The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 66: Meeting The King!

“It was pure dumb luck that he happened to be here at the same time as us” Johnny said, as they all stood in the field in front of Primrose Packhouse.

“I don’t think it was. Alpha Eric is the oldest, he should have known something. The lack of alliances he has, he has to have reached out a few times” Kane was thinking that had to be the reason Alpha Adonis was here. That little weasel also fucking lied to him.

“I’m not so sure about that, he and the other big guy crashed through the front door….literally. The hatred this guy has for his brother rivals….let’s just say I don’t think he would be sad if you took his brother’s head. And maybe it was just me, but Alpha Eric looked fucking surprised to see them.” Damon was about to mention Lacey but thought better of it.

“Maybe that’s why he’s here. Maybe we’re thinking about this all wrong. It wasn’t dumb luck, Damon is right, he may have been invited by Alpha Eric, but he is not staying here. So where is he staying? Where did Alpha Adonis go after he was cast out? He was ten. He didn’t turn rogue, someone took him in, and what if that someone tipped him off as to why we are here? What if that someone is the reason he is here?” Kenneth asked. Before anyone could answer Kane was bumped into from behind.

“Holy crackers!” THUD! A startled yelp sounded before they heard the hard thud to the ground.

“Holy crackers?” Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow. The men all turned around to see a small little girl with purple hair in the dirt behind Kane. A look of surprise was clear on her face as she pulled a pair of headphones from her ears.

“I walk….dance….right into you….I’m so sorry.” She seemed utterly shocked by what had just happened.

“Are you ok darling?” Johnny asked her, trying to hide the amusement he found at her expression.

“No, that really hurt. It was like hitting a brick wall.” She replied then looked up and up some more till her silver eyes met the smokey grey eyes of the man with jet black hair she had just slammed into.

“You’re really tall. I don’t know how I didint see you. How do you not see all the tall people? I’ve ran into like five already. I’m so sorry, are you ok?” The girl asked, a note of concern lacing her words that maybe she injured him.

“I don’t know how you don’t see all the tall people,” Kane replied, trying not to laugh. He was also curious as to why this little one wasn’t nervous, she was human. Most still are even after knowing the existence of werewolves for a while. Their size is intimidating, and Kane wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination.

“I think he’s ok, he’s not the one that got knocked into the dirt. Come on darling let’s get you up” Johnny was still chuckling when he offered her assistance to her feet. The second he came in contact with her a wave of peace washed over him as Diego began to purr with contentment in his head, and he picked up a scent he hasn’t smelt in years.

“Kenzi Templeton” Kenzi extended her hand to Kane, he looked down at it then back up at her before he accepted. That’s not usually what happens, but ok! Kane thought, then again she did just run into him. Peace flooded through him and his posture completely relaxed the second he took her hand.

“Kane McKenna” He introduced himself. “This is Johnny Masters”

“Hello darling” Johnny said, trying to fight back his laughter as he too shook her extended hand. He has never seen someone so bold to just introduce themselves to Kane like that. Even before he became the king.

“Damon Benson,” Damon introduced himself as he shook her hand, he too was carrying a grin at the interaction between the little pixie and Kane.

“Kenneth Rossi and this is Marco Barone,” Kenneth added, introducing him and Marco. They watched her eyes get brighter and brighter with each introduction that was made. By the time it got to Marco they were dancing, sparkling, silver orbs.

“Ciao” Marco gave her a slight wave and a friendly smile. Kenzi couldn’t help but smile brighter at them all as her excitement grew. These were the first people she’s met from this pack that seemed genuinely nice.

“Nice to meet you all, are you from this pack too?” Kenzi asked.

“No, we are not,” Kane replied, and Kenzi nodded.

“Oh, that makes sense. You seem nicer than the people from this pack, way nicer, they’re not very nice and….and….I don’t….I don’t think Eric likes me very much” Kenzi said, Kane furrowed his brow, it was very uncommon for someone to refer to an Alpha without their title.

