The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 63: Possessive Much!

It was just after one when Kenzi woke the next morning to an empty bed. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up looking around the room. Her heart began to beat harder when she didn’t see the suitcase at the end of the bed. He leafed without me? She did something wrong during kissy time, she screwed it up. He didn’t like it and he was gone. Tears welled in her eyes, she wrapped her arms around herself and she fought them back but they slipped past her long eyelashes.

“Sweetheart?” Her head snapped in his direction, and the look of relief he saw flood her face when she saw him will haunt him. She was across the room and throwing herself into his arms in an instant.

That was the last thing Adonis expected to see when he walked out of the bathroom this morning. What was going through her mind he didn’t know, but the flood of emotion in the room gripped him. When he saw the tears his heart wrenched. What the hell happened? When he left the bed she was sleeping blissfully. He brought the suitcase downstairs and he came back up to shower. He had no intention of waking her up till it was almost time to leave. He held her to him as she rode out the waves of sorrow crashing into her.

“Sweetheart, what happened?” He asked, lifting her to his waist. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and clung tightly to the warmth she felt there, the safety.

“I-I-I th-th-ou-ght y-y-you leafed” she wept into his neck.

“You thought I left? Why would I leave?” He asked,

“I-I-I scr-screw-ed up like al-al-always.” Kenzi clung tighter to him than he thought humanly imaginable. What did she screw up? I don’t know!

“Screwed up? What did you screw up?” He asked, pushing her back slightly so he could see into her eyes.

“K-k-kissy tine!” That stole the breath from his lungs. She thought she screwed up kissy time and he left her here. Maybe that’s why she’s not ready? Maybe she thinks you’ll leave her? I would never leave her! Everybody else did! I’m not everybody else, she is mine and I would never ever leave her!

“No sweetheart!” He buried her face in his neck and held her tighter. “You didn’t screw up kissy time”

“I-I th-tou-ght you d-d-di-dint like it.” Another sniffle.

“No, I most definitely liked it.” He replied.

“I-I-I did wh-what you said and li-list-ten-ed to the music.” She said, he looked down at her again. That was natural? Our tiny dancer likes to dance, and with her mind focused on the music, it allowed her to do what she wanted!

Adonis held her for a few more minutes, before he had to put her down, she needed to get ready, they were due at the airport soon.

“Ok, sweetheart. You need to get ready, we have to go soon. I will meet you downstairs.” He said as he put her back on the ground. She went to walk into the bathroom and he pulled her back into his arms and dropped his mouth to hers.

“I didn’t get my good morning kiss.” He said when they parted. The blush spread across her cheeks and her nose wrinkled.

“Go get ready” he moved her in the direction of the bathroom and caught a look at her backside. Black lace and honeydew cheeks greeted him. He felt his core stir, if he knew that’s what she was wearing last night, the events of the evening would have gone differently. For one, she would not have been on top, and two he would have gotten a taste of her. He would have gotten to see if she was as sweet on the inside as she was on the outside. Next kissy time though he had every intention of finding out.

Adonis was in the kitchen, the events of last night replaying over and over in his mind and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. She listened to him and let the music take hold and he became hers. She made him beg. She made him beg and whimper. A shiver ran up his back at the memory of her mouth on him. He had to stop thinking about this. He looked up in time to see Jackson walking in the back door readjusting his pants.

“How’s your….nut?” Adonis asked, trying not to laugh at his Beta.

“I got fuckin shot in the nut wit a potato, the fuck you think it doin?” He fired back, readjusting his pants again.

“You two need to find something more to do with yourselves than torturing each other” Adonis replied, taking a drink from his coffee. Her’s tastes better! Odin grumbled in his head. He fought the grimace as he choked down the swallow.

“Las time we try an play wit the others, we made Maurice cry” Jackson poured his own coffee and took a sip. He grimaced slightly and put the mug down.

