The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 48: Other Stuff!

Adonis woke Monday morning to Kenzi stirring to life under him. Quick check of the time on the clock he decided it was too early for her to be up. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. She started to still under him, her movements getting slower, her breath evening out ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. She settled back into his embrace and he felt her drift off again. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He wasn’t sure how long it would work for, but if she got another twenty minutes then it was worth it ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

The next time he woke up to her stirring, it was just after three in the morning. He thought about trying again, but he knew she would be upset if she slept any later.

“What tine is it?” Came her sleepy voice in the dark.

“Just after three” She might be awake, but he made no move to get off of her, she was cuddly and he was comfortable.

“Oh no. I sleep-ed in, I’m running late. I has nothing done in the bakery.” She was trying to squirm out from under him.

“Sshhh sweetheart. You were tired and you needed your sleep. You’re going to wear yourself out.” Adonis soothed her,

“But Maggie….” She started to say,

“Is fine. She is not going to care that you started a few minutes late today” Adonis said to her.

“But I hasn’t getted anything ready” She said,

“We’ll get it done. Tyler and I will take the front today while you and Maggie can work in the kitchen.” He replied, her eyes widened “I will make sure Tyler doesn’t bark at the customers” He added. Her eyes lit up and a big smile broke out on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Though I am going to insist that Maggie and I switch off every once in a while. I do want to be in the kitchen, I enjoy my time back there. The baker has a tendency to coat herself in chocolate, and that is my favourite dessert” A smile spread across his face when he felt the shiver spread through her.

“Shameless!” She muffled into his neck.

He made no move to get off of her, instead he kept her trapped under him as he settled more on top of her with her arms around him.

“I’m showering first, but if you want to save time you could shower with me” her slight intake of air had him chuckling.

“Relentless!” She breathed out, still with her face buried into his neck. He didn’t need to lift his head to know that she was ten shades of red. He felt her body heating up, with each remark he made.

“I promise I will behave myself” He whispered, letting his hand travel down the length of her. She shivered more and more the lower his hand moved. Searching every recess, every crevice of her mind for that word again, where was it, it screamed at her when it was Adam, but with Adonis it was nowhere to be found. The hotter her body became, the more he let his hand travel the more he wanted. If this kept up he wasn’t sure how behaved he was going to be, she wasn’t even naked yet and as tempted as he was last night he didn’t peek.

She felt his lips on her neck, placing gentle feathery light kisses. He kissed all along it till he reached the left side. A gasp escaped her and she arched under him when he placed one on the spot located between her neck and shoulder. The soft flesh sparked to life, as a small bolt of pleasure coursed through her. The throbbing between her thighs began to intensify the more his lips travelled her. Kissing up her neck then back down to land on the same spot again ….mmMmm…. She didn’t mean to but it left her mouth at the touch before she could fight it back, and she arched more into him. His hands became more demanding for her as they now searched her body with purpose, more determination. He wanted skin, not fabric. Moving her shirt higher up her body exposing more of her to his touch. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he continued tasting along her neck and shoulders. He got the biggest reaction from her when his teeth would graze the delicate flesh. His hand brushed the soft skin of her abdomen touching as much of her as he could, moving higher up till the tips of his fingers grazed the supple skin under her breast. She gasped again at the contact, involuntarily pulling him closer to her. His hand slipped lower down her body, his fingers tracing the hem of her panties until they came to rest on her hip. He was burning from the inside out for her, he desired her, craved her, he wanted her, she wasn’t telling him no, but she wasn’t telling him yes either.

Brushing the side of her bottom, flirting with the seam of the cotton fabric that covered her. He had to stop, he knew he had to stop but he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop his hands from touching her, couldn’t stop from tasting her. Her gasps and arches at his movements were doing nothing to deter him either. When he grasped her bottom she moaned again and arched harder into him. His dark almost black eyes looked down into her light, almost white ones. He rocked into her and she arched against him. He took in her features, her dark crimson red lips begging to be kissed, the heated flush across her delicate cheekbones. She was beautiful, utterly beautiful. He rocked again and she arched and pushed into him, hooking her leg around his waist he pressed harder into her ….mmmMMmmm…. As she arched against his movement.