“Why doesn’t he like you darling?” Johnny furrowed his brow as well, that didn’t seem right to him. He didn’t know what it was but she was the sweetest little thing he has ever met and they just met. Damon and the others carried the same concerned expression he did. They didn’t like that either and none of them knew why.

“I ass-cident-tally hit him with a pot in the kitchen, now he’s kinda mad at me.” She replied, Damon’s eyes shot open and he fought back the laugh that wanted out, only to hear Marco snickering beside him.

“I didint do it on pur….on pur, it was a mis-take, but it made him really, really mad, his face went all red” Johnny couldn’t fight back the laugh at that, even Kane chuckled a little.

“If it was just an accident then Alpha Eric needs to get over it” Kane replied, his smile grew bigger when he saw the purple haired pixie nod. Then if she was calling him Eric and not by his Alpha title that might be why he was upset with her. He needs to get over that as well, she’s adorable. She has ears similar to our mate! Ky stated in his head. This little one did, her’s were more angular with a sharper point, more like the little spitfires, but she did indeed have pointy little elf ears.

“Are you from a uther pack? You’re jus vistiting this pack?” She asked another question as she looked up to see his face. He smiled down at her.

“We are, we’re from The Blood Howlers” Kane answered her. He didn’t know what it was about her, but he felt a sense of ease and calm around her. Maybe it was because she was so small, and innocent looking. Why does she smell like cookies? I don’t know Ky! I’m hungry, the little pixie is making me hungry! Focus Ky, we are here to find The Devil, not feed the beast! Can’t we do both? There will be a dinner later I’m sure! But I’m hungry now! You’ll just have to wait! Fine! Her eyes widened when she looked up at him again.

“So….are you the Apple? That’s why you’re bigger?” She asked, they all fell silent and stared at her.

“Apple?” Kane questioned his brows furrowing as he looked down at her. Johnny was fighting back his laughter, the look on Damon’s face wasn’t really helping him contain it.

“The head wolfie….the….Apple?” She repeated, this time phrasing it more as a question as she looked at the snickering men around her. Damon broke first followed by Marco and Kenneth.

“That’s not what they’re called is it?” Kenzi asked when she turned to Johnny, her cheeks pinking. He could only shake his head.

“Sorry! I only finded out aboud werewolfies a week ago, and I’m trying. I really am, but I don’t member what the head wolfie is called and the only thing that comes to mind is apple” Kenzi apologized, mentally kicking herself.

“It’s alright. The head wolf is called an Al-pha, not an apple” Kane corrected her, he couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he watched her mouth the word. That would explain why she’s calling Eric, Eric and not by his title. Apple….Apple King Kane! Ky was howling in his head.

“Do you remember what the second in command is called?”

“Um….it starts with a B. My friend Jackson is the second….it’s not a biter….or a baiter” She replied, that one broke Johnny. He clutched his sides as he howled with laughter.

“Beta!” It was Marco that replied with a nod. He had moved closer to her, there was something about the little human that brought him a sense of calm. Alejandro was purring in his head and he didn’t understand it. They watched as she mouthed the word Beta a few times and nodded her head.

“How about the third?” Kane asked, motioning towards Damon. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at Damon,

“The….gram….mar?” She asked, shaking her head slightly. She didn’t remember but that sounded right. Then she looked at Damon and realized that wasn’t right at all.

“That works on so many levels” Johnny laughed out

“Fuck!” Damon huffed, though the smile never left his face. There was just something about her. She brought peace and calm and he couldn’t find it in himself to be mad, Titan was howling in his head.

“Grammar Damon” Johnny teased.

“Gramma?” She asked when she looked back at Kane, the smile broke big on his face as he shook his head.

“That’s even better. Grammar Gramma Damon” Johnny blurted

“I’m sorry, I thou-ght I getted better” She put her head down, a small touch of sadness passed through her, and she fought to control it. The laughter faltered as it surrounded them. Kane looked at the little pixie and didn’t understand why he all of sudden felt upset, the look on Johnny’s face told him he was going through the same thing.

“Gamma” Kane told her. Her face lit up and a wave of excitement washed over him when he said the name.

“I did getted better, I was close.” She smiled brightly and couldn’t help the little celebratory dance she did. She was getting better.