“I’m already hearing about it. What did you do that made Maurice cry?” Adonis put his coffee down as well. It really did taste like death.

“We got the wisps involve,” Jackson replied, then broke out laughing.

“The fuck funny?” Tyler asked as he walked in the kitchen. He went to get a cup of coffee and his brother shook his head.

“Maurice,” Jackson replied.

“Oh, he cry like a lil bitch” Tyler said, as he too broke out laughing.

“Good thing we’re going to Ontario, you can torture Eric’s whole pack” Adonis said shaking his head, he went to take another sip of coffee only to turn his nose up at it and dump it in the sink.

“The fuck up wit you?” Jackson asked, eyeing him.

“Nothing!” Adonis replied, looking at him.

“The fuck nuttin! You actin funny” Jackson pushed,

“I’m acting funny?” Adonis raised his eyebrows and looked at his Beta.

“Yeah, when the las time you smile in the mornin wit no coffee?” Jackson fired at him.

“He never smile in the mornin even wit coffee” Tyler stated as he too watched his Alpha.

“Are you ok?” Elijah was now standing in the kitchen and he too was looking at his Alpha curiously.

“I’m fine!” Adonis said as he looked back at all his men.

“No, you not….he not, Tyler smell him” Jackson said,

“Don’t you smell me” Adonis glowered at his Delta.

A wry smile crossed Tyler’s face,

“If you smell me I’ll snap you in half” Adonis told him, though he couldn’t fight the smile on his face no matter how hard he tried. SNIFF! Tyler’s eyes widened after he took a quick sniff.

“You little asshole” Adonis glared at him

“What?” Jackson looked at his brother then back to his Alpha. “The fuck Tyler?”

“Did you?” Tyler asked.

“No!” Adonis answered.

“Then….why you smell different?” Tyler looked at him, utterly confused,

“I smell different?” Adonis asked,

“He smell different?” Jackson looked at his brother then back to Adonis.

“He does smell different, more fire, less smoke” Elijah said

“Right?” Tyler said. Not wanting to be left out Jackson took a sniff as well then backed up.

“The fuck you do?” He asked, when he looked at him again.

“Nothing!” Adonis replied, this was starting to make him mad. Odin grumbling in his head wasn’t helping either. He was still stuck on what their mate said upstairs about them leaving without her, because she screwed up kissy time.

“Woah!” Jackson said and they all backed away from him.

“The fuck?” Tyler stared at his Alpha wide eyed. Odin surfaced, but there was something wrong with his eyes. Elijah reached over and grabbed a silver serving tray and showed him. The burning orange and yellow flames of Odin’s eyes stared back at him, but amongst the flames danced two new colours, the colour of the skin of a plum and silver. The hell Odin? Got me, but I like it, reminds me of our Lil Button! She changed our eye colour and our smell? She’s special! How special is she? Special enough to make The Devil beg! Going back over the events of last night, she made him beg to kiss her. She made him whimper over and over again. She had complete control and he gave himself fully to her.

“He look bigger?” Tyler asked,

“A bit,” Jackson responded.

“A lot,” Elijah added, still staring at him curiously. “I’ll look into it.” The only time a wolf’s scent changed was when they marked their mate. It changed enough to incorporate their mate’s scent as well as their own, but not even Elijah has heard about a mate changing the eye colour or making them bigger. But Adonis said he didn’t mark her, so what was going on with their Alpha?

“Is it tine to go?” They all turned to look at the tiny little human girl standing at the bottom of the stairs. She was dressed for comfort. Swimming in the oversized sweatshirt that clearly wasn’t hers and a pair of leggings. Kenzi stared back at them all, unsure of what was going on.

“Yes sweetheart,” Adonis was the first to speak. He quickly cleaned his mug and dumped the rancid coffee out saying they would pick something up on the way to the airport. Jackson, Tyler and Elijah just watched the two interact with fascination. They would share a look amongst themselves. The second she stepped foot on the main floor Odin was gone and Adonis was completely calm and the smile was back on his face. They headed out and into one of the vehicles waiting to take them to the airport.