His mouth crashed onto hers, as he continued the motion of his hips. In unison they moved as one. Her moans and gasps matched his, building him higher, he moved against her faster and she matched him. She felt a pressure building inside of her, wanting its release, screaming for it. Her body vibrated as wave after wave washed over her. Arching higher and higher the more he pushed against her. His lips were demanding of hers, taking what he wanted as his body gave her everything she needed. He felt her, her body ready to release, ready to let go, he was not far behind her, he kept going, kept pushing into her, moving faster and harder. Moans of passion turning into cries of pleasure. She felt it small at first, but getting bigger, intensifying, her breathing coming fast and hard. Until an explosion tore through her body as she arched high and hard against him, the feeling vibrating all throughout her, satisfying every craving every carnal urge she didn’t know she possessed. One last hard push against her granted his release as he stiffened and let the feeling wash him away in a tidal wave of bliss.

Adonis collapsed on top of her as the feeling swirled through him. His breathing was hard and ragged and he fought to control it. That was not what he meant to do. The fuck is wrong with you? Odin raged in his head. He didn’t mean to push her that far.

“I think I’m awake now” Came his little mate’s breathy voice from under him.

“Sweetheart! I...I...I…” Adonis didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know how to explain his behaviour or how he was going to begin to apologize for it. He could only look at her, he didn’t mean to do that to her. He lost control of himself.

“Is that what Tyler mean-ed by other stuff?” She asked, her question catching him by surprise. He could still see the aftermath of what they did swirling in her eyes as she looked up at him.

“Other stuff?” He asked,

“Tyler said he only ever sleep-ed with his mate, but he did other stuff with other girls, is that what he mean-ed?” Her chest still heaved with each heavy breath she took as she came down from her high.

“That could be classified as other stuff” He replied, “Kenzi….I”

“I’m not ready, at least I don’t think I am, my brain’s not tell-ed me no no more, I’m still scare-ed. But, I think, I think I would be ok with other stuff.” He could only stare at her as the words she just spoke registered. What? I have nothing! He didn’t know what to say to that.

They were both quiet at the bakery, lost in their thoughts as they started on the work that was ahead of them. Arriving at almost five they were way behind and there was no time for relentless, shameless flirting. Adonis would steal looks her way from time to time, the blush would hit her cheeks when she caught him, but she never said anything. Her nose would wrinkle and she would get back to work. He chastised and mentally kicked himself during his shower for being so stupid. Stupid and horny! Odin chimed in and kicked him a few times as well for being an idiot. He took advantage of her, he knew he did, but he didn’t feel an ounce of regret or shame about it. He’s done stuff with girls as well, but nothing that ever made him feel like that. Nothing that ever made him feel that good and they didn’t even really do anything. She would be ok with other stuff. Does she even know what other stuff is? He didn’t think she did. Has anyone ever touched her there? Would he get to be the first? That thought sent a shiver of anticipation running up his back. Would he get to touch and explore where no one has before? He had his dinners with her all week maybe…. No, no, no bad man! Bad, bad man! He needed to stop thinking about this. He needed to focus on something else. When he looked up from the cupcakes he was supposed to be frosting, he saw her watching him. Her sparkling silver eyes, the pink blush upon her face and those addictive crimson lips. Thoughts swirled through his mind, how he wanted those lips on his. Those hands on his body, as she pressed hard arching against him. He wanted her moans, her whimpers, her cries of pleasure ringing in his ears. He wanted her screaming his name as he ravaged her. Crossing the kitchen he snaked his arm around her and pulled her roughly into his chest and dropped his mouth down on to hers. But for now, he would settle for a kiss, the time will come for the rest of it.

Lost in her thinking thoughts. She could still feel his hands on her body touching her, caressing her. His lips on her neck made tiny trails as he tasted her. He hit that one spot and it felt like lighting bolts pulsing through her. His teeth grazing her skin, she knew it would feel amazing but there weren’t any words that could describe what they did to her. She has no idea what they did, but she wanted more. She might not have been ready to go all the way this morning but if they continue the road they are going she could see it happening. The thought filled her with excitement. She would look up and catch him watching her, looking at her with a hunger she has never seen before. She would feel her skin heat up and her cheeks blush and she would fight off the shivers that wanted to tear through her by forcing herself back to work. They had a lot to do, to get ready to open. Her mind replayed everything that happened again and again in her head, like a mini movie on an eternal loop. She watched as he concentrated on what he was doing, carefully removing the cupcakes from the tins and placing them on the table. She bit her lower lip as more and more visions of his hands on her entered her mind. The way they felt, how gentle they were. How his lips felt on her neck, but now she wondered how they would feel on the rest of her body. How his hands would feel touching her more intimate areas. She had her dinners with him this week maybe…. No, no, no stop that. Bad girl! That’s a bad girl! She needs to stop thinking about this, about that. About his hands and his lips and his teeth and other stuff and her thinking thoughts. It was all that was running through her mind at the moment. She watched him cross the kitchen and only stop when he stood in front of her, though his hands were gentle his actions were aggressive as he pulled her into his chest, dropping his mouth onto hers. Taking what he wanted and giving her what she so desperately needed.

