him. She gripped his hand and placed her other on his back as she stood close to him.

“Can you at least get Jackson and Tyler too?” Eric looked over at the other side of the room.

“Are you worried what Alpha Kane will think?” Adonis asked when he saw Eric pause on him.

“I’m trying to make a good impression” Eric replied, “If you bothered to behave yourself long enough you would understand that not everything can be garnered through violence.” He added snapping.

“I am well aware that violence is not always the answer, but it is an effective one. And you are about to find out just how effective it really is” Adonis snarled. Does he really think we’re stupid! He thinks he’s superior to us! Stupid! Stupid indeed! Why are Steve and Kennedy talking to him? I don’t know! Shifty shifty!

“That’s your solution for everything, and you wonder why the shifter council rejected your kind” Eric snarled back.

“The shifter council rejected our kind before they even knew our kind. Not even taking a chance at understanding us. We weren’t like them so their solution was to cast us aside.” Adonis fired back. Eric looked around again this time to make sure no one was paying them any attention.

“Just a pack of ruthless demons” He mumbled, though not low enough under his breath, for Adonis not to hear it. ….grrrRrrrr….

“You forget Eric, who was it that tried to kill a ten year old boy? Who was it that helped repeatedly beat a four year old boy because their hair turned black? We may be many things and do many things, but unless we’re provoked we don’t savagely attack like your kind. Who sounds more ruthless, my kind or yours?” Adonis fired back at him.

“The shifter council didn’t need to know your kind before they rejected you. Look at you all, a pack of degenerates….” ….grrrRrrrr….

“Careful Eric, or this pack of ruthless degenerates will be more than happy to show you just how effective violence can be.” Adonis cut him off. “Come sweetheart, I think we’re done here” Kenzi didn’t want to come out of her hiding spot, but she did want to leave. With no other choice she peeked her head out and when she saw Eric’s disapproving glare she hid behind Adonis again. Can we just hit him now? It is tempting! I don’t like the way he’s looking at our mate! I don’t either! Provoked? I have no problems calling it that! ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. THUMP! Before anyone could do anything Adonis slammed Eric’s head into the table and dropped him to the floor. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Jackson, Tyler and Elijah were by his side in a second and Kenzi was being ushered in behind them all. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

The snarling and growling in the room rose when Eric’s Beta and Gamma joined them on that side. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. His Delta was pushing Natasha out of the room. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

What the fuck is wrong with you?” Eric snarled. His hand to his head where it made the connection with the table.

Keep your eyes off my mate ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….” Adonis growled back, Odin surfaced ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. and the growling intensified.

“Like I want anything to do with that filthy little stray” Eric spit getting to his feet. Kennedy and Steve joined the mix trying to push Adonis back and away from Eric. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Good thinking Eric, keep pissing him off, why don’t you poke him while you’re at it?” Kennedy commented as he had to use more of his strength to hold Adonis back. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“Are you happy now Adonis? Get the fuck out of here” Eric growled,

“Just like old times huh, Eric. Thanks for dinner” Adonis would have taken another swing at him, but with the addition of Steve and Kennedy he ran the risk of connecting with one of them as well. Instead he let his men usher him away. He scooped Kenzi into his arms and held onto her as he walked out of the room. Drawing her scent deep into his lungs like oxygen. She buried her face in the nape of his neck and hid herself from the others in the room. He was angry, she was scared and they both needed each other.

“What happened?” Kane asked when he approached a wide eyed Marco and Carter. Things were fine, they were laughing and joking around telling stories, then all of a sudden a shift in the mood.

“Something about the way Alpha Eric was looking at Ms. Templeton” Carter explained,

“La stava guardando nel modo in cui guardo Jackie nuda. (He was looking at her the way I look at Jackie naked)” Marco chimed in.