“Head over fuckin heels” Jackson said shaking his head as he made sure the back door was locked. Tyler shut the lights off and Elijah waited by the open front door.

“Maybe this is a fated soul thing?” Elijah speculated,

“Stupid myth” Jackson fired back as he crossed the room and out the door.

“Alpha Kane” Tyler fired at him,

“Can’t be two,” Jackson countered. “What? I read shit” He added when he caught the look from Elijah.

“It did fascinate the community. A lot of people probably read up on it” Elijah replied. They climbed into the second vehicle and they proceeded to the airport.

“You think we fly private, we gotta go through all this shit?” Jackson asked as they stood in the line for security.

“No, I don’t think so. That guy touch my junk though, I’ma fuckin lay him out” Tyler replied, the lady in front of him turned to look at him. “Mornin!” He fired at her and gave her a smile. She quickly snapped her eyes back to the front as Jackson rumbled with laughter behind him.

“Commercial or private, no one escapes security” Elijah informed them.

“The fuck the point of private then?” Jackson asked,

“You don’t need a ticket, you also generally have your own security checkpoint, but this is a small airport and most likely can not accommodate that.” Elijah said, “And you’re not sharing the plane with upwards of 850 people” he added as he was receiving glares from the family behind him over Jackson and Tyler’s language.

“The fuck this line not movin?” Tyler asked, looking towards the front. The family behind Elijah huffed again at the use of language. He would say something, but he found their irritability at Jackson and Tyler amusing.

“Maybe there’s a problem at the screening” Elijah could only shrug.

“Can we jus throw people out the fuckin way? I’m gettin bored” Jackson said after another five minutes of not moving.

“You are either highly annoyed or you have a breathing condition and are in desperate need of medical attention” Elijah finally had enough of the huffing behind him and turned to address the woman.

“Do they need to use that kind of language?” She snapped,

“Do you need to wear that awful perfume?” Elijah snarked back,

“You’re rude!” She hissed,

“And you’re disgusting!” He replied, tilting his head to the side.

“Excuse me!” Her eyes shot wide open,

“I think you heard me just fine, but if you really need me to repeat myself very well. You are a disgustingly pathetic excuse for a human being. You try to control what comes out of the mouths of others when what you should be doing is parenting your little crotch goblins. If you were parenting them, then your daughter would not be kicking that elderly lady and your son would not be licking the floor. Why don’t you mind your own, before you interfere with others.” She scoffed at him, but pulled her son from the floor and her daughter away from the older lady behind her.

“Crotch goblins” Tyler and Jackson broke and started howling with laughter.

Adonis and Kenzi were standing further up in the line when they heard the brothers howling. Adonis looked back, not entirely certain what had happened, but there was a smug Elijah, a pissed off lady and his Beta and Delta were losing it in the line. He also didn’t know why they were ushered into the security check line when they were flying private. They had their own security checkpoint.

“What’s going on?” Kenzi asked as she too looked behind them.

“The demons are bored” Adonis whispered, as a smile spread across his face. It was going to be a long flight, if they were already starting up in the security line.

NEXT!” One of the officers yelled and the line finally began to move. Adonis kept Kenzi close to him, she was catching stares from the officers as they progressed closer and closer to the front. He would see one lean and speak in a hushed tone to another and a smile would cross his face. Now he understood why they were ushered into this line. If they think of putting their hands on her….! Relax Odin, that will not happen! It better not, or limbs will fly! Someone is either cranky this morning or feeling a little overly possessive! She’s ours, no one else is allowed to touch her! Possessive it is! She’s ours! I’ll talk to Elijah!

“You’ll have to remove the hoodie ma’am.” One of the officers said as they approached the front of the security checkpoint. Adonis checked some of the other passengers; they weren’t being told to remove articles.