Once again he travelled his hands down her body taking in as much as he could, while he still could. He wanted her pressed against him and he wasn’t getting that having to bend over. Running his hands over her backside pausing enough to give it a good squeeze he lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He held her against him as close as he could, as he drank from her. His demand and want increased with each minute that passed. He brought her over the edge once and they didn’t really do anything, now he wanted to do it again with each thought that he had running through his head. His body screamed at him for more, but his lungs won when they needed oxygen. He didn’t stop there, trailing down her neck back to that spot. That spot on the left side. The spot where his mark would sit on her, he needed to see his mark there. Though his hands cupped her bottom gently massaging it he wanted them moving all over her. The thought of wiping everything off the table she was working at was coming stronger and stronger as his need to touch her everywhere grew.

“Has anyone ever touched you?” He whispered as he kissed up her neck to her jaw.

“N-n-no” she breathed out, his hands felt so good, that she had to fight to get the word out. The Devil gets his wish! Odin purred in his head. It appeared so, he thought he was out of wishes. He will get to be the first, the last and the only one to touch her. Now he really needed to stop, this is not where he wanted to touch her for the first time. Moving back across her jaw until he landed on her lips. He drew out the kiss, bringing them both back down.

“Later” The low seductive growl he laced his word with sent a shiver ripping through her as a gasp escaped her mouth. The bell above the door out front rang and a sexy grin crossed his face. “Besides, it sounds like we have company now.” One more kiss and he placed her back on the floor.

He moved away from her back to the table he was working at, and only after stealing a quick glance at her did he pick the piping bag up and start frosting the cupcakes.

“Well good morning you two.” Maggie called laughter lacing her words as she saw them both in the kitchen. Kenzi fought to tone down the blush she had on her face, but it wouldn’t quit with all the racy little thinking thoughts that were running wild and rampant through her head.

“Morning Maggie!” She called over her shoulder though it sounded more like a squeak.

“Good morning Maggie!” Adonis said, keeping his head down to hide the wolfish grin he was wearing.

“Uh huh!” Was all she said as she watched them carefully. It wasn’t hard to figure out what they were doing in the kitchen, when no one was there to chaperone. She quietly moved across the kitchen grabbing herself a cup of coffee. Tiny little giggles would escape Kenzi, she didn’t mean to let them slip, but she couldn’t help it, everything that happened this morning coupled with everything that was promised later and she felt like she was floating. Now she understood what cloud nine meant. Her giggling was causing him to bite back his snickers, it was made worse when he saw Maggie shaking her head as she left the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind her.

He was behind her the instant the door stopped moving with his hands around her waist pulling her back into his chest from behind.

“Why does it feel like we just got caught by your mother?” He whispered in her ear. She giggled more, her body warming at his gentle touch.

“We need to focus” She breathed out, but she couldn’t ignore the movements of his hands,

“I am focused” He nipped her ear, the back of her neck,

“How many cupcakes do you has frost-ed?” She asked, still giggling.

“Four….we can just tell them they’re muffins.” She said she was fine with other stuff, now that’s all he wanted to do, and there was a lot of other stuff they could do.

“Maybe you can’t work the kitchen with me” His hands moved over her, with a purpose and mind of their own as he continued to taste the back of her neck.

“Bite your tongue tiny dancer before I do it for you. Maybe all I’ll do is work the kitchen” He held her tighter to him,

“Then nothing will get done” ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. The low growl he released told her that was the point. She turned her head to the side and he captured her mouth. Raising up to her tippy toes to get herself taller, he held her impossibly tighter to him cradling the back of her head. Nipping her lip she parted and he took the opportunity to explore, coax her out. Timers rang out around them, forcing the kiss to break. They both stared at each other, breathing heavily as they registered where they were.