“Thank you Marco,” Kane replied, shaking his head, narrowing his eyes on him. Though he only caught bits and pieces of what Marco said. He knew nuda meant naked and he’s seen the way Eric looked at her with a hunger in his eyes a few times as well throughout the day. Guess The Devil caught it this time as well and didn’t like it! Guess so! What do we do? We still need to talk to him! Better keep your eyes off his mate! Thank you Ky! Happy to help! No, you’re happy to be an asshole! Cause you’re a real peach to deal with all the time! Where did you get that? Heard it somewhere! Yeah, from a demon! The invitation from White Stone! This house was trampled by cows! Not really fitting for a king! Not sure it was fitting before the cows either! No, this house sucks crap, didn’t want to stay here another day with the boot licker anyway! And that is why you’re an asshole! With nothing to say to that Ky shut up in his head.

“What was that all about?” Johnny asked when the others joined them on the other side of the room.

“Alpha Adonis didn’t like the way Alpha Eric was staring at his mate” Kane replied,

“You mean like she was a tasty snack and he wants a sample? I’ve seen the look a few times as well” Damon said adding the last part when he saw Kane nod.

“You don’t look at another Alpha’s mate like that. Does he have a death wish?” Johnny asked.

“No, I think he’s just stupid and didn’t think he’d get caught” Kane replied.

“Oh he got caught, made a mega monster, mega mad” Dax interjected.

“Don’t you usually say things like that under your breath?” Damon asked as he turned towards his sister.

“I am apparently not as quiet as I think I am. So I was informed that if I was going to say something then say it or be quiet” She replied.

“And who told you that?” Damon asked her.

“A mega monster” Dax replied with a nod of her head.

“Heard you say a few things huh?” Damon said, trying not to laugh as she nodded her head.

“Well guess there’s always tomorrow, to try and talk to him” Johnny said.

“No, there’s tonight as well. We were offered rooms at White Stone. Cows trashed this house” Kane replied, a smile on his face.

“Who offered us rooms?” Damon asked,

“Alpha Adonis’s brothers. Alpha’s Steve and Kennedy Burgess” Kane answered.

“Alpha Cameron’s boys….are his brothers?” Johnny questioned as his eyes brows rose, maybe they should have done more research on the men and not the species.

“When Alpha Ethan kicked him out at ten, Alpha Cameron took him in.” Kane said,

“Alpha Cameron raised The Devil? Didn’t see that one coming” Damon remarked.

“Alphas Steve and Kennedy didn’t refer to him as that though. In fact Alpha Kennedy became defensive of Alpha Adonis when I called him that. They don’t like the term used in their presence. Their dad took him in and treated him like a son and they watched him grow from a boy to a man.” Kane told them,

“So when did he start being il diavolo?” Kenneth asked,

“When he was continuously treated like that. Elijah said it himself how we could be so shocked that they act like demons when we treat them like demons all the time.” Johnny replied, Elijah’s comment finally made sense to him.

“Our kind created him. His father’s pack rejected him and kicked him out. Alpha Cameron tried to raise him into a man, but the shifter council rejected him from the werewolf community and treated him like The Devil. So he became one. Now they’re all too afraid to deal with him. Elijah’s right, how can we be shocked?” Kane shook his head. The picture being painted of his kind was becoming less and less pretty the more they learned about the continued mistreatment of the demons. With more understanding of the monster and the man, Kane went to find Alpha’s Steve and Kennedy to take them up on their offer.

“Well Alpha Eric, the party was entertaining. I really enjoyed the cows” Kennedy was saying.

“They were not part of the party” Eric snapped at him,

“Oh, well next party you should include them, they were a smashing success” Kennedy fired back at him.

“Do you just go out of your way to be irritating?” Eric snarked,

“No he comes by it honestly” Steve replied laughing.

“Your highness!” Eric stood up straighter and offered a slight bow.

“Alpha Eric,” Kane had to fight to hide the grin when he saw the mark the table left after he was introduced to it. It was made rather difficult with Ky howling in his head.

“I’d like to thank you for the party and your hospitality, but we won’t be staying. We have been offered other accommodations.” Kane said.

“Excuse me!” Eric stared at him wide eyed.

“Alpha Eric, how could you blame him? Cows crashed through your house. Was he not here for that part of the party?” Kennedy replied with a grin upon his face.

“I think he missed that brother, but this house is no longer suitable for royalty to stay in, it has no kitchen. How on earth would they even feed The King?” Steve answered his question.

“With all due respect where will you be staying sir?” Eric asked, trying to ignore the grins growing on Steve and Kennedy’s faces.