“You were very close.” Kane couldn’t help but laugh at that, and she beamed more at him. She was a very interesting little pixie.

“The first time I tried to member I called one a gamble, then a gambit, then I called one a bad word and getted in trouble. I don’t even know what I said. I’m not pose to say the bad words. Jackson gives me guffs all the tine. I don’t know why no one ever tells me. They just say you can’t say those words. But they say them all the tine. I just wanna say one.” Johnny doubled over laughing after she mimicked a rough voice.

“What about the fourth?” Kane continued his quiz. He wasn’t sure what to say to anything she just said but the internal struggle he was having not to laugh at it was difficult. Especially after his men broke and Ky was howling in his head.

“The Delta!” She said confidently. That one she knew.

“Perché odora di biscotti?” Marco suddenly asked, it was starting to make him hungry. Kenzi looked at him, confusion furrowing her brow.

“He wants to know why you smell like cookies?” Johnny replied,

“Oh, I’m a baker. I work at Sweet Talk Bakery in Blackwoods, that’s in BC. Has you ever been?” She asked, her silver eyes sparkled and danced in the sun, wide and innocent.

“No, but I’ve read about it. Were you baking in the kitchen here?” Kane replied, that definitely wasn’t customary for a visiting pack. It was never heard of in fact.

“Yes, I was told I could, and the cook….um….I don’t know his name, but he said ‘yup, sure’ so I made brookies and double chocolate chocolate chip cookies” Kenzi replied, with a nod of her head. Who told her she could? Ky asked. I assume not Eric!

“What’s a brookie?” Damon asked, he fought the whimper at the cookies. He was starving and the little pixie’s cookie smell was not helping him.

“It’s a brownie made into a cookie. It goes good with ice cream, but they don’t has ice cream here,” she said to him. Kane and Johnny shared a look between them.

“So you’re not from this pack darling?” Johnny asked,

“No, I’m vistiting too,” Kenzi answered, nodding her head.

“Why is it you know what rank the Delta is?” Damon had to ask

“My friend Tyler’s the Delta and he helps me in the bakery all the tine. He was in the kitchen and wouldint let Eric yell at me after I hit him with the pot. Said if he tried it, he’d ass-cident-tally lose an arm. And that doesint sound very good, but I lost him somewheres in the house.” She replied.

“Do you know what the Delta does?” Damon asked. If he was in the kitchen with her, he was protecting her.

“Protect the….Lulu?” Kenzi asked, then bit her lip when she saw them all fighting back their laughter. Guess that’s not right either!

“Jackson and Tyler….” Kane asked, changing the topic.

“Uh huh! Jackson and Tyler Monroe” Kenzi answered, nodding. “They’re brothers”

“What pack are you with?” Kane inquired, if she says Black Shadow this was the little girl they saw enter with The Devil after he crashed through the door.

Kenzi bit the inside of her cheek. She couldn’t remember the name, something with a colour. She looked up at him, concern crossing her face.

“It has a colour in the name” Kenzi replied, fidgeting with her fingers.

“You don’t know the name of the pack you’re with?” Damon asked,

“Be nice Damon. She’s doing quite remarkable for someone who only found out a week ago about the existence of werewolves, it’s a lot of information to take in.” Johnny said to him. More confusion crossed her face with what Johnny said, it didn’t sound bad, but she wasn’t sure.

“É solo arrabbiato che il piccola lo abbia chiamato nonna (He’s just upset the little one called him a grandma)” Marco said, as he broke out laughing, followed by both Johnny and Kenneth.

“Fuck you, you little Italian asshole,” Damon barked at him.

“Don’t start you two” Kane turned to Damon and Marco. “What is the name of the Al-pha?” He asked when he turned back to Kenzi.

“Adonis Bradshaw!” A smile crossed Kane’s face. He didn’t need to find The Devil, she was indeed the little one they saw him with when they crashed through the front door. She would bring The Devil right to him. That was his thought until he saw her neck. She did not bear his mark, now he wasn’t entirely certain what she was to The Devil.