“This is gonna be a day,” she breathed.

“Not sorry!” He whispered.

They did manage to get everything made before the bakery was to open. Even with all the stolen kisses and steamy caresses. Kenzi wasn’t certain her face would ever not be red. The racy thinking thoughts have definitely taken hold and now have a permanent residence in her head. Adonis, Maggie and Tyler all switched off with each other helping Kenzi in the kitchen. With more than enough stock on the floor, Maggie kicked them out to go for breakfast at the diner so she could say bye to everyone.

“Do they has to leave?” She asked as they walked down the sidewalk.

“They have their families to go back to,” Adonis answered. She didn’t realize how lonely the house was until she had guests staying with her.

“I know. I shouldint be selfish. It was ni….” He stopped her right there. The look he held on his face told her she said something to make him unhappy.

“Don’t say that.” He snapped at her “You are the farthest thing from selfish, Kenzi. There is not a selfish bone in your body and I don’t ever want to hear you call yourself that ever again. Do you understand me?” She looked up at him, her eyes big and wide. “Do you understand me?” He repeated with more authority in his voice than he intended.

“Ok!” Looking away from him her voice was small and quiet and she flinched a little at the tone he used, but nodded her head for added emphasis. Adonis took a deep breath, that was not what he meant to do either. He didn’t intend for what he said to sound that harsh.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. I don’t like the things I have heard people say to you or about you. I don’t like when I hear you say those things about yourself. None of it is true. You are not selfish, you are not a burden and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.” He gathered her into his arms and held her tight to his chest. The fuck was that? Odin growled at him. I don’t know! He ran his hands up and down her back until he felt her relax into him. He was lying to himself, he knew what that was. Jackson was right when he told him he was becoming more aggressive and violent. He was, everytime he had to leave her he could feel himself going that way. The longer he went without mating and marking her, the more aggressive and violent he and his hellbeast were becoming. Don’t lump me with you! You ripped out two hearts! Justifiable heart rippage! You still did it! Fine! Maybe he should stay away from her for a while. Maybe he should pull back. Don’t do that! Why? She’ll think she did something wrong! FUCK! If he was near her then all he wanted to do was touch her, and if he let himself go he would break his promise of not pushing her, forcing her or rushing her. He already pushed her this morning, and he wasn’t entirely sure she was ready for what they did.

Deep in thought over what he was going to do, they continued to the diner for breakfast. His mate still needed to be protected, this time she needed to be protected from him. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his hands off of her, and after this morning it was damn near impossible. But he didn’t really want to stay away from her either. Maybe he would send Tyler back to the bakery with her and he would see her tonight for dinner. That might be an idea, he was sure there was something he could do to occupy his time and keep him from wanting her. The new training facility they were constructing from the Ridgeview packhouse, he could go and take a look to see how that was coming along. Maybe throw himself into that to occupy his time during the day, instead of putting himself in a situation where he is tempted and has to fight to keep control. He looked beside him to his little mate, she too was quiet and lost in thought as she kept her head down.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” He asked,

“Uh huh!” Was all Kenzi replied, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to upset him again. Adonis felt a wave of anger pass through him, at that. It was his fault, he shouldn’t have snapped at her. She doesn’t respond when she is snapped at, she shuts down.

“I’m not going to be returning with you after breakfast. I think you might be right, nothing will get done today if I am there. I don’t want to stay out of the kitchen, and I am having a little problem with keeping my hands to myself.” He stopped her again on the sidewalk and lifted her chin so she was looking at him. “Look at me.” When she did, he saw the waves of sadness wash through her silver orbs.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It pains me to see the way you are treated. Especially when I know you deserve to be treated so much better.” He ran his thumb over her jaw,

“It’s ok!” She replied, shifting her eyes away from him.

“No it’s not. I have some making up to do, and as much as I would love to start now, we have a diner full of people waiting on us. I will make out with you later.” Her eyes snapped to his,

“Make out with me?” She questioned,

“Did I say that out loud? That was meant for my head. Though I will do that later as well.” Her cheeks started turning pink, at what he was saying. “After dinner tonight, you tell me what you want to do and we’ll do it. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter” He looked down at her, watching her eyes get brighter and brighter.