“Not that it is your business, but White Stone was more than generous in offering us accommodations for the duration of our stay and we will be accepting” Kane replied. Eric went wide eyed.

“Are you calling Brenda or am I calling Clara?” Steve asked,

“Call Clara, she won’t hit me with a broom” Kennedy replied after he thought about it for a minute.

“Again your bravery is astonishing brother” Steve shook his head,

“Then you call Brenda and let her hit you with a broom. I thought humans were supposed to take pregnancy better?” Kennedy responded,

“They do, you’re just an idiot” Steve fired at him and called his mate to give her the news.

“She hit you with a broom?” Kane asked,

“Three times this week alone,” Kennedy replied, nodding his head.

“Il mio mi ha colpito con una padella” Marco interjected, Kennedy turned to him

“I’m sorry, did he just say his mate hit him with a frying pan?” Kennedy asked,

“Yes he did,” Johnny answered, nodding.

“See Steve I’m not the only one that gets hit with objects” Kennedy said.

“Well I guess that’s settled then” Eric cut in a very displeased look on his face.

“Oh shit you’re still here. I thought you would have walked off to sulk somewhere” Kennedy said, looking back at Eric. Kane bit back his laugh, Johnny however did not.

“Don’t forget to tell them about the party tomorrow night” Steve reminded his brother.

“Oh, before I forget we’re throwing a party to welcome Adonis home tomorrow night, you should come. There’s going to be a fight ring” Kennedy said to Eric.

“Why are you telling him?” Steve asked and pointed towards Kane.

“Oh, you meant to tell The King, my bad. We’re throwing a party tomorrow night to welcome Adonis home.” Kennedy said as he turned towards Kane.

“I heard, there’s going to be a fight ring,” Kane replied, again trying not to laugh.

“A fight ring?” Damon asked,

“Though we don’t have demons in our pack….Adonis keeps taking them all….he has a real problem with sharing, they all do. It’s a demon thing, they get something that’s theirs and that’s it, it’s theirs, they don’t like to share and good luck getting it away from them. You’ll most likely lose an arm or a leg.” Kennedy said, getting sidetracked from the party he was telling them about.

“Back to the party,” Kane said, trying to get him back on track. Maybe his mate shouldn’t hit him! Maybe!

“It is a party for demons.” Upon seeing the look of apprehension on the faces of Kane’s men he added. “They’re actually quite fun. Demons know how to party, and once you party like a demon other parties are just boring and stuffy. Alpha Eric you’re still here? Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Kennedy added when he saw Eric still standing there.

“Maybe I will come to Adonis’s welcome home party” Eric snipped,

“Oh please do.” Kennedy’s eyes lit up at that.

“Again thank you Alpha Eric, we won’t be needing anything else” Kane said dismissing him. Eric straightened himself, gave a slight bow and stalked off.

“Oh sure, I’ve been trying to get rid of him for the last ten minutes, one word from you and the baby man runs off to sulk” Kennedy quipped,

“It pays to be The King” Kane replied,

“Oh course….your highness” Kennedy said pressing his lips together.

“Maybe your mate needs to stop hitting you with a broom,” Kane suggested.

“I keep telling her that, but maybe if you tell her she’ll listen” Kennedy stated.

“All set, with good news and bad news” Steve said as he rejoined the group.

“What’s the bad news?” Kennedy asked

“I got an earful and someone’s getting hit with a broom, Tyler and Jackson are fighting over who gets to swing it” Steve replied,

“What’s the good news?” Kennedy asked, though he wasn’t entirely certain he wanted to know.

“It’s not me that’s getting hit” Steve gave his brother a victorious smile.

“How is that good news? You said somebody” Kennedy fired at him

“Well it’s good news for me and you’re somebody, be happy brother, it’s not Elijah” Steve’s grin got bigger.

“That doesn’t make me feel better,” Kennedy huffed. That did have Kane laughing. Is this what The Devil would have turned out like had he not been treated like The Devil? I think so! I kinda like these two! You kind of like them a lot! I said kinda! Don’t lie, I can hear you laughing!

“Shall we?” Kane said, interrupting them, both the Alpha’s looked at him and nodded heading towards the exit.