“You’re his….mate?” Kane asked as he looked at her neck.

“Yes, he choos-ed me,” she replied nodding her head,

“His chosen mate? You don’t bear his mark?” Kane asked her, something wasn’t right. She shifted under his gaze and he watched the pink blush spread across her cheeks to the tips of her ears.

“We hasn’t done that yet” she glanced back up at him through her thick eyelashes, her pink blush deepened to a scarlet red. Kane’s eyes widened slightly. The fuck kinda wolf don’t mark their mate? The kind whose mate is innocent and pure! What? There is a reason she looks innocent Ky! And that is? Because she is innocent. The Devil does seem to have a heart, and rumours about him defiling virgins seems to be a lie! She’s a virgin? That’s what innocent and pure means Ky!

“The fuck you lose her?” Jackson asked, as he and Tyler walked the grounds trying to find Kenzi.

“The fuck I know, we was walkin together then her gone. I search that whole fuckin house, an her not los, jus temporarily misplace” Tyler replied,

“Her was bakin just follow the scent” Jackson stated,

“I was!” Tyler huffed back at him.

“Bout her other scent?” Jackson asked,

“What other scent?” Tyler asked him quizzically.

“Her smell like Aunty’s monster cookies,” Jackson replied. Tyler was quiet for a bit.

“That not what her smell like to me,” Tyler finally said.

“What?” Jackson looked at his brother.

“Yeah….her don’t smell like that to me, Jackass. I never got one. Our brothers use to push me out the kitchen an eat em all an I never got one.” Tyler said, shaking his head.

“The fuck you never say nuttin?” Jackson stopped Tyler right there.

“It wasn’t yur job to take care of me all the time, Jackass. It shouldn’t been put on you” Tyler replied, looking at his brother.

“It wasn’t put on me Tyler. I volunteer, you my brother. You don’t know but before you I’s the shortest. Yeah I grew, but until I did, they use to put me in the garbage can an beat the shit outta it all the time. When you came along an I saw how big you was, I din’t want em to do that to you, so I step up. Then daddy was gonna leave you behine an I say I take care of you.” Jackson said to him. “We was inseparable, before we couldn’t be separate”

“That why they never felt like family?” Tyler asked,

“Prolly” Jackson replied and they kept walking.

“Adon feel more like family” Tyler said

“That cause he is family stupid, you ain’t jus my lil brother, yur his to, that why he took it hard after he did what he did. Member that kid back in school ….um ….Tommy ….Tony ….Tre-Trevor ….Trevor Thompson?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah, that kid beat the shit outta me all the time” Tyler replied, nodding. “Then one day he jus stop”

“Adon foun out what the kid was doin an he got mad….he dumpster him. Say he ever touch you again, he get it worse” Jackson said,

“He never say nuttin” Tyler said,

“He not the type. He jus deal wit shit, you know that. Thins got better for you an then that fight broke out an you kick him in the face.” Jackson broke out laughing at the look on his brother’s face.

“Can you not brin that up nomore, I kick you in the face” Tyler huffed.

“Yeah fine, the fuck Lil Kenzi Cakes smell like if her don’t smell like Aunty’s cookies?” Jackson asked,

“Member those cookies her make the firs day I met her….the brookies. That what her smell like, they my favorite. Her always makes sure they some in the bakery.” Tyler replied,

“Her make you cookies?” Tyler just nodded. “Then follow that smell”

“I did, but that what her makin in the kitchen.” Tyler threw his hands in the air

“Oh!” It was the only thing Jackson could say

“Yeah, I follow that smell all over the damn house an end up back in the kitchen four times” Tyler huffed exasperated. Adonis was going to be pissed when he found out Tyler lost her in Eric’s house.

“Don’t help this fuckin house like a fuckin maze” Tyler added with another huff. Jackson could only laugh, he nodded but he laughed.

“Fuck! Don’t laugh, I’ma be a dead puppy” Tyler said, glaring at his brother “How mad you think Adon gonna be?”

“Siderin you los her….”