“Anything?” She asked,

“Anything!” Her smile broke across her face as she tried to fight back the excited little squeal that escaped anyway. Her excitement flooded around him, as her little body bounced with joy.

Breakfast went well, with more laughter and stories. Kenzi sat beside Adonis this time and not in his lap, though that was where he wanted her to sit, he didn’t think Patrick would appreciate that in his diner. Promises to keep in contact and more dinner parties were made, and the visiting Alpha’s and their Beta’s left.

“Where are you going, that you’re not staying at the bakery?” Kenzi asked.

“The northside, we took over and we are turning it into a training facility. So I can stop attacking you in the kitchen and maybe learn to keep my damn hands to myself, I am going to oversee it.” Adonis replied,

“I don’t think you’ll learn that one.” He stared at her wide eyed as a smile spread across his face. Called you on that one! Yes she did!

“You’re probably right. I don’t want to keep my hands to myself.” He pulled her into his embrace again, running his hands up her back, then back down only to rest them on her bottom.

“From the sounds of it you have a busy week ahead of you, and without me distracting you all day, you’ll get your work done faster.” He didn’t like how busy her week was shaping up to be. She works too hard, he had two people in mind to send to the bakery and they will be heading there when they get in on Wednesday.

“You’re telling me the fant-iz-ies that are running around my head are dis-istra-acting a nuff.” She blurted. What did she just say?

“Are you having fantasies about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. Her eyes went wide and she looked at him trying to replay the conversation in her mind. Her cheeks darkened the more she thought.

“I didint say that. I didint say that” She shook her head.

“Yes you did. You said the fantasies running in your head are distracting enough that you didn’t need me at the bakery to distract you. Begs two questions, what are you fantasizing about? And which ones do you want to make come true?” Her cheeks were burning with how red they became. “I like this filterless mouth. Never know what’s going to come out of there.” He tilted her head back and pressed his lips to hers. Soon he thought, soon he will be able to do this out in the open. Elijah had heard word from a few of the packs Ridgeview was aligned with, they were not sad or sorry to see their downfall. He was just waiting on a few more. When he heard from them, he would show the rest of this town just how badly they all fucked up with the treatment of his mate. Until then, he had to keep this private and between them, though he did enjoy their private time.

“If I don’t leave, I’m going to turn your fantasies into realities right here.” Adonis spoke when he broke the kiss off. The blush hit her face again, as she tried to bury into his chest. “I can still see your very red ears, sweetheart.” He chuckled when he heard her tiny muffled squeal. Another kiss and he left her in the kitchen with Tyler, who was already sampling items.

The day was long and gruelling, Adonis oversaw the continued destruction of the Ridgeview packhouse. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr…. So much tacky furniture and decor, that he felt his eyes burning. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. His pack members that were with him grumbled and complained about having to see anymore. ….grrrr…. Just when they thought they got it all, one would release a growl or loud curse when they stumbled upon a room with more. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrr…. They demolished the kitchen with the intention of creating a much bigger one. ….grrrrrr…. They took down walls to combine bedrooms to make the sparring rooms bigger. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. And they placed orders for workout equipment for the gym and a climbing wall. ….grrrrrr…. This was daunting, but it was the distraction he needed. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Adonis only thought about Kenzi a dozen times since he got there. Jackson had stopped by and took measurements, for the additional support they were going to need on the floors. Throwing each other around the way they do when they train couldn’t have them taking down a level. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Elijah was on the field going through a rigorous training routine with a group of others. ….grrrr…. Growls and snarls rang out all around them. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. He was tired and frustrated when he got back to the southside to get cleaned up and head over for his dinner. He didn’t know what she was cooking but it was mouth watering and he was beginning to drool.

“Her fuckin killin me” Jackson said when Adonis walked in the door. “The fuck her makin this time?”

“I have no idea” Adonis replied,

“Make her stop!” Tyler complained,

“The fuck you belly achin for? You in the bakery wit her all day” Jackson grumbled.

“I might need to go to the trainin field tomorrow” Tyler said, nodding his head.

“Gonna say you gettin a lil chunky” Jackson broke out laughing at the look on Tyler’s face.

“Fuck you Jackass, or should I say fatass” Tyler fired back,

“Hey!” Jackson sat up straighter, and both men took off outside.