“Why?” Adonis asked, pulling her more behind him and out of the guards view.

“Security purposes!” He replied, Adonis saw the corners of his mouth twitch. Security my ass, he wants a peep show. I’ma bite him!

“I don’t see you making anyone else remove clothing items” Adonis said as he once again looked at the other passengers. Kenzi tugged his shirt and he looked back at her. She looked down at herself then back up at him shaking her head.

“Are you wearing anything?” He asked quietly, if she wasn’t then there was no way in hell she was removing it.

“A bralette that’s it,” she replied just as quietly. Kenzi didn’t think about having to remove her clothes at the airport, she dressed for comfort on the flight down there wearing a hoodie she borrowed from Adonis and the only pair of leggings she owned. She crossed her arms over the front of her and hid behind Adonis out of the officer’s leering view.Yeah, she’s not removing it….what’s a bralette? Odin grumped in his head. He could feel him pacing back and forth.

“She’s not removing it,” Adonis said firmly, he shot a look back at Elijah then looked back at the security officer.

“And why is that?” He asked, standing taller than his 5’9 frame allowed.

“Because I said so” Adonis barked back, standing to his full height, towering over the man. What’s a bralette? Not now Odin!

“Then she’ll be subjected to a pat down.” The man’s fear spiked and Odin revelled in it, but he still stood firm. Again Adonis shot a look to Elijah, who just nodded.

Jackson and Tyler were watching on as well, slowly making their way closer to the front. They didn’t care that they were moving people out of the way.

“Move!” Tyler barked at one point

“Excuse you?” This lady snarked back.

“You’s excused” as Jackson moved her out of the line.

“It would do you well to shut your mouth, I won’t have an issue shutting it for you” Elijah spoke to a gentleman as he was about to protest losing his place in line. They now stood in behind Adonis flanking Kenzi on all sides so she was completely blocked from the view of everyone, waiting for word from their Alpha on how to proceed. The airport was slightly busy, but if any of the security personnel put their filthy hands on his mate, hell would be paid.

“I don’t see a female security officer, who would perform this pat down?” Elijah asked as the line moved up.

“I would,” the officer replied with a smug smile.

“Now why do I feel that would be just so you could cop a cheap feel” Elijah fired back.

“Where are your tickets?” The officer asked,

“We don’t need tickets for our flight,” Adonis replied.

“Of course, you private flyers think you call all the shots,” the officer replied,

“And you security officers think you are more powerful than you actually are, and pat downs are just excuses for you to cop cheap feels on unexpecting women” Adonis shot back. “Tell me how many women have you felt up this morning?”

Gasps and whispers spread through the crowd. The officer was shifting uncomfortably under Adonis’s watchful eye.

“That many huh? She is not going to be one of them” Adonis said.

“Officer Thomas, what seems to be the problem here?” Another officer had stepped out of the security office when he noticed the commotion.

“You gave a pervert the best job ever. He gets paid to feel up women for a living” Adonis answered.

“You four out of line” The men all looked at each other and stepped out of line. This way they would make it through security faster.

“Uh….you too….uh….ma’am?” The officer’s eyes went wide when he saw the size of Kenzi. He didn’t even see her behind the men.

“Now what is going on?” He asked,

“Handsy here told my beautiful travelling companion to remove her hoodie. She is unable to, she didn’t dress to be strip searched at the airport in front of others. She dressed for comfort on a long plane ride. The pervert said she would be subjected to a pat down, and seeing how I don’t see a female officer that is not going to happen.” Adonis answered,

“When asked who would perform this pat down, we were informed the pervert would be doing it. Last I checked, pat downs on female passengers were to be done by female officers, not males. But he’s been doing them all morning.” Elijah added. The other officer went wide eyed as he looked at Officer Thomas.

“That is not proper protocol” He snapped at him. “Get in the office and you will be dealt with”

“You can head to your flight, Mr. Bradshaw, apologies for the inconvenience” the man said to Adonis and waved them along. They caught the look on Thomas’s face when he heard his name. The wide eyed stare and slight mouth gap told them he knew exactly who Adonis was.