“Her not los….jus misplace” Tyler cut him off

“Aight, you misplace her in Eric’s house, he ain’t gonna be too thrill bout that.” Jackson replied then looked around the territory he paused on a sight he’d never thought he’d see.

“Maybe not as unhappy as he gonna be when he fine out her wit The King,” Jackson pointed to the small group of wolves and sure enough in the middle was Kenzi. Animatedly telling something. They watched as she hit Royal Beta Johnny twice.

“Fuck me, I’ma be a double dead puppy” Tyler took off running in that direction with Jackson right behind him.

“Has you ever met Adonis?” Kenzi asked Kane,

“No, but I am very interested in meeting him” Kane replied,

“Do you know what type of wolf he is darling?” Johnny asked her.

“A demon….The Devil?” She replied, looking at him.

“It is rather impressive, you are very comfortable around our kind” Kane said as he continued to look down at her.

“Am I not pose to be?” She asked, concern flooding her that she wasn’t doing something right. She had no idea what she wasn’t doing right, but it was something.

“It can be a bit alarming, when humans find out about us. You weren’t scared?” Johnny asked. Kenzi thought about that. It shocked her when she saw them shift, but she didn’t feel scared one bit.

“No.” She shook her head. “I said a bad word then fell off the dock then I feeded them, but it’s ok they’re not gremlins.” Kenzi added with a slight nod. Johnny’s grin broke big as he looked her up and down.

“Hasing to look up all the tine, sometines it makes my neck hurt, that’s not very comfy. But if I don’t I end up talking to belly buttons.” Damon stifled a laugh at that, he had to admit though having to look up all the time wouldn’t be very comfy.

“È molto piccola! (Is very small!)” Marco said quietly, Kenneth nodded beside him. “Pensavo che Luna fosse piccola (I thought Luna was small!)!” He added

“Si” Kenneth replied, she was very small.

“How much do you remember about your education into werewolves?” Kane asked. Kenzi stared back at him blankly. She wasn’t sure what he was asking her, and she looked to the others for assistance.

Kane and Johnny shared a look between them then looked back down at her. Damon furrowed his brows, before it dawned on him what was going on.

“What do you remember learning?” Damon rephrased the question and they watched the clarity cross her face.

“Unicorns don’t assist!” Kenzi replied, eyes widened and mouths dropped.

“And house cats aren’t werecats they’re more tiger size, werebears are the biggest and there are two sp-spe….types of wolfies. Normals and demons. Demons will only listen to The Devil” she added. Again they all shared looks, she was apparently told quite a bit, already.

“Ok, what do you know about wolves?” Kane asked. Kenzi bit her bottom lip as she tried to remember everything she learned.

“Um….normals come in all colours like a rainbow and demons are all shadow grey to help them blend. Normals has normal eye colour? Demons are red, assep the higher….ranks? Demons are bigger than normals and stronger and faster. Um….” She looked at them, there was stuff she was missing, lots of stuff. “Um….demons smell bad….no that’s not right….they can’t smell….no….um….they don’t….has a….”

“Kenzi!….Kenzi!” Before she could finish her answer she heard Tyler trying to get her attention.

“Jackson….Tyler! Has you met Kane McKenna?” She asked when she turned to face him, the smile was bright on her face.

“Nope. I hasn’t” Tyler replied,

“He’s the….Ap….Al-ffff-a?” She asked when she turned back to Kane, he nodded his head letting her know she got it right.

“The Alpha of The Blush Showers….” Johnny broke out laughing the second the name exited her mouth, judging by his reaction she added. “That’s not right is it?” Kane shook his head, but even he carried a grin. She was trying after all.

“Hello Jackson! Hello Tyler!” Kane addressed them.

“Hello Alpha Kane,” Jackson replied. Tyler however was more focused on Kenzi.

“Hey Lil K, why don’t you come wit me now an we go fine Adon” Tyler said, watching the movement of the others on the other side of the invisible line that was clearly drawn. Kenzi nodded, but when she went to move, Kane took hold of her upper arm and pulled her back gently.

“She’s fine where she is.” Kane replied, eyeing Tyler.