Adonis just shook his head as the growl from one of them reached his ears and headed up to his room, to grab a shower. Demon’s need fun too!

Kenzi opened the door before he finished knocking on it.

“Hello sweetheart, did you miss me?” He asked, she beamed up at him as she stepped back and allowed him to enter.

“What is that heavenly smell?” He asked, stepping across the threshold, gathering her in his arms he placed a gentle kiss upon her.

“Lemon ginger chicken with a honey glaze, rosemary cajun roasted potatoes and pan fried garlic carrots.” She replied,

“Lemon ginger chicken?” Adonis looked down at her. A look of concern crossed her face. She couldn’t remember if he told her if he liked any of what she made.

“I can make something else,” she offered.

“No, I have never had any of that, and I am looking forward to trying all of it.” He truly was, if it tasted half as good as it smelled, then he was in for a treat. And it smelled delicious.

Sitting at her table he watched her move around the kitchen, the smile never leaving her face the whole time. She was truly in her happy place. She would sing along to the songs that were playing quietly in the background.

“Why are you staring at me?” She asked,

“Why are you so beautiful?” He replied, her cheeks went pink and her nose wrinkled at the compliment. She turned her head away to cover her mouth with the back of her hand to hide the little giggle that escaped.

“How was the rest of your day sweetheart?” He asked,

“Busy. Maggie and I were running back and forth between the floor and the kitchen nonstop trying to keep stock on the shelf. Maggie didint even get her break today. Usually there’s a lull in the day, but not today. Ev-ryone seemed to want the bakery.” She replied, she sounded tired, she looked tired. Maybe when they settled into bed tonight they wouldn’t do other stuff and he would give her a back massage instead to help her sleep. “And I still hasn’t heared how many cakes I am pose to make for the Sweetheart Feztisval. Sometines I wish I knew in ad….adv….early how many I was going to need. The other shops seem to know what they need, but I don’t. Then Mayor Winston will give some number like the day before the feztisval, and I has to get it all done. Last year he said we need-ed 3000 cakes and I had less than twenty four hours to get it done. I was at the bakery all night and I don’t think I even got 2000 done. And he said I skimp-pied out and was very disdappoint-ed in me. But I tried, I tried really hard to get it done.” Adonis stood up and gathered her into his arms. She was becoming upset, and he was starting to get angry. This was a problem he would take care of.

“Did you get a break today?” He asked, he didn’t need her to answer him, he already knew the truth. If Maggie didn’t get a break then she wouldn’t take one either. She shook her head against him as she clung to his arms. No wonder she’s fucking tired! Odin huffed in his head. She is becoming overworked, she needs a holiday! A vacation! She is coming with us! What if she says no? I won’t give her the chance!

“How was the rest of your day?” She asked,

“Frustrating!” He replied, “I have never seen so much tacky and horrendous decor in my life.” She looked up at him, an inquisitive look upon her face.

“They had wolves everywhere. Statues, paintings. The showerheads were golden wolves. They were doing nothing to hide what they were.” Her eyes went wide as he explained the things they found.

“And just when we thought we got it all we found more. But it’s all out, we started knocking walls down and ordering equipment.” He added.

“What kind of equ….equi” she looked up at him,

Equipment. Exercise equipment, weight training, it is to be a gym and training facility. And a climbing wall.” He replied.

“Like rock clime-ing?” He nodded his head.

“Have you ever been?” He asked,

“No!” She shook her head.

“Then when it is built I can teach you” He answered.

“Have you thought about what you would like to do after dinner?” He asked as they sat down to eat. Her face lit up, eyes dancing in the light of the setting sun, she nodded her head.

“Skading!” She exclaimed, excitedly.

Skating?” He looked at her questioningly,

“Yeah, skat-ting. Evry year the lake freezes over really really thick in winter cause of the mountains and the town turns it into a big skat-ting rink. And I watch from the dock, but I really really want to skate on it, but I don’t know how. There’s a skat-ting rink in town, but….” She stopped right there when she saw the look on his face. “It’s ok, we don’t has to go”

“No sweetheart, I said anything and I meant anything. If you want to go skating then we will go skating.”

“Really?” Her face perked up,

“Really, I’ll just have to find mine first. It’s been a while.” He replied. Skating? Someone’s ending up on their ass! Thank you Odin! Happy to help! You’re more happy to be an asshole! Yes you are! Fuck!