“Tell me I did not hear you encourage Eric to attend Adonis’s party tomorrow night” Steve asked him

“You did” Kennedy replied,

“Why would you do that? What has to be going through your mind?” Steve said to him

“Eric’s a dick!” Kennedy replied,

“And that has to do with inviting him?” Steve asked again

“Tell me you don’t want to see Adonis smack his head off something again?” Kennedy fired back,

“That was entertaining, not as entertaining as the cows, but entertaining” Steve had to admit.

“Maybe they’ll get in the fight ring” Kennedy said,

“Maybe….does Eric know how to fight?” Steve asked,

“Well he was pretty tough against a four year old” Kennedy offered,

“Couldn’t stand up to a ten year old though” Steve countered,

“That is a good point brother. Either way it’ll be a good time” Kennedy replied, nodding.

“What are those two up to?” Johnny couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m not certain, but I think they’re trying to help. They made a comment about how it would be much easier to talk to Alpha Adonis in a territory he was more comfortable with.” Kane replied, as they followed the two brothers out of the house.

“Why would they be trying to help?” Damon asked,

“I think they picked up on our interest in Alpha Adonis, it also didn’t help that Marco almost had a tantrum if he didn’t get to go over to the other side of the room” Kane said as he looked at his second Beta.

“Che cosa? Non volevo più parlare con persone noiose! (What? I didn’t want to talk to any more boring people!)” Marco said with a shrug when he felt all eyes on him.

“Maybe they’re trying to help their brother,” Kenneth suggested. “If he’s accepted by The King, then the shifter council would have to recognize them as part of the community”

“I think that ship sailed when he snapped the council member’s neck. And even if it didn’t, I don’t think he’d want to be part of the community.” Johnny said.

“Yeah, they royally fucked that up. Ky might not be forgiving, but I don’t think The Devil deals in second chances.” Damon agreed.

The buzz of excitement was in the air around White Stone as news that The King would be staying with them spread like wildfire. The King’s visit was business related so no balls or galas would be held in his honour. And the only party was the one that was planned to welcome Adonis home, but that needed to be kept under wraps. The King would be attending as well as members from other packs who were allies to the demons.

“The fuck you think he comin here for?” Tyler asked as Jackson, him and Elijah watched the entourage of vehicles pull up the driveway

“Don’t know!” Jackson replied.

“You two sent cows through Eric’s house, he probably needed somewhere else to stay and arrangements were made.” Elijah interjected.

“We din’t send the cows through the house. They did that on they own,” Tyler fired at him.

“You caused a stampede, they went in every direction” Elijah fired back.

“The fuck you think Adon thinkin right now?” Jackson asked, interrupting the glaring contest between Elijah and Tyler. That was a good question, what was Adonis thinking? Did he even know? They watched as the vehicles pulled into the driveway each one depositing its passengers before it drove away.

“You think he even know? He went on a run clear his head when we got back.” Tyler asked. Jackson looked to the tree lines and sure enough, he saw Odin’s pure black form standing there in all his glory.

“He do now” Jackson motioned towards the tree line and Elijah and Tyler looked.

“I fuckin hungry. They no food at Eric’s” Tyler stated when he turned away.

“Again that would be because you crashed cows into his party, they trampled the food” Elijah replied as he too turned back to The King and his men.

“Let’s go see what Lil Kenzi Cakes doin in the kitchen. Her give us samples” Tyler suggested, Jackson cracked a grin and followed his brother inside. Elijah debated what he was going to do, but Asmodeus whining about being hungry won out, and he too headed inside towards whatever delicious smell his Luna was cooking up this time.

Adonis felt the excitement throughout the pack’s territory, he didn’t understand it till he spotted the reason through the tree line. Alpha Kane was here. What the fuck? I don’t know Odin! Why the fuck? Probably because the cows crashed Eric’s! Eric’s probably pissed! Of course he’s pissed, Kennedy and Steve just poached Alpha Kane from him! What are we gonna do? It’ll make it easier to keep an eye on him! Is he looking for us? I believe he is, he took a big interest in us and apparently we need to talk! Why? I don’t know, and until I actually sit down and talk to him, I won’t know! Are you gonna talk to him? I haven’t decided. We still have six days and I want to ask Steve and Kennedy if they were lobotomized first! Eric is not getting beheaded is he? Not by Alpha Kane it would seem! There’s still hope! There’s always hope, Odin! Adonis took off back into the woods with the maniacal laughter of his beast ringing in his head. He was going to talk to Kennedy and Steve and find out why Alpha Kane is on the territory.