“No, her need to come wit me right now” Tyler snapped back, ….grrRrrr…. a low growl escaping him as gold flashed in his eyes.

“Did I do something wrong?” Kenzi asked Johnny

“No darling, you’re fine” Johnny replied offering her a reassuring smile and she nodded.

“We’re having a conversation, but why don’t you go find Alpha Adonis,” Kane suggested, moving Kenzi closer to him. ….grrrRrrrr…. Slipped past Tyler again. Jackson dropped his hand onto his brother’s shoulder, pulling him back, but Tyler never turned to face him.


“He has Kenzi”

“I know, but her caught in the crossfire, go get Adon.”


“Eric’s office”

“Fuck!” Tyler took off running towards the house. Jackson said nothing for the longest time. He looked them over one by one sizing them up before he squared off. If this was going to go sideways he wasn’t about to be caught off guard.

“The fuck is he doing?” Damon asked as he too squared off

“Looking for signs of weakness” Kane replied,

“They can do that?” Kenneth asked, getting ready

“It appears so!” Kane remained as calm as he could, he didn’t need to rile up the demon anymore than he already was.

“There’s a lot about demons we don’t know. They don’t like being studied” Johnny told them as he too tried to remain calm.

“Why don’t you jus let her go?” Jackson said, looking from Kane to his hand to Kenzi.

“She’s fine. We have no intentions of hurting her” Kane replied,

“Did I do something wrong Jackson?” Kenzi asked him, concern flooding through her. She didn’t understand why everyone was acting weird. Or why her new friends wouldn’t let her go with Tyler. Or why Tyler was insistent that she needed to go with him and looked mad when he was told she couldn’t.

“No, Lil Kenzi Cakes, you din’t. You din’t do nuttin wrong. How’s yur day going?” Jackson may have been talking to her, but he never took his eyes off the men around her. He continued to eye each of them up and down, studying them, watching every move they made.

“Good! assep….I hit Eric with a pot….it was a ass-cident though”

“Hit Eric wit a pot huh?” Jackson asked, his eyes snapping to Marco when he saw the man shift slightly. Recognition flashed across Jackson’s face briefly as he eyed the man. However, now was not the time to figure out where he knew him from.

“Yup! It went THUNK and he got all red face mad” Johnny was fighting back his laughter as she explained the events in the kitchen.

“Then I lost Tyler in the house. He was there and then he wasn’t there. He went poof” Kenzi replied,

“Los Tyler that suck, that house a big ol fuckin maze an I lose em all the time, but you made some new friends,” Jackson said to her.

“Uh huh! They’re really nice. A lot nicer than Eric’s pack,” she replied smiling,

“Good, happy to hear they bein nice to you. Who’s the fella standin beside you?” Jackson asked as he eyed Johnny up and down.

“Um….J….J….Johnny?” Johnny nodded his head when she got it right. “Johnny Matters”

“Bout that other big guy?” Kenzi looked where Jackson motioned, and she bit her lip, trying to remember his name.

“Ben….son?” She said, giving a slight head shake, she didn’t know for sure but the name sounded right.

“Ok, it’s ok, not important. House smells great, whatcha bakin this time?” Jackson asked,

“Double chocolate chocolate chip cookies and brookies….but they don’t has any ice cream” Kenzi said

“We can get some ice cream. Sen one of em yuppies out to get it” Jackson commented, she giggled at that. When Damon moved, Ko came to the surface. Gold swirled in Jackson’s eyes and he tensed up as he watched Damon closely.

“Damon stop moving, he’s the beta” Kane ordered,

“What’s he doing? Why is he talking to her like that?” Johnny asked,

“He’s keeping her calm” Kane replied

“Why?” Damon asked

“I don’t know, but everyone needs to relax,” Kane said.

“Hey Lil Kenzi Cakes, be a sweetheart, put yur headphones back on while we wait for Adon to get here. Shouldn’t be too long now” Jackson suggested,

“Ok!” Kenzi nodded her head and slipped them back on. Jackson waited till he saw her press play.

“Let her go!” He demanded,

“She’s fine!” Kane replied

“You not gonna be, let her go” He repeated.