“Jackson!” Adonis called through the link

“Yeah?” Came his very tired reply

“Where are my skates?” Adonis asked

“Skates? The fuck for?” He replied, confusion was evident in voice even through the link.

“Kenzi wants to go skating tonight” Adonis waited, he knew he would hear it and sure enough. Jackson’s deep laugh rang through the link.

“Someone’s endin up on they ass” He spit out still laughing

“Where are they?” Adonis asked again, more firm this time

“Basement?” Jackson could only hazard a guess, he had no clue

Find them!Adonis barked at him

“Fuck!” Jackson huffed back

“The fuck her wanna go skatin for?” Jackson asked as Adonis stepped in the house to retrieve his skates. He left Kenzi at her house to get changed into something warmer saying he would be back in a few minutes.

“The lake freezes over every year in winter and the ice gets thick enough that they turn it into a skating rink. Kenzi has always watched them from the dock,” Jackson started nodding he was getting it.

“Her wanna go skatin on it, an her don’t know how,” he finished for him.

“She never had a childhood, where she got to learn how to do things like ice skating. And I told her we could do whatever she wanted to do and she picked skating.” Adonis said.

“The fuck you tell her that for?” Jackson asked, trying not to laugh.

“I snapped at her this morning” Adonis replied, he was still kicking himself for that.

“The fuck?” Jackson looked at him, the laughter dying and a scowl crossing his face.

“She asked if the others really had to go home and I said they had to get back to their families. She called herself selfish, and I snapped. You don’t need to say it, I can feel it.” Adonis answered.

“You need to stop fuckin roun” Jackson warned him,

“I can’t tell her. If I do then she will do something she is really not ready for because she thinks she’s being selfish. I won’t coerce her into anything. I will just have to find a different way to control my aggression” Adonis snapped at him,

“They ain’t no other way. Silver an wolfsbane don’t work on us, you know that.” Jackson barked back

Enough Jackson” Adonis growled at him. Jackson could see him fighting to control his anger.

“Goin on?” Tyler asked when he joined them in the living room.

“Adon losin his shit again” Jackson replied ….grrrRrrrr….

“Aww hell!” Tyler stated and started backing away from him.

“Stop pissing me off, and I won’t lose my shit” Adonis warned them both.

“Dougie!” Tyler said,

“Bout him?” Jackson looked back at his brother, while Adonis continued to fight for control of himself.

“He went through that whole aggression thin, doc kep him on….uh….tranqs. He tranq him. Calm him right the fuck down.” Tyler reminded his brother.

“Fuck yeah he did so.” Jackson agreed, nodding.

“Talk to the pack doctor, see what he says.” Adonis ordered, he grabbed his skates and walked out of his house.

“He gonna hurt somebody” Tyler said, Jackson just nodded as he pulled out his phone to talk to the pack doctor.

“Call Eli, he do research on this. Make sure we got all the facts covered. We don’t know how Odin take to bein tranq” Jackson said.

After he broke into the skating rink, Adonis and Kenzi spent the remainder of the night trying to teach her how to skate. She hit the ice a lot and she was pretty sure her bottom and her knees were going to be bruised the next day. But she did score a goal, granted it was because she slid into the net but the light went off. She took him down a few times as well. They were now heading back to her house and she was trying to stay awake for the drive, but a wave of exhaustion washed over her and she found herself fighting to keep her eyes open.

“It’s ok sweetheart, you don’t have to fight to stay awake. You’re tired, just let go.” Adonis spoke softly to her,

“It’s ok, I can make it” She curled up more in her seat and her eyes began to drift again. He reached over and held on to her hand pulling it to his lips he laid a gentle kiss on the back of it. A smile graced her face at the gentle contact, and when he looked over he could see her eyes barely open. Entwining their fingers he drove the rest of the way in silence. He would get her into bed and then he would go to his own. If he didn’t wake up in hers there was less chance of him rushing her into something else she wasn’t ready for. We have to tell her! She’s not safe! Yeah, from us! He looked over at her again, he would see what the doctor said then he would make his decision. If the tranqs work then it buys him some time. If they won’t! Then what choice do I have! He didn’t like this, he didn’t like this at all. He didn’t want to coerce her.