“I didint mean to cause a problem” Kenzi said,

“You didn’t do anything wrong. He was a pervert and wanted a free feel,” Adonis told her, holding her closer to him as they passed the screening area. So….what’s a bralette? One track mind Odin!

“Feel of wha….oh, biscuit eater!” Kenzi scrunched her face and moved her hands back over her chest when she saw the look on his face. They continued down the airport until they came to a captain and flight crew waiting on them.

“Mr. Bradshaw, we are pleased to invite you aboard this morning. The jet is fueled and ready for take off when you are” The pilot greeted him. With a slight bow. Alpha Malone had loaned them the use of his jet for the trip. Adonis had declined but the man insisted. Saying they would feel more comfortable in the space then they would be if they tried to cram themselves into the seats on a commercial flight.

“Fancy!” Jackson drawled, as he sidled up beside him.

“We flyin private? Nice!” Tyler exclaimed.

“Like I’d subject you two to a cabin full of passengers. You got bored standing in line for security. I don’t even want to imagine what you two would do on a ten hour flight” Adonis fired at them. The flight was still over three hours but it was a direct one. That was a bonus of flying private no stops.

“Crotch goblins wasn’t us” Tyler fired back defending him and his brother

“Yeah that Eli” Jackson agreed laughing again.

“Crotch goblins?” Adonis turned to look at Elijah, who stood there saying nothing. “We’re ready to board” He turned back to the pilot shaking his head.

“Very well sir, right this way” The pilot waved them to go ahead.

They were ushered onto the tarmac and aboard a private jet. A flight attendant approached them and they were informed that take off would be in a matter of minutes and they needed to fasten their seatbelts. Another bonus of flying private was no wait times.

“We landin at Ottawa?” Jackson asked,

“No. We’ll be landing at Carleton. From there it’s about forty five minutes to Lanark” Adonis informed him. “Kennedy and Steve will have vehicles waiting for us when we land.” Adonis replied to the question before it was even asked. A smirk crossed his face, when he saw the look on Jackson’s.

“Asshole!” Jackson grumbled.

“How long the flight?” Tyler asked, laughing at his brother’s grumbling.

“Just over three hours” Adonis replied as he sat back in his seat. As soon as the plane was in the air he had every intention of taking his mate and making use of the bedroom at the back of the plane. Whether they slept or did other stuff was up in the air. They sat and listened as the pilot did all the checks and then the plane was taking off.

Kenzi had curled up in the seat beside him, she was watching out the window, but listening to the consistent hum of the engine she found herself fighting to keep her eyes open. Adonis at one point wrapped his arm around her like a weighted blanket and she drifted off to sleep. So much for doing other stuff! You sound disappointed Odin! A little, who doesn’t want to be part of the mile high club? Where do you learn this stuff? I listen! There is plenty of time….for other stuff! Fine. What’s a bralette? It’s a more comfortable version of a bra, but with less support and it’s usually lace! We like lace! She’s sleeping! So wake her up….it’s time for a pat down! ODIN! What? Cause you can keep your hands off her! Horny beast! Equally horny human! Got him there, since last night thoughts have been running wild in his mind. Adonis looked over at his travel companion, thoughts rolling over in his head. I’m not waking her up! You want to! Shut up! That the best you could come up with? Shut up!

“Mr. Bradshaw, we have reached a cruising altitude of 41,000 feet, please feel free to move about the cabin.” The pilot came over the com and broke his conversation with his beast. It was probably for the best. I was winning! Shut up!

Getting up from his seat after he carefully laid her across he went to the back of the plane. His men had the same idea as he watched them all stretch out across their seats. It was too early to be up, and the flight was still over three hours long. With nothing else to do while they were trapped in a tin can sleep seemed the best option.