Kane felt the penetrating gaze of someone, but couldn’t find who it was staring at him. The eyes of The Devil? Maybe Ky, I don’t see him anywhere! Would we see him? If the books are in any way accurate then no! We need to learn how to disappear like that! If The Devil ever talks to us, maybe we can ask! We need to learn how to do the voice thing he does, that really is scary! I think that is only something he can do! Well that’s fucking stupid! Don’t pout! I’m not pouting! Are you sure about that? Fuck you human! With one more scan of the tree line Kane moved towards the house.

“What is that smell?” Dax asked, her stomach was rumbling and growling, voicing its displeasure over and over about not being fed yet.

“I don’t know feisty pants, but I want some,” Damon replied, listening to his stomach growl. The smell only grew more appetizing when they crossed the threshold for the house. Johnny whimpered beside Kane as his stomach growled hungrily for whatever was cooking in the kitchen.

“There was no food after the cows stormed the party” Johnny said, defending himself.

“If you throw a tantrum Marco you will stay in the truck” Kenneth snapped at him immediately.

“Fanculo!” Marco huffed.

“You all must be hungry, which is great. We’ll stop by the kitchen first and you can meet our new chef.” Kennedy clapped his hands together and led the way.

“You ain’t keepin her Kennedy,” Tyler drawled from the kitchen before they even entered. “Fine yur own Kenzi, this one ours an her comin home wit us,” he added.

“Are you sure about that Tyler?” Kennedy asked as he stepped into the kitchen.

“How’ bout you an I step outside an I show you how sure I is?” Tyler fired back.

“No, you bite!” Kennedy shook his head. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Escaped Tyler as he snapped his teeth at Kennedy.

“Down puppy, or I’ll whack you with a newspaper,” Kennedy warned. Jackson, who was sitting beside Tyler, started laughing.

“Ooo samples!” But immediately stopped when Kenzi placed a plate in front of him and Tyler, then gave one to Elijah.

“What has she made this time?” Kennedy asked, his mouth already watering

“Roast chicken” Jackson replied, he could hear the whimpers from the other side of the kitchen.

“An cajun bourbon back ribs” Tyler added, a grin spreading across his face. “An you still ain’t keepin her”

“What are you three doing?” Kennedy asked,

“Gettin samples.” Tyler replied,

“Yeah, as long as you don’t fight in the kitchen, Lil Kenzi Cakes give samples,” Jackson added.

Kennedy moved further into the kitchen and the others followed him.

“I’m dying” Dax whispered when she smelled the heavenly goodness wafting out. Damon just nodded beside her as he whimpered with hunger. Jackson and Tyler looked at The Royals standing in the doorway.

“You guys look fuckin hungry” Jackson drawled, Tyler snickered beside him.

“There was no food at the party” Kane responded,

“That a damn shame, the fuck kinda party ain’t got no food?” Jackson replied, nodding his head.

“Someone crashed cows through it” Kane said,

“Fuckin cows, they ain’t got no manners!” Jackson shook his head, trying not to crack as Tyler beside him was getting louder with his laughter.

“Aww come on man stop being an asshole, I’m starving” Damon interjected with a whimper.

Jackson and Tyler broke, and started howling in the kitchen.

“Aight, guess we kinda owe you, but if I fuckin get hit, I’ma be mad at all yall.” Jackson said as he got up from his seat. Aside from the door in the bakery he was the only one that has successfully avoided being hit by Kenzi and he wanted to keep it that way.

“Hit?” Kane asked,

“She got me earlier with a spoon” Kennedy said,

“Hot pot of chocolate” Tyler said,

“Frying pan. She will hit you with whatever’s in her hand if you startle her in the kitchen.” Elijah explained as he motioned to the dancing pixie with her headphones in.