“I want to talk to Alpha Adonis” Kane said, Jackson arched his eyebrow then a crooked grin spread across his face.

“An you thought holdin his mate hostage the best way to do that? What kinda big stupid are you?” Jackson asked him.

“You do know who I am right?” Kane asked.

“It don’t matter who you are, I know who you gonna be if you don’t let her go right now” Jackson fired back.

“And who’s that?” Kane asked, growing slightly annoyed

“A dead man!” Jackson dead panned him.


Ripped from the distance closer to the house.

“Don’t say I din’t warn you” Jackson said, as the muscles rippled across his chest. His Alpha’s anger emanated from every direction, filling him, taking over and Ko rose fully to the surface. Kane and his men watched as Jackson grew bigger and his canines elongated.

“And you thought I was going to piss him off” Damon blurted as he looked to the distance. To see Alpha Adonis approaching fast, his eyes burning with rage as his wolf sat waiting for his turn. Two others were with him, Tyler’s eyes swirling gold they recognized, but they didn’t know who the suit with the orange eyes was.

“Who’s the fancy fucking suit?” Damon asked,

“The Gamma” Kenneth replied,

“He’s a real fancy pants,” Damon laughed. Jackson just shook his head, a deep menacing laugh escaping him. Big stupid!

LET HER GO NOW!” Adonis/Odin roared, when he stopped inches from the invisible line. His eyes flamed with Odin’s presence.

“Il diavolo!” Marco said as he stared at Adonis, eyes widening at the sheer size of the man.

“He’s big. That’s a big boy” Damon added nodding,

“They can do that?” Johnny asked, when he heard both voices at the same time.

“Alpha Adonis, pleasure to meet you” Kane said

Let her go!” He repeated, his fists clenched at his side, canines elongated. His body vibrated with anger as he only stared at Kane’s hand on Kenzi’s arm.

“She is unharmed, I can assure you. And she will remain that way you have my word.” Kane said. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Was Adonis’s reply. The King’s word meant nothing to The Devil.

Kenzi made some new friends,” Jackson informed him, through the link.

Their going to be dead friends if they don’t give her back”

“I’m going to tell you one more time then I’m going to show you why you don’t touch wasn’t doesn’t belong to you….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….”

The two Alpha’s faced off, neither one spoke another word. Kane trying to figure out how to fix the slightly fucked up introduction and Adonis trying to figure out how to get Kenzi out of the way unharmed so he could rip the prick’s head off. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from his chest when Kane shifted slightly. Adonis watched his mate, innocently oblivious to what was going on around her. Her eyes were closed and she was lost in the music playing through her headphones. His ranks had spread out unlike The King’s that stayed in a cluster. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Again Kane had moved, his grip slightly tightened on her arm as she began to dance to the music.

Let’s get wild and make a memory

Hey ya, I wanna go out

I wanna go out, I wanna-na

Hey ya, I wanna go out

Out of my mind

Hey ya, I wanna check out

Step off of my cloud

Hey ya, I wanna go out

Out of my mind….

(I wanna go out - American Authors)

They turned to stare at her as she not only was dancing but singing out loud.

“Clever Jackson!” Adonis said but never stopped watching her. Odin was still present, but his canines retracted.

“Din’t wanna chance dyin today” Jackson replied, as his to receded.

“Are we calm?” Kane asked ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Again was Adonis’s reply.

“Cute, can I have some big boy words now” Kane snapped,

Fuck you!” Adonis barked back, causing Jackson and Tyler to snort.

“You did ask him for big boy words” Johnny interjected, not even he could deny the humour in that. Kane just glared at Johnny.

“What did you expect? You have his mate and you won’t release her, be happy all you got is ‘fuck you’ out of him. This is not how you’re going to get him to talk to you” Johnny said quietly.

“We seem to have got off on the wrong foot” Kane said to Adonis, he was watching him wearily.

“Let her go before I introduce you to the right one….grrRrrr….” Adonis snapped back.

“That is freaky, you should learn how to do that” Damon said.

“Not helping Damon,” Kane snapped at him.

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