“While you are checking into why I am going through changes again, see if there is a connection as to why Odin is overly possessive.” Adonis said quietly to Elijah on the way by. Elijah looked confused, werewolves were possessive over their mates, before and after they marked them, it was their nature.

“Possessive? It’s our….”

“Limbs flying off if anyone so much as touches her possessive” He added, cutting off what Elijah was saying.

“Yes, sir” Elijah looked from his Alpha to his Luna sleeping away on the seat he had vacated.

He walked into the small bedroom….small being the keyword and looked around. It was private, there was a small bed, this wouldn’t be so bad, there was a definite positive to this. We get to cuddle her! We’ll be on top of her! All the more reason….go get her and stop stalling! What has gotten into you? I said stop stalling ….grrrRrrrr….! Don’t growl at me Odin! I want our mate and I want her now. She is safer with us! We are 41,000 feet in the air! She is safer with us! Where is she going to go? I don’t know, but I want our mate! What the hell is wrong with you? She’s ours, and others will try and take her from us! Is this about going back! No! Then I don’t understand, who’s going to take her? Odin? Who’s going to take her? Others! I don’t see….! Do you know what I don’t see? I don’t see our mate. GO GET HER! FINE! But you and I aren’t finished! FINE! Mate first then yap till you’re blue in the face! ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. It ripped from his chest, vibrating around the room at his insolent wolf. Whatever, get our mate! He stormed out of the bedroom ….grrRrrr…. Elijah looked at him wearily. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Tyler shifted more into the corner away from his Alpha but never said a word. ….grrRrrr….

“Problem?” Jackson asked, when he heard the growl

“It’s fine!” Adonis growled out,

“Soun fine. The fuck?” Jackson pushed,

“The fucking psychotic hell beast in my head” Adonis snapped. MATE! Fuck you Odin! MATE NOW! Adonis gently scooped her into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. His men watched him go, a look passing between the three of them.

“The fuck?” Tyler said shaking his head

“He be fine Tyler, him an Odin need a fuckin talk” Jackson replied, knowing full well that neither Odin or Adonis were talkers, they were more action first and leave the rest of it hanging to deal with later. Problem was later never came, until the next eruption.

Adonis placed his mate in the bed and she started to stir till he climbed in beside her wrapping himself around her. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Releasing the gentle growls to coax her back to sleep ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. As much as he would love to have her awake right now, he and his hell beast needed to have a conversation ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. No, don’t do that! ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Quiet you! ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. When she was back sleeping soundly he curled more around her, burying his face into her neck taking her scent into him. Fucking cheater! Talk asshole! You’re a fucking cheater! What the hell is wrong with you? Nothing! Liar, talk! She’s ours! I am well aware of that! She doesn’t know! She will, but that’s not what’s bothering you! Odin remained quiet for a bit, he didn’t know how to explain his possessiveness to Adonis. Try from the beginning! That’s fucking irratating! Talk! She loves us! Yes she does! No! She LOVES us. No one was supposed to love us! We were told no one would ever love us! I know what we were told! But she loves us, she said so, then she went missing! It was then that it began to dawn on him where his wolf’s possessiveness was coming from. It took us forever to find her, then we lost her! But we found her! How long before we lose her again or someone takes her? We won’t lose her again, and no one will take her from us! They’ll try, to make us weak, they’ll try! Then they’ll die, painfully! She doesn’t know who she is! Odin whimpered, pushing his way to the surface. Quiet whimpers released from him as he clung to his mate.

The rest of the flight, Adonis let Odin have control. Let him curl around their mate, cling to her like a lifeline. Let him hold her, nuzzle her, and breathe her scent deep into his lungs. Let him see that no one was going to take her from him. Odin fell asleep, latched onto her, holding her close to him, letting her body warm him, soothe him, bring him comfort. Werewolves don’t go this long without claiming what’s theirs. Adonis would have to tell her and soon, before Odin did something they would both regret.

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