“Her hit you wit whatever in her hand regardless where her is. Her fuckin whack Adon wit a shovel, an damn near stab Eli wit scissors” Tyler said, then broke out laughing as the memory of Kenzi falling out of the cabinet flooded his mind.

“At least her eyes were open when she hit me with the frying pan” Elijah stated, causing Tyler to laugh harder.

“Funniest fuckin thin I ever seen. Her fell out a cabinet an damn near got em dead in the chest” Tyler choked out

“You deranged lunatic!” Tyler’s response was to just laugh harder, proving Elijah’s point.



All attention turned towards the sound by the oven. Jackson stood there holding his head next to a very wide eyed Kenzi holding a pair of tongs.

“Jackson! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Jackson” Kenzi said, removing her headphones.

“That ok, but they more hungry people” Jackson motioned towards the kitchen entrance and when she turned her smile lit up her face.

“Kane, Dax! Hi!” Jackson looked at Tyler, who looked at Elijah before the three of them broke out laughing.

“I don’t think she knows who you are,” Kennedy said, trying not to laugh.

“Clearly!” Kane said as he too tried not to laugh, but it was difficult with Kenneth, Johnny and Damon snickering behind him.

“Do you want samples?” Kenzi asked,

“I do!” Damon’s hand shot up immediately followed by Johnny’s and Marco’s. Carter hesitated slightly but he too raised his hand. Kenzi’s smile got brighter as Jackson pulled more plates from the cupboard. How come she still doesn’t have to wear pants? Dax thought. She couldn’t help but feel envious of the little pixie. Kane never let her out of the bedroom without pants on and here the little pixie was running around without them. Because no one would dare try anything against the mate of The Devil! Nyx replied. Yeah that’s bullshit!

While the others stayed in the kitchen with Kenzi sampling more of her cooking, Kane wandered out to the front yard after he ate. He had caught Adonis’s eye and watched as he turned and walked into the woods. The Devil himself! Was beginning to wonder if we’d see him! And now that we have? We’re going to talk to him! Kane followed Adonis into the woods and he had him in his sights until he rounded a turn and disappeared. Where the fuck did he go? I don’t know! I don’t like this! Me either!

“Follow The Devil into the woods, unaccompanied by your entourage.” Adonis’s voice called out from every direction. What the fuck? Second faction Ky, wisps! And that means what? The second line of defence, they mess with your head! Oh fun!

“That’s cute!” Kane called back, “Real fucking cute!” He added mumbling under his breath as he checked around for him.

“You’re either brave or very stupid” Adonis’s words whispered around him again.

“Brave!” Kane replied,

“Are you sure about that? I can smell your fear ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis retorted,

“Your abilities are….alarming” Kane said as he moved a little further into the woods, trying to not only keep his calm, but his attention in every direction.

“Are you a fan?”

“I would like to talk to you….face to face” Kane answered,

“Why are you so interested?”

“We have something to discuss” Kane said, he was starting to grow irritated with only talking to a voice.

“And what would The King want to speak to The Devil about? Are you here to make a deal?”

“It is a discussion that requires me being able to actually see you and not just hearing your voice” Kane replied, he was still trying to pinpoint the direction it was coming from, but it seemed to be coming from everywhere.

“Keep looking, you’ve passed me several times” Kane snapped his eyes in all directions again, he no longer wondered how they fucked with your head.

“You know, you really shouldn’t turn your back….on The Devil….grrrRrrrr….” Kane spun around to see no one behind him. Maybe this was a bad idea! Ky stated. When he turned back around, blinding pain shot through the left side of his jaw after Adonis connected with him. Kane stumbled backwards and when he looked up he stared into the flaming eyes of The Devil himself. Blood spilled from his split lip and Ky immediately rose to the surface, his own eyes burning.

“….grrrRRRrrrr…. That’s for touching my mate,” Odin stated.

“She was a little more forgiving” Kane said as he wiped his lip. Fighting to subdue the hellbeast raging in his head. Though now he was beginning to question if hellbeast was the correct term for Ky. Easy Ky, we knew at some point he’d make us pay for what we did! That asshole, he dared touch us! Lilac and cherry blossoms! No! Head to toe blush! Dammit! Musical giggle! Fuck you! It is not going to do us any good to go after him! Still! I know, give him this one! This one, this time!