Walking back towards his house after getting her into bed, was a trial. He thought several times about going back and crawling into bed with her. It was where he wanted to be, she was who he wanted to be with. But he didn’t trust himself enough not to try something in the morning or even tonight. She was awake when they got there, and she invited him to stay the night and he thought hard about it. As soon as his hands came in contact with her, he knew that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t want to stop and it was getting harder and harder to force himself too. Walking into his house he was greeted with the solemn faces of his men.

“Who died?” He asked,

“The use of tranqs. Alpha’s has a bad reaction to em.” Jackson said.

“What happens?” Jackson and Tyler both looked at Elijah for that answer.

“There’s a story I heard. When The King was just an Alpha, his men tranqed him.” Elijah began,

“I heard that story, he acted like a babbling idiot, then a petulant four year old.” Adonis cut him off.

“The part of the story less known, is that the next day he woke up with uncontrollable urges. And whichever one he satisfied first, that’s what he would want to do all day,” Elijah informed him.

“So if he woke up and killed people….” Adonis started,

“Then all he would do is kill people until it was out of his system” Elijah finished. “He’s a normal, we don’t know how being tranqed like that would affect a demon let alone…. The Devil” He added motioning towards Adonis.

DAMN IT!” Adonis boomed, his anger radiated around the room. This had to work, he didn’t want to tell her, to force her to make that choice. “I thought it worked on Dougie ….grrrr…. You said it worked on him ….grrrrrr….” Adonis turned his anger on Tyler, and had him by the throat against the wall before anyone could stop him. The more anger he felt the more he squeezed his neck. ….grrrr…. Jackson and Elijah were trying to pry his hand off Tyler’s neck ….grrrrrr….

YOU SAID IT WORKED!” He roared, the only sound Tyler could make were gasps for air as he kicked his legs. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

Adonis let go, let go. Dougie a normal, he a normal that why it work. Tyler din’t know the effect on a demon when he suggest it. Let go!” Jackson was yelling as he could see his brother fighting for his life and losing the battle. ….grrrrrr…. Bringing his elbow back twice he connected each hit to the side of Adonis’s head ….grrrr…. “Let go you son bitch.” ….grrrrrr…. Adonis dropped Tyler to the floor and stepped back from him, shaking his head as he fisted his hair. ….grrrrrr…. Jackson was by Tyler’s side, helping his brother as he gasped and coughed to draw air into his lungs. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

The house fell into an eerie silence, no one spoke a word. Adonis stayed on one side of the room and his ranks on the other, none of them took their eyes off their Alpha. They watched his every move.

“You ok?” Jackson asked Tyler after a bit longer. Taking in the discolouration to his throat.

“Yeah!” Tyler whispered, his voice sounding hoarse.

“Maybe you stay wit Eli tonight” Jackson suggested, Tyler snapped his eyes to his brother briefly before they snapped back to Adonis.

“I think that would be a good idea” Elijah agreed,

“Yeah” Tyler nodded,

“Come on, you two get the fuck outta here now” Jackson helped Tyler to his feet. They moved slowly around the room, staying as far from Adonis as they could to get to the door. Jackson used his body to not only block Tyler but Elijah as well.

“Tyler, I’m sorry” Adonis finally spoke. They all stopped moving and looked towards him. Though he appeared calm on the surface, they could still see Hell behind his eyes.

“It fine….Alpha” Tyler looked at him briefly then looked away as he spoke to him.

“Go” Jackson said, Elijah and Tyler moved quicker to the door. When it shut behind them, Jackson went off.

THE FUCK ADON?” ….grrRrRrRrrr….


That my brother, MY BROTHER! An you damn near choke the life outta him” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. “I should take yur fuckin head ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, not even sure I would fight back” Adonis slid down the wall to the floor and put his head in his hands. Jackson looked at his friend on the floor, he watched as his body shook. He has never seen Adonis cry in the twenty years he’s known him, but tonight he saw the man break down. It was then he realized how much hope he had in the tranquillisers working.


“Don’t….just get the fuck out” Adonis cut him off,

“Adonis….” Jackson tried again,

“….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. GET OUT!” Adonis roared, none of them were safe with him. He almost killed Tyler, for a stupid mistake.

Fine, have it yur way” Jackson yelled back, but obeyed his Alpha. He slammed the door, cracking it off its hinges on the way out.

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