“Just because she fed you, doesn’t mean she forgives you. It’s Kenzi’s natural instinct to take care of people.” Adonis spoke.

“She is a rather special little one” Kane said,

“Wouldn’t she have to be? She’s mated to The Devil after all” Adonis’s eyes still flickered, but Kane wasn’t certain his wolf had surfaced. He’s heard that the eyes of The Devil were dancing fire, but when was the last time he saw purple and silver flames.

“Why haven’t you marked her yet?” Kane asked. He picked up on the term mated to The Devil. They were right, the little pixie was not his chosen but his true.

“And that concerns you how? ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis returned,

“It doesn’t….curious that’s all” Kane replied,

“That is the way you’ll stay. Why have you been searching for me?” Adonis asked,

“You wouldn’t be alone in the woods with me if you weren’t,” Adonis replied, before Kane could ask his question. Must be what mate was talking about! This guy keeps getting better! I don’t like him! Not sure I’m a fan either! Adonis arched his brow at Kane, and a smile crept onto his face then vanished. Can he hear us? Ky asked, growing concerned. I don’t know!

“It’s not something I answer questions about,” Adonis answered again before Kane could ask. “She said it was freaky too,” he added.

“And yes I generally finish the conversations myself, saves time” A grin spread across Adonis’s face as he saw the frustration grow on Alpha Kane’s. “Does he talk?”

“Who?” Kane asked,

“The….hellbeast….in your head” Adonis said,

“What do you mean?” Kane asked, he wasn’t sure what he was getting at.

I mean does he talk, or does he have issues with it and his voice is only in your head?Odin spoke, Kane’s eyes widened. How does his wolf know how to do that? They heard him and his wolf speak at the same time, but he didn’t think his wolf could speak for himself.

“He has issues with it,” Kane replied. How did he do that? Maybe it’s one of those things he can tell us how to do! That would be great and I wouldn’t have to rely on you! You’re an asshole! Truth hurts Kane! You don’t need to be a dick about it Ky! Again they caught the smile that crossed The Devil’s face. His head would tilt to the side then the other way as he watched him closely.

“Why do you smell?” Adonis asked,

“What do I smell like?” Kane wasn’t sure what kind of question that was. He’s an asshole! Yes he is! He’s a mega asshole! Don’t be offended! Don’t tell me how to feel, he just said we stink! I don’t think that’s what he was saying! What was the asshole saying? I don’t know!

“Like something you’re not supposed to” Adonis answered, but kept it vague. Kane could see Alpha Adonis was studying him, looking him over, like he was trying to figure something out.

“And what would that be?” Kane asked, Adonis only arched a brow instead of answering.

“I thought you’d be bigger” Adonis finally said,

“Funny, I thought you’d be smaller” Kane shot back

“Thought or hoped?” Adonis asked, “That’s what I thought” he added when Kane said nothing.

“We need to talk!” Kane said again,

“We were talking, but I’m bored now and you stink” Adonis turned and walked away, leaving Kane dumbfounded in the woods.

Kane exited the woods seconds behind Adonis, he stood at the tree line and watched as his backside disappeared into the house. The fuck? Shadows, they move quickly! I really don’t like this guy! I think that’s the point! What? He doesn’t care if our kind likes him, he doesn’t care about our kind period. We rejected him first, we created him and now we’re all paying for it! So now what? We keep trying! Great! We knew he was going to be the tough one! There’s tough and then there’s impossible! This is the only chance we have Ky, we won’t get another shot! Maybe get into the fight ring with him tomorrow! There’s not going to be a fight ring! How do you know? Why would they do that? I don’t know, cause they’re demons! Not even demons are that stupid! So can he hear us? That I don’t know, nothing was really in the books about him! If he can hear us that poses a huge problem! It also provides a great asset! If we can get him to talk to us! I think that is going to be tomorrow’s problem! How’s the face? Hurts! Who hits harder mate or devil? Devil! Kane groaned as he held his jaw, it was still throbbing and the blood still spilled from his lip. The Devil did indeed hit harder, then their mate, way harder and Kane did believe he held back.

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